The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 25, 1920, Image 4

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TheOntarij Argus
n. K. AIKHN, Edllot nml I'libllwhwr
Published TliurHilnyM at Ontario,
Oregon, and ontorod at tno uiiturio
poBt offlco for dlBtrllnitloii ns 2nd
clnns mnttor.
Now Hint tlio nssessor H catling cm
tlio citizens of tlio county many nro
thinking of wlint tholr property In
worth. Yot It In dolmtnhto If tunny
bollnvo tholr property of greater
vnluo todny thnn It was, wiy, five
yenrB ago.
TIiIb Ih nppnront hy reviewing tlio
totnt vnlunllnns In tlio county during
.1... . . ...... .......... t. mm Mnl.
lliu iisi lw Uii. ill .i ..,..-
hour county'H totnl nsswwcd vnluo of
property wnB hut J12,808,COO.-ir,
whllo Hint of 1020 Ih $ 13.70D.7IH.2B,
or mi Incronso of npproxlmntoly 8
pur cunt.
For tho City .of Ontnrlo tlio vnluo
In 101!) was $782, 2(iri.02 whllo for
1020 It U $808,002.01, nn Incronso
of $20,000. Hut strange to Hiiy, Hip
vnluo of tho property wltliln the con
flnoA of Hchool District No, 8, of
which tho city In n larger portion,
tho vnluo hnvo decreased from
1,!I71,007.6D to $1,334,007.23 or n
nnt donroaso of 34,000 . TIiiik tnkon
with tho Incronite In city property,
thoro Ih n totnl docroase In tho vnluo
of property oiitHldo of Ontnrlo of up
proximately $00,000 In tnxnhlo vnluo
oh shown hy tho nwiOBBor'B state
moiit. Without knowing tho theory upon
whloh tho assessor arrived nt theiw
figure It In hnrd to inuko rommBiit
of tho fart dlBcloBCd; yot It Ib Imrd
to uinlorBtnnd how HiIh could hnvo
hiilipniiod whllo property of nil kind
wrn rising In wilo vnluo.
Tho ArgiiH cnllH nttenllon to thlB
fuc). not hecmiBO of any doslro to
u rim ii radical rlso In vnlimtloiiB, hut
for tho purpoBii of pointing to the
tho dniiger to Ontnrlo'H bcIiooIb If
minh ii policy Ib to continue.
Mouuy miiBt ho raised to Biipport the
schools. Wo can not huvo bcIiooIb
that nro too good for our children,
and grnutlng Hint to ho tho cane, wo
miiBt pny for their education In
tnxoB. If tho valuation In tho bcIiooI
dlHtrlet Ih to continue to docrenHO
then tho lovy nuiHt ronllnuo to lu
uriHe hy leaps and houuilB, and that
Ih n condition Hint hpoIIh trouhlo ul
timately. ' JiiHt what tho romody for HiIh sit
uation Ih Tho ArgiiH dorm not pro
tend' with tho limited Information nt
hand, to Bay, hut IicIIuvom that tho
allium liitoroBtod In tho mainten
ance of tho offlclneoy of tho bcIiooIb.
In tho ability of tho city government
to contliiuo to ho efficient hIioiiIiI
glvo HiIh matter careful Btudy and
oomplotntlint, wave for1 tho Succor
creek road, thin county Ih well taken
enro of.
And bo fnr ns tho Succor creok
road Ib concerned, thoro Ih Just ono
way of forevor barring that roid
from tho map nml preventing ll
coiiBtructlon, nnd Hint Ib hy fnlllur
to vote for HiIh IncrefiBo for rood
purpose. Kvcry friend of nmd de
velopment, every man who wnntB to
nee Knstorn Oregon secure Justice nt
tho hands of Hi Highway eoiiinils
bIoii. Bliould get out and not onlj
veto, but work for tho pannage of
HiIb measure.
vni4iti-: wiiiij tmhv no?
There nro nearly 100 BtudentB nt
tho Univorslty of Oregon nnd O. A. ('
from Mnlhcur county. While theno
liiBtltuiloiiB aro located In Western
Oregon thoy nro attended hy hoiim
and daughters of Knstorn Oregon on
oxncjly tho Bamo tcrniH an tboso of
tho Wlllamotto valloy. Thoy are
Htato Institutions, nnd Hliould ho
Bupportod hy tho entire slate.
And they Hliould ho supported
properly, not nlggnrdly. At present
Hioy nro not being supported hy tho
Htflto la tho manner that bespoak
tlio progressive Hplrlt, or the fair-
mlndednoBH of tho people of Oregon
Knch of thuxo ItiBtltutloiiB wnB
built nnd Its plan of finance eonrelv
od on a Bcnlo flow outgrown. In
Blond of being prepared to core for
001 In attendance when tho original
niiilago tax wtir. pained, the fit mo
ln vorHlty Iiiih now 174f HtudontB nt
O. A. ('. Winn the mlllage lx wiih
ImIkoiI thoro vvoro 1304 students,
now thoro nre 'JJTt itudonts there
In other words whllo tho mlllnge
lax. thru liiarousod vtiluntlont in tin
bi i) r hnvo Inceimitt tho rosourco-i )f
the Stnto Unlvcnl'y by 3.8 per com
the attendnnco, ut tlio Unlvrlty ha
Iiici eased 1C! per lent, foi ilw ). A
O tlio rolntlvo lm lessu m 3 3 r
cunt to H8 1M.1 -.ont.
What doe thin inmin? It imoxh
Tho power of your auto on
glno comofl from tho cylinders
nnd this Ih tho Only Shop In
Mnlliour county that Iiiih ii
This permits us to do this no
curato machluo work to n
hnlr, mid do It quickly,
Now Ib tho tlino to hnvo your
engine ovorhnulod.
mauwi.vh maciiixi: kiioi
Oucarlo, Oregon
that these l'ii"iiittons hav cut
frown tholr ".mipmont, ilnsr ttt
iluiitH nre not reviving the U'ud if
ca and luHinctln:' to v ih the
nro entitled, Hint fnuultle are In ,n
depleted of tholr best members, ihn'
a stop will hnvo. to be nm'i" mi i
colvlng now HtudentH. Tint' Is .'.'
It moans, nnd tho next thln.r for r
voter to nsk himself or lier-fi. i
"Whore will these boyH nml g !
Whore will Hie Ihousnnds of bo s
nnd glrU who will-graduate from t!i
High ScIiooIh of Oregon this June
and doslro n higher education go
this fall? Or nuxt fall, or the fall
after that, unloss Orogonlans awaken
to tho danger and provldo for the
growth nnd development of those Ii.
Multnnmnh County ronton n Grange
nl n recent nil-day Hesslon, not onl
ondorsod tho rollef hill for higher
education In Oregon, hut requested
Its nlno Bubordlnato Oranges to go
nut In tholr communities nnd wo I;
for tho bill. Tho Oregon Dairy
Council has also strongly endorsed
the hill, which Is to ho voted upon
May 21, nnd which provides 1 20
mills to protect the work of tho Agri
cultural College, tho Stnto UnlversMv
nnd tho Normal Hchool.
The iiho of verbs manufactured out
of nouns Ih satirized In tho Htory of
tho city boy who wrote to his lirotl,.-.
on tho fnrm. "Thursday wo nutood
out to tho Country Club, where wc
golfed until dark. Then wo trolloyed
hack to town and danced till dawn.
Then wo motored to the beach nnd
I'rldnyod there." Tho brother on the
farm wrote back: "Yesterday wo
btigglod to town nnd hosohallod all
aftomooil. Then we wont to Nod'
nnd pr.kored till morning. Today we
muled out to tho corn field and gee
flawed till turndown. Then wo slip
pered and thon wo plpod for a while
After that wo staircased up to our
room and hedstendod until the clock
flved. Kdw. II. llughOB In The
Tho Agricultural Collogo and the
Stnto University will have to closo
tholr doom to at least 1000 students,
and perhaps to twice that mimhor,
unless 'relief Is voted In tho May
election. Itoth Institutions aro In
groat need of classrooms nnd lahorr.
You Are Not
Perhaps you don't euro
for pfther tho extreme
pointed Knliah toe or
the hitf lirnnd Kivak
Yot you want a shite
that people will call
smart that will really
"dress up" your feet.
You're thinking of our
new London Last. It's
a Nunn-Hush Superfine
creation for men like
It's illustrated ahove
fairly straight with a
neatly rounded too
plenty of foot room
everywhere. Tt's solid
1 c at li e r throughout,
stitched with silk and
linen thread and will
hold its shape until
worn out.
Tho price is $10 to
$15.50, very modorato
you will say.
That are Different
No. JMiT) N,,. Mllfi 1
IT MAN heel oxfords are the style lenders
mining low shoes for women this spring.
For individual style her are no oxfords
more sitiialilo for women who desire footwear
than those made hy Vy. & Dunn Co.
The models which are illustrated ahovtynrc
oxfords intended for.every dny wonr. They give
the loot thai neat, trim siylish look which good
taste and fashion demand. This feature continu
ed wilh the filling, comfort-giving and wearing
qualities makes these shoes the choice of women
who want the host.
And you don't have to Mireak them in."
They are coniforlahlc from I he start.
Sizes 3 to 8
AAA to I) .
The Argus is Prepared to Do Your Printing.
tiih .urro ucijnsi: wn,i, cav
One of tho greatest inUeonwip
lions regarding tho propomtd eluiuxo
In tho limit of InduhtodnoMi to pro
vldo for additional bonds for which
to complete tho Stnto road program.
Ih the Btatomunt that Is made that
this will IncriHiKO laxou. This Is not
The fact Is,4 that tho lueronso In
auto lIcoiiBos, of which ovoryono who
owns a ear Ih iiwaro, will pay for
tlirno bonds, luterost and all.
No ono living In Knstern Oregon,
who Ih loyal to this suction of thu
Mtato, who wants to nee this section
develop will voto against permitting
HiIh Increase In Indebtedness, when
tho n'utolst Ih to pay the bill. Why
uliould n n yon ii voto against this
iiiQUBiira? Ask that quostlon your
self bBforo you vote. And ask this
ono, too. Shall road building by Hip
Stato Highway commission In Kast
hiii Oregon stop?
If the peoplo of Oregon reject the
proposed lucronso at tho Ma elec
tion, tho road program will stop just
whore It In. Tho John Day Illghwnv
will be uncomplotod; tho Old Oregon
Trnll will end at Ladrando. there
will be nothing douo on tho Central
Oregon Highway, and In fact. Mal
heur, (Irani, Harney, linker. Lake
and other counties In tills section
will, practlonlly speaking, Imvo had
no benefit from tho funds already ex
pended for good roads by the com
mission. Ifcuturn Orogoulnns should bo ad
vised that thorn Is some opposition
to this bill, in Wtwtorn Oregon,
whoro. hy reason of tholr gronter
population, closouuss to thu Stnto
Capltql and to Cortland, tho metrop
olis of tho stnto, tho toad program
logically reached nonror to comple
tion than It has In this remote sec
tion. ,
There Is no uso complaining about
this fast; It Is ono of tho penalties
wo mujt pay for our goographlc con
dition, and tho only way that handi
cap can bo. ovorcomo Is to voto to
glvo the. Highway commission power
To comploto its program, which Ih bo
40 Acres in Hay
Plenty of Water
Buildings and Kanoh in Kinc Condition
and alouo worth $!()()(). see.
4't Miles West of Ontario, Oregon.
"0ur billies
This bank is an ally of the fanner, stoek
Igrower and merchant, bound together by
an unwritten law for the advancement
of private interests and the develop
ment of Ontario nnd vicinity. You can
join this league by becoming a depositor
of this Rank.
Ontario National Bank
Oldest Rank in Grant, Harney and
Malheur Counties
1 Starts The Day Right
A cup of Folger's Golden Gate
II A brisk walk
III , What jazz!
Ijl I - --r 4. 0 ' f I I III
Work is play
Folger's Golden Gate is good coffee. ' v
Different in taste from. other coffee and better.
When You
(m NoMhe fragrance
IOFFggl fc: