THE ONTARIO AlUiUS ONTAKIO, OREGON, TllUKSLAY, MAftCII 25, 1920. rrtn NOTICE OK SIIEHIIT'S SALE. Ily virtue of in oWutlon mid order of nalo duty ImhiciI ! ttio Clerk of tliu Circuit Court of tlio ntato of Oregon for Malheur County, dnti'd tlio 17tli dny of February, 1020, In n certain Action Jn the raid Circuit Court for rmlil Stnle and County, wherein Snake Jtlver DlHtrlcl Im provement Company, n corporation, n h I'lalntltf, recovered judgment ncaliiHt At. L. Walker, executor of the oatnte of K. A. Atwood. ilpceosod, and Myrtle M. Stout, Iviik I,. Atwood, It. J. Atwood, and lvim I,. Atwood, tritHtee for J. I'urduo Atwood and Myrtly M. Stout, trustee for At wood and Walter M. Stout, holm of .mild OHtnto of K. A. Atwood, dereiiR ed, and Maud (loldmau, tin Dofotid niilft In tlio Hum of Tour Hundred Sixteen Dollurs, with InturcKt there on from October lnt, 11)10, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and tho further Hum of Forty-oiio and GO 100 Dollar penalty and Forty Pol lurs Attorney'H frcH anil the further mini of Four Hundred Dollar, with luturoxt thereon f,rom October lxt, 1017, nt tho rate of 10 per cent per annum, and Forty Dollar ponnlty mid Forty Dollar Attorney'H fee; and for tlio further mini of EIkIiI Hundred Dullur, with Intercut there on from October ltd, 1018, nt the rnto of 10 per rent per annum and for Eighty Dollar ponnlty mid Eighty Dollnr Attorney' fee; mid for tho further Mini of Six Hundred Forty Dollar, with InteroHt thereon rom October lt, 1010, nt tho rntij or ten per cent per minimi, mid for S(xty Four Dollnr penalty mid Sixty Four Dollnr Attorney' fee mid for tliu further hiiiii of Fifty Might ninl 7I5-100 Dollar coHtn. TIIHHHI'OHK NOTICE IS IIEUK- IIY OIVKN, That I wilt on tlio 20th dny of March, A. D, 1020, at tho hour of two o'clock In tlio afternoon of wild day, nt tho north main entrnnrn door of tho Mulhuur County Court Hoiiho at Vnlo, wild County and Statu, Hell at public auction to the lilliliMt and bent bidder or bidder for cuili, tho following doKcrlbed' real property, to-wlt: HHNI.',; of Section fi. Town nlilp Sixteen South, ItaiiKu 47, Kimt of tho Wlllnmettn Miirldhin In Malheur County, Htnlo of Ore- KOII. Taken mid levied upon im'tlm prop erty of the nbovn iinined defendant, M, I,. Wnlkor, Executor of the entitle of E. A. Atwood, dcroiiHcd, and Myr tle M. Stout, Ivor I,. Atwood, It. J. Atwood mid Iviih L. Atwood, trtiHleo for J. I'erdiin Atwood mid Myrtlo M. Stout, t ronton for Atwood mid SUMMONS KOU PUBLICATION. cniiRO, If any you hnvc, why till jCourt Rhould not mnko an order 01- IN THK CIIICUIT COUUT OF TIIH rectltiR and authorizing M L. SVnl- 8TATE OE OHEOON IN AND FOU'kor, Kxecutor of tho wild Estate, to MALIIBUIt COUNTV. FUED Ii. 1'ANIKE, l'lnlntlff, VR. M. HUMELEY COMPANY, n Cor poration, and HUMELY I'ltO DtTCTS COMPANY, n Corporation. Defendmitfl. IN THK NAME OF TUB STATU OF OHKOON: To tho ilefendantH, M. Huniely Company, n corporation, mid ttumely Products Company, n corperation: You anil each of you are hereby requlreH to appear and miRwear tho complaint of tho plaintiff filed agaltmt you In tho nbovo entitled no tion on or before tho 22nd day of April, 1020. tho hiiiiio being tho Inst day of tho tlmo prescribed by order of court directing Hervlco of hiiiii- moil In nld action to bo iiiade by publication, and If you fall bo to aiiRwer, for wnnt thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief dcuinnded In tho complaint, to-wlt: Far a decrco adjudging tho plaintiff to bo tho owner of tho fco Rlmplo mid unlmcumborcd title to the koiiHi unut ipiarter of Section 21 In Town Rhlp 10 South of ItmiRO 17 K. W. M., and for JudRiucnt, canceling and de claring null and void a pretended inortRiiRO of dofendunt nRaliiRt Hold land and decreeing and ndjudRltiR that the defendant have no InlercRt, equity, claim or cntato In and to mild land or any part thereof, and ro HtrnlnliiR them from averting any c(iil(y OHtnto or InteroHt In and to Raid InnilR. You are further notified Hint UiIh Rtinimon In Horvcd upon you by pub lication In ptirHiinnce of an order of Hon. Pulton HIkkh, which order wiih iiinilo'oii the Sth day of March, 1020, mid duly Nlgned mid entered In tlio nbovo entitled action on tho Otn dny of March, 1020, mid which order di rected that Hunimon bo published on co n week for lx huccommIvu week In Ontario ArgtiH, ii newspaper of general circulation at Ontario, Ore gon, commencing with tho mild Ikhiio of lltli day of March, 1020. FltKD I.. I'ANIKE, Plaintiff. IM. It, Coultor, nttornoy for l'lnln tlff, reHldlng at WeUor, Idaho. Date of flmt p ubllratlou, March 11, 1020. Onto of ItiHt pulillcntlon April 22, 1020. waiter M. Stout, helr of mild ontato of K, A. Atwood, deceived, mid Maud (loldmau, or n much I hereof an limy ho necotwnry to HiitlHfy wild Judgment In favor of Snako Illvnr District 1m prijveinent Compuny, n corporation, and nguliiMt tho nbovo iinined defeu ilautH, with IntnroHt tliHreou, together with all I'OHt mid dlihurHementH Hint luivo or limy nccruu. Dateil at Vulo, till 2!lril dny of February, 1020. II. LEE NOK, Sheriff, lly T. C. MiEI.HOY, Deputy. Dato or Halo .March 20th, 14)20. Halo of Flrnt Publleiitloii Febru n ry 20th, 1020. Dato of I.UHt Pulilloiitlini March Sfitli, 1020. i notice op' no.VD ham: of pay. htte-oheoon slope ikihoa tion ihsth1ct. located ix .mai.hkuit county, oiiix.'on. Until two o'clock P. M., April 0, -. 1020, tho Hoard of Director or Pay-'ette-Orogiin Slope Irrigation DlHtrlcl will receive HWileil propound) at tholr office In Malheur County, Stuto of Oregon, wild office bolng located In tin ono-Htnry frame dwelling liouao or the wild District, uinro particu larly doncrlhod iih being located In tho Southeast Quarter of tlio North wont Quarter of Section Two, Town. hlp 17 South. Itango 47 K. W M., In Mnlheiir Cituuty, Oregon, for tho pur iiIiuhu or tho nl por cent negotiable IioiuIh or tho District In the amount or 110.1)00.00. wild bonds being sign ed mid dated Jutttinry 1, 1010; said bonds luilng been authorized for tho purpose of meeting tho doriclt In inalntenanco for tho year 1918, meet ing tho coHt of enlarging tho dltcho mid dredging tho Intake canal, and to provide funds for tho purpose of purclntMlng a now pumping unit to supplement tho existing pumping sys tem or tho District; Interest on wild bond piiynbln soml-nuuunlly, to-wlt; nun the first day of January and July or each your, $5000.00 or said bonds being duo and payable January 1, lOilii, and IG000 00 thereof being due ami payable January 1, 1037. J. I.. HHOWN, A. A. llUTTKUWnOK. (1 W. LATTIO, Hoard or Directors or tho Payotto Orogou Slope Irrigation District. P. M HOAI.S. Secretary or the Hoard or Director of Payetto-Oiegoii Slopo Irrigation District. First publication, Feb. 20, 1920 Last publication, April 1, 1920. SUMMONS. IN THK OIHCUIT COUNT OF THK STATU OF OHKOON FOU THK COUNTY OF MAL1IEUH. N. C. (IOUDON mid ('. Q. ADAMS, a co-p.irluerslilp doing hiiHliie under' tho firm name and style of (IOUDON It ADAMS, Plaintiffs, v. II AIUI Alt A MAY, Defendant. To HAHHAHA MAY, tho Above Named Defendant: IN THK NAMK OF THK 8TATK OF OHKCION, You nro hereby re iiulrod to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the nbovo entitled causa within six weok from tlio dato of the first pub lication of this siimons upon you, and If you fall so to answer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will take Judgment against you for tliu sum of I32G.00, together with cost mid dis bursements heroin, and for an order of Halo of certain uttuched real prop erty situated In Malliour County. Orogon, nnd described a follow, to-wlt: Lots fourteen (14) mid fifteen (IS), in Illock forty (40) of tho City of Ontario, Malliour County, Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment. This sum mons la published upon you by mi order of tho Hon. Dnlton IllggH, Cir cuit Judgo of Malheur County, Ore gon, duly mado mid entered 011 tim 31t dny or Juuunry, 1920. STONE & JACKSON, It. W., AttoriiBy for Plnlntlfr. Ite-sldlng nt Caldwoll, Idaho, mid On tario, Oregon, respectively. Dato or first publication February 12, 1920. Dato of last pulillcntlon March 25, 1020. sell nt private sale, the properly hereinafter described, and Din whole thereof. .Said propsrty U iltuiit In Mnlhour County, State ot Oregon, and Ih more particularly de.-crlbril iih follows, to-wlt: The South Half (SV4) or tho NortheaRt iiinrter (NK'4) ot Section Six (0) In Touiu.lilp Sixteen (10) South or Itnngc Forty-Hcven (47) East of the Willamette Meridian, mid An undivided one-half ( i, 1 Interest In tho Southwost quar ter of tho Northwest qnnr'.m' (BWUNWtf) ntod Lot Three (3) of Sec. Four (4) In Town ship Sixteen (10) South of Hnngo Forty-Hovcn (47 East of tho Willamette Meridian, ron tnlulitg nboiit Seventy-oigbt (78) acres; nnd A part of Lot Three I'D mid Four (4) In Section Thlrt" thrce (33), described n follow, to-wlt; beginning nt the corner common to Sections 32, 3.1, .34 nnd .in In Tnwiftdilp Flfleoii (15) South or ItniiKo Forty seven (47) KnHl or tho Willam ette Morldtnn, thence North 1310 H. on the Hcctlon Hue to place or beginning, Ihcucn North 2008 ft., tlienco South 39 deg. 50 mill. East 185.5 ft., tlienco South .14 deg. 35 niln. EiiHt 008.7 ft., thence South 20 deg. 10 mln. Kant 010.0 ft., thence South 22 deg. 3 mill. EiiHt802.2 ft., tlienco Went 1102.0 ft. to place or beginning, containing 20.8 ncrc-4, morn or less. WltnoH. Tho Hon. K. II. TEST, Judgo or the County (SKA!.) Court or the State or Or egon for tho County of Malheur, with tho Heal of wild f ouit affixed, this 15th day of March A. I). 1920. Attest: A. M. MOODY, Clerk. Ily II. S. Sacked, Deputy Clerk. Dato of first publication Mnrcli IS, 1020. Onto or hint pulillcntlon April 15, 1020. CITATION. FOU SAI.R by owner 80 ncros In Dig Demi Oregon. Will cut about 100 tons alfalfa, noarly nil of balance can bo farmed this Reason. Term Prlco ' $11,000. Address Hox 352, Vulo Oregon. 27016-17 IN THE COUNTY COUUT OF THK STATE OF OUEdON FOU THK COUNTY OF MAI.HKUIt. IN THE MATTEU OF THK KSTATR OF EHNEST A. ATWOOD. DK- CKASKD. To Uivlna M. Atwood, Myrtlo M. (Atwood) Stout, Ivors I,. Atwood. Walter A. Stout, mid J. Perduo Atwood, Greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHEOON, You nro hereby cited and required to uppoar In the Coun ty Court of tlio Stata of Oreston. for tlio County of Malliour, at tho Court room thereof, nt Yalo. In the County ot Malheur, 011 tho 19th day or April. 1920, nt 11 o'clook, In tlio forenoon or that day, thou and there to show Pl'III.IHIIKD SUMMONS. IN THK CIUCUIT COUUT OF THK STATU OF OHKOON. FOU MAI. HKUIt COUNTY. J. II. WIIITK. Plnlnlirr, v. THOMAS CI.OONAN nnd MAIIY DOK CI.OONAN, husband mid wire, tho unknown heir or said Thomas Clnoiiun.lf ho bo deceased. I.U7.AHKTH WAI.E (rormorly I.lzzlo I.ynu) nnd CHAUI.ES WALK, wife mid husband, PHIL IP I.YNN mid MAIIY I.YNN, bus baud mid wife, Fit ED I.. JOHN SON, II. A. CAUDWKI.I.. 1). K. WOIISIIAM, PHIZADY WOH SHAM. JOHN W. O'NKII.I. and MAHY O'NKII.I.. husband and wlfo. EDWAUD EDOE, Jit., N. II MATTIIII.8SEN, M. O. HOPE, ni. I generally any and all persons nnd parties unknown nnd claiming any right, estate, title, lien or Interest In mid to tho real estate de scribed In the Complaint herein. Defendants. To Thomas Cloonmi and Mary Dee Cloonan, husband and wife, the un known heirs of said Thomas Cloon mi, If ho bo deceased, Philip and Mary I.ynn, husband nnd wife. Fred I,. Johnson, H. A. Cardwell, John W. O'Neill mid Mary O'Nolll, fiusband mid wlfo, and generally any mid nil persons and parties unknown and claiming any right, oatnt", title, lieu or Interest In mid lo tho real et--lato described In the Complaint hero in, cortnln of tho defendants nbovi named; IN THE NAME OF THK STATE OF OHEOON, You, mid'onch or you, nro horohy required to npponr nnd answer tho complaint riled agaliift you In the nbovo entitled suit on or before tlu expiration of the (Hit duy of the tlmo prescribed In the order of pulillcntlon heroin, to-vlt: On or beforo bIx weokg from tho date of tho firs.' publication of tint, summour-, nnd If you rail to answer nnd other wlso plead to Bald complaint, for vnr.t thereof tho plaintiff will fnko 11 (lofault aguinsl you mid will thin apply to tho' Court for tho relief prayed for in the complaint herein, vl: That paid dofeudnnts. nnd e.11.1 thoroor, bo required to assort and set forth tho nature or chninrtcr of their soverul adverse claim, right estates or Interest In and to the real property horelnbofore described nnd sot out, to-wlt: That certain patent ed placer mining claim designated as Mineral Entry N'umbeicd 13 mid as Lot numbered 79 nnd embracing a portion of sections 29 and 32, In Township 13. 8., H. 41, E. W. M, in tho Shnsta Mining District, formoily lu the County or Uaker and Stato or Orogon, but now or tho County of Malheur". In tho state or Oregon, in tho district or land subject to Rnlo at I.nOramlo, containing 24.01 ncrca, more or lesa, tho same being bound ed, described nnd platted ns follow, with magnetic vnrlntlou of 20 de grees nnd 35 minute East, to-wlt: Hcglnnlng nt Corner No. 1 Post In mound mnrked "J I. nnd C 1;" rrom which tho corner common to hoc tlons31 and .12, In Township' 13, S It. 41, E. W. M., mid Sections 5 mid 0 In Township .14, 8., It. 41, K. W. M., boar South 20 deg. 30 mln. West, nt tho distance nt 19 chains; tlienco rrom said Post North 01 deg. 30 mln. West, 2 clmlim mid 93 links to corner No. 2 Post marked "J Ij nnd C 2;" tlienco North 40 dug. 15 mln. East, 15 chain nnd 50 link to corner No. 3 Post marked "J I. and C 3;" tlienco North 52 dog. mid 30 mln, West 2 chains to comer No. 4 Post mnrked "J L ft (' 4;" tlienco North 30 mln, East, 24 chains nnd 40 link to corner -'o. 5 Post mnrkod "J Ii & C 5;" Hionro North 0 deg. West, 5 chnliifl nnd 07 link to corner No, 0 Post marked "J I, ft O 0;" tlienco North 24 iIor. WoHt, 7 chnliiM to corner No, 7 Post marked "J I. & C 7;" thenco North 21 iIor. 45 mln, West, 12 chnliiH mid 30 links to Intersection or boundary between said sections 20 nnd 32, from which tho corner common to sections 29, 30, 31 nnd 32, in said TowiiRhlp 13, S., 11. 41, K. W. M., bear West nt tho dlstnuco of 4 chains nnd 73 link, 15 chnlns nnd 00 link to corner No. 8 Post marked "J I. ft C 8;" llirnco North 11 deg. 30- mln. East, 2 chain nnd 43 link to corner No. 0 Post marked "J I. ft C 9;" thenco South 80 deg. 16 mln. East, 3 chain to corner No, 10 Post marked "J I. ft C 10;" thonco South 24 dog. 30 mill. East, 21 chains nnd 20 link to corner No. 11 Post marked "J I, ft V 11;" thenco South 13 deg. KiiHt, 2 chains mid 68 links to corner No. 12 Post mnrked "J I. ft C 12;" thenco South 4 (leg. East, 13 chains nnd 40 link to corner No. 13 Post mnrked "J 1. ft C 13;" thenco South 14 deg. 46 mln. West, 8 chains mid 20 link tn cornor No. 14 Post marked "J I. ft C 14;" thence South 3 deg. 16 mln. East, 12 chains to corner No, 16 Post marked "J I. ft C 15;" thenco South 37 deg. West, 15 cliulii In tho place of be ginning, containing 24.91 acres of laud, more or loss, In Malliour Coun ty, Oregon; that all several nnd ad verse claims nnd right ot tho laid defendants, or either of them, ho subject to determination by decree of this Court; mid that by wild de cree It bo declnred nnd ifetermlned Hint plaintiff Is tho owner In feo slmplo absolute of tho premises nbovo described, pud each nnd every part thereof, mid Hint tho said de fendant, or either or nny of thorn, hnvo 110 ostnto, right, claim, tltlo or Interest whatsoever In nnd to tho u foresaid lands nnd promises, mid that tho sold defendants, mid onch mid ovory 0110 of them, mid nny mid nil persons claiming or to claim by mid under thorn, or nny or thorn, ha declared to have no right, title, In terest, estate or right or possession In mid to said premlsos, or any part thoroor, and nro forever hnrrod from asserting nny claim or Interest what soever In or to said lands nnd prom ises ndverso to tho plaintiff, or other wise, together with such other, fur Ihor and general roller as to this Court shall deem proper. This summons I puhllBhod by order or tho Hon. Dalton Illggs, Judgo or tho abovo entitled Court, as duly mado mid nntored on the Cth day ot March, 1920, ordorlng this summons to bo published for a full pnrlod of six consecutlvo weoks, Tho dato of the first publication hereof Is tho 18th day of March, 1020, nnd tho dato ot tho last pub Mention hereof 1b tho 20th day of April, 1020. Dated this Uth day or March, 1020. C. T. OODWIN. Attorney for Plaintiff, residing nt linker, Oregon. Local address: Sommer llullillng. -J- 1IOSTON CU'li Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD qood SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAOE SOLICITED. Open 6:30 a. ni. to 12 p. m Ontario, Oregon .1 HEUW for dish washing nnd house cleaning HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL WAHMHPHINO.S IHHIOATION DISTHICT NOTICE OP' HOND HALE Sealed proposals will ho recolvcd by tho Hoard of Director of WarniHprliiKs Irrigation District nt tholr ofMco In Vnlo. Malliour County, Orogon, till tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, tho 0th day of April, 1920, of tho bond of Hnld District In tho hiiiii of $200,000, tinted April, 1020, nnd Immediately thereafter publicly opened for the pur chaso of tho bond of wild District In tho Hiun of $200,000, dated Janu ary 1, 1020, numborod, In denomination mid maturing n MATUHITY NUMHEU8 1NTEHEST PHINCIPAL TOTAL 1025 1351-1447 $12,000 $ 97,000 $109,000 1920 1448-1550 0,180 103,000 109,180 Said bonilR to benr Interest at nix per cent (0fr) per annum, payable Homl-unnunlly on tho lnt tiny of July nnd Jnnuiiry, principal nnd IntereHt pnyjfblo In U. S. gold coin ut tho office of tho County Trcauror of Mnl hour County, Oregon, or ut tho Fiscal Agency or the Slnto or Oregon In Now York City, nt tho Option ot tho holder. Snld liltl must bo uccouipmilctl by a fortified .check for ten per emit (10)of tho amount bid, Hiunolo bo forfeited to tlio District nn liquidated damagcR In the event tho successful bidder falls lo take up and pay fur said bonds within ten days after tho nwnrd, Said bids must bo unconditional a to legality, nnd tho District will furnish the successful bidder with tlio uppravlng legal opinion of McHsra. Teal, Minor ft Wlnfree, of Portland, Oregon. Tho Honrtl resorveit the right to reject nny or nil bldfl. CIIAS. L. HATCIIELDEU, Secrntnry. Dated nt Vnlo, Oregon, March 4, 1020, Data of first publication Mnrcli 4, 1020. Dnlo of Inst publication Apill 1, 1020. McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Proprietor i W. C. Jones, Licensed Embalmer Funerals directed from the parlor-chapel or from the church of your choice Parlors situated in a quiet district Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phono 106W Night Phones 89M and 34W Hides, Furs ,and Pelts Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers: If you have any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. We pay tho highest market prices. We pay cash. Rogers & Company Ontario, Oregon Telephone 185-W OUR NEW DIRECTORY A now dirocloiy is now- !)(;in- iloliv .. Savo (rouble by doslrnyinji,' your-. .. , IP YOU WANT I'HQI'EH LI8TINO NEW I'HONE, ADVISE US AT ONIJIC Every Hell Telephone Is u Lonjr. DlHtnnce Station. Malheur Home telephone io. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid, Correct weights given - and prompt returns made. No shipments too large, nor too small, we so licit them all. Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. PEARL OIL(KIROSENE) is refined and re-refined by j. special process, mak-, Ing it a clean-burning fuel for home use. Ask your dealer for PEARL OIL. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) Correct English HOW TO USE IT. A MONTHLY MAO.V.INI. Tho Ywir SiMiil 10 Cents for Sample Copy to Coim-t KiikIUIi t'libllslilut; Co, EVANHTON. ILLINOIS