The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 08, 1920, Image 2

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1P flDniariu Argmi
Published Thursdays ut Ontnrlo,
Oregon, and onlorcd nt tlio Ontario
post offlco for distribution us 2nd
cIobb m tit tor.
"0. K. AIKKNVMimtifilni; Hriltor
T. Mcl'ARMN aOUOH, Sup't.
HUU8CRI1'T10N.... Ono Year, $2.00
i'iiii: TittTK 1'ixAxn:
It Is uufortunuto Hint It was tliu
mnttor of tlio purcuhso of u flro truck
t tint mndo tlio City Council Hlop to
toiiBldor tlio question of flunuco.
Ilowavor, If It linil not boon tlio flro
truck It would lmvo boon something
uliio Hint would lmvo nerved to forco
tlio attention of tlio Council to tlio
status of tlio exchequer.
Ilotweon tlio dcslro for bettor flro
protection nnd natural consideration
of funds the city fnlhorH nro In n
dllomn. Tboy know Unit tlio fire
truck Is needed; of Hint thoro Is no
question; tliey know Hint funilH nro
runnltiR low; and tlio property own
ers nro; with tho tnxpayliiK season nt
hand; In no mood for further rlso at
thin lime. I.ntor thlH folliiK will bo
less Insistent and means can bo
found to obvlato tho dlftloulty.
Tlio flro truck howovor I needed;
nnd ultimately imiitt bo secured. U
In poor economy not to lmvo ado
quoto flro protection iih ovory larso
property owner known, and tlio
moans of financing tho pnrchnso un
doubtedly can bo hoIvciI.
From another view point there In
reason for tlio contention of Hip
Council that tho HtiliHcrlptlon to the
warrants for tho purchaHO duoH not
hoIvo the problem; for tho wnrrnntM
on holm; registered would bo pnld In
their order, and thoroforo mlKht
servo to embarrami Ilio city later.
if thctio wurrnntH wera ronvort
Iblo Into bnmlH for a Hinted porlod
tho Hltuiitlon would bo dlfforont.
That would ho mi Ideal iiiniiiior of
flunucliiK tho city. Not only would
It bo Idenl for tho purcbiiNU of tho
flro truck hut for all other capital
limuos of tho city. If tho city's
lunula wcra nil In tho hnndK of resi
dents Just think what tlio result
would be. All the Interest paid
would roinnln hero to nccruo to Hie
henoflt of citizens, to bo nvnllable for
fin titer city Improvement nnd In u
short Hmo tho effect would Indeed bo
There wns ono fenturo of tho ses
sion tint should not ho passed un
noticed; nnmoly the of for of C. C.
Cnrtor of this city to bIvo tho city
tho commission that would nccruo
from tho solo of cither of tho equip
ments leproscnted by hla aRoncles.
Tlio public spirit manifested deserves
nolo. Likewise the action of tho
Commercial Club In subscribing $G00
and the fire doparemont's offer to
tnfco $200 worth of warrants, to
gether with the offer of citizens nnd
tho banks to take portions of the
Issuo demonstrates a tangible dcslro
on their part to bo of service In tho
matter. If the Council, thcreforo,
can seo Its wuy clear to proceed On
tnrlo will soon hnvo n modern flro
fighting nppnrntus.
Tho Oregon Voter doei Itself a
gross Injustlco-ln preparing the spo
cfous arguments ngnlnst tho millngo
tux proposnls for tho May prlmnrles
Of con r so llrothcr Chnpmnn casts up
n protection with a note Hint tho ar
guments nre, - "undor no circum
stances to bo quoted ns nil opinion of
tho Votor." Tlio mnuner In which
tho arguments nro put forth, with nil
tho Cliapmanlan skill nnd plausibil
ity r will lend many to ncccpt them
without Investigation.
It Is nil vory welt to print both
sides of the argument, ovory fair
publication will do that; but Hint
docs not cnll for tho publication t!
positive mlHHtatoments; ns for ex
nmplo that concerning tho proposed
Incrcnso In limitation for highways
So far as this socllon of tho stato has,
ovor boon Informed no one tins pro
posod to Issuo $40,000,000 worth of
bonds for this purpose
Again In declaring that tlio schools
of higher looming do not represent
tho purposes for which tlity wore
created Is misleading. Tho Votor
gives tho opportunity for less In-
The Brunswick Name
Certifies an Extraordinary Tire
Many motorists buy Brunswlcks because of the name alone.
It in oufficlent assurance for them of Buper-quality.
They have known this ancient house for its high standards,
ns have their fathers nnd Grandfathers. Since 1845 the House
of Brunswick has been noted for its rare workmanship.
Brunswick standards, as applied to tires, mean giving the
utmost. In them you will find combined all the approved
features properly related. No one advantage overshadows
others nor hides shortcomings.
,Tho bes? tread that's known, tlie strongest fabric, the most .
fcnduring side-wall construction, every addition, every extra,
make Brunswlcks provo their superiority. No factory cost
has been too great.
ONE Brunswick will win your decision .t.Q bavo ALL
Brunswlcks. It will be a Tcvclntlon.
Buy it today. It costs ncf rrore "thanMlke-type tired
Portland Hendqunrtcrct 46-48 Fifth Street
formed men than Editor Chapmnn to
cast serious aspersions Upon the
record of tho schools and their facul
ties. Thoro nro some wholesomo truths
In sonio of the nogatlvo arguments
which tho Voter presents that should
go straight homo to somu of the
boards of school regents, sumo of tho
highway boosters and others who
would Increase the tux burdens, hut
it Is too bad that they aro so con
nected with positively misleading
stotoments Hint tho reasoning of tho
whole Is lost.
Political Announcements
I hereby ntinounco myself ns a
candidate for the Uepuhllcnn nom
ination for the offlco of County
Treasurer, subject to tho Primaries
on Mny 21. If elected I plodgo my
soir to tho snmo careful attention to
tho duties of tho offlco that I lmvo
given during the past twa years.
Bubjoct to the Democratic prl
mnrles on May 21,1 heroby announce
my candidacy for tho nomination for
tho offlco of County Surveyor.
I hereby announco myself n candidate-
for tho second term ns 8herlff
of Malheur County, Oregon, subject
to tho will of tho Democratic voters
nt tho Primaries to bo hold May 21,
I heroby unnounco mysolf n cn'iidl-
data for tlio offlco of County Bchool
Superintendent of Schools of Mai
huur County, Oregon, subject to the
will of the Ilcpubllcaii voters at tho
Primaries to bo held May 21, 1020.
If nomlnnted and elected I will de
vote alt my time and energy to the
ndvancoment of tho sellouts of tlio
Ureal Addition to Count) Itesources
Xoted In Completion of ilO.OOO
Acre I'lojcct In South
i:ml of County.
I scok tho Ilopubllcan nomination
for Joint senator for tho Twenty
second Senatorial District at tho
coming primaries.
If nomlnnted and elocted I prom
ise to tho District nu honest service
nnd will tnkn my oath of offlco un
pledged to any person or Interest.
I nm ii liberal nnd not a reaction
ary or a radical! mill imperially so ns
to public expenditures. ;ronomy
should mean thrlftlnesn. Public ex
penditure demnnd a reasouablo
promise of material and social bene
fit. Irrigation and drainage under
special assessments; good roads;
protection of graxlug lands nnd the
public wngo for tho good of tho live
stock Interest as a whole; betterment
of mall sorvlco; Improvement of
facilities of branch lino railroads
urn among tho Important local
needs. Roads and postal sorvlco In
tho country districts nro tho only
visible returns from taxation, nnd
tho burden of taxntlon should be,
fairly nnuolUod through these
m on ns.
On tho foregoing statement I ask
tho support of tho Ilopubllcan voters.
CHAltI.ES V. EI.I.IS. nurns, Ore.
After serving ono term as Assessor
of Malheur County, during which
time I bavo attended to tho duties of
tho offlco to the best of my ability, I
hubmlt my candidacy for re-election
to tho approval of tho people, sub
ject to the Democratic Primaries
May 21. 1020.
It. M. CAItML-n,
I announco mysolf as a candidate
for tho nomination for tho offlco of
District Attorney for Malheur county
ut tlio Ilopubllcan primaries to be
hold on May 21, 1920. If I am nom
inated and elected, I will devoto all
of tho time and attention necessary
to tlio -proper performance of all the
duties of tho office.
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
roit couxty ri.r.itK
I hereby announce mysolf a candi
date for tho office of County Clerk
of Mulhour County, Oregon, subject
i to the will o tho Uepuhllcnn voters at
the Primaries on May 21, 1920. 1
nominated and elected, I promise to
devoto all of my time and attention
to the proper conduct of-the affairs
of tho offlco.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for tho Republican nomin
ation for tho offlco of Stnte Senator
of tho district comprised of Mulheur,
Harney uiul Grant counties. If I am
nominated and elected for a second
term I will continue to servo this
district and tho Stato of Oregon to' the
hett of my ability.
Stato Senator.
Subscribe for tho Argus and keep
Tho Cory Act project on Jordan
Creek In tho south end of tho county
Is being sotttcd up with experienced
farmers from tho Tyln Falls country
and other Irrigated regions, accord
ing to reports from that section, A
number of now settlors nro arriving
a number of whom nro going upon
the lower unit. This project em
braces upwards at 30,000 acros of
good bench land and will add much
to tho county's resources when final
ly dovolopcd. Ono of tho greatest
difficulties to bo ovorcomn Is Hint of
transportation, tho nearest railroad
being over seventy miles from much
of tho land. To partly overcome
this handicap, many of tho esttlers
plan on rntslng seed crops nnd It Is
the expressed opinion of a good many
that tho soil and climate will provo
fnvorablo to clover seed production.
Work Is still In progress on tho
storngo nnd distribution system for
tho lower unit, tho much land Is
being cleared nnd possibly soma of It
will bo seeded this ear. On tho upper
unit, more progress tins been mndo
nnd a considerable ario.igo of crops
will bo grown this season. Tho new
town of Ittihy, situated half-way ho
twecn tho two units promises to be
come u trading point for a consider
able part of tho project.
What Is tho dlffcrensco 'between a
political boss who reaches his posi
tion thru pnrty sorvlco'and tho sclf
nppolntcd boss who takes his .posi
tion by renson of tho fact Hint ho
happens to run n nowspnper?
Nothing to Hint old tlmo stuffA
Vale girl won a contest In Ontario
recently with thrco Judges, ono
from Ontnrlo, ono from Nynsn and
ouo from Now Plymouth,
Ontario Is going to colebrnto. The
paving will ho completed by that
time mayho,
Iloom 4, (loin Did. , Ilolsn, Idaho
Optometry Moans Kjo Her Ire.
Wo nt glnisos nnd do It right, ox
aetly right.
90 per cent of hoadachos nro caused
by sonio character of EYE STRAIN.
If you aro affected with headache
Iiavo your oyes oxamlned. When your
oyos causo you any trouble llko blur
ring of letters or linos, Itching or
burning, you must remember that Is
their way of tolling you that they
ncod nttontlon.
Ono pair of oyos Is all you will ov
er hovo. Ill FAIR WITH THEM.
Wu changa Icnncu within ono year
without any additional cost to you.
Wo nro reglstorod In two stntoi.
Idaho and Oregon, which couplsd
with an oxporlonco of 20 years makjM
It possible to caro for oxtreuio rnsoj,
Wo rIvo special attention to srhoul
You're the Man to be Satisfied"
says the Good Judge
You get n whole lot more satis
faction from a little of tho
Real Tobacco Chew than you
ever got from the old kind.
The good, rich tobacco taste
lasts so much longer. You
don't need a fresh chew so
often. That's why It costs you
Any man who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
" nmmnvmnintm
Consistent High Qualify
Tho resources, experience, knowledge and equip
ment of the Standard Oil Company combine to make
Zerolene. They insure u product of uniform high-
quulity. Use Zerolene for the Correct Lubricution
of your automobile, truck or tractor.
for each
O. H. TEST, Special Agent, ONTARIO, OREO.
Why man
we made this
cigarette for you!
4JY i
CAMELS fit your cigarette de
sires so completely you'll agree
they were made to meet your taste!
Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body
due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice Turk-
i ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
XAitVl Pnmnln iimi it ..
iS5--ryrA. . '"'"'"i.Yuu wugoinBumit
'Jj77?SivliER without tiring your taste. They
wK xcavc "u unpleasant cigaretty after-
JlK taste; no ""Pleasant cigaretty odor!
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely comoare them
- ,
cu.r......,. pun-ior-putl with anv cie-arette in
iS-g&xiZ TJYrSS'' the world at any price. You'll pre
fi. &Sl?zj?JerQuahty t0 coupons or premiums '
torn twfl, ot wh.nyou tt nl J- KhYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wlntwn-Sat.m, N.C