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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1920)
TnE ONTARIO AUG US, ONTARIO. OKEOON, THURSDAY. APRIL 8, 1020. I ixjiSKruw-uxsxjvxj-u-v.i- u -ir.. iuii..r - ' . wiw-wJ $$ Shoes - Higher KASIIIONAHI.B WOMK.V who deslro tlio perfect (It nml graceful Much tluit urn found only In h)Kli-Knitluv foot wonr will lio greatly Imrirossrd with the HiylcH wo nro showing. Distinctive liiillvlituut HtylcH, pretty nml charming with long aloiidor' '. linen high and low heels In n wldo vnrlcty o( IiihIn niul pntturnH nro In rludcd In a spring Hhlpinont JuhI re ceived from Utx & i)iinn Co.. milkers of "Stylo Shoes of Qunllty." I'MnoncHH of materials, excellence of workmanship nml up-to-ilnto stylo - u. m uk (i thlH lirnnd of foolwinr tho chnlco of particular women. All Hlzi'H. 2& to 8. AAA to I). ?! Rader Bros. NOTICK OK IIKAIUNd. Villi), Orogon, April G, 1U20. NOTICB IS IIBHBHY QJVKN, Thnt tho followliiK potltlon praying for tho orKiinliiitlon or thu "KAIHMOHB lltlWIATION DIBTHKT," will ho presented to thu County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, nt u spu elal mooting of mil it County Court called to coiiHldor nml net upon tho mime, nt tho Court room of mild Court, In Villi), MiilhourCounty, Ore gon, on tho 11th ilny of May, 1020, ut 11:00 o'clock A. M. (HBAI..) M. MOODY, Clerk of Mnlliour County, OroKon. lly II. 8. 8ACKBTT, Deputy. IN Till: CIHCUIT COUItT OF TUB 8TATB 01-' OH BO ON. I'OH MAUIBUH COUNTY. IN Till: MATTBH OB TUB OHOAN- ization or Tin: "baihmohk HtltlUATION DI8TIUCT." I'iri'lTION l-'Oll OIKIANIZATION To tho Hon., the County Court, for Mulhour County, On'Ken: Wo, tho undersigned petitioners respectfully petition nml show to your Ilonornlilo Court, ub follewa: 1. Thnt we nml iiiich of uh, olthor Jointly or severally, nro tho owners of ti tract of I u ml of one or more ucroa within thu boundaries of the propoHud Irrigation district iih hero luufter jot forth anil described, nml that wo constitute inoro than fifty pur cont of tho different owners of liiml within unld proposed district niul suscoptnblo of Irrigation from thu propsod tomtom. o Thut till of tho lamia within tho boundnrloa of tho Hnld proposed Irrl , gallon district, anil iih hereinafter described, nro auscoptnhlo of prac tical IrrlKiitlon from the sumo source and from tho sumo system of works anil pumping plant, by nieaiiH of which It la proposed to tnko water from Suako river by iiicuhh of pumps ami motors for tho IrrlKiitlon thereof 3. That your potltloiiora deslro to anil do proposo to nrgunUo an IrrlKii tlon district under tho IrrlKiitlon lawa of tho Slate of OroKon, Chapt ;t n 7 . pngo 743, lawa of 1917, nml the Aula amendatory thereto, for the purpoxo of furnishing water for the IrrlKiitlon of tho lamia within the hoiindarlea of tho tmld proposed dis trict. 4. That tho boutidurlca of tho propos ed IrrlKiitlon district InolosliiK the liimla which It la desired to lmvo In cluded wthln Hnld IrrKtitlpn district, nro ua follows, to-wlt: CommenelnK nt tho SW corner of tho NKV4, 8ec 10, thenco cnat to tho SB corner of tho WMSKUNKV. Haiti Sec 10; thence north to the NK corner of tho W14SB14NBU of mild Sec. 10; thence east to tho SB cornor of tlio NWHNWU, See. U; thenco north to NB comer of 8WU 8WU. See 2; thenco west 100 rods; thenco north to the north boundary of tho NKUot SBU. See. 3 J thenco west to NW corner of SBU. Soc.3; thenco south to tho place of begin ning, coiilnlutug 370 acres, more or less of Irrigated lamia, and all In T 18 S. It. 47 B. W. M. In Mnlliour. County, Orogon. 6. That nil of the said lands have, heretofore, been Imperfectly and In mifflclontly watered and attempted to bo watered from an Inudequata nml Impractical Bourco nml system, but owing to thu Insufficiency of said source and system, your peti of - Quality Co. Ontario, Oregon tioners lmvo suffered great loss nml dnmiiKu to their crops and lands, mid snld loss nml dnmiiKo threaten to continue nml will continue If your petitioners cannot secure a bettor u nil different wnlor supply for their said lands. WIIBHBI'OHB, Your pntltlonerH respsctfully ask this Honorable Court to make and enter an order herein, organizing snld proposed IrrlKiitlon district, nml that thu niimo of thu Huld proposed IrrlKiitlon bo the FAIHMOHB lltltlOATION DIS TINCT." John Martin. Ontario, Oregon. Ale.1? Martin, Ontnrlo, OreKou. Mary 8. Martin, Ontnrlo, Oregon. - Bmuin Cook, Ontario, Oregon. I. J. Klynii. Ontario, OroKon. Margaret Klynn, Ontario, Oregon. C. A. Cook, Ontnrlo, OroKon. 0. Josephine White, Ontario, Ore gon. I', 8. Bviiiik, udmlulstrutor for l'ry Bstnte, Ontario, Oregon John Zimmerman, Ontario, Oro Kon. Bd Horry, Ontario, OrcKtm. B. J. Ilorry, Ontario, Oregon. J. II. Suaweard, Ontario, Oregon Kato Flsor, Ontario, Oregon. TlmmuH II. Flsor, Ontnrlo, Oregon. Peter lluglies, Ontnrlo, Oregon. Surah C Hughes, Ontario, Oregon. Ida B, Bonwetird, Ontario, Oregon. Sarah B, Turner, Ontnrlo, Oregon. Alice Smith, Ontario, Oregon. Wig. W While, Ontario, Oregon. Harney I,, Hull, Ontnrlo. Oregon J. II. Ouerlii, Ontario, Orogon. Itandall Sage, Ontnrlo, Oregon Bdwnrd McDormott Hoe. Ontnrlo, Oregon. ' Susan Mcnormott Hoe, Ontnrlo, Orogon. Bmlly Utloy. Mildred Utley. by W. II. Utley, their guurdlan and trusleo. First publlrntlon, April , 1020. Last publication, May rt, 1920. om.kei: (ii,i;i: ci,i;ii i'i.iuhi: i.aiiui; chowd Ontario took last Friday uftor noon off to enjoy (he concert given by tho Whitman College dice Club. The performance was worth whllo for It furnished tho city u variety of cntorlalnment It hna not enjoved for two years The crowd liked It Thu entortalumoiit was given under thu nusplcea of tho Junior clas of tho High School, which was well re paid fur Its effort. Tho chorus work of the young men singers proved up to tho standard of such organiza tions, whllo tho quartette a ml solo numbers wero especially good. The piano offerings wero perhaps tho best of tho musical numbers, tho under difficulties. Tho readings appenled to the crowd, so that all In till. It wna un enjoyublo after noon that In troduced Whitman to Ontnrlo. Tho dull will bo welcomed any t lino It re turns to sing hero again NVSSA II.WCII KBI.US FOIl SIOO I'KH ACHB HIICHNTIA B. II. McDonald of Nysu wna In Ontario Wednesday on business. Mr. McDonald haa tho honor of belling his Nyssa much for tho highest prlco yet recorded in thla section for us large a tract as that which he recent ly disposed of to Kred Koopmnn The prlco for tho 80 aero ranch was $400 per or $24,000 In all. Huvliur topped tho laud market Mr. McDon ald and hta family nro going over to thu coast for n trip unit forget about alfalfa. Irrigation and other problems, ACTIVITY ON LOWER IS II. ('. nml Chckoy llojrr lime V.yv Opened as to Possibilities of 'I'nide With llimicslciid nml CopiK't'fli'lil. Do you know that tlio deepest can you In America Is situated only 100 mllca from Ontnrlo? Your surprise nt thin statement, for which l'rof Horner of tho University of Oregon Is tho authority. Is no greater than thnt of l C, and Cholsdy Hoyur con cerning tho possibility of business In the region near that canyon, located down thu Snnku river below Home stead, Tho Mcssra. Iloyer returned Sun day from n business trip to Copper flold, Itomestond, Halfway and other points In that mining region and de clared themselves nmnzed ut what they found. "Thnt region which Is tributary to Ontario would siirprlso anyone who has nover boon there," snld II. C Iloyer "Whllo It Is n bit early for active mining work, so they told us, yet thnro Is sufflclnet activity to hIiow that tho peoplo nro prosperous, thnt they tiro progressiva nml that it Is worth whllo to know inoro about them ami their needs." Tho canyon to which illusion Is imido In thu opening paragraph Is located Just n short way down tho river from thla region nml la known as the Soven Devils canyon, l'rof Homer In his history of Oregon says that tho walls of this canyon In places nro 7,000 feet high nml thnt not oven tho (Jrnnd Canyon of tlio Colorado Is us high ns this. Home day, when n rond la built down tills canyon It will bo u famous scenic wonder nml thousands of vis itors will annually visit It, yet 'today there nro few peoplo In Oregon and Idaho who know might of Its beauty nml magnificence. CLUB WORK STARTED IN OREGON SLOPE DISTRICT Busier Her Ice Taxes Capacity School IIoim llcaullfiil I'm). gium (ilwn Other News of (lie Mope, of OHBdON 8I.OPB. April --A vory Interesting nml highly Instruc tive meeting of the Improvement Club was hold nt tho home of Mrs. Orr Wllkins, Thursday attorn on Twonty-threo moiubera nml four vis itors present. After tho buslueM meeting Miss Marie Wilson, who Is county organizer for tlio Junior Farm llurenu, addressed tho ludlOH regard ing tho club work for boys and glrh Mrs. Ilurrell was appointed leader of tho sowing clubii a leaner for the canning club was choten later. I'ro gram for tho afternoon, canning, h Mrs, Walter Davis, preserving. .Mr Mas, pickling, Mrs. Melll. There wero excellent nrtlcloa and much ap preciated. A charming "daffy" con tost nrrnnged by tho hostess, provid ed much amusement durng tho so cial half hour, Mrs. Ilurrell being tho lucky winner of tlio prize Last but not least weretbo delicious re freshments. Tho I'urk school bouse wna filled to ovorflyowlng Similar nt tho Bnstor sorvlcoa. A medley of Bongs ami re citations wero given by tho different classs, and an impressive mid beau tiful Bastor service In story nml Hong by tho adult clashes. Visitor from Payette, Ontario and Wulsor woro among those present. (Jeo J. Wyurd. who w ith . I. Cu bertson, purchased land in the Crane crook country, returned from Seattle iMomluy to commence work Mr nml Mrs. Otto Miller enter tained at an elaborately arranged dinner Saturday ovonlng Covora wero laid for 14 Out of town guosta woro W. 11. Ilohortson. Port land, O. J. Wynrd of Seattle, Bd Coulter and wife, nnd It J. Wood and wlfo of Wolsor, and Mrs. J W HobortB of Salt I.nko City. Word reaches us from linker, Oro gon, of the birth of a baby girl to Mr. and MraChaa. War rein Mrs Warren la the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Hartsho. J. II Itoborta ami two sons wero week end visitors nt tho Miller home. Mrs. Tom Hoslup ontortalned n few friends at teu, at her homo Sun day ovonlng. Thoso present woro Mrs Heine, and tho Mlssea Itozac Frod Moss and wlfo and baby, Win Moss and wlfo of I'ayotlo. Mrs Nlckorson of Mlddloton, J. I Agnew and wlfo, nnd C. U.IIeslup and wlfo A meeting of tho officers of the Oregon Slope Farm Bureau was held at tho Park school house Thursday evening. Tho closing hour of tho Park school has boon changed from 3 40 to 4 o'clock for thoremaJudor of tho term. William Sullivan of Ontario la now enrolled at tho Jefferson school. James Tomlln from Gooding Col logo Is spending tho spring vacation nt bis home. Subscribe for tho Argus and keop up-to-dato. GROCERY DEPARTMENT High Patent Flour, per sack " " " . per barrel Creamery Butter, per pound Germetta, per. sack Laundry Soap, 5 bars for Good Toilet Soap, 2 bars for California Pink J3eans, per pound -Carnation Milk, 2 cans for Mazola Cooking Oil, 1 quart can for Shoulder Steak, per pound Beef Pot Roast, per pound Boiling Beef, per pound -Veal Pot Roast, per pound veal btew, per pound -Pic Nic Hams, per pound ' Holland Herring, 10 pound keg for Lard, (our own make) 10 lb. pail for " 5 1b. pail for NDPNDNT K!l Over Twice as Many to Educate But Only Half as Much Money to Educate With Thnt Is why tho Oregon Agricultural College, thu Stuto University, nml tho Normal School cannot maintain tbemsolvea on tho old basis. In 1013 thoy Had Only 2250 Students, but they Now Have 5400 Students In mldltlon, their Income In HUil I mil twice I ho Imjlng poucr of their In come In ID'JO, duo to (lie worldwide rise In costa over which of course they could lime no control. Tlio foregoing Is ono of tho many oaunlly good roasons why you should vote far tho Higher Kducatlon relief bill ut tho election on May 31 Snvo tho quality of higher oducntlonii In Oregon, and givo YOl'lt boy and girl, mid YOl'lt MCKJllllOlf.H, tliolr right ful educational heritage. Puld advertisement Inserted by Colin Dymont In behalf of tho Joint Alumni Hotter Committee for Higher Kduca tlon In Oregon, S14 Plttock IHock, Portland, OWE 1 AHi T 'svV swrdm m REFLEX SLICKE Is the wet weather service uniform for the regular men who make ever aaycouru- Loak for the Reflex Edgfe'--. A.J. Tower Co. n.n Ellklllh.IU Vfrvv ! B . I ft IB v' m bNMfl -vtlBYJr,fJV7. LM immi mt r J Ml nwi ts'rH FECIAL FOR ATURDAY April lO, 1920 2 quart can 1 gallon can for Meat Specials MARKET AT I'XITKD PHr-SHYTKHIAN Clll'ltCII fho nniiunl business meeting of tlio Presbyterian church wna hold Tuesday ovonlng. ltoports of tho church, Sabbath school and Mission ary society woro vory encouraging, tho church membership huvlng In creased 2C per cent uud tlio Sabbath school nearly CO por cent. Tho treasurer's report allowed tho financ es in good condition. Sabbath school collections for tho year amounted to $106.54 nslilo from tho Whlto (lift offering of $Q4.13, this being for tho Syrian Armenian rollof fund. SERVICE SERVICE yord Genuine We Make a specialty of repairing Ford cars. Our mechanics are experienced Ford men. We carry a complete stock of Ford Parts and you will not haveto wait for tliem to come from factory or branch house. FORD CARS HAVE THE PREFERENCE HERE OVER ALL OTHER MAKES. Ford Garage ONTARIO, $ 2.90 11.50 .65 .70 .25 .10 .10 .25 .75 1.50 3.00 lor .20 .18 to .20 .12 1-2 to .15 .22 to .25 - .15 .25 1.75 3.00 1.50 Phone 6 ONTARIO A vory fluo Btorcoptlcnn was pre sented to tho church by tho pasior'a wlfo, Mrs. W. F. Cochran. Tho official budget of $1)00 Wna adopted for tho ensuing ytur. W. II. I.nxon was elected church treasurer and C. A. Keofu ami II, I). Junno ushers. i Hofroshmoulfi woro served umj u social hour unoyud. You urn cordially Invited to nttpml tho services nt tho United Prediy tarlnn church both morning and evening of April 11. Tlio special music In tlio morilng will bo a solo by Mrs. I. J. Dlckion. Song Horvlco In tho evening ut 7:45 I with n special number by tlio nnlo quartet. Service OREGON )