T1IE ONTARIO AROUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920. V NOTION TO OHKIIITOItS. NOTICE l heroby rIvcii that tlio uiKlerslgnnl ims liocn iipolnluil ml nilnlHtrntrlx of tlio ustnto of Surnli Krnnccfl Ilynn, doccnRcil, by onlor of tlio County Court of tlio Stnto of Or egon, for tlio County of Mnlliour. Any nml nil parHoiiH linvliiR claims nRnliiHt tlio gnld ostato nro hereby notified to pi-OHont tlio sumo, duly verified iih by Inw required, to the underHlRlicd nilmlnlnlrntrlx nt Iter rcHldonco In Ontnrlo, Oregon, within kIx luontlm from tlio dulo of tlio flint publication of tliltt notice. Doiio and duted mid flrnt publiali cd tills 2titli dny of March, 1020. JESSIE CLARA SCOTT, Administratrix of tlio Extuto of Snrnh France Ityan, Dorcnuod. First pilbllcntlon March 2G, 1920. LiiBt publication April 22, 1020. i NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE In hereby plvon that thu uudorHlRiicd ndmlnlRtrator of the en tnto of John L. McUonntd, decnnod. V- has filed In tlio County Court of tlio Btato of Oregon for tlio County of Malheur, his final account of bin nil ministration upon Raid ostato nntl that Saturday, tlio 24th dny of April, 1020, nt tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of nnlil day, nt tho Court Housn In Vnlo, Oregon, lias been duly fixed by mild Court an tho tliuo nnd place for hearing imld final account nml Bot tling said estate. Any nml nit per sons Interested In tho said estnto nrp heroby notified to appear at said tlmo anil flltico and tlio tholr olijoc tlonn In writing, If any thorn are, to said final account nnd content tho xnmo. Dona nnd dated nnd first publish ed tills 2fitli day of March, 1020. II. H. COCKHUM, Administrator of Kstnto of John L. McDonald, Oercagcd. First publication March 2R, 1020. Last publication April 22, 1020. NOTICE OF FINAL HHTTLHMHXT. NOTICE Is heroby glvon that tho undersigned Joint administra tors of tho estate of .James (I. Kri'twnll, duccnHed, havo filed In tho county court of tho Statu of Oregon for tho County of Mnlliour. their final nccount of their adminis tration upon said ostato, nnd that Saturday, tho IhI day of May, 1020, nt tho hour of 1 1 o'clock A. M. of said day, nt tho court hnuso In Vnlo, Oregon, Ims been duly fixed by Raid court (in tlio tlmo nnd plnco for hoar lug snld final account nnd settling mi lil eitlnlo. All pornoim Interested In Bald oattito nrn heroby notified to ap pear nt mild tlmo arid plnco, and file tholr objections In writing, If any thnro nro, to said final account, and contest tho snmo. Done nnd tinted and first published thin 1st day of April. 1020. FUEI) J. I'ALMEIl, and SAMUEL II. FHKTWKLL, Joint Administrators of tho Estnto of Joinos O. Frotwoll, DccporpiI. Flrnt publication April 1. 1020. Last publication April 2fi, 1020. NOTICE TO CONTIlACTOItH NOTICE IS HEItEIIV OIVEN, Thnt rented bills will bo recolved by tho County Court of Mnlliour County nt Vnlo, Orogon, on April 17th, 1020, nt Vnlo, Oregon on April 17th, 1020, nt 10 o'clock A. M- for grading about 2G miles of tho Vnlo-Iirognn section of tho John Day Highway, according to plans nml specifications on fllo In tho offlco of tho Orogon Stnto High way Engineers' nt Ontario, Oregon Tho Bald County Court will rocolvo nnd consider bids for nil or nuy pro Hon of suld construction work not less than ono inllo. Plans nml specifications mny bo had at tho Highway Engineers' offlco nt Ontario. nids to bo ncpompanlod by u certi fied chock for flva por cont of tho amount bid. Tho Court rosorvos tho right to ro Joct any or all bids. E, II. TEST, County Judgo F. M. VINES Commissioner J.F. WEAVEn, Commissioner Attost A. M. MOODY County Clork First publication April 1, 1020 Last publication April 15, 1020. 00gS After you eatalways tako ATONIC ) (Tor your acid-stomacH) 1nQtnnHvrnHnVf5l Heartburn. RIoaN cd Cany Feeling. StopafoodBOUrinff. repenting, and nil etomach miseries. AiJ dljcj.tlon ud pptlll. Kepi itomwh wt and f trans', furcates Vitality awl I'ep. EATONICItlliobtrt:medir.Tiofthou. wml wonderfully UneAtad. OolycoaUaccnt or to day to uaa It, l'oltlely euaranteid copltaaaorwawill n-fuod money, OelaUj LcxtoUy, YouwUlaaa, Ontario Pharmacy PEARL OIL (kerosene) Is clean burning. For use In oil heaters, cook stoves and lamps. Ask your dealer for Pearl Oil. PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALlrORNIA) O. H. TEST, Special Agent ONTAKIO, OREGON SUMMONS. I'OIt I'UIILICATION. IN THE CIltCUIT COUIIT OF THE STATE OF OREOON IN AND FOR MALHEUII COUNTV. FIIED L. I'ANIKE, l'Inlntlff, vs. M. HUMELEY COMPANY, n Cor poration, nnd HUMELY PRO DUCTS COMPANY, n Corporation, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: To tho defendants, M. Rumcly Company, n corporation, untl Rumely Products Company, n corperation: You nnd each of you arc heroby required to nppcar and nnswear tho complnlnt of tho plaintiff filed against you In tho above untitled no tion on or boforo tho 22nd tiny of April, 1020, tho same being the last day of tho tlmu proscribed by ordor of court directing Horvlco of buiii- mons in said action to bo made by publication, nnd If you fall bo to answer, for wnnt thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief tlemnntlctl In tho complnlnt, to-wlt: For n decree adjudging tho plaintiff to bo tho owner of tho feo simple nnd iinlmcumborcd tltlo to tho south east iiuartor of Section 21 In Town ship 10 South of Rnngo 47 E. V. M nml for Judgment, cnnccllng nntl do during null nnd void n pretended mortgage of defendants ngalnst Haiti lands nntl decreeing untl adjudging that tlio defendants havo no Interest, equity, claim or ostato In nntl to snld land or nny part thereof, and ro Rtrnlnlng thorn from nsforllng nny equity ostato or Intcrost In nntl to snld lands. You nro further notified thnt this summons Is served upon you by pub lication In pursuance of mi order of Hon. Dnltoti Plugs, which order was made on tho Sth day of Mnroh, 1020, and duly signed and cntotctl In tho nbovo entitled action on tho Otli tiny of March, 1020, and which ordor di rected that summons bo published onco n week for six siiccohmIvo wooks In Ontnrlo Argus, n nowspnpor of gouornl circulation nt Ontario, Oro gon, commencing with tho snld Issuo of 11th day of March, 1020. FRED L. PANIKE, Plaintiff.' Ed, It. Coultor, nttornoy for l'Inln tlff, rosldlng at Wclsor, Idaho. Date of first p ubllcatlon, March ,11, 1020. Dnto of Inst publication April 22. 1020. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE Is heroby glvon that tho undersigned administratrix of tho ostnto of Jniiios T. Clomoiit, deceas ed, has filed In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for tlio County of Mnlliour. her final nccount of her ndmlnlstrntlnii upon Haiti ostato nnd that Saturday, tho 1st day or May, 1020, at tho hour of 11 o'clock n. m. of said tiny, ut tho Court Houso In Vnlo, Orogon, has lieon duly fixed by wild Court as the tlmo nnd plnco for lionrlng snltl final account nml set tling said ostnto. Any nnd nil per sons Interested In tho snld osluto nro heroby notified to nppoar ut said tlmo nml plnco and fllo their objec tions in writing, If any thnro nro, to said final account nnd contost tho same. Dono mid tinted nnd first publish ed this 1st dny of April, 1020. OLIVE C. CLEMENT, Administratrix, of Estnto of Jumps T. Clement, Decoasod. First publication April 1, 1020. Last publication April 20, 1020. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is horoby glvon that tho undersigned administrator of tho os tato of James J. Coznrt, tlocoasctl, has filed In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Orogon for tho County of Mnlliour, bis final nccount ami sup plemental final acount of ills admin istration upon said ostato, and that Saturday, tho 1st day of May, 1020, at tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tho Court Houso at Vulo. Orogon, lias boon duly fixed by saltl Court as tho tlmo and plnco for hear ing saltl final accounts and settling snld ostato. All porsons Interested In saltl ostato aro horoby notified to appear at said tlmo nntl place, and filo tholr objections in writing, if nny thero aro, to said final account, and contest tho snmo. Dono nnd dated and first publish ed this 1st day of April. 1020. J. R. DLACKAUY, Admlnlstrutor of tho Estnto of Jamos J. Cozart, Deceased. First publication April 1, 1020. Last publication April 29, 1920. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ERNEST A. ATWOOD, DE CEASED, To Lovlna M. Atwood, Myrtle M. (Atwood) Stout, I vers L. Atwood. Walter A. Stout, and J. Perdue Atwood, Oreetlng: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON, You nre hereby cltnil and required to appear In the Coun ty Court of tho Stat of Oro.n. fcr tho County of Malheur, at tlm Court room thereof, at Vnlo. in tho County of Malheur, on the 19th day of April. 1920, at 11 o'clock, in tho fore-noon of that day, then and thero to show cnusp, If nny you hnvo, why this Court should not mnko nn order di recting and authorizing M L Wnl ker, Executor of the snld Estutc, to Roll .nt privnto biiIc, tho property hereinafter described, nnd the whole thereof. Snld property Is sltunta In Malheur County, Stnto of Oregon, ami is moro pnrtleuhirly described ns follows, to-wlt: Tho South Half (8) of tho Northeast quarter (NEU) tf Section Six (fi) In Township Sixteen (10) South of Utilise Forty-seven (47) East of tho Wlllamottg Meridian, nntl An undivided one-half ( V& i 'intcrost In tlio Southwest quar ter of tho Northwest quortm' (8WWNWU) nnd Lot Thrru (3) of Sec. Four (4) In Town ship Sixteen (10) South of Rnngo Forty-Bovcn (47) Enst of tho Wlllnmctto Meridian, ron tululilg about Sovonty-olght (78) ncres; mid A part of Lots Thrco (31 nnd Four (I) In Section Thirty- thrco (.13), tloscrllmd ns follows, to-wlt: beginning, nt tho corner common to Sections 32, 3.1, III nntl an In TowttRhlp Fifteen (IT.) South of Rnngo Fntty Hovcn (47) Enst of tho Willam ette Morltllnn, tlicnco North 131G ft. on tho section lino to plnco of beginning, thence North 20G8 ft., tlicnco South 39 dog. no mill. East 185.5 ft., thonco South 34 dcg. 3n mill. Enst 008.7 ft., tlicnco South 20 deg. 10 mln. Enst 010.0 ft., thonco South 22 deg. 3 mln. Enst802.2 ft., thonco West 1102.0 ft. to plnco of beginning, eontnliiliig 20.8 ncres, morn or Witness. Tho Hon. E. II. TEST, Judgo of tint County (SEAL) Court of tho Stale of Or ogon for tho County of Mnlhnur, with tho seal of wild Couit nfflxeil, this irlh dny of March A. I). 1020. Attest: A. M. MOODY, Clerk, I)y II. S. Sackott, Deputy Clerk. Dato or first publication March IS, 1020, Dato of last publication April in, 1020. PUIil.l.HHEl) SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON, FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY. J. II. WHITE, Plaintiff, vs. THOMAS CLOONAN and MARY DOE CLOONAN, husband and wlfo, tho unknown heirs of snld Thomns Cloounn.lf ho ho tlocoasctl, ELIZAIIBTH WALE (formerly Llzzlo Lynn) and CHARLES WALE, wlfo nutl husband. PHIL IP LYNN mid MARY LYNN, hus band nml wlfo, FRED L. JOHN SON, II. A. CARDWELL, I). U. WOR8IIAM. PIU7.ADY WOK SHAM, JOHN W O'NEILL mid MARY O'NEILL, husband nnd wlfo. EDWARD EDC1E, JR., N. II MATTHIES8EN, M. 0. HOPE, untl generally nuy nntl nit persons untl pnrtlos unknown mid claiming nny right, ostnto, tltlo, lien or Intcrost In and to tho ronl ostnto de scribed in tho Complnlnt herein. Dofoudniits. To Thomas Cloonnn nntl Mary lino Cloonnn, husband and wlfo, tho un known holm of snld Thomas Cloon nn, If lie bo deceased, Philip Lynn and Mary Lynn, husband nntl wlfo. Fred L. Johnson, II. A. Cnrdwoll, John W. O'Nolll nnd Mary O'Nolll. husband nntl wlfo, nnd gonornlly any nnd nil persons und parties unknown and claiming any right, ostntp. title, lion or Intcrost In and to tho real op inio described In tlio Complaint hero in, certain of tho defendants nliovi named; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON, You,. nnd eaoh of )ou, nro horehy roqulrod to nppoar and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo entitled suit on or boforo tho expiration of the lat-t duy of tho tlmo prescribed In tho order of publication heroin, to--vlt; On or boforo six weeks from tho dato of the fir publication of this summonr., and If you fall to answer and other- wlso plead to said complaint, for vur.t thereof tho plaintiff wilt tako u default against you and will then apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In tho complnlnt heroin, vi: That said defendants, nnd eacn thereof, bo required to assert and sot fortli the nature or diameter of their several adverso claims, rights, ostatos or Intcrosts in and to tlio real property hereinbefore described und sot out, to-wlt: That certain patent ed placer mining claim de!b't.atrd as Mineral Entry Numbemrt i3 and as Lot numbered 70 and embracing a portion of sections 29 and 32 In Township 13, 8., R. 41, E. W. M , In tho Shasta Mining District, formuily In tho County of Ilaker and Stnte of Oregon, but now of the County nt Malheur, in tho stnto of Oregon, In tho district of Innd subject to snlo nt LnClrnnilo, contnlnlng 24.91 acres, mnrn or Inss. tho wiiiio being bound ed, described nnd plnttptl ns follow?, with magnetic variation of 20 de grees and 30 minutes Enst, to-wlt: Ileglnnlng nt Corner No. 1 Post in mound mnrked "J L nnd 0 1;" Irani which tho corner common to sec tions 31 nnd .12, In Township 1.1, 8., R. 41, E. W. M., nnd Sections n nnd 0 In Township 14, 8., R. 41, E. W. M hoars South 20 dog. 30 mln. West, nt tho tllstnnro ol 10 chnlnsj thonco from Bnld Post North Gl dcg. 30 min. West, 2 chains nnd 03 links to comer No. 2 Post mnrked "J L nnd C 2j" thonco North 40 dcg. in mln. East, 15 elinlns and CO links to comer No. .1 Post marked "J L nnd C 3;" thonco North n2 dug nnd 30 mln. West 2 chnlns to comer No. 4 Post ir.nrked "J L & C 4;" tlicnco North 30 mln. East. 24 chnlns ami 40 links to corner No. n Post markod "J L & O G;M thonco North 0 dcg. West, n chnlns nntl 07 links to corner No. 0 Post mnrked "J L & O Cj" thonco North 24 dog. West, 7 chains to corner No, 7 Post mnrked "J L C 7;" thonco North 21 dog tfi mln. West, 12 chnlns nnd 30 links to intersection of boundary betweon snld sections 20 nnd 32 from which tho comer common to sections 20, 30, 31 nnd 32, In snld Township 13, 8 It. 41. E, W M, boars West nt tho dlstanco of 4 chains nntl 73 links, in chains nutl 00 links to corner No. 8 Post mnrked "J L & O 85" thenro North 11 iIpr 30 mln. East, 2 chains mid 43 links to corner No. 0 Post marked "J L & C 0;" tlicnco South 80 dcg. in mln Enst, 3 chains to comor No. 10 Post marked "J L & O 10;" thonco Botitli 24 dcg. .10 mln. Enst, 21 chains mid 20 links to corner No. 11 1'oM mnrked "J L & C 11;" thonco South 13 dcg. Enst, 2 chains and G8 links to corner No. 12 Post mnrked "J L & 0 12;" thonco South 4 dog East, 13 chnlns mid 40 links to corner No. 13 Post marked "J L & C 13," tlicnco South 14 dog. 4fi mln. West, 8 chains mid 20 links to comer No. t4 Pout mnrked "J L & C 14;" thonco South 3 dcg. in mln. East, 12 chains to comer No. in Pont marked "J U & C 15;" tlicnco South 37 dcg West, 15 chnlns to tho plnco of be ginning, contnlnlng 24.01 ncres of land, moro or less, In Mnlliour Coun ty, Oregon; that nil several and nil vurso claims untl rights of tho said defendants, or cither of them, bo subject to determination by decrvo of this Court; mid thnt by said do crco It bo declared nnd dotormlnntl that plaintiff Is tho owner In foo slmplo nhsnluto of tho promises nbovo described, nnd each und ovory pnrt thereof, mid thnt tho snld do fondnnts, or either or nuy of them, havo no ostato, right, claim, tltlu or Interest whatsoovor In and to tho aforosald lands and promlsos, und that tho said defendants, nnd onch and ovory one of thorn, nnd' nny mid all persons claiming or to claim by nnd undor thorn, or any of thorn, bo declared to hnvo no right, tltlo, In terest, ostnto or right of possession In nnd to said promlsos, or any part thoroof, nnd nro rorovor barred from assorting nny claim or intcrost what soever in or to said lands nnd prom ises adverse to tho plaintiff, or other wise, togothor with such other, fur ther nntl gonornl relief ns to this Court shall doom propor. This summons is published by order of tho Hon. Daltou Illggs, Judgo of tho nbovo nntltlod Court, ns duly mailo and entered on tho Cth dny of March, 1020, ordering this summons to bo published for u full period of six consecutive wooks. Tho dnto of tho first publication boreof Is tho 18th dny or March, 1020, mid tho dato or tho last pub lication hereof Is tho 29th dny of April, 1020. Dated this Utli day of Mnroh, 1020, C. T. OODWIN. Attorney for Plaintiff, residing ut linker, Oregon. Loeal address: Sommor Ilulldlng. , IIOSTON CAFE Now opon for business WELL COOKED FOOD aOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONACJE SOLICITED. Open 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. m. Ontario, Oregon for dish washing nnd house cleaning HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL mEPWANTED i op repairing ana Painting Our Specialty Nothing but the best quality used. Seguine Auto Co.... Oldest Garage in Mnlhcur County McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. IMilllnlmum, Licensed Entlmlmcr nnd Funeral Director Funerals directed from the parlor-ehapel, the home, or from the church of your choice. 1'arlors situated in a quiet district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phone 10GW Night Phone 8!)M i Hides, Furs and Pelts Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers:- If you have any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. Wo pay the highest market prices. Wo pay cash. Rogers & Company Ontario, Oregon Telephone 185-W OUR NEW DIRECTORY A now directory is now being doliv u. Save trouble by destroying your ... , IF YOU WANT PnOPKn LISTINQ NEW PHONE, ADVISE US AT ONOB Every Hell Telephone is a Malheur Home THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY i -.- Nampa, Idaho. , '" Dealorsin Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid, Correct weights given and prompt returns madlo. No shipments too large, nor too small, we so licit them all. , i Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. BOND WeuseitwhetV PRINTING GOOD JOBS Give lis Yours. Lonjr Distance Station. lelephonc uo. Correct English MOW TO USE IT. , MONTHLY -MAflAZINIS ijt'J.no Tlio Yeur .Send 10 ContH for Sainplo Copy to (' Jwiriil KiibIIsIi I'uIiIMiIiik Co. UVANHTON. ILLINOIS