The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 08, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 111.
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commissioned cohhv to con
feu with poweh usehs con.
CEItNINU HATES lOlt ll)l!0
luionnntlnu Deceived by Uiml
Power Uncim So Indefinite Thnl
Scope f Effort In Xul Known
Itlse In Expected.
At tlin City Hull tltln nfternoon
thoro will tin Iinlil a conforonco be
tween tlio users of olcctrlc power for
IrrlKutlon purpomH nml I'ulillc Borv
lau Commissioner II. II. Corey of Ilia
Oregon I'ulillc Rnrvlcu Coinmlsslnn.
Wlial tlio nature of thin conference
will lio the mnnngers of tlin lornl
companies using power urn not ulilu
to ilelertulnu from tlio- communlcu-
llnnN they have received. Alt Hint Ik"
known Ik Hint Hie Oregon Commu
nion linn licen comnulnlcnteil with liy
tlin Mnho Commission relative to
rates for HiIh yenr nnd ll Is Intimated
tliut the Mnho Commission desires
the Oregon Commission to net nt the
iwnui tltni) iih It iIooh ho Hint there
will ho u uniform rnto for thin sec
tlon. The locnl usors thereforo hnvo
heen working In tho ilnrk. They do
not know the nnturo of tho tostl
mony they .will ho nuked In present
to content tlio request of the Idaho
Power Company for higher rot oh.
However, tho locnl managers hav
Ini? been endeavoring to tahuliito In-
fiirinutlon for presentation to the
cniiinilHiilnii to contest the oxperted
clnlm that the power company Ih bo
lleveil will make that tho rancher
cuti afford to pay a higher rate
Nearly 11,000 lleml of Malheur Conn.
ty Cuttle Hold to Montana Itnncli-
,-m Stockmen Declare
Moiv Will l-'ttllow.
An exodus of Htock cattle from
Malheur county thut reached a pro
portion that Indicates a vast shrink
ago ere ll stops wuh begun thin wook.
In nil contrnctH were made for tlin
Halo of nearly 3.000 head of cattle
nnd when It Ih romnmbcrod that
... Minm nut mni-a than lu UUU
head of cattle In the county tho snlo
I.. ,, vvnnV nf SO nor COIlt Of tllCBO
Indlcatea u large reduction If the
movement continued.
All of the cattlo Hold this week
wero purcluiHod or contracted for liy
I, H. Tucker, n Montana huyor, who
purchttHOd a largo number bore last
Hummer. Tile cattle already shlppod
and to ho Hhlpped aro going to ro
Htock the Montana range which was
badly depleted last summer.
Cattlemen In tho city this week do
claro that the movement Is Just
started nnd that within tlio next two
montlm furthor sales will bo made
which will reduce ino tmui i mi
hcur county cattle by more than 50
por fent. Sumo of the moro pessi
mal? nf them declare that 80 per
cent will be sold.
It Is their view of tho caso that
the cuttle men are to veal tholr
calves and sell tholr Htock down to a
minimum. Tho reasons thoy glvo
nre three: First, dry rnngo pros
poets for this summer: shortago or
range due to Increased homestead
entries of the 040 acre varlotyj and
high prlcod hay for winter.
Tho men who sold or contracted
for tho snle of their stock and the
number of head sold during tho week
Is oh follows- 8. M Moulton. 353
liead: Ernest Locey, 250 heads J- I
Smith. 160i C p Emlson. 250 head,
nnd II. II. Lockett and 8. E. Stan
field, 1800 head.
Committee Cannot Determine Cost of
Service Until Propeity Owner
I.M l.t. Fundi Must IU
Available Hoim rt Now.
How Many people In Ontario want
to waler their lawns and gardens this
Hummer by using water from
ditched! That Is tho question that
the committee of the Commercial
club, which haH the Irrigation prob
lem to solve, must bo able to unswer
soon. , ,
Tho committee can not stnrt a
houso to houso canvas. It Is up to
tim list their lots. If the
(Continued on Last Page.
Ontario hnn two blocks of flnlHhed
paving. Tho first block wiih flnlHhed
Wednosduy uvenlng nnd another wiih
completed thin morning, llefore the
weak ondH Superintendent Ilostlc of
the Warren CoiiHtrurtlnn company
oxpucta to hnvu the paving from Kind
Htreet to tho root of the Hospital mil
on Third nvonue, 8. W., completed
for traffic.
Whllo the creWH uro l.elng mmem
hied and tho mon familiarized with
their work tho program Ih hIow hut
will ho IncreoHed greatly In the next
week, Mr IloHtlo sayH.
New Method of I'lnanrliiK Church
nml Kocliil Work" of Hellglinm
HoilleM to Ih (VhihI(cic(I Sun-
liny School Convention Also.
.An Intcrchurch conference will ho
held nt the llnpllst church, Ontario,
en April 1.1. It Ih In reality a com
munity affair. Itev. W. F, Cochran,
the county convenor, Ih In charge of
tho meeting for HiIh town.
"It Ih noine to ho dimply a get to-
together meeting of (ho Protcntant
churches, nt which they will talk
over their common prouioms ami
common ulmH.Thoy wltl also examine
tho question of making the church,
oh a whole, a moro vital medium In
tho various communities In this
county," nald Hov. Cochran.
"The tank which the churches sol
boforo thomsolvcs Is a public nnd a
social tank. The welfuro and activ
ity of tho church Is ono of the iiiohI
Important of community undertak
ings, unit the working together of the
Protectant denominations, oh ex
emplified in tlin Intcrchurch World
movement slgnnlUes tho mobilization
nf Christian forces for a thorough
going and largo hpoIo treatment of
tlicso tanks. Tho nddresses to bo
glvon nt tho county conference will
onnhlo overyono to vlsunllre moro
deafly and In concrete form Just
what tho churches' problems nre,
nnd thus enable us nil to prepare for
n direct and vigorous application of
Christian principles to definite local
"Tlio financial campaign the lust
woek In April, Is for the raising of a
budget to meet needs which already
have been oxamlned and classified.
Tho total Interchurch budget repre
sents tho sum of the different do
nomlnntlonul budgets. The confor
once will bring homo to tho people of
thin county Just what the Intcrchurch
movement means to do. as tho Ore
gon conforenco at Portland brought
home to tho pastors of this territory,
the purposes of this world projoct."
.The first meeting will lio nt 1:30
o'clock, unil nil sessions tfro open to
persons Interested In church activ
ities. Members of the team of speakers
aro as follews: itev v. w. uwamior,
Portland; Itev
It. I.. Dunn, Astoria;
II. O. 8tone. Portland; Itev. Win. J.
Luscombo. Ontarie: Mrs. Win. Moll
Caso, Eugene.
The county conference has threo
main ebjectives: To present tho
surveys which roveul tho needs of the
world In llfo nnd monoy; prosontn
Hon of the ovangellstle nnd financial
campulgns. and tlio runy oi iinnom
national and community forces for
tho complete organization of the
finui .i Cnthey to Extend OitenillunH
:"" Sell One of Two Mills Now III
Operation and Will (irliid AN
rnirn ror rmipmcni.
Ontario und Nyssa wTll each be
shipping points for nlfalfu meal this
fall. Handall Sago nnd V. O.
Cathey, who hnvo operated two small
meal mills, for their stock, have de
termined lo onlarge their field of ac
tivity and nre going to Increase the
capacity of their mill at NyBsa to
fifty tons dally so thoy can grind for
tho trade.
To do this thoy will sell the mill
thoy have operated at Nyssa and In
stall a new one, with buildings and
nnuinment In DroDortlon. They will
niHo establish warehouse and pack
ing equipment In their plant on tho
Sage ranch east of Ontario wnere a
30 ton plant has heen In operation
for two years. ,
With the additional equlpmonl
they will be able not only to grind
all the meal they need for their own
large stock holdings nut to caro tor
thousands of tons of alfalfa for
which there is a aemauu. ine mm
to bo Installed at tho Nyssa ranch
Is known us the Roberts No. 42 and
Is the largest mill of Its kind manu
fact in ed.
M. A. Pattfli, who lives on the Ore
gon side, acros from Wolser, was one
nf the many ranchers who came to
Ontario today to nttond , the power
iienrinir. Mr. Patch on a call nt tho
"w -.T" w. - ... . ,
A -l.l. rtf f It
ells ntflco. ueciareu ine tower
UlWSjMwTnln nre anxious to liavo the
mud to Ontario complete us soon as
) possible.
Is'Kol Lights Eiigiiueri In Clilxli hi
Close of KlieuiiniiN liny Ijwge
Crowd Listens to Testimony
Offered Uy Stole.
After n stronous all day hearing
which wuh punctuated by clashes on
the part of attorneyn, Judge 0. I,.
King held Lester I. Iloyiijun, alius
L. I. HlrHch, ullau L. Harris, to the
Orund Jury which iiicctH ut Vale
April 20. llolid wuh fixed In'the sunr
of 15,600, which wuh furnished.
llotiiau and IiIh ntluren;, Living
stun Osborn of Chicago left Frltln)
night for St. Louis, Mo., Heyman'H
The tCHtlmony In Judge Klng'H
court last Friday afternoon drew the
largeHt crowd Hint u preliminary
bearing In Ontario haH heen favored
with In yearn. Tho room was crowd
ed from the opening In the morning
until tho clone nt f..10 In tho even
ing. Tho Btuto represented liy District
Attorney II. W. Swngler, called hut
four wltncHHeH! It. U Cockium,
cuHhler of the First National Hank,
and A. I,. Cockrum, prcHldcui of that
InHtltiitlon, occuplod tho stand iiiohI
' ' 4r "" i'y'" "
negotiations which led up to the
$16,000 transaction upon which Ih
bused the charge of obtaining mono,
under false pretenses.
According to tholr testimony I ley
man first attempted to secure u Iojii
of this amount and actually signed
two notes covering that sum. These
It was testified, wero not accepted,
when he told A. I Coukium that P.
M. (Joorllng at Wuuhuu hud f.15,000
of his, Heyman's money, and would
pay the sum on a drnft, Mr. Cockrum
testified Hint ho said, "What Is the
use of these notes then, glvo us the
draft and wo will let you liavo the
In the meantime, however, prior to
mis Disposition or hid matter, and
whllo negotiations wore continuing
for a loan, Mr. Cockrum hud Mr.
Hoymmi prepnro a financial state
ment, he Huld, which displayed a
total ussot of, 11.13,000 with no
liabilities. All this took place on
February 17.
W. F. Human, cashier of tho On
tarlo National, testified that on the
morning of February 17, thut he
took a trust deed for all of Herman's
Ontario property to secure the float
ing drafts which' mymuu Jiud out,
totaling 128,000. This totul was in
duced by the credit of $8,000 which
Heyman hud with tho bunk, and sub
Hoouont payments on flouting drafts
leaving the balunco which the trust
deeds sccurod to $14,000. Mr. I Io
nian also testified that In eight
months Hoymmi hud cleared a total
of between ,1226,000 and $240,000
(Continued on Last PugoT)
Two Teachers Want Job Teaching
School in County With One Pupil
Ontario lawyers wero heselged this
week with Information concerning
tho difficulties of School District Ne:
02, or what Is known us School Dis
trict No, 02. ,
This Is u remarkable school dis
trict, and demonstrates how anxious
uro tho people of Molheur county to
educate their children. There Is!
only ono pupil In the district und two
oncners want tlio Jon of Instructing
him. For his Instruction Mrs. Orlc
Colo Is paid or ruthor Ih supposed
to be paid $100 por month. Tho
fact thut she bus not bad her war.
runt Is tho cause for trouble und the
bringing of this fact to light
It apepara thut a man named
Elliott Is the chairman of the board.
that originally there wero four
pupils In tho district, but one family
with three of these moved awuy,
leaving hut one.
Mr. Ellltt also was left and W. C.
Tomlln. tho other member of the
board, Just does not know where his
uuthorlty started and stopped. Mrs.
Tomlln Ih the clerk who Issues the
When Mrs. Cole abandoned, the
The Ontario Parent-Teachers asso
ciation has been called to meet at tho
High School building nt 3 p. m. on
April ICtli. The purpose of the
mVp.W I. tn .HsrUKK nluny for n
.......... . . r --- ..
medical Inspection of the school
children for the year Und to con
sider the question of Joining the
County Council of Parent-Teachers
association. Tho local association
has not been actjrve this year and the
question of what Is to be dono to In
crease Interest in the association Is
uppermost In tho minds of those who
seek tho betterment of conditions In
the public schools. Every parent In
the school district Is urged to attend
this meeting.
Frank Dorman and Charles I Io
nian were numbered among tho boys
who went to Urogan
I evening to attend the dance at the
'Drogan community hall.
State Engineer to Surve" Water
she I 'I'll In Summer Cn e May He
Ilea 'I VI Fell 'MttMin Fllei
Suit A;;.ilust Ditch Company.
tlnvlii hld ti'- premier position
In mntlers of efficiency for many
years tho Ditch Is at lont to ho null
Jected to litigation to determine Its
right to wnter f'om tho Owyhee
river. Nor Ih tint nil, the company
Is also being sued by one of Its stock
holders to determlno how water In
tho ditch Is to ho divided.
These two mnttcrs were foremost
at tho meeting of tho directors of the
Owyhee Ditch Inst Snturdny morn In re
Of cnurso, tho directors anil officials
knew theso matters were coming up
hut nevertheless they discussed
thorn Saturday.
(lenornl Manager Ivan E. Oaken
reported that engineers for tho Stnto
Water Hoard had heen In Ontario
during tho past month and announc
ed that crews would be In tho field
ilinul the first of May to start stir
'e"lng tho Owyhee watershed nnd
Hint It was possible Hint tho case
would ho set for hearing this fall.
The engineers nsked for copies of
tho Owyhee Wntcr Iteport during the
yenr but Mr, Onkcs declared thai
without the permission of tho direct
ors theso could not he furnished
Attach Stork to the l.iinit
Another phaso of tho situation Ih
brought to tho front In tho suit
started by W. P aibson of Nyssa to
determlno tho priority of water
rights under tho canal It Is Mr.
Oilmen's contention, It Is snld, to
hnvo tho court rule that the land
first watered under the cnnnl shall
have prior rights over land put under
cultivation Inter. In other words, he
would apply the principle that the
stock of the company must bo attach
ed to the land represented n owner
ship. The directors determined to con
test this view of tho case and to pre
pare for tho necessary adludlratlon
that Is forthcoming this full.
The nuestlon of basis for cooperat
ing with tho Ontnrlo-Nvssa for the
employment of mon In charge nf the
pumping plants was discussed at
length hut no definite action taken.
The directors autborlied President
C. It. Emlson nnd Manager Oakes to
procure counsel to represent the
company In the matter of power
rates and to lake necessary steps to
protect the company's Interest.
Manager Oakes reported that the
apparent shortago of water In the
hills might he materially Improved
thru the storago of water In the Jor
dan Vnlloy region duo U seepage
from that project.
The directors also handled the
usual prist of routine matters. All
of the directors of the rotnpany were
present nt the meeting.
school house and took to teaching
her ono pupil In the Elliott home
where she boarded, no kick wiih
mudo but when bills for brooms,
wash buslns, etc., cume to Mrs. Tom
lln for payment. Mr. Elliott Judged
that they might have served the
I Elliott homo ergo, ho would not
order his wife to draw the warrants
for their payment
Moreover, whon Mrs, Colo, u few
weeks ago, thought her husband
bo coming back from Halem, she told
tho board sho wns going to quit. The
board hired u now teucher. Mrs
Cole later used u womun's privilege
and changed her mind, for Mr Cole
did unt come back. Now the school
has two teachers Mrs. Colo de
mands her salary. Mr. Tomlln wants
to know whore he Is going to get
authority to pay two toachers, etc.
Mrs. Colo has started suit the few
property owners In tho district think
they could send the ono hoy away to
school nnd save monoy. Mr. Tomlln
was In Ontario Monday looking for
, legal advice for ho wants to huvo the
puzzle solved.
Munuger Ilostlc of tho Warren
Construction company has a mystery
Ono duy last week when ho went to
i look over the navlllg Oil Third BVe-
i - ii mi
jnue, 8. W., ho found throe sticks or
dynamite lying noar ino wneeis oi
the nig steam paving roner. ko puuii-
ed that when the
wlieols crusneii
them Ontario would be rocked with
the resultant oxploslon. Of course
this did not occur for tho duumltu U
now burled deep In the earth where
It will do no damage.
Manager Ilostlc belloves that some
hoys playing around the oil well,
where they have been using Jynmulte
to shoot the casing took the sticks
and put them near tho roller us too
one place to see some fun. Luckily
tbev did not get tholr desired result.
Frldaylllut tho mythlcul hoys may be Inno
cent, rills Ullglll ne uiu nasi lur uu
1. W. W. story.
Aithur It. Foster, a rancher from
Clyde, North Dakota, who has seen
tho Non-Partisan League In action
for the past five cars, arrived In On
tario today and will speak at the
Orange Hall this evening on the
work of tho Non-Pnrtlsan Lengue.
Aside from all the dutuugo that the
League bus done from the viewpoint
of tnxatlou nnd stnta socialism, Mr,
Foster declares, tho greatest damage
Is that of embittered class hatred
which has nplit the stato wide open;
mado enemies of former friends ami
ruined ho confidence of the people.
That tho League Is losing Its herd Is
positive, be says, as tho rank and
file of tho members renll-.o how they
have been used by the clique which
operates with the most emboldened
tyranny over known In an American
.Mrs. Will .1. ItobertN,
'Vice President: Mm
of Arcadia,
son of llrogiiii, Secielory-
At ii meeting at tho City Hall lust
Saturday afternoon the Malheur
County Council of Parent-Teachers
aksoclatlotiH was formed. Tho of
ficers elected were: Mrs. Will J.
Itobcrts of Arcadia, vice president;
Mrs. Thompson of Ilrogun, secretary
treasurer. Mrs. llruce Kester of
Vale was chairman of the meeting
nnd consented In act ns temporary
president until tho meeting called for
May 1.
A commltteo to draft a constitu
tion nnd by-laws was appointed, con
sisting of Mrs. C, E. Seroy and Mrs,
C. E. Vlnghnm of Ontario and Mrs.
Huberts of Arcadia,
Another mooting of the Council
was called to meet In Ontario on May
1 when tho constitution nnd by-laws
Will bo acted upon and new members
added to tho organization.
Not all tho associations In the
county wero represented at the meet
ing last Saturday. Two pnrtles
stnrtcd from tho Owyhee nnd Warren
districts hut found thut suud hud so
blocked tho rond that they could not
get thru. Itopresouutlves wero pres
ent from Ilrngan, Vale, White Settle
ment, Arcadia, Ontario und Nyssa,
Among tho stellar muslcul comedy
shows that ure nttructlng attention
this senson Is "Let's tin." featuring
Miss Oortrude Hutcheson, which Is
hilled to npepur at the Dreamland
theatre next Wednesduy night.
In nutting his company together,
Mr. John M. Shcesley, tho producer,
,lias used particular rare nnd Judg
linent, which bus brought him very
'gratifying results wherever tho show
. bus unnenred.
Since Its premiere performance In
Philadelphia, the first week In Jan
uary. "Lot's Oo" litis enjoyod par
ticular success. It Is said to he one
of the best musical attractions pro
duced this year, Inusmuch us II Is
built, and not merely slnpped to
gether "Let's lio" Is ono of the few musl-
col comedies with u real plot. A
clover story Is worked out during the
two acts, hut the musical numbers
ure so Interpolated thut the enter
tainment does not drag. It Is u live
wire nttrnctlon, with plenty of pep
and snap Not u suggestive Hue can
he found In the dialogue und the
songs uro among tho latest written.
Judge In 1'lrM National Cltlr Im
provement Context View llnmri
Listed ns l.'iitrle for PlUi'f
Note liiiproveuieiilN Stalled.
Mayor It. W. Jones. City Engineer
O. A. Kratz and Mrs. Irwin Troxell
tlin Judgei named by the City Coun
ell, the Comerclnl club und the
Woman's club to dotormlnn the win
ner In tho First Nutlouul bunk's
? '0.. ' ' """" " " "' "J . "V. "
clvlo Improvement contest, viewed
mtj iiuunun iiBiuu ini nudum ,. -.w..
.iay MrH p (. VonPetton drovo the
purty over mo city in ner cur
The committee reported that It
noted already many Improvements
und found thut the illy would bo
vastly Improved If moro eoniesiauis
wero entered, for most of the better
ments being mudo urn by those listed
In the contest, who are the follow fellow follew
ing: Mrs. Florence VanDyke, 8. F
Taylor, William Kercher, W L. Tur
ner. E. M llrelg. Ontario Public
Library, V. W. Chalmbers, V. P. Mc-
Kenna, W W. woou, n. i vaurei
.., i ii tVirtler. A. L. Chance
Larue Illackaby. II. II. Tunny. W. F. C. F. Oxmun of Vale was In Qu
Esoue, A. L. Chance and Mrs. Martha I tarlo on business Wednosduy morn
IJorthold. Mng.
t C. Curler Offer to Hive City Com.
mission on I'lirthase Another
Agent Would sell ut Cost Other
City lluslness.
After discussing whether or not
tho city should buy a fire tiurk nnd
listening to nu extended report on
tlio condliloti of the flro ileiiartuient.
the City Council at Its regular
monthly meeting Moudiv night took
no definite action.
Tho council had explained to It
the method of financing tho proposi
tion suggested by F Leslie lloily of
tho Commercial club, which wni that
of Issuing warrants which u lint nf
dullness men bad agreed to tuko and
the hanks'lo tuko tho balance.
It wns tho method of flnnnco that
caused H.o councllmen to balk
Councllineu Troxell and l.tixon ex
pressed the opinion Hint the peddling
of warrants tended to discredit tho
city's finance while Mnyor It. W.
Jones 'ook the optoslto view nnd
urged uctlon. "
After a lengthy debate Councilman
Allen hade n motion thnl tho city
buy u truck. This .motion failed
from tho lack of a second. Council
man Troxell then moved that It be
reforrod lo the Council as u commit
tee of tho whole to report at a later
meeting. This prevailed.
Whllo tho salesmen for the various
machines presented the merits of
tholr offorlngH C. C. Carter, locnl
agent for two of tho machines con
sidered, told tho Council that ho
would glvo tho city tho commission
that would coma to ' him from tho
sale of either, Tho Oldsmoblln agent
offorod to put their machlno In ut
cost und other Inducemtnts were
mado to get action from the Council.
Prior to considering tho truck tho
Council turned out a grist of busi
ness In record time, Hldewulks were
ordered and the usual list of bills
lister Seuwell Inaugurates Wool
Shipping Senson Willi Shipment
or ;I7M Pound to Plillndel.
Idiln Price Offeivd
While no reports of wool sales
have been mado so far this season
the wool shipping season Is on und
tho clip of Malheur county sheep Is
sturtlng on Its way to market.
The first big shipment reported
Wis thut of Lester Seawell of Our
tarlo nnd Puyotto, who consigned
375.000 pounds to Philadelphia. Tho
udvunre made on this wool Is said to
have been 50 cents, and that Mr. Sen
well has been offered as high us lift
rents for his clip. In this shipment,
however was u large percentage of
fine wool which Is given us the
cause of the high prlco offered.
Loral sheepmen nre not worried
over wool prices mid believe that the
early offers will he Increased mater
ially before tho season progresses
uiuoli further.
W II. Mullen, who for tho past
four years bus been u mull clerk on
tho Ontario-Crane run, bus resigned.
With William Flsor, formerly of this
elty, ho has purchased tho llodnur
Forwarding company ut Crane,
where he wll make his home. The
new firm took over the business on
April 1
In bis letter of resignation to the
department beads Mr. Mullen tersely
tells the cuse against government
employment when he said: "I tuke
my hat. which represents juu sav
ings of twenty years of servlco In
this field of endeavor, and retire."
Itev. W. J. Luscombu, general
chairman of the committee nu Near
East relief work, this week complet
ed the stutemont of tho douatons of
this district showing the generous
manner in which tho people respond
ed to tho appoal. The funds col
lected amounted to $1218. 83. of
which $84.50 came from Ilrogun nnd
tho balunco from Ontario mid the
school districts around the city.