The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 25, 1920, Image 12

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M I-
r.r m
hkductiox i. iTH
(Continued From Pngol)
Hint actuate the Vnlo paper.
Tim nmtler linn reached a point
whore It In ridiculous. Tin- poopl
nru getting tired of roiiillnn Hi.
vnporlnga of llio inttckrnkor, wticaw
sinister motlvo Ih ho apparent, but In
JiikMco to the men attacked in
Argus Ik reciting tliu following r m
corning Home of tlie attempts Of th
Knterprlso to collect funds from th
County Court unit tlio rcsultB It m
cured. Those show tlio rntiso ot tti
enmity of Hie Vnlo pnpnr, tlio poopl
enu Judge for themselves:
Phillip lllll Hojoctoil
In llii' February. 1!)10, term tti
Enterprise prosonted cIutniR totnllnr
$214 tin, wlilrh Included nil Item or
$20.00 for pictures and cutn. Ttif
Court ellmlniited this Item, ns not
legitimate clnlm, allowing tlio bat
mice of $188. !)!, thus saving thr
luxpn)ora $SC.09.
At (lie Juno session tlio Enterprla,
elnlnm totliled 10n.00. It flRitrrrt
ItH legal lint Ire nt 10 rcutH when tin
law passed prior to tlmt thnn mad(
tlio price HO cents per Inrli. Tin
County Court followed tlio law, re
(lured the hill nccordlngly and al
lowed $1)8.20,
In July tho Enterprise claim total
. ,i.iV. ,. i, ami ii cnargo.i mo ron
ty straight fi cents tier linn for Its
leKnl notices and again tho Court ap
piled the leital rule of :I0 cents per
Inch nnd reduced ono Item from
$71.21 to $:i7.r0 or nlmnst cut It In
I wo,
Tho Knlerprlso In October pran
ed two claims, ono for $ which
was reduced to $100. IK and nnollinr
which win cut from $47. So to
$.13.80, all for reason similar to
thoan which opernted above.
Now It Is mlKhty strange fur a
firm to constantly have Its bills re-1
iluced and yet never make n "kick"
about It. Yet that Is what the Kn
lerprlso has done, says Judito K. H
Is this not nu ndmlsslnii on the
part of the Knlerprlso that It hus:
been guilty of overcharging the
C ity? Is It tint sufficient to hull-1
enle tho motlvo Hint actuate the
Enterprise In lis nttneka upon the
Judge and Court?
Any nun can pick flnws In thi
work of any nrKixilztit Ion or any
body of public officials, but the per
son that picks them should, like the
litigants In Court, bn compelled lo
come before tho public with clean
hands Can tho Knlerprlso, In tho
llllht of conditions as presented, In
view of tho record It has innil". do
"THE (JAV (11,11 DO(."
Pnlho Xi'Hi.
.MAIIIK llOltd
Ailtl'lltllii' Heeulr
Vi:iISl., .MAIJCII ill
Hornet him: ii'uv in u,o
Xathe Music Tlekela ko en
aale nt Ontario IMmrniacy
Suturdny. Marcii !7lh
I'opiilni' I'iJivh
U'11,1, l!X!llts
Clulstle Ciimedy
I'ltlDAY, Al'llll, 2XI
llaiohl l,hi.d Comedy
SXTl'IIMAV, Al'ltll, illllt
Hull Ituoiii Itojs Conieily
SoniethliiK IllB Ih CoiiiIiik
iinltli'c Hecuios .Mole Tlmn WW)
i Pincliiou Equipment nod I'm
GioiiniN In Older fur
ntnrlo Ih propnred to proceed
it I i preparations for a hiiHeliull tcitiu
o opruont tlio city In tho Oregon-
lilt to league. The fuiidH necessary
for tho equipment mid to put tho
rro mils In condition wera Hecured
a Friday nnd Saturday by com
nli ue consisting of lloss Jenkins, E.
p. Piopst. I.nruo Ulncknhy, C. F.
oi and Goo. K. Aiken.
Ihc business men railed upon were
l,nroiis In their flminclnl contrlbu-
Hoi ft mid from the outset the project
an mi nssureil success. In all moro
ha-i $000 wnK subscribed within a
e hours, unit tlio commlttea Mill
mi a nil m her of generous cltlcus to
tm- before completing tho rounds of
he business district and offices of
professional men.
I'fir llui tmntmrnri' nri?nnlzntloii
Ijmln i.lpllI11.. W11M milnpii ,,,. usurer
,, cn wnH ,,,,, f()r H,0I1K
of rtttliHcrllmrn to selert n malinger
mm complete organization work.
Tills hnri not been donn but will bu
liufnro Sunday mo that the miinnKer
can nttend a meeting of tlio club
bends to bn held nl Payette Sunday
to arrnttKO fur the schedule of games,
It In proposed to have a schedule of
SO names, Including some double
linadors to be played during April.
May. Juno and July.
Icirv willchlkiihati:
(Continued from pngo 1)
Ulncknhy concornltiK tho need of the
tJAwfrlcnn I.eKlon for nu American
flHK and n Legion IIiik for public oe
cations tho club donaled $:t0 to he
used for the purchase of these.
II II. Tunny presented tho report
of tho committee on Irrigation and
told of the difficulties encountered
which luivo caused delay In securing
u iioflultn program. Ho declared
hots over that sufficient program hnd
Iimmi in a do to assure sufficient water
for Hid coming year, and was In-
sttieted to proceed to hire the m h-
Htr help to get thn iIIcIih In order
so that water can bo delivered to the
law ' a nnd Hardens of tho city.
Hcretary Uody presented n Hum
bar of reports and communications
win It worn rofored to committees,
nnd thn club determined to establish
a pormanont committee on legisla
tion mid ono on Industrie. Thn Inter
committee was Immediately given
tho Job of endeavoring to reined)
thu present deplorable lack of track
ago In Ontario The monthly report
of tho treasurer showed that the
club hail $1800 on hand nnd that the
monthly dues were paying Its runnlne
cor.vTY en'ii i,imhi-:ii
(Continued from Page I)
will Imvo their pig, calf, poultry, gar
den, corn and potato clubs.
Organ lutlon WoiU llegiin
"Six t920 Hoys nnd Olrls' clubs
have boon organized and have begun
work. These clul.s nro a Sewing
club nt Arcndlii, led by Mrs. W. J
ItobertHj a Sewing club nt the Park
school, led by MIsh Smith; a Sowing
club nt Suiid Hollow, led by Mrs
Hubert Crummltt; a Sowing club nt
Vnlo, led by MIsh Jean Conklln; a
Poultry club In tho Lincoln school,
led by Mlna Oonovlevo Mnyborry; nnd
the Ilrognn Industrial club, led by
Mrs, W II Katon.
Otlior clubs will bo organised
soon uder tho Farm Ilurouu plan,
mid Hovh' and Olrls' Club Work will
soon have ItH place, In the working
scheme of that organization.
Vnlo lo Orguule Club'.,
"A committee, meeting of repre
sontatlvo citizens will bo held nt tho
Chamber of Commerce) rooms In Vulo
Thursday evening to discuss projects
practical nnd deslrablo for Vulo boy
and girl club moinborH to undertake
In 1920 as n part of tho Farm Ilurenu
W. C Chlldora of Orant City. Mis
souri. Ih in Ontario on a visit with
his brothor-ln-lnw, Dr. W. J. WeoM
Otto lllttckaby of Homedalo wns
tho guest of Ida father, J. It. Pluck-
aby on Sunday.
Mr nud Mrs. A J. Glover, who
have lived In Ontario for sovernl
years, shipped their household goods
to llolso on Monday and left on Tues
day for tho Idaho capital where they
will make their future home. Mr.
Glover has associated himself with
his father-in-law In u retail grocory
Honoring Mrs. T. O. llowscr who
leaves roou for IluruB, the members
of tho .Methodist t.ndlcs nld srclety
tendered her n reception nt the home
of Mrs. I). U. Hunter, Wednesday
nftomoon. In appreciation of her
work In the church and society they
presented her with a. beautiful silver
spoon. Mrs. V. I.. I.uscomhe innde
tho presentation. Itefreshmeuts
were served to the 2fi women pre
(Continued From Pngo 1)
favored such n course they did not
desire to make a positive decision In
tho matter without consulting the
members at Nyssa, Owyhee, King
man Kolony, Dead Ox Flat, White
Settlement, Lincoln and Valloy Vlow
A resolution was passed favoring the
movement providing It received the
approval of tho people of these iIIh
trlcts. J, McCulloch was chairman
Sundny night, F. Leslie llody was
secretnry and tho others present
were: Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Iloyor,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Irwin Troxell, Dr. II. II.
Whitney, Mrn. K. M. Clrelg, Mm. 8
I). Dormnn and Ueo, K. Aiken.
xi:v .M,x.(ii:u takiw
( Continued from page ouo )
ces for thu llolso district, which
comprises southwestern Idaho. Pre
viously for five nnd one-hulf -years he
was manager of the Nnmpa exchange
and before that nt tho Pocatollo of
fice, llu has been ten yearn with the
Mountain States Telephone & Tele
graph company In various capacities.
While In Nnmpa he wiih also secre
tary of tho Commercial club for two
"I luivo been In Ontario but a few
days but I have hud ocaslon to visit
Nyssn undVale and to tnko u general
vlow of thu territory tributary to the
city," said Mr. I.akneHS In giving his
first Impression of Ontario. "My
conclusion Is tlmt thu city and conn
try are prosperous and growing In n
substantial way. Ontario has many
natural advantages such as railroad
facilities and rich lauds anil should
ho duo for n substantial growth. Not
a boom as wo Huiuel lines know them
with their after results, hut a growth
along progressive, conservative, and
substantial lines.
""I am glad to sot that the people
urn Imbued with civic pride nnd nn
Improving the streets nnd urn mill
Ing other such Improvements,
itoiiKirrs wniinisAWS
(Continued From Pngo I)
office of County Superintend Mil Is
Mrs. Kffle M. ("mil, who would like
n placo on tho republican ticket
There nro nlso minora that Mrs,
I'a ye Clark Hurley will run again, In
fact tho Parenb-TeachorH Circles nl
tho Warren and Owyhee schools have
passed resolutions asking Hint the
voters ronomlnnto her for tho office
but It Ih understood Hint alio lm
definitely declined previous offers of
support for the place.
Tiimhl)ii Would Ho Kuixejor
Thn Inst announcement received Is
Hint of II. Taniblyn, tho second ex-
sorvlco mnn to mnnlfest a deslro for
office. Mr. Tnmblyn Is now countv
surveyor, appointed to fill nut tho un
expired term of II, F Farmer, do-
censed. Mr. Taniblyn seokn nomina
tion on the democratic ticket He
served In the ll.ltli engineers In
Franco nnd Germany having enlisted
on May C, 11)17, and was discharged
July III, 1910. Prior to that time ho
had oxperleuco In railroad, Irrigation
nnd power Hue construction In Cali
fornia, his native state.
ItiiiniiiN of Oilier Cnudlibiliw
It Is understood Hint nu effort la
being made to linvo Davo Graham of
Juntiira outer tho race for nssessor
and that ho Ih considering tho mntter
nt this tlino. Ills friends have been
uctlve in endeavors to secure his
consent to outerlng thn race, but tho
degree of success attained tho Argus
does not know,
Miss Lucy Wndo of Imber Is tho
guest of her sister, Mrs. Emma J.
Conover. Miss Wndo has been horo
for a week and expects to remain
hero for a month or moro.
MAN AND WIFK want Job on
ranch. For particulars wrlto R A
Ilankln, Union, Oregon. 302-17-18
FUItNISHED ROOM for rent Apply
at this office 304-17 It
WIRE automobile wheel, with tiro
Inflated lost botween Vale and
Ontario. Finder udvlso W. Wator
mnn nt Mooro hotel, Ontario. Ho
ward, 303-17-lt
Itev. nud Mr. I). T. .Mmi-kei- Com
memorate Fiftieth AnnUei-xaiy
of MaiTliil Life HiiliiNomc
(llfth Matk (Intlicrlnir.
At their homo lit IHversldo on Hat
unlay. March 1.1, Itnv nnd Mm. I). T.
Mnnsker eclobruted a half century of
mnrrled Ufa In the Oolilen Wedding
anniversary. Sevcrnl ot their chil
dren wero numbered among tho
guests present nnd the glftH Including
n number of gold pieces came nil the
way from Prague, Oklahoma, to
brighten tho gathering with the re
membrances the gifts cxpresed.
Tho compnny gnthereil about 7
o'clock and u real wedding dinner
wbb served at 7::i0, following n
prayer for blessing on tho celobrn
Hon of tho anniversary,
llev. nnd Mrs. Mnnskor were nuir
rled on March 13, 1870, at Clnrks
vlllo, Arkansas. To them nine chil
dren wcru born, of whom six are still
Tlioso present nt tho celebration
of tho wedding anniversary were:
Thomna Ilurton, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Manskcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marlon
Davis, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Shcppnrd,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Henry Moore, Mr, and
Mrs. K. L, Stewart and family, Mr.
nnd Mrs Thomna Stewart nnd family,
Mr, nnd Mrs. J. L, Gray nnd family,
Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Doty nnd family,
MIsh Paulino Stewart, Mrs Wnltor
Hum and Clyde Underwood.
In tho evening the compnny gath
ered to slug songs nnd recall olden
times, innklng tho occasion one that
all who attended will long remember.
Coming Friday, April 2nd
Whitman College
Glee Club
At the
Come ! ! !
To the Users of Farm Machinery
I have purchased the stock of John Deere imple
ments and the agency for this well known line from
Boyer Bros., and will conduct this business in the
future. A complete line of machine parts, will ba
carried and repairs will be available at all all times.
l)lti:..ML.M MAIU'll ill
Notnble successes in Europe wero
achloved by tho Serbian Tiimburlc.t
Orechcstrn before Its members, then
pluylng nt tho Pnrls Exposition, were
prevailed upon to tour America.
Since they first enmo to the New
World these young Serbians have
ovorywhero been mot with entliu
slaitoc receptions. Throughout
Eastern, Southern nud Middle West
em Slates their concerts have been
ncclnlmed na miislcol features of rare
henuty, unsiial Interest ami wide
diversity. Their iinsitnlly strong
Impression on American audiences
hns resulted largely from three big
factors :
(1) Tho remarkable adaptability
of tlio Slavs thomsctvoH nnd their
peculiar Instruments to American
(2) The growing popularity of
the Tuniburlcii among string Instru
ments because of, the volume nnd the
beauty of Its tone.
(.1) Tho oxcmpllllcntloii of Ser
bian music nnd customs nt a time
when tho Interest nud sympathy of
tho world Ih centred on the yttle
llnlknn nntlon.
111:110 01' "(JAV OLD DOG"
llnhiirt Henley, tho nctor-dlrector.
enters tho ranks of producers as well
when ho presents "Tho (lay Old Dog'
tho Patho picture coming to the
Drenmlnnil Theatre for two days com
menclng March 28.
Tho "Gay Old Dog" was n short
story written by Hint muster word
the auspices of the
of Ontario High
Qua,rtetvn, Soloihta, Impersonators,
Finest Musical Program
of the Year
Dreamland Theatre
Enjoy yourself with the College
undertaking to trnnsfor this beauti
ful human storv to thu screen llohnrt
Henley fully realized tho obstacles ho
was confronting, nnd no higher
praise, can bu rendered him than to
say that "Tho Gay Old Dog" Is MIsh
Forher'H word picture transferred to
thu screen.
Thn story of Jimmy Dodd, the
"Gny Old Dog" Ih rent. In him you
can recognise people you know per
haps you yourself, nud a Jimmy
Dodd, for tho world Ih full of such iih
ho sulf-sacrlficliig mid iinthuiiked
ami unappreciated.
John Cumberland, iiulto now to
tho screen nt n familiar figure In
audi populnr furces oh "Twin tleds",
"Fair unit Wanner", "Parlor, lled
rooniH and IlnUi", anil ' Up In Mubels
ltooni," plnyn thu title role so skill
fully and undcrHtntidlngty ono aim
pectH him of being a Jimmy Dodd
Among tho husluusii deals of the
past week wns that by which Geo, W.
Wayt who has been associated In the
McDowell oxchaiigo store for soiuu
time nud prior to that wns with thu
Troxell Implement ciiinpaii), pur
chased tho John Deore agency nud
atock from lloyer HroH.
Mr Wnvt eunie to Onturlo two
years ago from Harney county nud
has determined to make this city his
rfituro homo. expecta to en
large tho scope of tho Implement
business nud to establish new lines
from time to time