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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
TUlfiONTAiUO AIMJUS ONTAIUO, OlIEUON, TUUUSUVY, MARCH 25, 1920. l-'AIIMINd 1'liANS I'AV In funning it to (ih Itnpoituut na In mix other business to Imvo n plan of operation for tlm yenr nnil tlion work to tlio pint), Hitytt tlio Columbia Kiirin UttrciiirNuw. A good plan Im to divide tlio fiirin up Into plots anil linllcato tlio uumlior of ncroH given ovor for different crop. Thun look ovor tlm mi ikot reports for tlio punt few yours nnil i;ot nil lilon of the mnnt profitable crops to grow. It In bcl'ev cd Hint tlio Miipln crop for tlm naxt two or tlireo yours Ib suro to bring hlghur prices. TOO KAIttiV I'KKDIXO IIUIITS UAItV CHICKS Don't give tlio lmliy tihlckH nuy fpert lioforo 3C or AS bourn nftt" they Imvo hutched, any tliu O. A. C. poultry nuiliniltlrs. No feml Ii nocommry at thin time linrnus tlm chicks Imvo tlio okk yolk In tlio nb doiiioii to nbsorb. It It U not nl sorhed In tlio fir it fo.v ilivn It tnny nnvor lio nt all. Ono of tlio most frcitmnt cmibph of death In Hie to 10 week old elilel: I tlio prosonru or unitliHorliml egg yolk In tlio nli Why EmvaT!flVMi!raQs u aca- jzl mm whui a ssl is Win Preference one, the name isclf, the other, that time There nre two main reasons which certifies superfine value tens tne same story. Thus reputation and performance unite in giving you all you expect l.A more. Yet Brunswicks cost no more than lihc-lype tires. Many motorists would pay more readily, but the Brunswick idea is to GIVE the utmost, rather than to GET the utmost. And this has been true since 1845. You can appreciate what Brunswick Standards mean by trying ONE Brunswick Tire. It will be a reve lation. You'll agree that you could not buy a better, regardless of price. And, like other motorists, you'll decide to have ALL Brunswicks. Then you'll know supreme satis faction from your tires longer life, minimum trouble, lower cost. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Filth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis Ontario Auto Company Standardised . Quality No matter where you buy "Red Crown," you always get the same high-quality fuel. It is made to meet the requirements of your engine. "Red Crown" Is all-re finery gasoline with the full and continuous chain of boiling points neces wry for ready starting, quick and smooth acceler ation, steady, dependable power and long mileage. Look for the "Red Crown" sign before you fill, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtlUgrsU) 5SS r? L riiMWMraaB&jasr jlt& tgtfWti V. ll-'Droohn l resovprlnr fin n slight tittnvk of Mil. Mm. II. II. Wliltimy In out as.-tn nftar nu nttndk of toiiillllls. The Tuoadny llrlilRO club trnt tli'o week Mltli Mrs. It. M. Clonifiit. Tlio V i, nan's Hub met to'i i tlio home of Mrt. Ilnrrv Co"ni'i TIip WnitllWHlny IIHiIrp rluh . tit Hid Iioiiio of Mrs. Clmt I'M-r . u Maik Law Inn spent tlie week w at tli lionin' of Dr. nml Mrs II II Whinny. TIib PsinStlon oluli met Titi'mi" cvonltiR nt the liomo of Mrs I t Vnn I'cttcn. lnrry Colo, stanogrnphw fo' tiding A t., of Pavotto. visited over Sundn" with frlomls lioro. 'I. Vnbnl Mot)i l.'tirti' I 'i .!. bomi tin ft', f ir it . v it. 11(0 horn' M' ami M'h T in '-"unn. Tlio ('. T. IT. Iinlil n mtln? Tuoadny nfternooti nt Hip liomn ot Mth. Itnmlnll Sago. Mr JH rarl v.iin hnstr-Mi. ' II. It. Hoomor or Krultlnnd ship ped ono of Ills flno llolsti'ln cnlps to Colvlllr, Washington, liy oxproas from Onlnrlo on Tuosdny. To.'. l.oRitn rnr own fnm r.. FJI turdny to iio ! t'l" "oU cM n nlf fninlly 'in-' ' n W'.ilin' -1 1 ) drove to Imi itln 't'H 1 .:,H'i) IMtor onim' iloii from i .nut Tliu. .ti i ' Ii i ' can visit, nut! f..r vIkII hl iii"i!tiin. Mr . v T ii 'i'lty, Itcv. J. O. riinnliiKliiim pnktor if IllKlilnml I'nrk DiiIkkI lVoKliylnrliin uliuroli of llolxo. wiin In Ontario Turwilny In tlm IntcrOMl of tlio Now World movoment. In tlio cvnnltiR lit ioko In tlio U. P. oliuroli to nu In toroHtud nudlunro. Tlio lioya Of tlio V. P. "Bnlilmtli Holiool Imld n liURluoaH inrotliiK In tlio cliuroli on WodnoBdnr of Inat weok to (irKiuiUt n ImsolmllMcnin nnil pliui other nthlcllc atuntx. Aflnr tli mot'tlnn tlm IndlPH aurprlKcd thoni li HorvliiK Iro rronm, rnko nml room Jim l.ydnton, mumiKor of tin Iduho Conioiil Htnvii 8llo company o.' Nunipii. pnwtnl tliru Qntr.rlo Moudn linn with i'-i on louto'fiitino frifm n lnmlnrn trip to WoUer. Mr. I.ydKtou miyji Hint tlioy Imvo (inula not tliulr IiIk plain In opomtlnn uftor tliolr roccut flro i. ml ara cnjoylns n pplondid lnuln . Mra. Itox Mnrqiiln hna boon 111 foi arvornl dnya nt tlio Mnrqula ranch wont of Ontario, na tho raMilt Mi MnrnulH linn lioau tho nook nt th ranch nml iiurHomnld. ion. Tint vliliii. toRotlior wIlu muinrlntnnd- Int t'i. plantliiK of 05 .irrtw .'f iipw lunil uiiiUr tho WHnimprliiKH hna kupt Mr. Murqula mori tlixu liii".J but ho wim nlilo to u' to town (i t.i ! i ImalnW' : !. LOST IHnok lynx nuck-pleco, In Onturlo or botwoan city and Soj mour Hota' pluco on Vnlley Vl road. PIpiiho Iqbvii nt Tlrnt Nntlonnl bnk for roward. 17-18 .MIMKXIAN IIIM.IKI' KPrKi:it iir.itr. iitin Warren Morno. fluid worker on Armonlan and Syrian rollef work In Oregon, will npoak at tlio llaptli church Frlduy ovonliiR of this week and will show Btoreoptlcon vIpvk of rnndltlona In tho Ktrlttkou land Tho IIIkIi School band will Klve n tronccrt on tho atroot nt 7 o'clock nml tho airla' IIIkIi School flleo club will bIiik at tlio moating In th church. In 18 months. 1S4 uiomborB ot fir OroBon Agrlculturnl Collugo fucultv Imvo resigned. Thla in nij advnntace of ono to onch tlireo anil ono-nnu days, noalgnntlomi nt tho Stnto University hnvo also been nunior- ou Many of Hiobo men wore K'cn- nlcal upoolallstH In branches of agri culture, whom tho state can 111 af ford to lone, an now men cannot learn tho Btate in n youi or two r iraaB I 7he Gasoline of Quality O, H. TEST, Special Agent, ONTARIO, OREG. soriK'rv i:i.i:rrs oi'i'irmts. The Women's Mlsalonary Soclut will meot with Mrs Dickson. Thnra day afternoon, April . The topic i for study and discussion will bo Korea, tho Philippines and Slam A ten minute "quia" will bo given 'from tho Magnzlnoond all membors are asked to bo prepared to take part- At tho last meeting of Hie society tho following offlcra wi-f-elected: President. Mrs. W I' Cochran; vlce president. Mrs Dick son; secretary, Mrs. H. '. Secoy; Irn.innrnr Mm. Snhnvlor Ttull Th , . ,..v -..,-. .,.- . ( nanjos or tlireo new members wen also enrolled. THE EASTER SUIT -nuvtwKWymyt?iiVf tsjg7arcr8MBByf: KIKnTf 1 I Of'First Importance is the Easter Suit! 'I lifMiiue n tin hivnriMl nmti'r nl, nllliotih mciis ,imu' Stirirc, J.-r-is srid Vt'lmir !i,c silso uood. Wo Imvo insmy s..rl unifl mixloistloly )iift'(l: 27.50 3450 47.50 to 72. 50 mJ l IB LA tai'i'" Short Coats Camels Haii Polo Cloth Velour Tweed $19.50 $22.50 ' to $59.50 Longer Coats Silvertonc Serge Tricotine Gabardine $19.50 $24,50 $34.50 to $72.50 and the SPRING FROCKS f . M W M . .. ..--.... -.--.-- . ....,.., , -..w. w...-..w.w. Novor wero slylos moro olianuiii";. Tall'ola prcMloniinatort, of course, l)ut wo urn also howiuu,' smno o.'(M)tional modols in Printed Georgette, Crepe Meteor Plain Georgette All sizes 16 to 48 $19.50 $27.50 .$34.50 to $59.50 Maximum Value in Silk Petticoats Jersey lop, silk lloimco, jill tallota, plain and fancy $6.75 t;o $14.50 Tlitf now cotton tall'ola petticoats at. $4.50 i m frrrrH, SpB RADER S ONTARIO OREGON