. tatari ft-tttiift .M'tA . XXIV ONTARIO, MALHEUR roUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1!)20. NO. 18. fl IOLI.OWINO ('lilt KF,X "IIOOAN- izkhh" comi; aufms with "Ct'l.TUHl." FOH LUHUMKS at hiohtoxkh phiciw, i)i-:riaiti county .uikxt. ' t FACTS CONCERNING CULTURE i'lofrtmir Copxnn nf O. A. C. Hefulo QiioMlniiiihli' HtiitciiicntH MihIc hy Agent Woiklng in Sliitc I i hii I IIiiiicIici-h Advised. Following tlio visit of n hunch of iigontn who Hold chlckim treatments tit fancy prleon, mill handed out pun nci'HH fur nil the nlliuontH of tlio feathered trllio, tlio ranchers of Mill Imur county lire being cnlk'il upon b imotliiT hi nod of postn who nro noli I m: culturu to rnnchcrn. County Agent I.. It. llrllhuupt. to WllOSO llttCllttOII tllO IICtlvltlOH Of tlll'SO men hnvn boon railed lioil tlic follow liiK to hu' concerning them: "Tim use of IIiIh culturu Ik not llkoly to provo of any valiio on nuy or tlm hoIIm In tlio county. It Ih posslhlu Unit Inoculation might bo of vuluo on now land of an alkali or puddled unturc, liut If ho, It could ho ilouo far cheaper liy tliu noil method, or If puru culturu Ih wanted II may ho secured for n Hinnll frac tion of what those poddlerH unit. "Tlio following lottor from Prof tensor Uopnon of Oregon AKrlculturul College, dealing with this matter given tlio reasons why runchorn Hhould not purchase mill Inoculations without exact knowledKe: "Tim following clrculur lottnr Ih sent lo you In order Unit you may give the farmers tlio facts on tlio iioMtlon of nrtlflclul Innoculatlon of loKiiniOH, nnil lo rofuto tlio question n lil (i mnl fitlso ntulomoutn iniiilo by ni;enlH selling commercial cullureH, "(I). Tlio 'pro culture' motlioil Ih porlmpH thd host wny, all tiling considered, to got tlio Hpeclitl kind of lmclorlii Into your noil. U you nl roudy luivo n cortalu legumo growing In u field on your farm, you can nuiiv iiinrnnclili' liinoculato another fluid with Home of thin Bell. TIiIhI Ih tlm surest inothod known nnd hun no disadvantages when you know Ihnro nro no wneil pests to ho carried nloiiK with tlm hoII, "(2). The puro culturoR propar- (Coiitliuied on Last Toko) IIEYMAN TO HAVE HIS Miiihlml II. C. I'lirmcr Hetiirim Willi .Mini Ai'i'iiM'il of HiivIiik Ohlnln. i .Muney Under l'iK liv (,.,M.s Hull rurliMicd. "I Leslor I. Iloyinan, nllaa U. Illwoh, who wa urrt'Hled ut NluRuni FuIIh, Now York, charRod with securing fiindH from tho First National hank undor fuUo pretenwH, roaolied the city Wodnesduy morning acconipan ltd hy Mamlial 11. C. Furmor, who made tho trip east for him. Iloyinan wub nrralened hoforo Juh tlco of tho I'eaco (. I.. King, Wednes day uftornoon, nnd thru his attor noyH, I. J. Qallaghor ami W. E. I.eos of this city and Livingstone Osborne of Chicago, wulved the roadlng of tho clmrgo, u copy huvlng been furnished them, ami wan held for u temporary hearing tomorrow (Friday morning). Ponding tho hearing a cash hall of $1500 wua furnldied hy his attor neys. OO'FKH I'llb: OOPHKUH IS OAMPAION HI.OOAX Tlio Farm Uureau campaign agalust tho poiUot gopher Is getting undor wny. Thru the pest nud dlb ease coiumltteo tho compulsory law 'huu been brought to bear so that tho menace of untreated land adjoining land which is consistently treated can bu eliminated. Everyone must have made an attempt to rid tholr preml ses'of this pest by April 15 or bo liable, tq having the work done by men appointed by tho county Court and -tho costs assessed In tuxox against the land. i iivihion iixoinkkh haldock VIUWH HOL'TI! OF ttHF.HON THAU. It, II. Iliildock, division ougliicm tor tlm Oregon Btntn Highway com mission, with Hnglneur Dilukhnll. who Ih locating the rouln for the Old Oregon Trail from Huntington to On tario, accompli ii led hy County Judge 13. II, Tt'Ht nnd moinbom of tlm Com- menial club's rood committee, Hpcnt Inst Frldny afternoon looking ovo. thu two proposed ronton to hrliiR tlril highway Into Ontario, In the morning tlio commlUce vlowod tlio enlrunre to Urn city ln lllvemldo, which would Rive to On tnrlo ono of tlm iiiohI scenic nnd lie llRlitful lilghwnyH In thin section In tho afternoon tlio part drove o or tlm routo nil the wny urriMit Dead I Flut, viewed tli Iuiui!.jii of tho Mill hour rlvor crowing mid wnlked over tlm lino from thorn to Iho power plant milt, on Dead Ox I'lat. Mr, Drlnkhnll will run the Hiioh for tho two routes to determine tho illfforonco nnd prepare tho oilier diilu Decennary before n choice In innilo. CLAIMS JLS. GRADUATE Ito-roo Holding Son or C, I!. Holding Formerly of Outiirlo Victim of Sleeping HIcklii'MN in Hun I'YiiNcImO. Itnxcoo llehlltiK, Hon of ( IC. Hold Ing, formerly of thin city, died hint Friday In Han FrnnclHco of hIohpIiik HlcknesH according to u loloRram ro colved Monday hy J. It. Illacluihy of tli Ih city, n friend of tho family. Kohcoo Holding wnH :12 joiiih old at tho tlino of IiIh death nnd Ir Hiir vlved hy n wlfo and ono child. Ho Horved with tho miirlncH ilurlni; tlm war and had been out of thu xcrvlco for roiuo time when tho malady which canned IiIh denth lunnlfeHtoil ItHOlf. Tlio young mini 'lived In Ontario until tlm faintly moved In Culver, Oregon ten yearn ago. Tho young man wnH rained In Ontario mid wan u graduate of tlm Ontario High School with tho cIqhh of 1010, mid Ih ntlll wall remembered hy many of IiIh boyhood chimin horo SOUTH ENDOF COUNTY Ionian Valley Orgaiilnen and Iiiim Hipilirel Cmupiilgii (ioliiK Slloni; With (iooil ItesiillH. An ornest bunch of farmoru of thu Jordan Valley section, that rich Utile vulloy far to tho south In Malheur county, guthored In tlm parlor of tho Jordan Valley hotel on Iho evening of March 25 to hear of the work of the Farm Uureau and lake up Iho organization of a locul Uureau. After listening to u report of tlm Farm Hurciui movement from IIh In ception in the Stuto of Now York 8omo years ago, down thru Its spread to Oregon and to Malheur County and the progrosn mailo thus fur by the Agricultural Agent, a motion wan passed by acclamation that u local Uureau bo formed forthwith. A general discussion of projects and committeemen followed In which most of those present participated. The projects and committeemen elect ed were: Chairman, James W. Parkes; Sec retary and Crop records, D. I). Joslyn; Soil Improvement and Ir rigation, It, G. Qulgley; Livestock Improvement, A. H. Azzcuonaga; Crop Improvement, W. 8. Skinner; Post and Disease Control, deo. S. Parks, This community has already put out 'about 800 pounds of squirrel poison. Another shipment of 1000 pounds was sent to them on the 27 of March. The squirrels are a eer lous pest In that section but tho poi son is getting the best of them. At the Farm Bureau meeting tho mem bers went ot record Instructing their pest and dlseaso committeemen to work to bring tho compulsory rodent control law Into action against this pest in qjloMypnto Hie pocket gopher. (Contluuod on Last Page. ) WILL TAKE TESTIMONY HHAHIXU ON APPLICATION (II IDAHO POWHH (OMPAXV POIt IIK.'IIFIt IHHHJATIOX ItATlK IN OHKOOX TO in: iikld IX OXTAIIIO. START TESTIMONY ON APR1U8 Action of Oreton Itoily Follow i lull liiiitlnii 'Hint Idaho C.hiiiiiIm-iIo.i Will Miike Ti'ilipoiiiiy Unto lot ii.J.i I'eiiiiiiiiclil .Cute .to .He Xiiiucil Later. Following advice from tlm Itlnho UlllltloH coiiiihIbhIoii thnt II would make a temporary Irrlgntlou jiownr rnto to rover tho 11120 manon. and mnko n permanent rat" following the Inlroiliictlou of final data concerning tlm value of tho Idaho Power Com patiy'H plant, etc., tho Oregon Public Scrvlco commlHKlnu Iuih given notice Hint It will hold a hearing on tho cninpmiy'H application for Inrreancd rat oh In Oregon ut tlm City Hall In Ontario at 1:.10 p. in., April 8. Notice of thin hearing wiih given to tlm reproHcntntlvoH of irrlgiitlnn coin pan Ion In Oregon who iiko pumping plnntH and Uioho mnn In turn hnvo notified all of tho laud owncrn Inter CHted Unit they will bo ready with data to Dhow tho commlHHlon the exact Htatim of ranching roudltlntiH under pumping HyntoniH. According to tho teriim of tlm Who nHked hy tlio Idaho Power Company Urn rnto for Irrigating plnntH would rlnn In Home canes as high as RO per cont. On tho Ontnrlo-N'ymw HjHtom. for oxnmplo, tho rlne would ho ap proximately (It por rent, or from HAi per ncro to 8.00 por nrrt). It Ih tho contention of tho com pany Hint tho proHcnt Irrigation rnto wan n "development rnto," mid that It Iuih not returned any dlvldendH to tho company, nnr even paid for Iho cost of producing tho powor. main tenance, etc, Tho rotes nHked lire oHtlmnted to permit n return of 12 per cont on tho company' Invent mont, no tho powor usern declare mid they will endeavor to show that tho power usern nro not making that return on tholr Investment and labor. L L Of PARENT-TEACHERS County Wide OrgnuUiilliiii to lie I'oiiiiimI In Ouliiilo on Saturday Afternoon Meeting Cnllcil ul Three O'clock. Mm. Ilruco Heater, chuirmnn of tho Pnrent-Touolmm association of Oregon for Malheur county, has call- ed a mooting of reprwoii the various Puront-Tuiiclmr illative of teacher circles of tho county lo bo held In Ontario on Saturday. Tho meeting will bo held In tho Commercial club rooms ut tho City Hall nnd will bo convened al it o'clock. The purposo of the gather ing Ih tp form a county organization whereby there cuu bo secured more united effort for tho upbuilding of the educational system of the county. It is expected that thoro will be representatives present from all the Pnront-Teacher circles of which there uro a number In the county and thut deflnlto plans can bo made for Immediate activities. MIHH 1 1 CM PI I It IICS OF VALK WINS li:cia.MATOHV CONTKST Miss Margaret Humphries of Vale was declared by the Judgen to bo tho winner of the annual declamatory contest of the county schools. The contest was held laut Saturday even ing at the auditorium of tho High School. The other contestants were Miss Fay Foster of Nyssa and Miss Myrna Secoy of Ontario. The con test was close, and the crowd v, ns ex pectant until the decision of tho Judges was announced. Superinten dent Hammett of Vale presided ut the contest and Miss Catherine Con way of Ontario, Mrs. W. 8. ("lore of Nyssa and Miss Heed of New Ply mouth wero the Judges. Most of the nudleuco came from Vale and Nyaua to hear the upeakorn. COMMITTEE NAMED TO ii. i.. pirruitKox xami:i ukmch- Al. CHAIUMAX OF bOt'HTH Ob' JI'uV CKI.KIIHATIOX COMMIT- . TIM: HV COMMIIHCIAIi Cl.l'H IHHKCIOHS. DANCE ON PAVING SCHEDULED r If I'Iiiuh .M.illltf C.'lehiiitliPii Will MmU Coiiipti'i.i.n of Pnvlug Pro (iiiiin Al.(i Hope to Turn on CIlMcr l.luhlo nl Haiiie Time. Deflnlto Pimm wero mado Ttten day hy tho Hoard of Directors of tho Coiuuicrclnt club for tho Fourth of July (olohrntlnu launched nt tlm hint meeting of the club. For Urn purposo of getting tlm program under way, to nrrango for dofralug Urn expenses of the cele bration, got the sports progrum out lined, nnd attending to tho thousand nud ono details which nuch n celebra tion entails tho following general coiumltteo wnn appeinted: II. L. I'oten(oii, chairman; Al Chance, I). M. Pnworn, It. II. Tunny, and A. Christiansen. These men nro named chairmen of tho following Hiib'couimlttcen: Fi nance, 11. L. Peterson, whoso asso ciates are all mombers of Iho gen oral coiumltteo; sports, II. II. Tunny; program, Al Clmnco; parade, I), M. Pnworn; decorations, A, Christian nen. Turn On the LlgtitN Ono of tho ambitious plans of tlm celebration committee Is Unit It will bo able to mark tho event with tho turning on of tho cluster light fy- torn which in proposed for tho city, mid of course It In planned to have u big danco on Ontario's now pave ments by that day. Tho committee haw not been able to tako up tho progrum in detail hut In mulling over ninny lilonn which il hopes to develop so that the biggest civic celebration ever staged In the vnllcy will bo hold In Ontario this Fourth of July, TELLS ABOUT LEAGUE Arthur poMcr of Cljile, .Nouli Da- l.iiln, Hun liilcit'Mliiu hlory ol Um king of Nun I'mtlxiin League) Hpcuk tit (, inline Hull April h. .National publloulluiiM llLo too "L'Ulllltry UtilllluilltUI, LllUt-ai; Digest, ' etc., Iiutu riipnuliMii Uiu tho romance of the .Nuii-t'uiiisun Luuguu of .North Uakutu. tiui tliu Hist tlmu that ureguu loUb tutu m.u an uppuituuit) of uuuring luo tu,; llrsi uuiiit wua wliu.i Attuur 1'osiur related It ut it recent luucuuoii or tho Purlluud Pi oss Club. .Mr. j'ustur Ih u .North Daxotn fuiiuer, luiiipuirfilly living m Oivtsun. lie unit u trlend wuiu iltu omy u.o (una ei h living lit Ins uuilro towusn.p who refused to Join thu League, tie tells ul tliu munner In tvhicu ui'iiiw fell for me arguments and pioinlaoj of solicitors, how thu League cuptur ed the Itepubllcuu party and elected stuto oftlceis, u legisluturo, and eveu u Supreme Court, pledged to do tho bidding of Its leuuers, He tells ot the millions which went Into u chain or tunnels" stoies and of the ustuo lUhuienl of country uud clt news papers controlled by the League -ut Hie secret caucus which controlled tlio legislature uud of thu legislation that It pussed. Flnully he tells of the state-owned utilities which were louiidud uud the resulting iucreuse 01 taxation which wus the undoing of the Socialistic plans of this farmers orgun.Uutlon. Mr. Foster will speak ut Orange Hall oil Thursday, April 8th, uud will repeat the startling account of thu Noii-Partlsau Leuguu which he told to members of the Portluud Press Club ut their recent meeting. Horn, to Mr. und Mrs. E. L. Sud doth, iit tho Holy Itosary hospital, on Murch HO; a son. . ' ' nit. w. a. iiewi: hi:i.i.s his PHACTICi: 'IX) Hit. C. M. TVI.KII Dr. W. O. Howe, who for more than eight yearn linn practiced den tistry In Ontario nud built up it large prnctlco thin wcok Bold bin practice mid n Inrgo portion of IiIh equipment to Dr. C, M. Tyler, formorly of North Powdor, hut for tho past threo weeks at NysRn. Dr. nnd Mm. Howo expect to leave Ontario In a few days for Portlnnd nnd Willamette Valley points, mid Inter may visit CnllfMrnla. Tho change Dr. Howo In making In dun to n dcidro to nook a lower altitude for tho benefit of Mrr.. Howe's health, and In made with regret, ho said. Dr. Tylor, who comes to Ontario, via Nyssa, Just ns Dr. Howo did eight years ago, In u graduate of the North Pacific Dental college of Port- hind In (ho clans of 1D1S. Ho prac ticed his profession at North Powder for two years and went to Nyssa three weoks ugo, Dr. and Mm. Tler nro hero In Ontnrlo now look ing for a residence In which to mnko their home. TO OPEN HERE APRIL 18 Pnjeiio nnil Ontnrlo lo I'lghi for Opening Houom Oiegon Tmwm Win Tt) for 0H'tilug (luine Council ProlcMn 1eiiguc llecNIou, Munagor E. C. Prnpnt of tho On tnrlo baseball team won tho toss with Payette's mnnuger anil tho opening game of Urn Idaho-Oregon league will ho played In Ontario on April 18. At tho smuo meeting tho Vale nud Huntington teams won their loss with the Parma mid Welsnr teams respectively , so tho opening games wilt bo played In Oregon. At Iho meeting Inst Sunday In Pay otto thu mnniigern hud u stormy son hIoii, duo to tho offortn of Council nnd Cambridge to break Into the league, Nyssa, loo, linked for u plum hut when tho situation was explained to them they withdraw their applica tion. Council, represented hy a man named Morrison, furnished most nt Iho excitement for ha Ih kuld lo have become abusive, to tho direct ors, when they told him Urn basis upon which tho decision was reuched lo limit tho league to nix teams uud to koep the towns listed u close to gether us possible to reduce travel ing expenses, Later tho Cambridge roproHontntlvfl appeared and linked for a place and wus told of the dlrec' ors' policy, but the request wus en tertained, and coupled with. that of Council, put to it motion mid rejected by u fiyo lo one vote. Welser wui Iho only team voting for an eight team leuguo. Ontario 'IViim Forming Manager Propst in busily engaged lining up playern for IiIh team. He has partially completed his Infield with the exception of pitcher, mid ban plenty of talent to chase files Ir. the gurdens. Ah outlined nt present Iho locals will hnvo Mace and Chap man hohlnd Hie hat, IChle at firs', Harry Chapman at second, Jae'.t Hammond at short, Vlckery ut third Eastley, Tout. Drlscoll nnd Husted In tho field. This Is of course it tonlu tlvo lino up and may change In muiiv respects hofuro the opening pauio which will ho played st the Fair grounds. ROBBERS MAKE RICH HAUL AT GOLDEN RULE Huliaiicti Onlueil Thru Window In Hear Men's Appaiel nnil Hull Cases lo Value of -1"l Tnkeii by ThlewN. Some time Sunday night thieves secured entrance to the (loldeu llule store mid quietly helped llieuiselvt to approximately S00 worth of men's wearing oppurol, suit cases, watches mid other valuables. The men were not discriminating for the In taking shoes they gathered lit odd numbers, while In taking 'pi (phi i mrmmj i1 . -, (Continued on paga iwelvo.) COUNTY CLUB LEADER WANTSCANNINGCLUB MIHH MAZIi: WILSON, IX CHAHni: OF IIOVH' AXH OIKI.S' WOHK, HF.F.KS CO-OPKHATIOX OF I'AHUX'JH IX HF.NKFHIAL CAMPAH1X l-'CIII VOL'THH BOVS Will HAVE CAIF CLUB Work Hlnrteil In OU.r Hortloim of Omul)' AlrriuljVnlc n Tmo HeulliK C,M i;(rr Wlyj 0ntnHl, Slow In (JuiNp Po-lbllllle. To promote tho cmnpalgn for com bined educntlonnl work and thrift tho results which follow Iho Intro. tlucllon of Hoys' and OlrU' rh.i, work, Mlsn Mnxlo Wilson, cnnniv club lender, In holding meetings thin weok In Nynsn. Oregon-Slopo ami other districts of tho county. At n meeting hold Monday night at Urn Clly Hall Mlsn Wilson propon ed tlm formal Ion of a girls' sowing club and it girls' canning club for Ontario; also for tho formation of a calf and corn club for boys. Only it fow of Uioho usked lo at lond tho mooting hero woro prenent. but tho subject will not bo dropped and Ontario will bo entorod on tho lint of communities Interested In pro moting thu welfare of tlm children and advancing tho thrift movement. 11. II. Cockrum of tho Flrnt Na tional bank who wan present nt tho mooting nsiured Mlis Wilson that tho bank would co-opernlo lo pro mote tho calf nnd corn club, and assist the buys enrolled In financing tho purchnso ot pure bred stock nnd lo secure pure seed for rorn. What Onturlo needs to get lln work under way In tlm Interest of some of the parents who will advise with tlm hoys mid girls during thu summer and keep thu Interest nfoun cd. Mlsn Wilson will be In Ontario again Friday of this weok at tho Clly Hall to discuss thin matter with any who nro Interested In getting this work under way. Vale Ho)n mnl filrls Huy Two sowing clubs ut Vuln have been organized und have begun their work. Mrs. L. P. Lumpen Is loader for the Eighth (lrado Sewing Club girls who will romplelo Divisions 1 and 2 of the Sowing Course thlt year. Miss Jean Conklln, leader ot tho Seventh Orudo Sewing Club, re- (Cnullniiod on Last Pugu.) MOVING BEE STINGS LOCAL BUSINESS MEN Complexion of UtlhliiCkN DIM i let In t'uileigii Decided Climige Dm lug Nnxl Two Weeks HI ore KnniiiM Filling Up. May 1 may ha officially recognized oh "Moving Day" In most places, but the month of April will nee u general transfer of locution on the part of u number of Onturlo business firms. Tho lultlul move In tho progrum wan that made thin wook by W, L. Turner, who transferred his music store ami Insurance office from the Mnoro building where it bus been located for tho past two years, lo mi- other of Mr. Moore's buildings, that which was occupied by the Indepen dent markot until two months ugo, Thin building has been entirely reno vated uud Mr. Turner in getting bel lied In his new location already. Following this conies thu Onturlo Modern Pressury which Ih to leuve lln present locution und seek IIh new homo In the building formerly occu pied by Iho Allen Shoe company. With the removal of the Pressary room will bo mado for the location of the Wayt Implement company, which ban already occupied (he back end of (ho building which was orig inally constructed for a garage. The Wilson buildings on Oregon street between Second und Third avenues uro being mado ready for tho occupancy of tho McDowell store which takCH three of them.