7 TIIKONTAmo AI1UHS ONTAItlO. OHK(H)Sf. TUT HSbA V. AIAKOH 18, 1920. noticm ok Hiiiatirrs ham: 11 vlrttio of nil execution nnd oidor of nale duly IhsiiciI tiy tlio Clorlt of tlio Circuit Court of tlio utnto of Oicroii for MnlliLMir County, dated tlio 17tli day of February, 11)20, lu n certain iictiou In tlio mild Circuit Court for paid Btnto niut County, wherein Snake River DlHlrlct Im provement Coinpauy, n corporation, tin l'lulntlff, recovered Judgment ni;aliiHt M. I,. Walker, executor of tlio cntnto of 10. A. Atwood, (locnsed. mid Myrtln M Hlout, Iviih I,. Atwood, It J Alwoiiil, nnd Iviih I,. Atwood trunteo for J, I'orduo Atwood nnd Myrtly M Stout, trimtvo for At wood nnd Walter M. Htiiul, heir of Ha Id L-Hluto of li. A. Atwood, lleeoaH i'd, nnd Maud (lolduinu, oh Defend ants lu tliu mini of Four Hundred Hlxteen Dollara. with Interont theio on from Octulier lHt, tOlfi'. at tlie into of 10 per cent per milium, nnd the further mint of I'orty-onu nod co lon Dullnra pennlty nnd Forty nul lum Attorney' fcrH and thn further mini of Four Hundred DollarH, with Interest therclm from drlobor Int. 1U17, nt tho rnto of 10 per cent per milium, nnd Forty DollarH penalty mid Forty Dollar Attorney re; mid for thn further mini of KIkIiI Hundred DolliiiH, with Intercut tlnjrn ou from Octohor 1st. 1018, nt tho rnto of 10 pur cent pnr milium nnd for Klchty DollarH penalty mid Kllthty DollarH Attornuy'H foe; nnd for thu furllier mini or Six, Hundred Forty DollarH, with Intereut thoivn nun October lut, ID 10, nt tho rnto of ton per cent per milium, nnd for Hlxty Four DollarH penally nnd Sixty Four Dollara Attornoy'H reo mid for tlio further mini of Fifty Klnht nnd 7I-100 DollarH costH. TIIKItKFUUK XOTICK IH IIKHK 11V (1IVKN. Tlmt I will on the 20lh, day or March, A. I). 1020, nt tho hour of two o'clock lu tho afternoon of mild day, nt tho north main entrance door of tho Mnlheur County Court llonno nt Vule, wild County nnd Stale, Hull nt puhllc miction to tin lili'lieHt mid hem lildder or hidden for ciihIi, thn following iloniirllieil real property, to-wlt: Rf&NISli of Soctlon 0, Town ' Hhli Hlxteen South, ItaiiKe 47, KiiKt of tho Wlllitnietto Meildlnn In Malheur County, ritntn of Ore. Kou. Taken mid levied upon na tho prop erty of tho nhovo limned defendants Mr l Walker, Kxvoutor of I ho wtutu of K. A. Atwood, decerned, mid Myr tle M. Htout, Iviih I Atwood, H. J. Atwood mid Iviih I,, Atwood, triutee for J. I'orduo Atwood mid Myrtle M Htout, triiHteo for Atwood mill waiter M. Htout. holm of wild otnle of It. A. Atwood, docixmod, nnd Maud (loldumn, or nti much thcreor a limy ho nocowmry to witlnfy mild JuiIi;iuont In fnvor of Snake lllvor DlHlrlct Im provement Company, n corporation, ti ml nituliiHt tho uhnvo iiained dofen ilantH, with Intorottt therflon, lOKothor with nil contH nnd ilUburnomontH that hnvn or may nccruo. Dated nt Vulo, thla 2.'lrd dny of Fohrunry, 1920. II. LKK NOB, Hhorlff. Ily T. C. McKLROY, Deputy. Date or Hnlo March 20th, 1020. Date or Find I'lihllcntlon Kebrii ury 20th, 1020. Dato or I.nst I'lihllontlnn Mnroh 2Mli.' 1020. CITATION TO IIKIItH IN THK COUNTY COURT OF TIIF STATIC OF ORICCION, FOR MALHKUR COUNTY Classifier' Advertisements Fo it ham: vw IN Till! MATTKIt OF Til 14 1CSTATK OF NANOV KIM 14, DKOKAHKI). To Kntle Kline, Krnm Kllno, Orvll Kline nnd to Martini I,. Ilroderlck. Ruurdlmi ml litem: tho known lioln mid (IovIhcch, nnd to nil other helm unknown, If nny, of Nnnrv Kline, do ceaaed, nnd to nil pe'rumm u;,,nown or concorned, OR14in'lN(ltt;- lly order of the nhovo entlt'ed Court ench nnd nil of you nro heroiij cited to appear before the nhiwo en titled Court In tlio County Court room nt Vnle, Malheur Count tir" Ron, on April 2,- 1020, nt 10 oVIu-lt a. m. to rIiow cniiHP, If nny you hnvn why John Zimmerman, executor of tho cntnto of Nmiey Kline, iIopohxpiI hIiiiII not ho entitled to mid !lr km hy nu order of thin Court to null nil of tho following described real efltnto, to-wlt: I.otH five nnd MX lu bloeK rive n IlnHkclt'H Addition to thn Cltv ol linker, linker County, OroRoni Tho I4iwt llulf or tho NV, : Hip SWM. nnd Hip SW'V, or the Sl4Vt of Hec, 20, mid tho B14 of the H14V4. lu Hoc. 27, T. 18. 8. It. -II, 14 V M, In Mtilhour County, OrnRon; iIpkIiiii iir nt tho Hoiilliwont comer of Lot 1, Itlock .'!. lu Raid town of yVoHtfnll. Mnlheur I'ounlv, Oipnoir thence Mouth 70 f"et. theme Kant 11(1 fpot; Ihnnce North 10 toel: Ihenec VP8t 110 foot to pinco of Iick miiIiik IleKlnnli! : i (lie Hi: comer or I. ' 4, Illork :i, In mild town or Westfall. Malheur Counly, Oreiton; thencf Kant 10 reotjlheiiPO N. f0 reel: thence Went 10 reel; thonce South fit) reel to place or hcKlunltiK- Thn 814 or Lot 1, mid Lot I. of lllock .1, lu the town or Wmtrnll.Mnl hour County, Oregon; nil lyltiK mid IiuIiik In one tract. WITN148H thu Hon. K. II. Tout. JiiiIko or tho County Court or Mnl heur County, Ori'Kon, nnd the icwl of unld Court IIiIr 21th day or Fehruary, 1020. A. M. MOODY, County Clerk Ilrookn & Oallnplier, Ontario, Oregon, Attorney for Kxectilor. ONIJ HKOIHTKHUD Hlilro Stud. IS months old. for Hnlo or trade. One filly, 18 montlm old, hard to heat; White Leghorn ('IiIcIioiih; wnuoii nnd hoUHohold rooiIk One new wt Iiuk BJ' linrniK, one new net -llalleyV Iron plmieM. I). A. Hrnkeman, near Knlr Cr"-t'dH. 10-18 nnd one good G-ri om hotinu for $1000. Thin hotiBo could not he hullt for lem than $2200. (lood loca tion. OrolB & Doollttlo, 48-tf Colt BALK Olt THAI).. - h-t .ll you kIvo or wli.it, h.te .m.i to trnd for lot- 1, 2, :t, 4, :, 11, 12. U, II and I. In lilork 8:!, ctt or Ourin? O O. Luehm. 22-1 0-1 r FOIl HALK 1IV OWNKII 80 iicren. fenced mid partial) rlnnrml, wnlnred hv Wnriii Siirlnai trrl - Hon Dlftrlct. R0 Hliaren Neva. In Stock. On main highway lev. wtofi Vuhi nnd Ontario. $70.00 per ncr $2r,00 cnuli rill handlo It Iit'ttlrt It. V. Hwnnler, Ontnrlo, Ore. 1.1-tf YKAltLINO HKIFKHB (lood milk Htrnln, for finle. C. L Cnrsmn On tnrlo, nt Fnrley linrti. 274-tf HELPWANTED for dish wnshing nnd house clcaninff HOLY ROSARY HOSPITAL ADMI.MHTItATOIt'H KALI! Notice Ir horehy kIvpii Hint lu pur Htianro or mi order or tnle. 1 til -mndo mid entered hy tho Count Court or tho Httito or Ori'Kon for tin County of Mnlheur, on thu 27lh dny of January, 1020, In Hip uiuttar of the ontnto of Florence (I KrniiH, de- ten-ed, tho uiidnrHlKiiPd ndnlul- trntor with tho will annexed of mild cutato wltl, on nod nftcr the 20lh dny of March, 1020, nt IiIh office lu Ontnrlo, Oregon, offer for Halo and koII at private mile, or ciihIi In Pmul. uhjpet to conrirmntlon hy nlil court, tho follow lug dencrlhed rnl etiluto owned hy- tho nald otnte lo-wll' I.otH numhored 111, 14, !, 10, 17, 18, io, 20, 2i, :io, :u, 2. :ix, 4, u. 30, :17 nnd 38, of Illed: 2, Torraco llellthlR Addition to tho City of Ou nrlo In Malheur Count, OrKon. Tho rimt puhllixitlon of HiIm nnt!i" In on Feh, 10, 1020, mid tho hint puh llcotlon Ih on March 18, 1920. H. F. TAYLOR. AdmlulHtratnr, with Hip will annexed of tho out ate or Florence O. Kraim ' DccwiFcd. inPRINTB' I Checks that 1 ! lcanbeHRaisedl! V.fe J NOTICi: OK HOND HALK OK KAY- irrri:.)itK(.'o hi.eim: iiiiik.-a. TIO.V DIHTHICT, LOCATKII IX MAI, IIKl'lt COCXTV, OlllUiO.V. Until lvo o'clock 1. M., April fi. 1020. tho Hoard or Dlroctorn or I'ny uttcOrcRon Slope IrrlKntlon DUtrlct will recelvn Fouled proposalK at their office In Mnlheur County, Stato of OreKon, nnld office. IioIiik located In tho ono-story frnnio dwellliiK Iiouhk of tho Bald District, more particu larly doHcrlhed uh helm; located lu tho Soutlipatit Qunrlor or the North west Quarter or Section Two, Town Hhlp 17 South, RuiiKO 47 K. V. M., In Mnlheur County, Orceon, for tho pur cliaso of tho six per cent negotlalilo lionds of tho Dlitrlct In tho amount or $10,000.00, Hald honilH helue hIkii eil nm) dated January 1, 1010; mild lionils hnvliiK he-on nuthoiUed for tho purpose, or meeting tho deficit In ninliiionanco for the yonr 1018, meet ing the cost or enlarging tho dltrliOH and drudging tho Intake cnunl, and to provide funds for tho purpixo or purchuHlng u new pumping unit to mipplemeut tho existing pumping syn torn or tho District : Interost on ald hondg paynhlo Heiiil-annually, to-wlt: uuu iiiu iirni imy oi January mm Jill) or each year, $6000.00 or bald hondn lining duo mid paynhlo January 1 1030, mid $0000.00 thereof liolng due nnd paynhlo January 1, 1037 J. L. IJROWN, A. A. aUTTKRRIOOE. O. V. LATTIQ. Doard of Directors of tho 1'nyetto Oregou Slopo Irrigation District I M. HOALS, I Secrotnry or tho Hoard or Directors or Payotto-Orogon Slopo Irrigation District. Flnt publication, Fob. 20, 1020 Last publication, April 1, 1920. 210 L1I8. CLDANKI) ALFALFA wed for nt )", cenlH per pound. K. K. IiiBlo. I'hoilP 20IW2. 271-ir-tf IlAltltKD ItTu'K K(1(1S for lintclilng Mm. Cnry TumIiik, Friiltlnnd. 27S-l.i.lS FOR SALE Frnmo ham 18x24. Two Hlorlefl. Ico houno 12x12, ca pacity 30 toim. Good lumber mid construction. Must ha moved rrom promises. K. 11. Test. 171-1-tr Olio r.-rootn bonne for $1100, tcrniH; -'O arre.. 2B ncrea unilor good il It i'li. $2000; terms. 00 acres, $7" per ncro; rnw Innd. 40 ncro, $7o per acre; raw Innd. 10 ncren nonr Ontnrlo; nil cultivation, with buildings. A snap, tit'iulro (Irolg & Doollttlo. tr (ToLDKN JKWKL Seed Com Tor Hale nt J. A. Wnltor ranch.- -Ren Rose 202-ir-ir 80 ncreH good land under gravity ditch, no ImproiumentB; $ 7 n . 0 0 per ncro, $1000 ensh down, hnl. good teruid. (Irt-lR & Doollttlo. 48-tf t'ORTi' ACi;iC8 acod Innd for Hale, nonr Vule $1000 down, long time ru hatati e. Uood ncconit hand iitilo will ho roiiHldorcd on fl-sl paytvenl .Addrcm Ilox 220. The Argun. 22V-ll-tf S. C. WIIITK LKOIIORN IIAin Chlckn. lO.OOOfor mile nfler Mur 1st. $20.00 per 100. Order now as they nro going fast. Hatching cggH $2.00 per setting. $10.00 per 100. A. II. Colli, phono 200V 280-1GK FOR 8ALB COW. rroh April S; . pure bred now; 1017 llulck rnr. I'lionn 41M. 1 0-1 C FOR HALK hy owner 80 acres In lllg Rend Oregon. Wilt rut nhout 100 toim nlfnlfn, nearly nil or balance ran he farmed this season. Terms I'rlco $11,000. AddroHK Ilox 3R2. Vnlo Orogon. 270 lfi-17 1'LATFORM HCAI.H-- High Kriido, enpnhlp of wrlKliIng up io 0 tom IIbh never been ueil. For wile, price $100. Phono A. J. (Hover 14V-M. 270-1(1-187 r1nT:"lK DRIVINd HARNKSS Foi mile. New; $20. A. J. (Hover, phone 140-M. 270-10-17 FOR BALK Now 1021) Oaktnnd touring car nt u bargain. Cord lire, bumper, miithlwra, spot light, ptnte glnwt wlndpwH, two extrn Hich. 1020 llcciiPn, etc Cull 10S-M, or In inlro Fonl gnrngr 177-1 "-10 ilKAL (IOOD TBNT for Hnlo. Ilx2t. 0 ft. wnlln, I eentor poles, 8 cur tain poles. I live near east side sliool building. L. A. Cnmphflll. No. U Onn good C-room house for $1000. Thin Is tho best buy In Ontario for thn money. Hath, toilet, shade trees Orclg A Doollttlo. 48-tf KLKCTRIC RANOK for Halo cheap. 2 plates, steam cooker, broiler oven nnd wnrmlng shelf, In first clasn condition. Reason for sale, going to move whom no place for It Real hnrgnln. Imiulro nt Flfer'A. 204-14-tr Ono n-rnom bnuso, gnrngo, fi lots, Hhndo treoH; $2200. Orolg k Dee llttlo. 48-tf XYANTHIl WANTKI) to leaBO, ton ncro tract. cloo In; nt least five noron lu al falfa. Win. Kerchor, 2 hlockH wonl of school bnuso, Ontnrlo. in-10. WANTKI) Four or five room hotme If you wnnt to rout or sell phono. R. R. Richardson, ll-W. WANTKD TO IIUY Ono good work horse. Would consider tenm If n hnrgnln. TbninnH W. Clngett, Ontnrlo. 212 tr I'OCNI) AND LOST WMMMMMAM RKWARD ror lost llluo Dort crnnk. hetweon Valley Vlow hcIiooI nnd NyiHu. John Knkeheoko, R. P. D. No 1. SKPARATOR FOR 8ALK II. S. Al- inost new. May he soon nt Trnxell Implement Co. Mr. Sherry Johu noii. . FOR HALK Sago brush rnko. grub ber mid Holt hniiil leveler ror 7S horsepower Cntorplllar. Imiulro II J. I.oroulxoii, l'leld Supt. Kastcrn Oregon Land Compnny, Ontario. 247-1 air HAY FOR HALK 20 Tons l!:l-l cutting, nun mile west or K. H. & I), ranch; 20 ton first mid third cutting two mllosfrom Ontario. -Thoruns-WCIagott. 227-1 0-tr FOR BALK Two large clialm mid library table, nlmost now; ebon p. Phono 00-M. 213 8 tf FOUND Pair of gold rimmed spec- taclcs. Owner tuny hnvo namo by cnlllng nt Argus mid paying for thin Adv. 273 .MiHci:i.uNi:oim IVM. KKRCIIKR Cnrpontcr mid hullder. First nvenuo, N. V., 2 hlockH west or school housa.243-13-tr LKT HUSS CLKAN THAT SUIT, Phono 38-J Tho Pnutarliim. tf SIXTY TONS ot good firm mid m-c-ond crop hny for nnlo. See J. J DIorh, Ontario, Oregon, Ilox 042. 12-Bt All lota nn.i property of tho On tario Land mid Townslto Co. hnvo been returned over to W. II. Doollttlo as trusteo, to ho sold. This proporty Is now for salo hy us nnd Include In addition to tho lots ono 2-ncro tract, ono 5-acro tract, ono 7-rnom house (IOOD SUITS, OVKR COATS, AND rnlu conts, mndo to order. Panto- rlum. tf MRS. CIIRISTKN8KN, lonelier or piano. Phono 02-H. 200. Otf IIKM8TITCHINO 113 3d St. N.W.. Cnngrogntlounl parsonage, Ontario. No,13tol8 AOKNTS VANTi:i) WANTED, AQKNTS FOR ONTARIO nnd vicinity. Oood proposition. Previous oxporlonco unnocoMKiry. Freo Sohool of Instruction. Addnxs MusRachusotts Hoiidlug mid Insur ance Company, Accident nnd Health Department, Haglnnw, MlrhlKun Capital $1,500,00 278-10-17 Commercial Creamery Co. Gashbuyers of Cream andProduce Place: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon Y.iur Best Market for Cream, Ekrs, Poultry of nil kinds Phone 182 IIOSTOX CAIK Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD , GOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAOE SOLICITED. Open C;30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ontario, Oregon KEEP a supply of PEARL OIL. (kero sene) on hand for use In oil cookstoves, heaters and lamps. Pearl Oil U clean and economical. Your dealer can supply you. "Ask for PEARL OIL. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALiroUNIA) IIAVK YOUR OAK MADK.HIHTI.IKi: Ni:V Tho powor of your auto on glno cornea rrom tho cylinders and thla Is the Only Shop In Malheur county Hint hau u CYLINDER ItORINO MACIIIM? Thla permits uh to do this ac curate machine work to n hair, and do It quickly. Now Is tho timo to havo your euglno overhauled. MAItDK.VH MACIIINK SHOP Onearlii, Oifgon il 1-5 OME? Own One of Your Own Millmade Ready-Cut Homes By (mlorniK a inill-iniulo Ilomc vim SAA'K TIM13 imtUIONEy. Get an absolute double cons! rueied Home, made of first grade material throughout; Hardware, Paint, and all mill work furnished with a complete set of Plans. A large number of designs to select from. Al ways glad to show you. Call fiiMV H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon. mutMwm nmMJwwmrwtipw isV 4y ctp Success in any endeav- or can be obtained only through perfec tion of action in every detail. This firm has been successful in cre ating a reputation that shows the highest standard of character. Modern Chapel and Funeral Directors at your service. II. L. I'HTHUHOX, O. It. AII(HWTlH, Kmhalmor'H Llronvo HmhalmorV Lleutum No. XTi No, 2:i. Ontario Furniture Company U " it "You Can't Gel Away from says the Good Judge A little of the Real Tobacco Chew ftives more genuine satisfaction than the big chew of the old kind. Savei money, too because this class of tobacco lasts much longer. The rich to bacco taste stays right with it. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco m&wm IP1 JKRSKV HULL ror erlcu. Ff' :t.00 onnh, and calf cuaruutped. Wm. Korchor, 2 hlookn woat or hcIiooI houno, Ontario. 242-13-tf INSIST on an abstract or title when you purohnso or loud mono) on rul Mtlite. MALlIIiUR TITI.U AND AIISTRACT CO., Vale OroKiin T i