THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920. HCIIOOli HOV NUI-TKI.K KIMtKlL'H IX.It'ltllCS AT KltL'ITIiAM) Tliroiloro Dock, of tlio KIrIiHi Knulu ball team was In Jiirnl serious ly liy Hit) liroHklni; of litre leg Inst Thursday afternoon whllo playing on 'lie I''rullliiti(l school Krounils. Young Heck, who was tlio pltclior of tho On tario Iohiii ran Into tlio cntclior While trying to entcli it bulled Imll. Ho Iiiih boon taken to the Holy Notary hospital whoro lie wn Klvan i-lriil iittciitlon. Tlio Intl's school rliiim s with the help of the I'rillt ii'i'l niIiooI I tryliiK to ln-lp by i). ink part of thu hospital expense ki:i:i in u'Ait o.v it.Miiuis TIIHOirOIIOUT Ht'M.MI.It The follouliiK tnothods of poison I ni: rabbits In summer liaut bexn unci) sutcossintilly In other roimtltit) of tho Statu anil will nmlohtiluilty ho of Interest ami benefit to persons In this comity In thu outlying tils trlrtM Snlleil I'uUoneil Hlnkcx Those nro prepnrail by boiling tho lop flvu or hIx Inchon of soft phut Makes nn Inch niiiaro unit a foot liini: In u solution of olio ounce of Mtrycli nlno Hillphatn In nix iinirls nf water, lllllllllK IIM IIIIU'll Hull iih will bo ills- lolvcil In tho wnter nfter tho Mrvrh. tilno Is dissolved. Drive tho Milken In tho Kroiind aloiiK trails or other A Charming Dining Set of Comwellian Design fz?f r i ' , i ass ipxi&i, flflfe rj ii w S This is a vM', distinctive Dining Room Huite. II consists of eight pieces nnd tea cart to match, if you wish. All in American walnut very sim ilar to cut. CI mil's upholstered in blue Spanish leather. The ten logged table is of the gate leg type, and extends to seat ten people. $300.00. Way Sngless Spring HI Will Xot Sn This spring is made of the Way-h5agless Link Fabric, supported at caeh end by helical springs. Reinforc ed by lateral steel bands. $'1.50. Odd Sets of Period Dining Chairs We have many odd sets of dining chairs in several period designs. In Amer ican Walnut and Mahog any, with leather and up holstered seats. Priced from $30.00 up. Furniture OntaPiO FUFIlitUPe Company placos frequented by rabbits. Tho stakes should bo boiled for a couplo of hours In tlio solution and than nllowod to dry. Tho rabbits chow tho slskos and nro killed. It Is n bo lit tho snfest method to uso whoro there Is likely to bo stock about. Hlrjrlinlno and Halt Use ono ounco of powdered strych nlno, flftocn ouncos of Halt nnd ono ounco of brown burm mixed together This may bo placed In wooden boxos made from 4x4 material mortised out whoro llioro Is no diuiRor of stock Retting to It, or It may bo used whero stock might get to It by driv ing snkes mnilo of 2x2 mntorlnl In tho ground and thou boring n lmlf Inch holo In tho top of the stake to a depth of about two Inches, filling tho holo with tho mixture to witinii n lmft-lneli of tho top. NHW HOOKS AT THU ruin-ic iiimtAitv Tho following books woro added this week: Kducntlonnl Tosts and Measure incuts, Monroe, DoVoss and Kelly. How to Study nnd Teaching How to Study, McMurry. Hook of American Wars, Nihility. Tlio On u Hook, McKvo. Ambnsadnr Morgputhau's Story. Morgonthau. In tho Wilds of South America, Miller. Song of tho Cardlnnl, Porter A Spring Furniture Exhibit That You Will Find Interesting Wam 'mMLilZ! t -.?. i mtt -vj ! l rn r rFfH?M , ! r r 4 ii i t BBasiMMiiSfeun TimarrS iBHOKMBBBrllrfc T r .TSUa"" Tho Ulack Watch, CnsscllB. Tho Yenrs Uctwcon, Kipling. Kather Thrift and Ills Animal Friends, Slndelar. 'Nlxlo Iltuiny In Far-away Land, Slndolar. Nlxlo Hunny In Holiday Land, Slndolar. A Uttlo Maid of Old Connecticut, Curtis. General Crook and tho Fighting Apachos, Sabln. Tho Hill Top Troop, I'ler. Hetsy Lnno, Patriot, Muller. Tho (Iroat Sioux Trail, Altsholcr. The Lost Hunters, Altsholcr. Tho Slipper Point Mystery, Sea man. Story of Matka, Jordnu. Household Knglncerlug, Freder ick. Storlos From tho Operas, David son. History of Music, llaltzell. Tho two books on music nro a gift from tho Ontario Music club. OXTA HIO PA KKNT.TKACI I KHH TO MIJHT AT IIKIII HCIIOOI. An Important mooting of the On tario Parcnt-Tonchen association wilt bo held at tlio nssombly room of tho High School Frlijny afternoon to determine wneinor or not mo association will Join tho County Council of Pnrunt-Toiirhcrs. This mnlter must ho decided prior to tho mooting of tho Council on May 1 We extend to you a cor dial invitation to visit our spring display of choice furniture. We have illustrated be low just a few items to give you some idea of the unusual values we are of fering. Tn this wonderful display you will find everything for the home, from charm ing old period sets to single pieces, for dining room, living room and bed room. In fact for every room in the house. Dish Values -,- r-.X iHiijL&,tei &. T't m& f)0-Pieco sot Nippon hand-painted China, $42.50 100-Pieeo Sot $78.50. Pope Oasser China in (men stock or sets. Six ehoiee patterns for your selection. A Massive Dining Set in Quarter Oak any Finish I i """ T T'v. " No matter in what finish you chose this suite you will appreciate it. The simple, massive lines will harmonize with any background, and whether .Jacobean, Colden or Fumed finish, it displays a ver pretty grain. Set consists of nine pieces. OHKOON HlAH'Ii CONHIDKIW KIIUIT CnOI PHOSPKCTK fiOOH (Continued From Page 1) Thursday for a visit In tho cast nnd also to rccolvo medical treatment for one of tho llttlo ones. A meeting regarding tlio ditches was hold by tho officers of tho Joseph pumping plant Inst Saturday. Kldon and Arrod Jonscn from Pnyetto woro enrolled at tho Park school this week. Tho girls of tho Jefferson school havo organized n Standard sewing club. Mrs. Hornco Jasoph was elect ed as local loador. Tho first mooting of tho homo dramatic company malar the direc tion of Mrs. Tom Itcslup was hold at the homo of Mrs. Harry Kattlg. Thursday evening. HANCIII.I.H' IMIOKITS HIIOW.V TO IIH HMAM. (Continued From Pngo 1) held for tho argument Hint If tho company Is entitled to a 12 por cent return, so too Is tho rancher; nnd did show on tho testimony of wit nesses that tho ranchers nro not making that return oven under pres ent exceptionally high prices. Tho second phayi of tho ranchers' caso was thai of showing that tho present high prices will not con- A Cane and Mahogany Suite Upholstered in Tapestry msfflin JO SffiS La-, You could make no better choice than this beautiful three piece set in cane and .Mahogany. It is very comfortably arranged. The seats are made with double coil springs over a web foun dation, and will always keep their shape. be Good Feathers Make Good Pillows These pillows aro made of the best quality now, elec trically cleaned goose feathers. They aro cover ed in oight ounce duck, stripe- or art pattern. Price $3.50 to $5.50 pair. usSk' L ! 1 This Library Table in Quartered Oak This table is very conven ient. It is made of select ed oak, presenting a pret ty grain. Has large draw er and two magazine sholves at each end. $22.00 tlnuo. C. It. Emlson and Lester Sea well were called upon to testify con cerning tlio effect of high hay prices on tho cattle and sheep men, and to Indicate that theso prices aro driving tho cnttlo and sheep men from the comity, nnd thus reducing tho mnr kot possibilities for hay In this vnl loy. Hcsldos having tho complete re port of tlio Idaho hearing made a port of tho Oregon record. Attorney Jesso Itawloy for tho Power com pany thru witnesses nnd his own statement sot forth that there Is a big demand for moro power nnd that tho compnny can not provldo for this domnnd unless It can show a greater earning than ono per cent, which ho snld was all tho stockhold ers of tho compnny hnd received for tho past yenr. Tho ranchers, thru tho cross ex amination by their attorney, W. 11. Hrookc, brot out tho fact that tho power compnny has not delivered all tho lond It contracts to furnish tho various systems nnd that tho Inabil ity of tho companies to get power when needed Is ono of tlio hnndlcnps against which the ranchers work. Tho hearing was closely followed and tho ranchers ngrced to present detailed statements showing tho cost of production ntid tho earnings of tho ranchers under tho pumping plants for tho part two years before tho final decision of tho commission is made. LI ft Undertaking AID AMERICANIZATION Scope of Work to be Extended by New World Movement Program With Part of $16,000,000 Fund Amerlcunliatlon and social sorvlc work among tho foreign born In tlio Industrial centers of America will b extended by the United Prcsbjrterlan Church as a rosult of the New World Movement, declares Dr. H. A. Hutchl on of Pittsburgh, secretary of tho homo mission board of the denomin ation Appropriations amounting to $190. "00 havo been approved for tho work among nllens nnd the funds will bo raised in tho New World Movement llnanclnl campaign, which will bo con ducted from April 25 to May 2. Hastes In Ungllsh, domestic science, 'jawing, cltlienshlp, and manual train Ing will bo Instituted In new centers nnd tho scope of the work already started will be considerably Increased. Among the cities whoro aid will bo extended are: Kail Illver, I'aw tucket and Central Falls In Mnssnchu setts; Sharon, Now Kensington, Wll merdlng and Mt. Pleasant and Pitts burgh In Pennsylvania; Columbus and Akron In Ohio; Tacoma, Washington; Portland, Oregon, nnd Los Angeles, California. The board will teach loyalty to America first and urge the young peoplo's societies to have social pro grams In tho church for tho foreign born and to make an effort to have tbem attend the meetings and serv Ices, The board will seek to enlist the young peoplo's societies In making friends of the foreigners, each num ber In each society being wsktd to get Into personal touch wrft at least one foreigner and tn act as an Ameri can brother or sister. Another Teature of the Amerlranlca tlon program will bo enlisting foreign crs In tho celebration of American holidays and to honor our Amorlrun heroes and representative men in tht nation, state and municipal depart moots of thu tii'i'nii. Nyssa clubs havo nil hold their nr Knnlzntlnii mcotliiKs, olrctcil their of ficers, and begun work on tltolr pro jects. Tlio county club lender held n short ineetlnR with each club lust Wednesday. I want a Job with tlio Hired cur company mnkliiK women close tho (lours utter them. Subscribe for tho Arus nnd keep up-to-ilato. '4k Sunday and Monday jtiyiii xo ana vj Robert Warwick In "Told in tho Hills" jfatho News Tuesday, April 20 Bort Lytell In "Lombardi Ltd." Cemedy: "Potygraft Gallery" Wednesday, April 21 .Super-special pro-. duction "Atonement" Pathe News Thursday, April 22 Bert Lytell In One Thing at a Time Cemedy: "Welcome Home" Friday, April 23 Dorothy Dalton In "Market of Souls" Pathe Review Saturday, April 24 Wallace Reid In 'Valley of the Giants' nan Koom Boys "Pretty Soft" CHURCH WILL JM, SOr X S y