The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 15, 1920, Image 2

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Continued from lnt week.
Mr. nml 'Irs. Druco Smith woro
guests Runil. of Mr. tirul Mm. It. W.
Mr. anil ' r. U. N. ltlcli had ns
their kumIi jundny Mr. nntl Mr. Ira
Dslzoll anil .fnmlly, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Knink TlionitMon nml l.nln ltlcli. Mr.
nnd Mm. Clirlo ltlcli nml daugli
lrt, Prank mltli nml sons, Itny nntl
('mill. I
MIM4 (liillJt, of IloUo. visited this
Wodnedny In tho PrultlHUtl schools
nml gme' some most Instructive
twIkH. SOfe I horn In the Interest of
the htm.fli crusndo work.
Mr (ml Mrs. P. (. Colllnsworth
mt tli KttmttM of it ten pound son,
horn Thurmdny, April 1st.
Frank ltlrh has roturncil from n
IiiimIiimw trip to Cnldwoll.
.Mm. Orlnnr nml three children
huvo boon up In Oregon looking nftor
btiHlnraM matters.
Fruil Ki'hmlil returned Suniliiy
evening to tho Stnto Unlvoralty nt
Moscow nftor spending tho Knslor
vncntlon nt homo.
Mr. nml Mr. Charles Coon nml
children loft Tliurmlny for Aurora,
Nebraska, to muko tholr homo for a
year. Thoy lmv void tholr ranch.
Holt Ktiteh enmo ilowu from Wel
ter Friday to visit nt the It 8. Kutch
homo for a few day. Hundny ho
was n guest of Mr. nml Mrs. Urnhnm
II. It. Hoomor nml daughter. Jean,
woro In Cnldwoll to spend Knstor
Hundny with Mm. Iloomer nml two
(ih 1 1 (Iron who nro nt tho homo of
Mrs. II. M. ltoliliuou.
Ward Wilson of Allmny, Oregon,
Ih the guest this week of old Plxnsttnt
View frlemlH. He Ih returulug homo
from Colorado Springs nml Idnhn
FiiIIm, whoro ho linn boon vUltlng tho
Wilcox fnmlllo.
l'hll Carpenter nml Mis Loin Car
lientor wero down from Welr to
spend tho week end with Prultlnnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Johnson vis
ited Sunday nt tho L. U Carpenter
homo near Welsor, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Carpenter nro hulldlng n flvo room
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Eldrcdgc and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itnlph Mnklnson nnd
families were guosts Sundny of Mr
nnd Mrs. U. 11. Mnklnson.
F. M, Onrdnor nnd family wero In
Ilolso n fow dnys this week tho guest
of friends
Mr nml Mra .Tnlin Tnrkntt linil ns
tholr Knster dinner guests Mm. 8
flimlnr nml itnniflitnr. Ollvo. I'llll
Carpenter nnd slstor, Miss I.oln, Miss
Mnrlnn Klnsoy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Tossing loft
una i iiL'imn uiviinih ui -
California, for nn extended visit with
Mr. TusslngB pnrcnts. 'J noy may
dccldo to locnto thoro.
Hntiitnv Mr nml Mm. II. F. TllASltlC
gnvo n dinner honoring Mr. nnd Mrs
Chnrles Tusslng lieforo their depart
uro for Cnllforuln. Thoro woro pros-
nnl tin I, In frntn tlio linllfir BIleHtS. tllU
Cnry Tusslng, Henry Tusslng nnd
otto uioiim rnmiiics.
PA lit AXI) WAlt.MKIt, OltP.AT
.MiytllODIST Cllt.'HCII.
Sunday services: '
10 A. M. Sundny school.
11 A. M. I'renchlng by pnstor.
7:lfi 1' M. Hpwnrth League.
S 1 M. Preaching.
Who says the West Is not wild?
Flvo Cnllfornln counties offer boun
Urn running as high ns twenty dol
lars ouch for dead lions; nine coun
ties offer bountlos for dead wild
cats; ono county offers thirty dol
lars for ovory pnnthor put out of tho
wny; thlrty-threo counties of tho
(Inldon Stnto offer to pny us high ns
twenty dollars each for every coyoto.
Iltwldos.' thoro nro n lot of wild
women In tho cities for whom homi
lies nro offorod.
Whllo (lonornl Leonard Wood Is
awny from homo cnmpnlgnlng, Presi
dent Wilson nnunuueos that ho will
mako his sunnnor homo In bond's
Hole, MaiM.
How would YOU
like a raise
like this ?
- -ftSvc
--r;, vrioi 's.
l . trfT- i - .K.MimiM i
!. VJfflP3L
n mm
and for
34 Years Work,
THAT is the kind of Incrcaso fn salary
tho minister hns received. His living;
expenses have risen just its fust nnd as far
as yours.
But ho is paid on the average just 52 cents
more per church member than ho was paid 34
years ago.
77ic Minister Never Fails Yoa
Every ofikor of tho Government with n war
message to deliver appealed to tho ministers first
of all.
But 80$) of tho ministers receive less income
than government economists figure asm minimum
for the support of an average family.
When hospitals need money they enlist the
support of tho ministers and receive it
But when sickness visits tho minister or the
members of his family they must be treated in n
charity ward. His pay is less than n day laborer's.
8 out of every 10 ministers receive less than
$20 a week about half the pay of a mechanic
We Pay Him Half the Wagesiof a Mechanic
Ami of these pitifully inadequate salaries, howmuch do
yau contribute? Nothing if you nreoutsido ihocnurchj
nn uvornKo of less than 3c a day if you aro oAchurch
All of U3 sharo in tho benefits of Christian ministers to
the community. Thoy marry ua; bury us; baptize our
children; visit us when we are sick. i In their hands Is tho
spiritual training of the youth.
We Arc All Profiteers atjTheir Expense
Part of tho Interchurch Worldprogram, is this a living
wage for every minister of JesusChrist , nn efficient plant,
tuul a chance to do n big man's job.
If you want better preachers help to pay tho preachers
better. It's the best invostmentjfor your community nnd
for your children that you cam ever ni.,
Tifl publication of Oil lvertlaonmitt1ia$ufdo potsMo
through the co-operation of 30'daocnintiaa9.
A sunny comedy with showers of
Tho fnrco with tho Elevator Cock-
tall and tho sky limit of Joy.
SIiowb that n wlto doesn't know
forrlcs her.
A fnrco you mustn't seo uless you
can weather n gnlo of laughter.
Has showers of giggles nnd a
cloudburst of Inughts.
Tho play that mado tho weather
comedy with ncocktnll. complica
tions nnd n kick.
Whoroln there's shown to bo such
n thing ns n ton perfect husbnnd.
Proves It's good sometimes to
keop your wlfo guessing,
Dreamland April 1C nnd 17.
A lot of politicians nro "knocking
Wood" this year.
Certain pcoplo nro looking for
ward to rending n cortalu decision
of tho United States Supremo Court
which will not bo dry rending,
Tho John Dccro lino of farm Machinery Is now on display nt tho building formerly oc
cupied by tho Modorn Prcssary ns previously announced wo lutvo purchased tho John
Deoro Agency nnd tho stock on hnnd from lloyor llros. Wo have added u complete lino of
pnrls nml other Hues will bo added In tlmo for tho form season.
Geo. W. Wayt
The Necessity of Conservation
Thoro oxists today on tho Pacific Coast an acuto shortage of gasoline.
As this Company lias pointed out onsovoral occasions, tho condition is duo
to insufficient production of crudo oil and-a greatly increased consumption
of gasoline by industry and by owners of pleasure cars.
Gasoline is a vital factor in tho life of tho community, industrially
and otherwise, and it is of tho groatost importance, at this juncture, that
it bo used with tho utmost discretion, that essential requirements may bo '
Tho present is by no means tho season of maximum demand, which
comes later in tho year. Tho tcondi-tion, therefore, is likely to bo contin
uing, rather than transitory.
Responsibility for mooting tho situation does not rest solely upon tho
oil industry. Tho public also has a serious, duty in tho matter.
On its part, tho Standard Oil Company is straining its resources and
organization to increase tho supply of gasoline. In tho field it is work
ing for tho maximum production of crudo oil. In tho refinery it is work
ing for tho maximum production of gasoline from the crudo oil and it is
spending largo sums of money on equipment for now processes, of its own
discovery and development, whereby a still greater yield of gasoline will
be obtained.
Tho point already has been reached .where gasoline must be conserv
ed most carefully. That is a duty of tho public. In consumption of this
product, essential industries must necessarily come first pleasure utilia
tion thereafter.
Already tho Company has taken stops toward protecting the supply
for the vital needs of industry which is lessened, would affect the business
life of tho community. There is now the danger of a curtailment of sup.
ply to non-essentials such as pleasure cars.
The assistance of tho public, therefore, is imperative. Until lately,
gasoline has been abundant, and its lavish and extravagant use has been
possible. That time is past.
Buy as little gasoline as possible.
Use what you must Waste none.