THE 0NTA1U0 ARtlUS, ONTAKIO. OKEUON, TllUHSDAY. MAHOH 11, 1920. I'LO-CM) COMINO TO WKIHKIt ! tlm fllniHy lingerie that bewitch the men mid dollKht tlio feminine heart Thou (liny nro hIiowii In tlm fashion nlilo guwjin nml clonks of present ilny style everyone of tlio present nllnim evoking tlio loudost iipplmmb. Of course, tlm mnMi-uiInc iiilml iIooh not grasp those iIiiIiiIIk with tlio rap turous Interest dlsplnycd liy the IiiiHi'm. hut there In plenty to make lilm tick to IiIh seat out of fear lie wilt in hh hoinethlni; loit.Mint manaohii iirvs orchard at .iamii:so.v 3?U Mnwclvo, corKcmiK, o(iilltci mill pleiiKltiK, I wlmt In claimed for John Cort'H ilnlnty iiiiihIchI eommly on Illicit 'Tlo-KIo," which will lie the attraction lit the WhMloti tlientrc, WnlKor, TtiMiltiy iiIkIiI, Mnrcli 2:1. Tliu flrtit act in net In tlm Ilrltle Mhnp, u fiuthloiftbln "tore for women In Now York. Tho nlmpely model tiro iHinuloil before the nudlcncc In T. I. Dudley, who tmiil.ueil tin propertleiM of tlio Mollno Farm company In tlm Willow River vnllcv lnt summer, purchased from Hie company n twenty nrro tract, oi which Hoven ncres nro In fine pruii' trcoH Hint Imvo been henrlnc; tot c mo tlino. Mr Dudley returned lo till i. Mon IiimI week from ('hlciiro. .wv lio spent tlio winter nnd tin- .l:fi J to Kot hhi rmirli Into rnuillllo.i 'o the cnmliii; yenr uitOfferinas Ldolt5l 0 Men's and Young Men's Suits in all the newest Fancy and Conservative Models This enormous stock ranges in price from TTITULffrfflr f v ,ft.' fwjn m'im AaL', i s -A3xn 1 1 1 Ik THH .x JV yx ? I I immi'wimiMiMM Through the Bank your monoy will help along general prosperity. II is wife, readily available, builds you n credit and standing in tlit coiiinuinily, t an nsncl mid works Tor (lie I'oiiiiiiuiiify good. Funds Hint lie idle. Hint arc not put to work through a I-Cmik or in sonic liclpl'iil way are n (lis credit to tin' owner. Stint oiir nf-eoiuit with us. Top Repairing and Painting Our Specialty Nothing but the best qimlily used: Seguine Auto Co,.. Oldest (iupigc in Malheur County The New "Ace" English A beaut hoot lor men who want the evttenie ol" uootl jjlyle. And for men who also demand selected leathers and sill; nnd linen stitching., Also Tor men who. expect n alloc to keep it ahape until its days of nsefnlnetss are over. These qualities have been put into this shoe by Nuuii-liush anjl they arc qualities you will ap preciate more as the allocs become chummy with oiii I'eet. Wo havo your sizo in thia Aco model in either blnok or a rich chocolate. Tho prico in moderate, $12.75. Rader's IHIDAV AM) HATl'ltOU MARCH 1! AMI ! MAIIIR, NORMtWD In "run .iiN.v" PllUlC Sl'WH tii:siav, MAIICU a:i CONSTANCI! TMAIl)(li: III IIOMANCi: nml AIIAIIi:i,l, Ciiined) : (Vliool nml Smniliil WKIIXIWUAV, MAIICU HI IIKVAXT WXSIIIIl ItV III "II I'iON to Alhl-IIlM'" I'llllll St'toH TlintSIMV, MAItCII IW vmux wma.rv In "I'imiN mill Tlielr Money" Clu MIc Cornell) IIUIIAV, MAItCII l!fl CI ll lil.MIIAI.I. VOl (J III "curxTivt; ciii:ti:iis" AImo (IIMII.IK CUM'IIV "OH, WHAT A XltiHT" TIiIh IiIk JiiiiKiiln nil for lfic nnil :iOe, Imt It KM KM- IIKIt. One NlKlit ONLY HATCIIUAV. MAIICII 117 HI'KCIAh "An Von Uuiill) Mnnlo.l'.1" Hull IIoom Itii). Ciiineily Don't foiKoi tiuii wn Imvo it Irent nnnlnK: tin: HHIHIIAX OIICIIHSTUA HlHMTVl'll rfPllll' I'npliip Prlcod .00 to $ $9C 4r.oo With a nice assortment ol' tho Higher Grade Suiis at ifl 00 to I! Buy Your Easter Suit Now! Be careful and discriminating make careful selec tions be free lo make comparison in style and fabric. In the end we will save you at least $10.00. ALEXANDER One Price Clothier x B wn HK.HWAV COMMISSION!'!! .-'i:om i''itrm.AM visits iioisk Ontario, Oregon 1 nuf. (I'onllnutxl From l'nno 1) Mended vlnlt with hor diuii'.hlor In lloimtoii. II V. (Irovor w In I'ortlHUil riom Trliluy In MnndHy with w cur of 1 1 icli Mlilipoil to tlio wcBlurn initr-kolM. iHjft.wyje3KJg Fashionable Women Talk .Style Mil Price $12.20 y .v Vrwf Price $1M0 Style 1U)S of. the pretty creations in spring footwear nw being displayed in our winihiws. They arc di rect from the stle de signers d" lU iV- Diiiiii Co., makers tlv "Style Shoes ul' Quality." They are pleasing to look at ami equally pleasing in their fault less fit anil superior wearing qualities. If you appreciate stlKh footwear don't fail to ee our display. A glance into our window tells the stor t.f what's in vogue. Low I UiilwII ulil ionic home Him! riio'C V. SiiLletv Imd n mo.i .1... Illthtfiil iiHintlily hllHlnri nml kiicIiI Suturdiiy froiii t orullU lo upend lint Kinder Mietillnli. T. M. tlaril iiei' mu In Uulno WimI iiwuby. Word him ooiiih Hint lioth Mr. nnd Mr. ('. K. 1 nwttll. lni llvo In for vulIU, ura roflovoiliiK fiom Hih flu. TIlO l.itltlKT, Mi-m. i'. ('. I'owhII, U with llniiii uirluu for tlinm. Mr. nnil Mrn. (I. I. HollitnliocU nml Mm. C. W. I'orlur worn enlnrUlnoil Huniliiy nt the ('. I.. Itli-h home. MIm Mnliol Kuliort; win n Ultor mi tho pmeutfll home hint wi'ol;. Mis. A. M. McConnell wiih In I'ny ulto luit wesh for u tlxlt with Mrn. 1'ullilier, who vtm down fiom WelHtr. Hurry I'nwe'.l moved Mr. nml Mm. Paul lluwo, who roMldod on the llomly rnuoli to tlielr new homo In N)wn. M. Purhort Ir ilrlvliiK Kouto No 1 for S. I). 18 In tho pine of Mr. lloll liiuer, who Tiiih ioHli;iud. Win. Ilmi- ill Ix look Hie route Mr. I'ueheii wiih ilrivliiR Itiiulo No. '1. meetlni: Kiliirduy nhilil ut tho 11. Whouhloii Inline. SiiiiiIiiv wiih Hie Hlxtlelh hlrlhiby miulverwiry of Mi. II. F. TiimmIiik nml Mr nml Mm. Olio nielim nine u InrKo dinner pnrty In httr honor. TIiokii priNwiit were Mr. mid MrH. Cnry TiiMliiK. Mr. mid Mrx. II. K. Tinwlui; mul their famlllcH mid Mr mid Mrn. CluirliHi Tuwilui; nnd A (lrlmotf. l.iiHt Thurndny MrH. Amv ICellf twve nu limplnillonal tnll; in I In f n rm women of the community ut rrulUitud. Knrly In April, under lh" vupoi vImIoii of tho Uulverdlty Rvleu rIoii lU'pnrtnient thoro will lie Hire' tls'H Imtlruclloii (liven In lint miiklnt In Hie fiirm women unci In the full He.'ertil d:iyn dnvoteil lo the iuuhlnf of drH forms mid ulxn In the full Hie iu'IiooI children nre lo receive u lluiro limpectlon uu In their health -oym, throat, otn mid welKht nra ttf he thnrnly IcmIbiI. NOTK'K Ol" HON!) SALK. Honied propoHiilH will lu leiwlvcd hv the Hoard of HupttrvUorti of Hi UliiKinmi Colony drulnnco DUtrlcl nt thwlr offlro In tiywi, Malheur Coun ty. OroKon, until Hit) in n r of 2 c.Vloolc I. M. on Wedensdnv. the 12 Ut day of April, 1P21), nml linmodlately tl emufter imhllcly opiined. for Hi purchatto of IjouiIh of wild district In the mini of I'lfiy-Tlioumuid ($nu. (lUO.tib) nnllHru, dated Mnmh 1, 1080, In dtmnralimtlnua mid miilinlnu n follnwM, lo-wlt: Siadcr9 $ ONTARIO, OREGON Sli Maturity Nuinlier Intenvt Principal Total March 1. 11)21 JUOOO 3UuO March 1, 1U21I 11000 3000 March l. 1U23 3000 aoon March 1, I'JIM 3000 3000 March 1, 1325 1, X 3, 1, 5, 0 3000 ?300u GiiOn March 1, l'J2C 7, S, U, 1U, 11, 12 2S2U HO 00 RK20 March 1, 1027 13, H, Ifl, 10, 17, 18 2C40 3000 BC40 March 1, 102S 10,20, 1, 2, 3, -I 2400 3000 CIUO March 1, lOlJO 2fl. 0, 7, S, 0,30 22SU 300U ,52SU Mach 1, 1930 31, 2, 3, 4, 5, G iiOil ;IOi)(i r,lUi) March 1, 1031 37. S, 0, 40, 1, 2 1020 3000 4020 March 1, 1032 43, 4, fl, C, 7, 8 1740 3000 4740 March 1, 1033 40, SO, 1, 2, 3, 4 1CU0 3000 4 SCO Mnrcli 1, 1034 (ifl, 0, 7, 8, 0, 00 13S0 3000 1380 March 1. 1036 CI, 2, 3, 4, 5, C 1200 3000 1200 March 1. 1030 07, 8, 0, 70, 1, 2 1020 3000 IU20 March 1. 1037 73, 4. 5, 0, 7. 8 840 3G00 4S40 March 1. 1038 70, SO, 1, 2, 8, 4 030 3B0O .J ISO March 1. 1030 8fl, 0, 7, 8, 0. 00 420 3500 3980 March 1. 1010 01. 2. 3, 4, 6. fi 210 3500 3710 ?38.220 ViO.000 $88,2X0 Said linniU to hear Interest nt 0 per cent per milium, pavablc iem miiiiiully on tho Hrxt day of September and March, principal and lntero:ii puyahlu In United States Cold Coin at the office, of th Secretary of ml. I District at .N'yssa.Malhour County, Oiejion. or nt the 1-Mnool Agency of the Stale of OroKon lu New York city, nt the option of tho holder. v Said bids in tut lie ttvcoiupaiilotl h u certified chock for ton per cent 110) of xalil bid, name to ho forfeited to the district as llnulduted cUm ut?ei lu the event Hint Hip iuccesfiil bidder falls to tuko up and pav for Mild bonds within ten dayti after the award. Said bld mum bo unconditional nj to leBullty and tho clUtrlet will furuliili the MiiocAHful bidder with tho approving KroI opinion of Muu. Teal. Minor & Wlnfreu, of Portland, Oregon. The llorrd reserve the right to roject any or all bids. lly order of tho Hoard of Sunurvlsois of tlia Kliu'mim nnionv nriin. npo DUtrict. - FRANK D. HALL. Secretary.