The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 25, 1920, Image 1

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fv, M'1-
NO. 17.
metivi: of contintkd at-
claims is vn:wi:f in
Present (Nninly Court Hum Followed
I'li'iTilciilN HMiihllshed by .Indue
McKnIghl, Whom i:nlciilsc IuiiIh
For That Which Piesent County
('Mill Ih Oiniloiiined.
Indicating moro clonrly than
words run tlio InJiiHtlcti of IIh serial
ntliiek upon tlio county court, wlilln
nt tlio hiiiiiu tliuo showing tlmt ItN
motive In ikthoiihI splto, tlio Mnlliuur
Kutcrprlso Inst week gavo vent to
moro of Un Hplccn In n front page
rlory while on IIh editorial page It
ram; paenn of solf limitation.
Tlio KntorprlMi has never told tlio
pimple how It lutil ltd IiIIIh fur tlio
county printing reduced hy tlio
court, mo that In tlio Inst four tcmiH
of tint county court Its claims have
been reduced In it totnl of $00. CC.
OwtcIiiiikcs Admitted'.'
Tlmt tlio KntorprlHo know Hint It
wiim overcharging tlio county muni lio
admitted, fur no proteHt was ovor
iniulo tlio county court, hut, tlio )Cn
lerprlso seeks Its revenge for being
rsught with ItH linnil In tlio taxpay
ers' pockets hy venting Uh spleon.
It Ih ii fnct that for yenrs tlio
county court hnH nont to tlio gonornl
final the monoyH Hocurod from the
tnlo of IuihIh for taxation. When
county Judge fleo, W, McKnlght woh
In power tlilH wuh ilono, Why illil
mil Iho-Kntorprlso call tlio nttontlon
of tlio peoplo to UiIh fuel tliouj Why
'does lt-nl' irltlrlsa hint nHil bin
UHHOclntes for" tlilhT Dooh not' tlio En
torprlno know that on Octohor 22,
1017, thn County Court, then homletl
hy McKnlght, Kent $1008 to tlio gen
ernl funil from tlio proceeds of' a tax
' It W also truo that tlio district nt
tornoyH anil othnr legnl advisors of
tho County Court havo novcr Intor
proleil tlio hiw to the court an In
structing them to ho segregate tlio
fiiiilK thn tho JiiHtlco or thin conten
tion Ih apparent.
Howovor tho fact that tho Entor
prlRo ImH linil ItH IiIIIh cut down, and
tho r.irther fact that It has no long
lauded McKnlght who established
the policy which tho Entorprlso bo
condomnH In others shows tho malice
(Continued on I.aKt 1'ngn.
Iteorx'iiiluillon of Mnlheiir Coiiipniiy
TakfH Place Ontario Made
lli'iiiIiiiiuterN of lii(leHiideiit
Coiiipniiy .1. A, Lnkiiem
(iriinnl Malinger,
Dating from tomorrow Ontario
will bo tho general headquarters of
the Malheur Home Telephono com
pany, and tho hUHlnesH of tho Bystem
In this county will ho divorced from
tho Mountain States company to
which It hnH heenwedded for sovoral
I)y tho now arrnngoment all the
hooks and records of the company
will ho kept In Ontario nnd tho com
pnny has placed Its vice-president
nnd genoral manager. J. A. Lakness.
In charge of tho properties and busl
uess In Malheur county.
M. E. Dolling, who has been man
ager for tho company for moro than
two years has resigned from tho
company's Bervlce and will probably
leave for the coast country to accept
n position which he has had In view
for some time.
New Manager Ih Veteran
Mr. Lakness, who comes to On
tario as general managor, Is on ex
perienced telephone man. Ho has
for tho post two years been district
cashier at tho Boise office of the
Mountain States Telephono & Telo
graph company, handling tho flnan-
(Continued on Last Page.)
sum want to iik shown
A meeting of representatives of
tho Irrigation companion using water
power on liolli tho Idaho mill Oregon
Hides of tlio Himlio river wiih held ill
tlio City Hull liiHt Krlduy evenliiK
Tho meeting wiw ended hy the Iiiulio
roprospnliitlves who ennio to link the
Oregon users to Join with them In
defraying tlio cohI of tho lltlrnllou In
tlio Iiiulio hearing,
iiiulio Hearing.
io roprescntiitlvoH of th Jrognn
pnnlcn ileclliied to mukf U ilnflu-
He promlno on the ground Hint the
lilnho nicn hnd employed counsel nnd
engineering ndvlce without consult
ing tho Oregon men, and even nfter
tho Oregon men had objected Io ono
of tho men hired. Tlio'loenl lueii
however, declared Hint when the Orf
ogon hearing Ih held here In Ontario,
If nuy of tho mntter locured froi.
tho Idaho hearing wan lined bene
flclnlly Hint they would pay their
Hharu of the Idaho examination. In
other wordH, tho Incut men ure from
MlHKourl on tho proposition offered
hy thn IdnhoaiiH,
right IIcIiik .Made AgnlnM IMiiull-
Hun of Mini Accused or Ohliiln.
lug Money t'liiler False Pic-
lenses Chicago Altnrne) Heir,
That liiHiuilty will ho tho prolmhle
lino of defense Htihmltted to the Jur)
In tho ciiho I.eHter I.. He man.
t. ... Dirndl, ullnH I.. Iliirrln, In
over drought to trial wiih Intimated
hy nttorneyH employed hy lluymuuV
rolatlven In look after the ohho
Ilrooke & (lallnghor are tho local nt
tomeyH wlillo I.. K. Oxlinrne, an at
torney from ChlcnKD, a family friend
nt Hoymnu'H, Ih nlno hero to aftdllH In
looking after IiIk InlereMtH.
Ileymnn chnnged IjIh mind mid did
not wilve' extradition wlieiT Mnnlial
II. C. Farmer arrived at Nlagiini Iiihi
Bnturduy, nnd the extradition paporn
did not reach Mr. I'urmer until Tuen
dny of HiIh week. Tho Hceno of ac
tivity Immediately Hhlfted to Alhuiiv,
whore Mr. I'nnner look the pnper
for n hearing hefore (lovemor Rmlth
of Now York. The dlntrlet attorney
of tho county Albany Is located In Ih
appearing for (lovemor Olcoll In the
Wlillo not entlroly willing Io dU
cute) tho erne, both Mr. Clallnghor
and Mr. OMinrne of Hie defeiiKo Inti
mated that nmplo evldenio eould I
produrod to Indicate Hint ho In Buf
fering from hnluolnatloiiH of greul
ih'hh, which ho exlillilted In many
forniH. HIh extreme prndlgnllty and
porfect Indlfforonco io wonlth Ih cited
an ovldenco of HiIh hy IiIh counxel.
It Iiiih developed that Hinmnn Iiqh
dono tunny of tho thing for which
ho mado claims wlillo hern. He did
grnduatn from WnHhIngton Unlvcr
nlty, ho dhl go to Vale, ho did prno
Hco law, and wan Huccewiful, nays Mr.
OHliorne. until thexo olmeiwIonH con
nuorod him
Win it'll in Hon Compiiu I'lniK
Difficult) to Iteliilu Men lit
Price Willing In Pay Will
Hi eel Ciiiup for I'lfly Men.
Ilecause of tho higher prices paid
on rond work and tho cost of main-
teunce hero, so It Is said, the Wnrron
Construction company Ih having a
hard tlmo keeping n full crew em
ployed nnd as a result the paving
program Is being delayed.
Tho first load of paving was dump
ed on Tuesday morning and founda
tion rourso was laid for nearly 100
fept on Third street. S. W.. and there
tho actual laying of pavement stop
ped. "Wo can not koop men in suffi
cient numbers to contlnuo tho
work." said Superintendent llostlo.
Wednesday. "Wo are going to erect
a tent camp capahlo of inrlng for
fifty men nnd will hoard them nnd
thus we expect to solve tho problem
so that a big crew will be ut work
noxt week and tho paving will not he
further delayed.
CAMPAIGN mil lll(.'OF..STI-TN('-
TION OF Mill ON .lll.V I
Funds: l''or Flag Donated In Anieil
(".in Legion Cliih Offer-, in Take
...11 Ml or Cll Win iiiiilx foe I'm.
iluiso of I'lle Trill Ii Hem- Speech
Ontario will celehrate on July -I.
At the monthly meeting of the Com
mercial (lull hut night HiIh iIcvIhIoii
wiih reached hy tlio oiiIIiuhIuhUc
gathering. II. II. Tunny launched
tho proposal nnd It cnrrled unanl
inouRly. Thin Ih Outurln'H first cole
liratlon In four yearn nnd the neigh
boring rltloH wilt ho nHked to co-operate
to make It n huccohh.
To ninko poHHlhlo tho aim of the
flro department to own u mndorn
flro truck tho club went on record
with an offer to tako $noo worth of
city warrnntH for Uh part of tho cam
paign lo noil warrantH for. thn pur
cliaHO of eiulimont. Prior to Hint a
llHt of HiilncrlptloiiH nmouutlng to
$1,000 wuh rend, ho that ono-thlrd
of Hie Hum needed hnH already been
Itoict Hie llaiiil
II. 0. Drnno, Ilyrou Turner, K. II.
Allen nnd II. II. Tunny xpoko nnd the
need for .i good hand In tho city and
what It meniiH, nnd what Ih uoccHHnry
to promote one. It developed Hint
tho hand Ih actually formed nnd Ih
practicing overy Tuesday, that there
are plenty of iuuhIcIiiiih hut that
Home oim not now come out for
prnctlco lieUK0 it Interferon with
their work. .
Hit) I'lng for lglnii
Kollowlng a nhort talk hy l.nrue
(Continued on jingo twelve.)
firailuatcH of O, A, ('., Monniotintli
mid IT. of O. I'orni Uiciil An-
Mirlittloii Willi Iran It.
O.ikck Chairman,
To work for tho passage of the
mlllage tax tho alumni of the Uni
versity of Oregon, O. A. C. and the
Monmouth Normal who live In Mul
hour county havo determined to form
an association. Ivan H. Onkos has
been appointed chairman for the
county by tho Btnto organization.
Mr Onkos HiIh week sent forth n
call for a meeting of all the nlmunl
In tho county of these schools to
meet In Ontario on Saturday April
to consider plans for presenting the
needs of tho schools to tho voters
prior to tho olectlnu on May 21.
Following the mooting of t'10
alumni thorn will he a meeting of the
Pnront-Tenchors of the county to con
shier the problem nnd others In con
nection with school work.
Klini llioi ii Itieedeis Sale at Caldwell
Ih (ill-lit Success Hill lilies lilil
HlgheM Pllceil Animal Of-
reicil (iocs for S7U.".
II. H. Tunny returned Mondny
from Caldwell whoro he uttended the
sale or tho IloUo Valley Shorthorn
association whoro ho scoroil n re
markable success In that ho topped
tho salo In nil classes with tho of
ferings Tho highest prlco paid for a bull
at tlio sulo was for Hurcules Lord.
which netted Mr. Tunny $725, while
a holfer ho put In tho ring took hon
ors In her class with n bid of $RS0.
Two other offerings did not score so
well but his aeraqo prlco four of
ferings was $430.
KINDS 'IO All) IN l.lli:
h. vivo i:niii:avoh
Vlcllnm or Tuiklsli Atirorlllct Ah
Milulel) Dependent On Aiucrlcau'N
(Yiici'nll. Oitlnilo mid Vicinity
AMiciI III AfcMlst.
Another appeal Hint will meet u
response from tho people Ih that
which tho committee consisting of
Itov. W. J. l.UHcomhe, chairman nnd
treiiHurer, I). M. Tnggnrt, T. W. Clog
gett, J. C. McCrolght, llev. W. F.
Cochran nnd Hugh Allen will mnko
during HiIh drlvo which stnrtH Mnrch
27 nnd ends April :i.
It Ih nu nppoal lo OntarlntiH nnd
their neighbors to Havo lives. To
give from their abundance that
thousands nnd thousnudH of men.
women and children In tho Near I'nst
may hnve food Hint will save their
Dr. Wnrron Morne, formorly n
chuplln In tho army will deliver an
nddrcHH nt tho Ituptlst church Friday
night on tho need for this appeal,
nnd on Saturday night tho committee
has arranged for tho runlnng of n
Rcrlos of filuiH nt tho Dreamland,
picturing conditions as they really
exist In Hint woeful region.
Tho committee feels Hint when tho
peoplo who uro now ho pros
perous nppreclato tho dlro need for
their gl(tH that moan llfo to tho hun
gry nnd medicine nnd surgical aid
to tho sick., thorn will bo no doubt
of thn result of thn drlvo, Ontario
mid Its neighbors have never fntlod
In any drlvo nnd will not In this.
Details of tho conditions for which
these funds will ho used nro to bo
found nu another page In tho appeal
published hy tho committee To
rend this nnd nnl glvo, Is Imposslhlo
le Nne Would lie Sheriff Again;
II. Tmnbljn Heekn Office or
County Hurtejoi't Mrs. Kfflo
M, Crnll Would Head School
At last tho political situation In the
county, so far as It concerns Hie de
sire for office has so settled Itsolf as
In make certain tho .fact that no of
flco will he vacant thru the lack of
an nsplrnnt.
During the past week candidates
havo overcomo their dlffldonco nnd
havo come boldly forth and takon
tho peoplo Into their confldenco to
the extent of telling thorn Hint they
would servo If wonted.
Tlio feature of the past week Is
tho entry of Democratic aspirants for
orflco. Hint party having prior lo this
tlmo no nvowod candidates. Now
II. I.eo Noo, who has been sheriff for
the past two years, announces his do
tormlnnllon to run again. It Ih also
truo that no one Iiiih so far announc
ed a doslro for tho republican nom
ination for this offlco, so It nppenrs
ho will be -unopposed.
Morgnn Carlisle, assessor for the
past four years, Is anothor domocrat
desirous of retaining IiIh office and
has announced IiIh candidacy Doth
of thoso men wore originally elected
to offlco while resldnts of Ontario.
tho Sheriff Noo mado his residency
trnnsfor to acropt a deputyshlp under
Hon J. Ilrown.
HoliertH Withdraws
SunirlsliiK as It may seom Hie
week also marks tho withdrawal of
one enndidato, Will J. rtoborts of Ar
cadia, who had announced his deter
mination to seek tho republican nom
ination for treasurer Tho samo
mall that brought his withdrawal
notlco also brought forth tho an
nouncement of tho determination of
C. P. Muoller, now county treasurer,
to again seek that offlco.
County Hiiiierliitcinlciit
So far the only one seeking tho
(Continued on Last Page. )
Milan I.yda, 10 years old who was
arrested for pasting a series of hnd
checks In Ontario two weeks ago
and who woh being held pending the
arrival of commitment papers to
send him back to tho reform school
mado IiIh escnfo from the city Jail
lust Thursday night Ho had been
locked up In tho outer corridor of
tho Jail nnd thru a confederate secur
ed n sleet rod which ho heated In the
stove nnd used to hum boles In the
roof thru which ho escaped, He
soon came to grief thn, for at N'aiupa
ho continued to work IiIh check game
mid wan caught. District Attorney
Swnglcr is nllnwlng the Idaho auth
orities to take the case, glad to get
rid of HiIh young offender.
Formation of I1o)h mid (Kris' CIiiIin
In Junior l-'nriii Huremi Wmk
Already L'nder Way Sit
Club Stinted.
MIsh Mnzlo Wilson, county club
lender recently employed to promote
the club wnrk among Hie hoys nnd
girls of tho county nrrlvcd from
Walla Walla Sunday nnd nt once
began her campaign to got tho work
of the boys and girls started.
MIsh Wilson uttended tho Univ
ersity of Missouri prior to entering
educational work In Washington,
whoro she served In tho fncultlos of
High Schools In the Northeastern
section nnd flunlly nt Pnnco, where
she taught for flvo yearn, preceding
Inking rhnrgo of tho club work In
Walla Walla county throe years ago.
In speaking of her work nnd plans
for Its development MIsh Wilson
"Tho men'H prohlemn have been
discussed nnd classified hy tho Farm
Ituronu lu several communities of
thn rounty. Now another branch of
Farm llureau work will ho organized
and dovoloped.
"Thin work Is not new to thn
county, snmn remnrkablo recordn
having been mndo lu thn past; nnd
Malheur county linn produced her
share of Muto chomploiiH for nevernl
"Hoys and girls will undertake
definite problems In n number or
communities nnd will nssumo their
shnro of the work nnd repsonslhlllty
of Improving nnd Increasing crop
nnd live stock production. Karh
club will demonstrate lo Us commun
ity somo good pructlro In agriculture
nr homo economics.
"For tho girls there will bo can
ning, cooking and sewing thn Ihev
uro ulso eligible In the garden,
poultry nnd live stock club. Hoys
. (Continued on l.ust Page)
('. M. Faulkner, Preldeiil of Until
Comiiicii'lnl Club, DUcuhhcs Need
fur Closer nidations With
"The completion of tho Irrigation
project lu Harney county menus nl
most ns much for Ontnrlo as it does
fnr Hums, and thereforo Ontario mid
the Snako Itlver valley should bo in
terested In promoting tho develop
ment of tho great Interior," That Is
the message that Charles M. Faulk
nor, president of tho IluniB Commer
cial cluh left with Onturln folks In
nn Interview at tho Moore Hotel Sun
day night
hulled to Stockmen's Convention
Mr. Faulkner Is particularly In-,
torested Just now In promoting the
stockmen's convention which will be
held lu Hums In May. Hums Is pro
paring to make this tho largest and
most notable gathering In tho his
tory of tho association and Is laying
Itsolf out to make tho occasion one
that will be remembered.
Mr Faulkuor laid stross on the
need for cn-oporntlon between this
section and Harney county so that a
road system muy bo completed that
will actually connect tho two val
leys for an nil year roatl and will
bring travel thru central Oregon.
Propose to lime Courses Kstiihllsht-il
In SrhiMiN mill I -'or Women of Var Var
eous: Coiuinunltlew Fire Nursing
for Poor.
If the branch nnd tiuxillnry organ
izations of the Ontnrlo Chapter A. It.
C, approve It Is probable that nn edu
cational nurso will ho employed uir
HiIh field thin fnlt. This nurse will
be tho contrnl flguro In a social serv
ice campaign to bo conducted by the
Hcd Cross In tho territory from
ltlverdalo on Dead Ox Flat to Hie
Tho term educational nurso ex
presses the Iden which the local or
ganization directors who were pres
ent at n meeting held nt tho City
Hall Sunday evening considered, fol
lowing tlio presentation of the plan
by MIsb Tnndo, field representative
of the Northwest Division nt Seattle
who spont several dayn of last week
In Ontario, following a visit to Vnle
nnd to Hums whoro u similar pro
gram wan presented nnd adopted.
Under tho scheme an outlined hy
MIsh Tnndo thn nurso to he employed
will not only bo n trained grndunto
nurso, but ono who has given especial
attention to tho teaching of tho fun
damentals of home nursing. She will
ho nvalLnblo to such Classen In thn
schools within tho enhpter Jurisdic
tion nnd will also hold classes for
tho adult women of the various ills
IrlctB, If thoy doslro to tnko the
- Frix Nui'kIiij: for Poor
Sho will also bo available In Hmos
of emergency, such as tho flu epi
demics of tlio past two yenm to or
ganize available nurses and assist In
guiding tho women of tho homes lu
carrying out medical Instructions
nnd hygenla requirements, For poor
families who can nut afford n nurse
sho will nlso ho available.
F.xmuluo the Children
It will ho her duty ,too, to mnko
periodic examinations of thn children
of the schools of (ho territory and lu
advise with thn parents concerning
measures to promote tho health of
tho children, and In other wuys possi
ble to advance tho health standards
of tho community.
Will Consult Auxlllailes
Tho former members of the hoatd
of directors of tho Ontario Chapter
pronciit at the meeting last Sunday
evening determined that wlillo thus-
(Continued on Last Page,)
Criuin Triilu no linger Walls for
No. I Crime, mill oilier Interi
or Towns Object lo l'n
certain Schedule
Instead of waiting for the arrival
of No. 4 from the West, tho brunch
lino train or the Oregon Fasten)
loaves Ontario dally at 0:45 on tho
arrival of tlio Holso pony,
Tho schedulo of HiIh train has been
tho sujert to much controversy, and
tho company officials havo been puz
zled how to hoIvo tho dllommu pre
sented hy conflicting Interests. The
Commercial trnvellng men, the peo
ple of Crane, Jiintura and other In
terior towns have ohjoctod to the
change, while Vale and Hums have
desired It.
Officials nf tho rompnny mado an
Investigation last week and follow
Ing the receipt of communications,
from varons sections determined to
revert to the old sahedulo.
John I.audlngham left Monday for
Nampa to ho absent for sovoral days
Mrs. G, 0. Plnuoy was culled to
Denvor Sunduy by thu Illness of her
t.a.jl,' .,. V!
v! KmHrrmj lqp&i'iim"ifHJ'nwllf Mm' uiww-rywiwwpi