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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1920)
vr' TIIKONTAKm AIM I US ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1920. ik- 1H. Is llO ns Ito of Ito ico OB Mi tin ho In rlH ny liu ho tic rn- 'ttif !i f Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists tiii: m:wi.ii htehi: I'll om : NO. U Nyai Remedies 0ur billies ( This bank is an nlly of the farmer, stock grower and merchant, bound by un unwritten law for the advancement of. private interests and the develop ment of Ontario and vicinity. You can join this league by becoming a depositor of this Hank. 1 Ontario National Bank Oldest Hank in Grant, Harney and Malheur Counties LOCAL AND PERSONAL Carl Gamble of Caldwell vn a Sunday visitor In Ontnrlo. It II l.ockott of Drognn wns an Ontario visitor on Monday. IMgar Itutliorford of Ironnlilc Ik an Ontario vlMltor thin week. Attorney i. J. anlughcr left urday for Ilitf iih on logul IiiibIiicsh. Mr and Mm. -Davo Powers woro llolso visitors on Saturday and Hun- day ' II llrooko returned Monday trout HuriiH whero lio spent several (InyH hut week. l F. Trow returned Halnrduy from Crane, where ho went on busi ness laHt week. Mr. nnd Mm. It. I). I.ytln wero the week end guests of Mr. and Mm. Ivan K, Oak on. The Indies of tho F.plscopul (lulld meet thlM afternoon at tho homo of Mrx. (' It. Peterson. V. II. Stnplos of tho Ford (J a race, way In I'ortlund InKt week to the confoionro of Kord'dcalurM. Mm. Prcuslnu, mother of Mrs. Mark Christiansen, Ih visiting rolu tlvoH In llolso thin week. II ('. und ChoJsoy lloyor loft Tuos dny morning for a trip down tho river to llomestond nnd Cnpprrield I Mr and MrH. H. I). Dormuti and Mrx. II. II. Whitney motored to Dolse on Hiiturdiiy, returning In tho oven- liiif. MrH. Jus. (1. Smith of Cnhlwoll was tho week end guost ut tho homo of her pnrentH, Mr. and Mrn. James I.uckoy. Tho PortulKhtly llrldKO flub meat IuhI Saturday evening ut tho homo of Mr. and Mm. Ivan K. OakeH on First uvonuo, 8 W. Ilorhcrt Wells and family of llolso visited Saturday und Sunday with Dr. nnd Mm. A 0. Moore Mr Wells Is Mm. Mooro'H brother. Mm, Charles llontty of Oregon City arrived In Ontnrlo last Friday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mm. J, I), llllllncsloy. Mm. Jacob Prluzlng of Nampa was In Ontario Tuesday, tbo guest of Mm. Frank Itador, who entertained tho Tuesday bridge elub that day. Court Heporlnr 7. M. Wnlkor loft Snturdny morning for Hums, Ore Ron, to attend tin session of tho Ills trlct Court for ll.irnoy County. Dr. II. II. Whltuoy wax called to Harper Saturday to look after bis sheep, u portion of which woro caught In tho storm on tho rnngo hi hi wcok. Mm. D. C. Andorhcrg wus taken to the Holy Hosnry hospital Saturday operation. Sho In reported iih Im mornlng whero hIio underwent an proving. Theron Northrup who spont tho Knstor vncatlnn with bin pnrentH on Mr and Mm. Henry tlrlffin will oc cupy tho rosldenco vacated by tho McWIIIIamB family. Mr. Griffin Ir tho owner of this property Mr, nnd Mm. II. A. Itaudenbush, of Minneapolis, Minn., who huvo been visiting tho tatter's parcutH, Mr. and Mm. K. N. Wood, on their ranch Just went of town, left Snturday fcr Nnmpa, Idaho, whero they will ro uble on Mr, Wood'H ranch near that plnco. The M. K. Ladles' Aid gave a sti ver tea at tho pamonnRO Tuesday nftcrday. Tho ton wub sorved by Mm. W. J. I.uscomh In tho old Eng HhIi stylo. Tho ten was largely at tended. Music for the occasion was furnished by Mm, I.lnyd Perkins J J. Donognn of IlurnB was In On tnrlo Monday nnd Tuesday on his way homo from a trip to Portland. Mr. Doncgnn reports Hint tho great Interior Ih waiting progress on tho Irrigation problem und that real progress Is bolng mado. Mm. Corn Ilrookover of Kilo, I'n., k. ..!.,,. .., ... n,..i inu, Is visiting with her son. V. F. Uronk ,....L. ... i.i,'rrinn.i. it.. .. I,.,.,,.,: over und family. This Is tho first from tho University of Oregon. 1. M. Iloats nnd bis brother of OrcRon-Slopa woro Ontnrlo visitors on Saturday. Tho former Is score tnry of tho Oregon-Slopo district nnd Ih Interested In powor rates just now. T. T. Kohout of Jordnn Vnlloy Rugs That Add the Finishing Touch to Your Decorations irouv Rugs should be carofully chosen. Upon their design and color depends largely the effect of your furniture and decora tions. They form the background for your rooms; and .if correct will add the finishing touch. No matter what your decorative scheme you will find the rug you wish in our displays. We have a wide assortment from imported Turkish Patterns to those of domestic weave, in all sixes, ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING tlmo tho mother nnd son huvo met In eight years. Sho will bo here about three monthi, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Illnckwell of Cortland nro In Ontario this wcok, while Mr. Illnckwell Is buying cnttlo from locnl stockmen. uiient from Bnlnnlnv In Mnmlnv In' Miss Mliowooci iminscy was n iioisii Ontario visiting with his dnughtor, visitor over Sunday. In tho Idaho Miss Katherlno, who Is muklng her HHnt l"0 was tho guest of her sis homo with her mint, Miss huvlnii tor. Mrs, Perry Marshall. Smith. Mr. nnd Mm, John ' Hopkins nnd son of Prague, Oklahoma, arrived In Ontnrlo lust Snturday to spend tho summer hero, tho guests of Mm. Hopkins' parents, Mr. and Mm. I). T. Mansker. K. S, lllco returned Friday from Tncoma, whero ho had tukon bis wlfo for tho bouoflt of her health. Ho states that Mm. Itlco stood tho trip well nnd was feeling much bet-, tor when bo loft her, F. M. Northrup of Orogon-Slopo, whoso Interest In tho progress of that section Is woll known nnd who look n loading part In tho formation of tho road policy of, tho county, spent Saturday In Ontario. Tho Misses I.ols nnd Dorothy Printing woro wcok end visitors In Ontario. Miss Lois was tho guost of Miss Margaret lllackaby wbllo Dor othy was a guost ut tho homo of Mr. und Mm. Frank Kollor. Mm. W. W l.otson nnd Mrs. II. I. Peterson went to Nnmpa Monday to attend tho session Of tho Numpu Eastern Star lodge which had Invited Mm. I.otson to bo tho guost of honor ut u gathering that evening. A. A. (luttrldgo and J. V. Drown lookod over Ontario Saturday. They camo hero from Orogon-Slopo, nnd nro Interested In seeing progress mado toward tho construction of tho Highway across tho Flat to Ontnrlo, ('. II Trousdato haw sold his resi dent proporty, consisting of n flvo room house nnd two lots on tho East Sldo to C. U. Stovor. Mr. Troiudnlo Is now erecting u rosldenco on bis property two blocks south of prop orty ho sold to Mr Stover, Mr. nnd Mm. II. C, Wolf loft Wed nesday evening for Deer Pnrk, Wash ington, whom thoy oxpect to mnko their homo, Mr. and Mm. Wolf havo lived hero for tho past six years. Most of tho tlmo thoy lived on their homoiitead on Dad Ox Flat, which they sold recently to It. F. Wolf. There has been a rhnnge In tbo complexion of tho postofflco em ployees of Into, Assistant Post master Dan Grady resigned to tako u position with tho Standard Oil com pany. Jack Taylor, one of tho clerks, resigned last woek to accept u posi tion with tho state highway engineer-1 Ing forco. A T Christiansen moved this woek from the Fast Side to the rest-, don co he recently purcbused from I, Thysen, south of tho High School. A McWIlllnms purchased tho resldonco ..nAn.n.l I... f.l. (..., .1 ... tuLuiuu 11 .iir, v iniBimiinuii unu lias i moved his family to his now homo 3 recently, wus it her undo, C.k rhursdny, Shcl and Is gcttlngy Mm, W, C, IleaniRUnrd, who has boon III at tho homo of Mm, Kffle Akem in this city, was nblo to rotum to her homo In Welsor tho latter part of Inst week, nccompnnlcd by lior two weeks old sou. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uenmguard had tho misfortune to lose tbolr oldest son, aged 9 years, Inst February from nn attack of scarlet fovor. Miss Dolly llalllns, who underwent nn operation In llolso recently, wus brought to tbo borne o F. Fox, In this city Thursdny, stood tho trip woll an nlong very nicely. Tho Oregon club hold Its Inst rcgu Inr meeting of tho season Tuesday night. On Friday ovcnlng It wilt wind up Its social senson with u dance. Mrs, J. W. Allison opened her kindergarten Tuesday for u threo moutliH term, with about 1C pupils In nttendanco tho first day Mm, Win. Plughoft and dnughtor, Miss Dora, of Huntington, wero Itlnir ridnllvPH nnd friend. In tnrlo this wcok. ' "C Horn, to Mr. nnd Mm. V. 8. Hector ' son of llrogan, n daughter, weight 'J pounds, on March HO, nt the homo of Mm. Kffle Akers, A bnby'glrl was born to Mrs, Illga low of Puyetto at Holy Itosary hos pital Tuesday, April G. Mrs. Frank Under woh, hostess this wcok to tho Tuesday Ilrldgo club. liter, X On- M (Continued on Last Page. h Fuel Famine! Again Next Winter Next winter i may ngnln suffer from n furl famine, mid miiiio will be forml to rmluro Hcvcro bniiMilpi. While Clio fuel fninlnes of tbo pint two- winters nro still frli In your mliiil Kimril your own rutin comfoit noil that of our fmull by tttnrkliiK n riirloiul of wood, HI coiiIh, In it t'onvfiilent plnco In your yard. At prfsent our mills mo tiiiiilng out largo iuaiilllliN of wood, loiter In tho ncHMiii tbo supply will Im IIiiiIKmI und we rminot fill a tenth of tho deluge of onion which will rome In, You will lin plcnswl to find how liMinablo U the price of 111 cnrd of wood, u carload. Peel our oiderM with thoo of our iirlgbboM nnd Imvn a plentiful supply of clean, convenient fuel, for I hit mini- iner, and a bulwark of warmth analnst fuel fniulmt next winter.... Our yard manngcr will kI) ou prlcott and sm that ou get iiliU dcllvrrli's. A Full Car Costs 360 A Half Car Costs $30 AT ONTARIO YAK!) Wo Kuarmitcn each car to con la In 111 full cuids. Boise Payette Lumber Co. ,l, CHANCK, .Managi-r of Ontario Van! Si My Fuel 117 ff (75J tr-!.' i """-Sis Hrr$7rs?AasiiBft&v mH8bK'J(''H 1 fc r A"!l wil S(ik. fMiBsvlswMsiHI ! xmpry -wv Wms v- ' Jk&K&s ' . 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