The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 15, 1920, Image 7

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K. II, lit uuiliiu k of AiIiIiiii Hum
ItniM'tl Clowr Heed fur nightiM-n
Ymiih nt I'liiflt lfM' Scientific
I'llnclpli-x, and TvIN How.
"It linn been 18 yearn hIiico K. U.
Hruinlmck of tho Illg Hunil commun
ity began RrowliiB clover for liny
utiil need. During tlmt tlmo ho Iiiih
gained n lot ot Information on tho
r.. 1. 1.,. .ui.ixii iinn hpim of vnluu to
liltii In Increasing IiIm yields nnd the
i.i- n iina n I mi linim !
iiuniuy 01 m i. " ,"..
tho menim of starting u good mini)
others on tho right truck In grow tig
tho crop for clovor In fnt becoming
u mnlnstoy. with tho fnrmers of 1 hu
Hnnko ltlvur valley, mis U. II. Hrelt
lmiipt, county ngout.
"llrumback, who l crop Improve--MPiit
commlttuomnn In tho Ailrlnn
r'lirm Ilurcau. has a hahlt of doing
things on cortnln principles. This
wan demonstrated when ho exhibited
a need corn IohI for germination
which ho had mnilo on n lot of corn
which looked pretty fnlr but proved
out that only in earn out of ao In
the lot were good enough to plant.
In regard to method" of raising clov
tr Mr seed, ho says, "I don't grow
miy alfnlfn at nil any moro iih clovor
works ho much bettor In a short
rotation. Clovor, coin and grain
make n good combination. Tho clover
ought to bo plowed up after ono good
crop of seed has bcou taken off iih It
gets too weedy and tho stand gets
thin. Corn Is probably tho best crop
to follow tho clover, but grain may
bo UHcd. It Is u good plnn to get
nil tho mnnuro on beforo tho corn.
If tho corn Ih cut for sllngc, winter
whent can bo put In, otherwlso spring
grain hnvo to bo sown. Tho best
tlmo to sow tho clover Heed Is In tho
spring Just beforo tho first irrigation
ns It Is nlmost certain nf a stand and
thoro Is less trotihlo with weeds. This
enables ono to clean tho stiibbla and
trash off tho flold when tho grain Is
cut and oftou several bushals of seed
ran bo harvested tho hiuiio year".
"llrumbnrk sows about 10 pounds
of seed per ncro. Ho uses a special
rorrugator which can bo lined to cor
rugate grain laud nftor thu clover
seed has been sown without sorbins
damage to tho grain. Ho has found
that his fields now rciiulro very llltlo
seeding except to patch up noma of
tho spots, as thoro linn been so much
seed scattered In tho years pant that
ho gctH good volunteer Htamls nftor
tho second plowing of the clover land
Ho cuts his clover for hay about tho
mlddlo of Juno, at leant by tho 20th
of tho month. Ah to yields, Drum
back has cut us much as nine tons of
clovor hay per ncro In two cuttings
nml for tho past tuolvo yearn slnco
ho becamo expert In growing tho
crop, has nvoraged about 12 bushels
of seed per acre, tho lowest yield
during that tlmo being 0 bushels.
Ono car ho harvosted CI hiishols of
wheat per aero nml then got 3 busli
eU of seed from tho clover ho sowed
In It that spring.
ki:i:i voim i.iiinm' itoms.
Keep your Liberty Honda uhero
you hnvo them. Senator Proline
huysnn of Now Jersey bns Intro
duced a bill In tho United States
Sonnto authorizing tho Issunuco of
fifty year bonds, frco from nil taxa
tion except Inheritance taxes, for tho
holders of any of tho four Issues of
Liberty Honda, who would bo nblo to
lonvcrt their present holdings. It Is
n snfo bet that tho bonds will go
above par If they nru tax free.
Vale, Oregon, April C, 1920.
tho following petition praying for (bo
organization of tho "FAIUMOIIK
presented lo tho County Court of
Malheur County, Oregon, nt a spe
cial meeting of snld County Court
called to consider and net upon tho
snmo, at tho Court room of snldJ
Court, In Vnlc, MalheurCounty, Oro
gon, on tho 11th day of Mny, 1020,
nt 11:00 o'clock A. M.
Clerk of Malheur
County, Oregon,
With Hurley nml Crnudnll In tho
fight for tho Stnto Hcuutorshlp, wo
will declnro that tho strain on
brothcrly-lovo nt tho County seat Is
going to bo tested.
Tltt! (liflVreiiw between the .sucessful man and
the failure is not usually in ability.
Success conies by plan, by thrift first, and sys
tematic saving.
If you arc willing to pay the price for SUC
CESS, start a savings account here today and
keep adding to it regularly.
It is the only sure way.
h i vn
Jo Glean!
' rswi
The Automatic Electric Washer
Makes Wash Hour from Wash Day
It's un-di hour, not day, In tho lioiuo uhetu (lie Auto
jnatlr lllertrle Washer does tho work. Tho Automatic i:ie(ilc
Wnshpr li" Jour family ashing In it liuiry. The clot bet,
nipip out Mi((.'sty rlenn and nro automatically wiling and
mndy for ho Hup ,
Tho Automatic lUrclrlo Windier' int'hiiilciil prlprlplp n m
m'll designed that It cleans clothe with tho saino Kiutltiniv
M the human bands. .Automatic Klcrtrlc (lollies wear longer.
; v A Small Payment Down Buys an
Automatic Electric Washer
By making a small initial payment down you
can buy an Automatic Electric "Washer and end
your hard work on wash day as many other
women have done.
These Automatic Electric Washers are now on
lisplay at Idaho Power Ejectric Shops. Come
in and sec them in operation. Phone us and
inuire about our special April sale prices.
The Electric Shop
Idaho Power Co.
To tho Hon., the County Court,
for Malheur County, Oregen:
Wo, tho undersigned petitioners
respectfully petition nud show to
your Honorable Court, as follews:
Thnt wo nnd each of us, either
jointly or severally, nro tho owners
of a tract nf land of ono or moro
acres within tho boundaries of tho
proposed Irrigation district as here
inafter set forth and described, and
that wo constitute moro than fifty
per cent of tho different owners of
land within said propoRod district
and Hiisceptnblo of Irrigation from
tho proposed system.
Thnt nil ot tho lands within tho
boundaries of tho said proposed Irri
gation district, nud or horolnnftcr
described, nro suscoptnblo of prac
tical Irrigation from tho sumo source
nnd from thu snmo system of works
nnd pumping plant, by means of
which it Is proposed to tnko wnter
from Snnko river by mentis ot pumps
nnd motors for tho Irrigation thereof.
That your petitioners dcslro to
nnd do proposo to orgaulzo nn Irriga
tion district under tho irrigation
lawn of tho Btuta ot Oregon, Chnpt.
3G7, pngo 743, laws of 1017, nnd tho
Acts nmondatory thoroto, for tho
purposo of furnishing water for tho
Irrigation of tho lands within tho
boumlarloH ot tho said proposed dis
Thnt tho boundaries of tho propos
ed Irrigation district Inclosing tho
Innds which It is desired to hnvo in
cluded wthln said Irrgntlon district,
nro as follows, to-wlt:
Commencing nt tho 8W cornor of
tho NEU, Soc, 10, thonco east to tho
8E comer of tho WH8EUNEU,
snld Sec, 10; thonco north to tho
NE cornor of tho WH8EUNEU of
snld Soc 10; thonco east to tho 8E
cornor of tho NWUNWtf, Soc. 11;
thonco north to NE cornor of BW'U
8W,. Soc. 2; thonco west 100 rods;
thonco north to tho north boundary
of tho NEUot 8EU, Soc 3; tbunco
wost to NW cornor of BEli. Bsc.3;
thonco south to tho placo of begin
ning, containing ;ivu acres, moro or
loss of Irrigated lands, and all In T,
18 S. II. 47 E. W. M. In Malheur
County, Oregon.
That all ot tho said lands have,
horotoforo, boon Imnarfoctly nnd In-
sufficiently watered nnd attempted
to bo watorod from an Inadequate
nnd Impractical Bourco and system,
but owing to tho Insufficiency ot said
source and systom, your peti
tioners hnvo suffered great toss
nnd damngo to thulr crops and lands,
and said loss and dumago threaten to
contlnuo nnd will continue If your
petitioners cannot secure a hotter
and dlfforent water supply for tholr
said lands.
WHEItEFORi:. Your petitioners
respectfully ask this Honorable Court
to mnko nnd outer an order herein,
organizing said proposed Irrigation
district, nnd thnt tho namo of tho
said proposed Irrigation bo thu
John Martin, Ontario, Oregon.
Alex Martin, Ontario, Oregon.
Mary 8. Martin, Ontario, Oregon,
Emma Cook, Ontario, Oregon,
P. J. FJynn. Ontario, Oregon,
Margaret Flyiin, Ontario, Oregon.
V. A Cook, Ontario, Oregon.
O, Josopblno White, Ontario, Oro
gon. F, 8. Evans, administrator tor
Fry Estnto, Ontario, Oregon,
John Zimmerman, Ontario, Oro
gon. Ed nerry, Ontario, Oregon.
E, J. Ilerry, Ontario, Oregon.
J. II. Seaweard, Ontario, Oregon.
Kate Flser, Ontario, Oregon,
Thomas H, Flser, Ontario, Oregon,
Peter Hughes, Ontario, Oregon.
Sarah C. Hughes, Ontario, Oregon,
Ida E. Seaweard, Ontario, Oregon.
Sarah E. Turner, Ontario, Oregon.
Alice Smith, Ontario, Oregon.
Wig. W. White, Ontario, Oregon.
Harney L. Hull. Ontario, Oregon.
J. II. Ouerln, Ontario, Oregon.
Itandall 8age, Ontario, Oregon.
Edward McDermott Iloe. Ontario.
Susan McDermott lloe. Ontario.
Emily Utley. Mildred Utlev. by
W. H. Utley, their guardian and
First publication, April 8, 1920.
,Last publication, May C, 1920.
Jildgn Will II. King, Who llnx Help-
I'd Niiiiih tlu Dcniociiitlc XiumIiici'i
SeckH Opportunity to Tr Ills
mum CnlN nn On-
Will It. King, chief council for the
reclamation servlco at Washington,
D. C, was In Otitnrlu Monday ami
ruiflrmcd tho ntinounrvment of his
candidacy as a dolegalo tu tho Demo
cratic national connntioii from tho
Second congressional district
Wbllo Mr. King lives nt Washing
ton, whero his officii us counsel for
tho reclamation serMco U maintain
ed, In holds his legal and voting
tesldonco ut Ontario, his foimer
In nnnounclng his (iindlducy, ho
I favor Immodlntij ratification of
tho ponco treaty by our country
Delay In Joining tho I.oarniu of Na
tions Invites nnd is a ealnmlty to tho
world nnd to ourselves, I bellevo In
ndoiiunto soldier legislatien: In axt
extension ot federal aid for arid
land reclamation, good roadh and
national park improvements; tirga
progressiva legislation nnd econom
ical administration of government;
Indorso President Wilson's miiaiilfl-
cent record during tho world crisis
My record In tho Oregon legislature.
ns a member ot tho Oregon Supreme
united states reclamation servlco
guarantees tno sincerity of my plat
form Ills slognn Is- Adopt sound Demo
cratic platform For president, n
truo American nml uintuestloned
Judgo King him taken nn mtuc
TJKSiij Sn'&'SilSiSUUili' g"n
cloven others ns his campaign man
agers. Judge King had under his di
rect supervision tho campaign man
agement for tho Pacific and Hocky
mountain Mates. Oregon was on his
list and received his speclnl atten
tion, going democratic for president
Tor tho first tlmo In fifty years.
Judgo King was a dolegnto to tho
National democratic convention nt
Haltlmoro In 1912 which nominated
Wilson for tho first time. Ho was
also n delegate to St. Louis conven
tion In 191 G. which nominated Wil
son for his second term
Mr King moved from Umatilla to
Jordan Vnlloy, this county, In 1878
and has claimed Enstern Oregon as
his homo over since, llo represented
Mnlhour county In tho legislature
from 1892 to 1894 nnd Mnlheur nnd
linker counties In tho stnto scnuto
from 1894 to 189S; wits Hupremn
Judgo from 1907 to 1911 and Ihih
been chief counsel for tho U. H.
reclamation for tho past soven years,
which official position ho now holds.
part In democratic polltlcn for ninny
yenrs nnd mnnngod tho Intermoun
taln stntes In thu first llson cam
paign, In tho campaign of 1912 President
Wilson, then in Ills first rnco for tho
nreshloncv. selected .linli-n will u
Court and it chief counsel of tho King with McAdoo, Daniels nnd
Could you say that n man chasing
his hat down tho street was taking
part In an aerial derby?
After all, high prices aro not n
question of tho profiteer. Tho
trouble Is bIiiipIv thnt too many mtu
nro taking profits from tho produc
tion nnd distribution of goods. Tho
manufacturer gets tho profit duo
him; n broker gets n profit; u Job
bor gots a prefit: n wholesaler cots
a profit; and then tho retailor gels
his Icgltlmnto profit. Figure It out
yourself on a pair of Hocks.
The Most Welcome Tire
That Ever Came to Market
Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick
In every 'great' lire factory, the
thief question is: "How much can
twe give for the money?" And the
pro'ducS degendson the policy
adopted. -
Every man wlio lias tfecome ac
quainted with Brunswick Tires
lenows 'that Brunswick standards
are again evident. This famous con
cernnoted as a leader in everyj
line it entered since 1845 has once
more proved that its policy is right
)'A perfect: tire is simply a matter
to! lmowledge and standards and
fekill. No secrets nor patents pre
sent making an ideal tire.
'But standards come first. For in
fcire making there is vast room for
Skimping, for subtle economics, for
Iiiddcn shortcomings. Makers with
out the highest standards don't
build high-grade tires.
The Brunswick' organization of
tire makers includes a brilliant staff
of technical experts. Not a man
among them KaB Sp'etri; fess than
20 years in handling rubber.
Each is a master of his craft
And the new ideas they bring to
the attention of Brunswick direc
tors receive sincere consideration.
Every proved betterment is
adopted unanimously. '
The Brunswick Tire is a combi
nation of acknowledged features
plus Brunswick standards of manu
facture. The result is a super-tire, the like
of which you have never known be
fore. The kind of a tire you will
gladly join in welcoming.
Yet Brunswicks cost no more
than like-type tires.
Try ONE Brunswick. We prom
ise a surprise. And we feci certain
that you will want ALL Bruns
wicks. Then good tires will have a new
meaning to you.
Portland Headquarters: 4G-48 Fifth Street
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads
Fabric Tires in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads
Ontario Auto Company