r TUKONTAMO A Ml US ONTAKIO, OREGON, TIIUWSDAY, MABCH 25, 1920. o c hec: d cnonnic HOE m AT THE OSBORN MILLINERY Easier is the Fourth of Apr'l. You will want a now hat by 'then. Wo Inve a hat for every head. We carry a eompioto ine of lot Select Waists Osborn Millinery ONTARIO, OREGON aocD ffr ' The Patch Pocket model and One Button Sack we bccellent for hair ncjs during the tcarm weather. A. E. ANDERSON & CO. SCrTAIIPIUNG YOU MEED CHICAGO THE PANTORIUM, G. C. RUSSELL, PROP. .,,,., Local Kcptcunttuve U TREBI ?? BARLEY Recommended by X Farming Experts CASH GRAIN CO. ' Phone lbGR ONTARIO, '- OREGON LOCAL AND PERSONAL. I-' C ' . nl'eltp'i i. nde i imHpiuh tt lit l l.'miiictt on Monday. Arthur Cockrum Is homo from O. A. ('. for tlto Hprlur; vncnllou. Sir. Don 1'lntt of Wilder mini) lo Ontario yesterday for n nliurt visit. Dr. J. J Sard: In of Njbwi wif nu Ontario visitor on Wlnesd(U of ili' week. The Women' club will nwt at th lionio of Mr. 18. C. Vnnl'nUon ok Thursday, April 1. W. H linmke In wretlli.i, vl'n mi ittlueli of I lie flu at his rnvt I.kim poutliuj-i of town. Mr W. II. Snliiirlr of Mm !'. Idnlio. win tlic weak end gu-vi of Mr. mid Mr F I'. Ityuii. IitlM' iVlt'Kin of Ilftvot'pnri mid B) o'.one, Wesliluqln'i. I li ''ntfi'ln IhN week 'ooklntf niter loeul nu r- I'HlH MIh Cecil Logan nnlvcd In On tario till week from 0. A. ('. for u vIhII with Iter parent, Mr. nml Mr. Tom t.ognn. during the vprluc vaca tion. Mi nnd MrH. P. .1. OnlliigliT mov d v. ivcok Iroiu tlmlr re-Mcnco on First Htreot, N. W., to tlio 0 lover houso In Villa Park, which tliey pur clinsod recently. v A. I. prniilo ciiino iIomi from Vnlo for Cio week end to loel: ntlr file loeul merest. Mr. Sprnuln ex pect to occupy tho new lion vl It'll lio nnd Mrc Hprouln recently pur chased from Chnrle Albert n on South Flr-t ulreet POTATO TRERTHENT BEST WHEN IN DORMANT STAGE Four Ounces Co'ioslxe Sublimate to itll (billons AVntcr t(l I)it)s Itefore Plant Iiir Iteromtiii'iiileil. Oregon Agrlcuttt::r.l College, Cor vallls, March 2:1. Potato need flliould ho troated with rorros. e sub llmnti) 10 day or two weak liofore pluntliiK, whllo Htlll. ilormnnt, tic cordliiR to M. I). MeKtr, uioclate plant pathologist mid potnio spvlal- iHt. Use four ounce of cotroMve r.uli llmato crystnls or pn.'iler to every :I0 gallon of witter. Dissolve In nliottt n gallon of hot water In glnss or a wooden vowel before dilution. Till in n It ex a nun to 1000 solution. line doorcases It strength, to cor rect which mid one. half ounce, of I chemical for ovrrv four bushels of 'potatoes treated fur two hour. If a HCXtSIXO AflKXTH NAM Kit i'OU SPOHTHMKX'S PKIt.MITH For the convenleuco of sportsmen who denim to hunt and fish In Ore gon thu following licensing ngentH havo been appointed from whom the llcons1 necessary may ho secured D. M. TnRRnrt, Ontario; S. I). Oosli ort, Nyssn; Qoo, II. Hodflsh, Mal hour; J. i:. Holly, 111k Hend; J. M. Atlillngton, HroRnn; Lawrence l.nm borsou, Westfall; It. C Kims, Iron sldo; Dan OallaRher, Juntuni; K. N. Stldd, McDermltt; Dan MePhorson. Hlvorsldo; Harry LoonoyT Jordan Vnlloy; and A. M. Moody, reunt: clerk at Vale. . . i I KAIHMOHi: piVtitiox kocxh iNFi:cnvn xkw oxu st.uti:i WOMEN OF OREGON-SLOPE CLUB ENIERTAIN HUSBANDS HI. I'nlilckV Dii) rriittite Tlii'iiii of I'm t) Men DUpliiy Ability n Milliner'. Kpiln Wmk Htnrt- mI Other Xi'hh IteniK, Have Your Butter Wraps Printed Here To fill the hour nnd loavo no ernvlro for ropentnnco or up prnvttl that I hupplnc Kmerson "Thorn wn a kniinil of rovelery l.j nlRht" nt tho I'urk School Iioiim l'rldny uvenliiR whnre the ladles of the l'aik Improvouiout elub Rne their Btiuunl Huilmtul Itereptlon The bulldlnt? v,n flllrd 'Ith about one hundred fair women nnd brave men who partook of tlio pleni-urr i 1 tho ovenltiR. Decorations and pro Kiams woro In honor of St Patrick ml iiurh redlt I duo tho com i 'iinltlo who hud thU In cliarRO Vocal HolectloiiH wero Rlvon by Mr1 K'niHt. Mr. ItttlK nnd Mis Olntt nnd liiNiriimontnl number by Mr I'relthnupt uml Mr. Oir Wilkin l.lttl Mitritniet Hiid ICntheilno Hlmpnon wore Irish fitrlns. nnd lt tiiiK unilor n larRO toadstool Rrnntod the wlslio of nil who looked Into .!,o ' I.Uli Wishing VU '. Mr Hoy 'urroll won the prlio In tho hat trlmiuliiK oon lest nnd with Mch. Tom lleslop led tho Rrnnd march In whMi , i. ,ii .-.. t lie lint tilmmcd by tlmlr partners. Ampin refreshments worn served at mldnlRht. AmonR outside vis itor woro Mr. and Mr. Oeo K Aiken nnd Mr. and Mr. I.. R Ilrolt hntipt of Ontario. With ovorythlnR nbout Hpoaklne of sprlnrr tho farmer of tho Slopo nro beRlniiliiB work In real oarnost Tho preparation nnd cultjatlon of nlfal fa land sooms to bn tho foromost undertakliiR. The Oregon Slopo Irrigation Co I repairing and building concrete ditch gates, tho work being under tho direction of Harloy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Rnrl Christian of Pnyotto wore Sunday guosts at the Mello homo. Tlio last of n scries of community nntortalnmonts wu hold at tho Jef forson school Frldny ovonlng In tho form of a "hurd times" and 8t Pat ricks program. Qamos and contests mndo merry tho occasion. All vot ed tho commltteo to bo entertainers Mis Oono narttiho nnd llono Tomlln playod baskotball with tho Payette High School against the Welser High at Wclser Saturduy ovonlng. P M IJoals and J. h. nrown nt tondod n business meeting with the Idaho Powor users Friday nt On tario. Mrs. Coats, who has had a long and sovere attack of tho Flu Is now ahto to bo out again. Mr and Mrs. J. I. Apnow of Her mlnston Oregon arrived tho "alter part of tho week from an extended visit with their dauRhtor Mrs T Hoalup. they will mnkn a tour of the oast before returning to their homo M. D. Clotigh nnd wife from Court land Nebraska are now oecupylnp tho J. h. nrown ranoh which. tie purchased recently. shorter treatment I used, rcdtico tho nninuut of chemical used proportion ately. Dry tho tuber Immediately after trontment. Piling them up wet lend to In Jin y. Kxposuro of tho pntntoes to thu hot sun produce blnck heart. Disinfect tho sack with corrosive Mihtlmnto or formnldehyilo nnd dry before rcsnekliiR. Corrosive mibllninto Is better than formnldnhydo, ns It destroy the hpore of two disease, scab nnd rhlitnctonln. IlhlroctonJn I n luiiReoti disease nnd one of the most serious tuber trouble. A three of four oynr crop rotation I necessary for tho control of scab nnd rhlzoctonln, ns the organism Is nlwny present In tho soil to some extent. In the mnttcr of hearing on the petition of tho landowner to the enst of tho city who havo been secur ing water from tho Wilson ditch for sovernl yonrs. and who decided some Unto iiro to form nu Independent dis trict, Judge E. . Test ruled Mondnv that tho petition as presented to the court wn Insufficient, In view of tho fact Hint somo of the signatures at tached were thoso of persons holding community property. Tho men Interested In formntlon of tho district havj started a new potltlon to correct the defect In tho one ruled upon" by the court. PVtt" MENACES WATER SUPPLY Irrigation Users t'rged to Convene Stornge Witter to (ItenteM Potnlhln J:tc;il. FOR BAI.B Two Reed milch cows ono Jersey nnd one llolsteln Leonard Olllespln, .1-4 mile west of Fair grounds. lfi-nt FOt'llTKKXTH HUHPHlHi: P.UITV I'on i:. m. ohi:kj scccichsitii For ftnirteon year n group of friend of K. M. OrclR hnvo stnRged n birthday urprlso party for him, end every year hnvo mndo tho annual visit n renl Biirprlso. When they gnthcrcd nt bin home Inst Saturday evening they brought n plcnfc din ner with them, following which Five Hundred was played. Thoso who at tended the fourteenth renewal of tho surprise wero; Messrs. and Mo dntnes I., Adam, C It. Kinlsnn, Frank Itndor, A 1., Cockrum, K, C Vim Petten, J I) Illlllngsley nnd John. Wood. COHVAU,I8. March 24. A Bhort ago of 14.83 Inches of iitlnfnll from October 1 to March 1, Inst, over tlm normal for the Inst third of u cen tury, In reported by tho ngilctilturnl college Irrigation department. Thlt Is nn Index of conditions nil over the Pacific Northwest, say T. A. II. Tooter, IrrlRatlon eiiRlncer, who warns users to mnko tho best possi ble uso of storng waters against tt possible shortngo next summer. Most of the shortngo enmo In Jan uary nnd February of this year. It totalc 10.Cn Inches bolow normal. Precipitation for Fobrunry was 0111)' .12 Inch ngnlnst the normal of CliD Inches. "llnlnfnll In these month nffects tho summer flow of streams much more than that of the earlier month which largely Roe Into tho Rrounil to mnko up tho dry season deficit," nx plains Professor Teeter. "Snowfall In tho mounlnlii I fnr Rhort of normal. Mountain pause like the McKonxlo ordinarily uow bouiul till July 1, nro now open to automobile traffic. Mary's Peak) which Ronernlly carries n cloak of now well Into Juno, I entirely bnrc." IrrlRatlon manager nro urged to stop nil leaks In canals and see Hint measuring devices nro In perfect working order. A water becomes scarcer It will bo more valuable. IrrlRatlon farmer aro advised to plan flold Irrigation to nvold nil waste and to supplement Irrigation with cultivation. They should Ug pntlcnt If I ho supply run low. Powor plnnt manager mny expect to resort to steam nttxlllnrlo morn thnn ormnl, and mny look to their fuel supply. AUCTION SALE HAVING SOLD OUR RANCH PROPERTY AND BEING READY TO MOVE WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE ALL OUR FARM EQUIPMENT, STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS TO THE .HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDfiR FOR CASH OR TERMS AS STATED BELOW MONDAY, MARCH 29TH AtOUR RANOH ON THE BOULEVARD, G MILES SOUTH of ONTARIO THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF THE OFFERINGS: . 11 HEAD HORSES AND MOLES 1 Bav iMare, (J this .spring, wt. ahnut 11100. 3 drav 0. elding, J) this spring, wt. about i:U)0. 1 Uav Gelding, 10 this spring, wl. about mOO. 1 Gray Gelding, 10 this spring, wt. about 1250. 1 Black Gelding, 10 this spring, wi. about 1250. 1 Sorrel Mare, 12 this spring, wt. about 1200. 1 Black Mule, 0 years old, wt llf0. 1 Brown Mule, ) years old, wt. lOiO. 1 Bay Marc Colt, 2 years old in .lime. 1 Bay Mare Colt, 1 year old in May. 1 Bay Horse, 1 year old in April. 30 Head of Pack Horses and Mules. 12 HEAD OF OATTLE Consisting of one black cow, seven years old, fresh about Moh. 2; bred again. 1 Bed Cow, 8 years old, milking about three mouths. 2 Bed Cows, 0 yrs. old, fresh in April Bed IToifer, 2 years old, fresh in April. 1 Bed Cow, years old, fresh about two months. 1 Red Cow, G years old, milking now, fresh in June. Five Calves, 4 Heifers, 1 Slcer. 43 HOGS Q Brood Sows, to farrow in April, 2 Brood Sows to Farrow in May. H J Head of Fafl Shotes. 1 Stag. SHEEP 20 Head of Baneh Ewes, fine wool, with lambs. MACHINERY 1 Studebaker Wagon and Grain Box with scat. 1 Low Steel Wheeled Wagon, with Hay Back, and one May Back alone. 1 Spring Tooth Harrow. 1 Oorrugator complete with press wheels. 1 Booring Hay Bake. ( 1 Bcoring ami 1 McCorniiek Mower. 1 Two Section Harrow. 1 Disc Harrow. 1 Grain Brill, with alfalfa seeder. 3 Big Four Feed Grinder. 1 Two-Horse Cultivator. 3 Two-Horse "Cultivator. 2 Fourteen-Iuch Walking Plows. 3 Soven-Shovel One-horse Cultivator 1 Single- Shovel Blow,, two shovels and wings. 1 Junior Planter. 3 Fanning Mill 3 Grindstone, Floats and .Joiners for leveling land. 3 V Bitch Cleaner. 3 Four Horse Fresno. 1 Slip. A Number 12 BeLaval Separator, nearly now. About lOO.Applo Posts, a lot of Pop lar Poles for wood. Shovels, Forks, Axes, Saws and Tools of all kinds. MISCELLANEOUS About f) dozen Chickens. 15 Hives yf Bees. About H00 bushels of Seed Barley. A Fine Lot of Fnrly Yellow Dent Seed Corn. ' About 1000 bushels of Idaho Bural Seed Potatoes. About 20 Sacks of Cooking Potatoes. Rome Alfalfa Reed and about Ifi tons of First Cutting Hay. And other articles too numerous to mention. 1 TERMS OF SALE: Under $50 cash over that amount, bankable note at 10 per cent, 2 per cent discount for cash. C. F. and I. E. DUPRE, Owners MOH MII.I.KIt, Auctioneer A. I.. COCKIU'M, Cleik