The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 18, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 1G.
Cltiugcd Willi Obtaining Money Un
der I'ii1nm Pretenses, "Goiioiiiiin"
(Milken Tnlien Into OiHlndy
Iteul Niune Hulil to He
lister I, llcyiumi.
Lester I. lloyninn In tho real nnmo,
tin) utilliiirltlcH declare, of tho man
who lived nearly a your In Ontario
under tho namo of L. I. Hlrsch.
Iloyman wiim nrrcstcd at Niagara,
Now York, Sunday, charged with ob
taining money unilur falno preteiiHCH,
iih hu went to claim IiIh baggage.
MarHlial II, C. Farmer left Sunday
iilKht for the fauioiiH fallH city to
lirliiK him hack to Ontario,
AccordliiK to A. L. Cockrum, preH
hlent of tho Flrnt National hank, who
went to St. I.ouIh to lutervlow Iluy
maii'H relatives, Iloyman, or Illrncli,
performed a coup In 10 IS Mlmllar to
that which hu executed here,, hut for
u far greater Hum. Tho giimo In St.
I.ouIh Involved operations In turn, hy
which Iokhch were Hiiffercd by St.
I.ouIh cIIIzoiih amounting to (M0,
1100, 100,000 having, boon paid hy
lleynian'H Htopfnthor, It Ih Raid,
MarHlial Farmer loft Chicago Wed
nemtay nlRht for Muffulo, New York,
and Ih expected to Mart hack tonight
and roach Ontario Monday night. It
Ih prolmlilo that a preliminary hear
ing will hu hold hero on TiiCHday.
I toy man Ih said to havo waived extra
dition imperii, hut thono have heen
provided In cano ho cIiiiiikoh his
According to tho St. I.ouIh PohI
Dlspatch, lleyman wan a lawyer In
St. I.ouIh, and Ih wild to havo main
tained thn moHt olahorato offices In
tho city, la tho Iloatman'H Hank
hultdliiK. TIiIh much tnlllcfl with
Home of the HtntomontH ho mailo to
Ontario people.
While Iloyman woh apprehended
at Niagara, IiIh whoroahout Iiuh hcon
known to tho offlclalH for Hovcrnl
ilayn prior to IiIh arrest, for ho wan
traced to St, Mary'H, Ohio.
It liriH developed hIiico ho loft On
tario that hoth ho and IiIh wlfo so
cured mall hero iindor tho namo of
Iloyman and that thlH fact wns
known to Heveral cltlzoiiH, who while
puzzled hy It, had given It no sorlmiH
luteal liiiprmeiiieut District for Light
lug, AIho for Puvluj; of Alley
Started l'lan Way to Ob-
tain I'lro Truck.
In order to secure ornamental
HghtH for Ontario a plan lias boou
dovlHod by City Knglnoor, O. A. Kratz
mid approved by tho directors of tho
Commorient Club to bo submitted to
the City Council for Its determina
tion. Untlor thin plan, n local Im
provement dUtrlct for this purposo
Iiuh been outlined nnd Secretary F.
I.tmllu llody IiaH started the nocossary
ptltlon and Ih recolvlng marked en
couragement. A petition has also boon started to
havo thn alloy botween First and
Third nvonucH 8. W., alone tho sta
tion park, paved.
Tho directors of tho club nro work
ing on a plan to flnanco tho purchaso
of a flro truck but havo not reached
u deflnato doclslou on this matter, as
Tho club will hold Its first monthly
luncheon noxt Wednesday evening
when a public auditorium and street
lighting will bo tho subject of ills-
Committee Appointed
resident Van Petton has appoint
ed tho following standing committees
for tho year:
Entertainment: II. C, Smith, M.
R. Dolling, C. F. Cox.
Finance: tho offlcors of tho club.
Membership, II- O. Drano, P. Sell
Kinnn, Cholsoy Iloyor,
MorchautH, K. A. Frasor. H, C.
Iloyer, A, Tloblnson, H. L. Peterson,
V. H, I.oxon.
Publicity. It. W. Swagler, W. L.
Turner. C. S. Watson.
Itoails, O. K. Aiken, D, M. Powers,
T W. Clagett, E. W. Howland.
A merry ovonlng was enjoyed by
tho T. 8. Class of tho U, P. Church,
Tuesday evening at tho homo of Guy
Hecoy, In Illverslde. Lively gamos
filled tho evening after which tho
young peoplo did full justice to Ico
ticrenni and cake, and then with much
laughter and parting good-nights
they loft for their various homes.
Mrs. James Ouerln will entortaln
tho women of tho W. C. T, U. Tues
day, March 23 at tho homo of Mrs,
Itandall Sage.
Tho Tuesday Drldgo Club met at
Wolser this week at tho home o fMrs.
Tho Wednesday Drldgo Club met
at tho homo of Mrs. It. O. Payno.
Tho Women's Club mot today at
Mrs. Joe Staples home.
To aid In paying for tho paving In
front of tho Church of tho Dlcmied
Hurrnment, the wonion of thn Catholic
I.adhm Aid ara working hard on an
apron and food Bale which Ih to ho
held at ltader'H Htoro on April :i. Tho
noxt mooting of thu society will ho
hold at tho homo of MrH. Uoorgo
llloliseti on March 20 for further
work in preparation for thn snlo.
No Other Quo-Mlmi l.lkc I toad .Mat-
lorn IntoroslH tho People Stall
Hank HIiouh Wonderful
FltUITLAND, Idaho, March 17.
Mr. Axel JohiiHon, olio of tho com
mlHHlonorH from Highway District 1,
and J. M. Gardner of Friiltland went
to HoImo lust Wednesday, accompany
ing representatives' from Highway
DlHtrlct No. 2 to loam tho condi
tions of tho much talked of nsslst
nuco from tho Oovorninent to -help
build tho roailH In thoso two dis
tricts. The report that 00 por cunt
of tho monoy to bo put up by the
government nnd tho Highway DIs-
trlctK wan to ho used for overhead
and engineering axponso Ih erron
eous. It Ih truo that ho far what
monoy has boon spent hnH been paid
out for onglnerlng but when high
wayH uru completed It wns learned
that only 0 por cent to 10 por cent of
tho monoy expended Is for overborn!
nnd engineering oxpciiHC. It wan
loarncd that $103,000 has been not
aside ofgovornmout money for uro In
Highway District No. 1 hut that ap
plication from Highway No. 2 for
government aid camo too Into to havo
money Hot asldo this your for that
District. Now, flometlilng should ho
bo done In tho matter of road build
ing In nrdor that Highway District
No, 1 may tako nilvnntago of tho
$103,000 that Ih sot asldo by the
Government, othorwlso It will bo
turned to somo othor county for use,
uh counties nro falling nil over thorn
solves to secure t IiIh monoy iiud
Highway District 1 Ih fnrtunnto to
havo thlH starf nhoad of other dis
tricts. Now thoro Is no other question ab
sorbing tho Interest of tho peoplo as
a whole so Important to thorn as tho
building of roads. Auto ownors In
Pnyotta county nro numerous nnd
since much monoy this year has boon
paid In both In tho way of auto
llconso nnd tnxcA for road building
thoy aro anxious that tho money ho
usod for tho bottormont of roads.
This Is a question that should ho
talked of nnd thought much about
for It Is going to bo up to tho thrco
commissioners to decide whether
Highway District No. 1 Is to havo n
fow miles of paved or concroto roads
or moro miles of graveled roads, In
tho meantlmo tho commissioners
should fill up the mud linlos that
can not bo pulled thru, as thoy aro
trying to do this woek. Wo want
good, pormanont roads nnd tho
sooner wo got thorn tho loss thoy
cost. Flvo years ago rondH could
havo been built with ouo-thlrd less
than thoy cost today.
Mrs. 12, II. Mammons of Ontario,
who formerly resided on tho Deuch,
Is visiting a fow days this wook
among her friends. Tuesday sho
loft for llolso to visit hor sister and
from thoro sho goes to Texas for an
(Continued on Last Page.)
Ontario Pharmacy mid McDowell'
Visited by Yeggs, Who Tako
Knives, Watches, Fountain
Pens, .Leather .Goods .iiikI
Canh; Work Parma, Too.
Gaining entranco thru back doors
and windows, robbers Sunday night
visited two Ontario business houses.
At McDowell's, tho first placo visit
ed, they broko tho back window and
climbed In, There they stole a bit
and brace which they used to boro
thru tho back door at tuo Pharmacy,
on their entrance there.
At McDowell's tho robbers helped
themselves 'to 25 knives, somo cheap
watches nnd one valuable watch, be
sido tho tools which wero found at
the Pharmacy. At tho later place
the men broko Into tho three cash
registers and secured $30 in cash;
they cleanod the fountain pen case
of somo $240 worth of pens; took a
number of pieces of leather goods,
and a kodak, also.
On Tuesday night two hardware
stores at Parma wero similarly rob
bed, evidently by tho samo artists.
Iliiins Man PIiijm Grout Defensive
(hime unit Wins Handicap Mai eh
dull1) ICnNtley Thrown
Canip After Hind Struggle.
lloforo nu enthusiastic crowd of
mat fans nt tho Ontnrlo Athletic
club hint Friday night, Ad Gustavo,
the big Argcntonlnn grapplcr from
linker, failed to throw George Prime
of Hump In 41", mluutoH of ns fnRt
and hnrd wrestling an nnyono rould
Tho match was a handicap affair
In which Gustnvo agreed to throw
thn sago bi'iish Htrong man twlco In
4G minutes nnd when ho failed to
throw hint onco In that time, tlustnvn
nsked tho crowd to consldor tho fact
that ho had wrestled Ad Snntol nt
Itakcr tho night beforo nnd, whllo
making no nllblH, ho would llko to
wrestlo Prime ngaln on thn namo
condition, providing tho wlmcr tnkn
thn gnto rocolplH. . Prlmo agreed
that this was "Jako" with him,
Thn match was a real one from tho
dtnrt, with Gustavo tho nggrenor all
tho way. Prlmo played defensively
nnd Hindu a decided hit with tho
crowd thru his breaking apparently
doadly holds secured hy thu Argon
Ionian. Tho too hold nnd head scis
sors were GiiHtavo's favorites and
tho manner In which Prlmo broke
them uindo soinuof tho fans curtain
that CJustavo can not throw him at
nil. Hoth men proved fast mid
worked hard. Tho crowd had a real
run for Uh monoy.
KnMloy Throws Cnuip
In thu semi-final oveilt Curloy
Hnstloy threw Chot Camp of llolso
twlco. Tho first fall was negotiated
In 44 minutes, tho second In four by
tho uso of n deadly bead scissors. All
thru tho first session Camp gavo
Kastloy, who outweighed l.lm 35
pounds a battle that mado n hit with
tho followers of tho gamo.
Minn llumiu lifter (Ioibrnt Ground
Squirrel Alo get Attention of
Post mill DInoiiko Control
Tho wook of March lfi to 20 lias
marked tho opening of tho Farm
Ilureau campaign on pockot gophers
and ground squirrels, Tho county
agent and Hlnloglst Horn havo been
busy preparing poison and condition
ing domoustratlnus on Its uso. These
domonstratloiiH havo boon, arranged
nccordlng to tho following seheduln:
Adrian, Wednesday 10 a. in.; Nys
sa, Wednesday 2 p, in,; Illvorsldo,
Thursday 10 a, in.; Orogon Slopo,
Thursday 2 p. in; Vale, Friday 2 p.m.
Cairo, Saturday, 2 p. in.
Mr. Horn explains nnd demonstrat
ed tho uso pt a probo In locating
gopher runways, how to placo tho
poison In tho runways, and also de
monstrates how to preparo tho poison
Ho shows the approved way of plac
ing gopher traps.
Two kinds of poison nro being pro
pared for the uso of land ownors.
Tho first Is wheat, prepared after the
Govornnicnt formula. This Is cheap
".YlllSSZtoW "ousowlfo by doing similar re
tory as tho more perishable halts pro
"- " "-' "-- '..-. . "
pared from carrots, .parsnips or sweet
potatoos. For convenlenco In pro
paring theso latter baits, "units" of
proparod poison will be supplied in
small containers for sprinkling over
tho baits.
This poison can bo secured by ap
plying to your committeeman or his
appointee. Tho proparod poison
will bo sold at cost and tho money re
turned to pay tho loan for purchase
of tho supplies.
TJi? rarJ" H"r0?u. J,aA118:0 nrran?:
od for squirrel poison and enough of ;.' J ,, . T p nmut nt' Dm
it i,. i,n .,.,... . i0.. .,niiarout wlfo of L. P. Urout, at tlio
it has been prepared to poison sovernl
hundred thousand of tho pests. Tho
poison Is being handled In the samo
manner and can bo had by applying
to your committeeman. Communities
without an organization, should elect
a Pest and DIeeaso Contro Commltt
man at onco. Tho following are the
names of tho county committee in
chargo of tho work;
County Chairman, Q. W. Dean, On
tario; Carlo Commuulty, A. Clramse,
Ontario; Community, Chas. Thomp
son. Ontario; Adrian Community, J.
It. Holley, Nyssa; Oregon 8lopo Com
munity, Q. W. Lattlg, Payette, Idaho;
lllverslda Community, C. H. Splcer,
Welser Id.abo; Vale Community, F.
Hall, Vale; Donlta, J. L. Mammnck,
J. F. Carnefix on Tuesday sold bis
19-acro ranch north of Frultland to
O. M. Itedflold, consideration $0500.
Ihittmn Idinils on Snake Month or
City Will He Placed In mltlwi-
Hon Oicgon. Western to rrl
K"to Hertlon Ninth of City.
.At least two thousand acres of
tnnd adjacent to Otnrlo will bo
watorcd this year by now Individual
pumping systems which tho ranchers
owning the lauds plan of having In
stalled soon.
Most of the land so Improved lies
South of tho city near Valley View
nnd Is below tho first bench where n
number of ranchers havo proven thn
quality of tho soil. Among thoso
who uro to Install pumps nro llaim
Oft, 1 lurry nnd Holdcn Cloment, W.
S. IIocm, Mr. Ilurr nnd Itandall Sago.
Thoro aro also n number of othor
pumping plantH Jj bo Installed In
that Hoctlon.
To the north of tho city on tho low
land beyond tho fair ground toward
the Snaku and Malheur rivers tho
Orogon-Weslorii Colonization com
pany Is to Install pumps to Irrlgato
tiver 400 acres. Mnnngcr J. F. Orr
of tho Idaho Power comimny has
mado n numbor of trips to Ontario
recently to prepare material lists
and comploto arrannoniontH for tho
Installation of these units.
Will Hopalr Wearing Appaiel for
Vtiuiig llachelorx ,k Pack
ago Ho Uft nt Ontario
.Modern Prewmry,
Til II I.nillr' rillllil nt llm Pnl. rn.,.
L,1(jrc ,m orKnnUoi, .,
Huronu, us u way to render sorvlco
to tho young men of Ontario. Wo
nro ready to turn worn collurs and
cuffs on any kind of soft shirt, or
flannel shirt; how on buttons, repair
button holes, patch and mend under
wear, darn socks, mid, with tho ex
ception of suits and outer-garments,
put your clothos In order, as mothor
usod to kcop thorn,
Wo feel thoro Is neod for such
work, nnd solicit your patronage for
our venture In old-fashioned thrift.
Wo shall endeavor to glvo satisfac
tion, and our charges shall bo roas
Mr. Horschol Drown has kindly
offered to placo a box In his estab
lishment to roculvo your nrtlclos, The
aulld moots tho second and fourth
Thursdays of each month, and In
ordor that tho commltteo muy have
tho garments in hand not later than
Wednesday morning of theso re
spective weeks, It would bo a great
convonlonco If nil packages could bo
loft at tho Ontnrlo Modern Pressary
on Mondays and Tuesdays of tho
corresponding weoks,
Pleaso seo that your packago Is
woll wrappod and plainly marked
with owner's name and address, In
order that wo may deliver thorn
without making any mlstakos.
Wo will also gladly rollovo tho
... ,.,.. I 1. 1 1 .!. I II..
iuiruiH tur lilts uvuu ui iiiu luimiy,
chlldron In tho grades ami pupils In
High School, and, such plain sewing
as making shoots and pillow cuses,
towels, plain aprons, and repairing
bed spreads,
Acuto pneumonia, after an Illness
n lint n innnli. nrltli I tk I tt n 1 It onlluml
tho death of Mrs. Marlon' Leota
Mooro hotel at G o'clock Monday
morning. Funeral services were
held from tho Peterson Chapol at
2 p. in., Tuesday, and Interment was
mado In tho Ontario cemetery. Hor
father. 0. K. Snyder of Prosser, Wn.,
was wired Monday morning, but bo
was too ill to attend tho funeral ser
vices. MrB. Grout was 33 years of
Mr. and Mrs. Grout arrived in On
tario a woek ago Sunday from Aber
deen, Wash, accompanied by George
S. Dean of that city, who hut recent
ly purchased an unimproved 95-acro
ranch, 2 miles south of town. She
was taken 111 that night.
Jim Harvey camo down from Vale
today to look after his local Interests.
Mr. Harvey and Mr. Walters havo
opened a sales room for the Hupmo
blle and tho Dodge cars In tho build
ing belonwlng to Davo Wilson, south
of tho Doyer buildings.
Superintendent Uostlc of tho War
ren Construction company has his
crowH nt work on tho grading of
Third nvenuo 8. W. on which the first
paving will ho laid. Tho crndlnc Ih
practically . completed from First
street to tho Hospital nnd It naught
Interferes paving will start noxt Mon
day. Tho paving plant Is nil rendy
for oporntloim nnd tho work Is ex
pected to bo completed In record
Two Ontario Holy Itosmy Nuisc
VMtlng nt Itanch Nenr .luntiira
Portland Huslucss Mnii Again
VMHiik Old Home.
JUNTUHA, Or., March 1G. Clar-
onco Drlnkwntor, In charge of tho
Portor-Sltz store nt Drewsey, spent n
fow hours In Juntura last week on
his return from n short vacation In
Mrs. J. C. Ostor, n former resident
of Juntura passed thru town Inst
Tuesday on hor way to hor homo
near Houlnli, having been slnco No
vember 1st with her daughter, Vera,
who Ih attending tho Ontnrlo High
Mrs. Ilnrnoy Tlllotsou of Houlnli
wns a Juntura visitor on Friday,
A, M. Taylor of thu Agency ranch
passed thru town mi hie ,ny homo
from a brief huslno". Journey to
J. Fellows, a former rosldont of
Harney county, who Is now with tho
Wiley II. Allen company of Portland,
Is spending u fow days In town look
ing after business and visiting old
frlonds, Mr. Fellows reports that ho
has placed n high grade player
piano In tho Tlllotsou homo nt Hou
lnli. Donald Mastorson of tho First
Hank at Juntura wan n passenger on
Friday's train for outsldo points.
Harvey Howou of Boattlo spent n
fow iliiyn hero last week visiting IiIh
slstor, Mrs. Joe Carter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Murphy uud
John Murphy pnssod thru town on
Saturday bound for their homo nenr
Houlnli utter spondlug a short time
In Ontario.
Mrs. Lawson Newell loft last wook
for a visit with hor mothor, Mm.
George Kolly of Drewsey.
Tho little granddaughter of Avery
Illchoy, who has been quite III with
pneumonia, Is recovering.
Judge and Mrs, Lamborson of On
tnrlo, passed thru town Monday on
their way to vhlt their daughter nnd
son-in-law near Houlah.
Mother Kuthorlno, Mothor Super
ior, and Slstor Agnos, head uurso of
tho Holy Hosary hospital at Ontario,
arrlvod Monday to spend a few day
with Miss Nan Hoffman at tho Hoff
man ranch,
Miss AguoH Kfuk arrivod Monday
from Pocatello on a visit to hor
mothor, Mrs. H. L. Slzcmoro of Hou
lah. Tho auto staga Is agatu running
botwoen Juntura 'and Drewsey. Los
tor Cnwlflold will drlvo for Jarvls
Smith until tho woathor Improves.
Sam Tluibroll of Crane wus n Jun
tura busluuHH vlollor Monday,
Cauulo Moffot and family came In
last wook from Hmmot, Idaho, for a
few days visit In Juntura. -
It. J. McKlnuon of Van wns n Jun
tura visitor on Monday,
Hector Aruwlno of Houlah wiih u
pasMongor Monday morning for out
sldo points.
rVlbort Altnow and M. A. Acton of
Drewsey wero Juntura visitors Mon
John Gordon of Vale spent tho
week- end In Juntura on matters ro
tating to buslnoss.
County Judgo K. II. Tost wont to
Haker TueBtluy to confer with tho
market road engineer of thu Stato
Highway commission.
Tho Oregon club'H annual St. Pat
rick's dauco last night was largely
attended uud u thoroly huccohsIuI
gathering. Tho big crowd enjoyed
tho fostlvltles.
A. L. Cockrum rotumod Tuesday
night from St. Louis and other mid
dle western points.
Mrs. C. A. Knrst of Orogon Slope
was tho guest of Mrs. L. It. Ilrulth
aupt ou Wednesday.
T. McParlln Goucb, formorly
editor of tho Mldvalo Itoportor, was
an Ontario visitor on Tuesday. Mr.
Gough, years ago, was a member or
the Argus forco, prior to the tlmo ho
wont to Mldvalo, where ho gained
tho distinction of election to tho
Idaho legislature from Washington
lliiiitliiutou. Welser. Pal cite, OnA.
tiiilo, Villi; mid Pniiiiu Form
League Caldwell, Nninpa unit
llolso .Seek Other KloliK
Ontario Is to havo a ball team this
summer. TIiIh city will be present
od In it longuo to Iju composed of
Huntington, Welser, Piiyotlo. Pnrinu,
Ontnrlo nnd Vale. It wilt bo an
Oregon-Idaho league with throo
teams from each stnto.
Thin action wan decided at the
spirited meeting of hnso ball fatin at
Pavotto yesterday and was not nr-
rlvod at until nftor a stormy bchhIoii.
Ho so. Caldwell nnd Nam pa soul rep
resentatives to tho meeting nnd ask
ed that two gnmcB ho playod each
week and urged that salaried player
hu obtained so that high clawt hull
could bo offered tho fans.
All of the other towtm reproseutuil
declared that thoy could not afford
to go us far as tho Loop towim mm
declined their proposals. TIiIh lead
to strenuous argument and finally
thu Loop towns withdraw from thn
Cambridge, Council nnd MondowH
on tho Pin road desired to bo repro
sontod, as did Urogan; whllo Nysmi,
too, mado n bid for a placu lu tho
longuo, hut tho men present finally
agreed upon tho towns named above.
Mr. Graff of Payette, woh elected
president of tho loaguo uud thu men
who represented thu varloiiH towns
loft thu mooting with Instructions to
got their teauiB organized and send
tholr muuiigorH to a mooting to bo
held In Payette on March 28, K. (I.
PropHt nnd Kohh Jenkins represented
Ontario nt thu meeting, whllo It. I).
Lytlu roprosontod hoth Vale mid
A commlttuo consisting of MowrH,
Jonkliis, Propst mid Aiken will In
terview Ontario's busluesH men to
secure their financial nHslstnucu In
putting ti team In thu fluid to repro
eut thu city thin year.
I'lilrly.fho Nun- Members mid n Num
ber of Triiiitfrrrvd Member
Listed on Charter lloll
Nampa Degieo 'IVmii
With n charter roll on whlah am
tho iiamos of 3G newly Initiated mom
bent nud many who hnvo transferred
their membership to tho local omnp,
which has boon designated bh On
tario Camp, tho ltoynl Neighbors uro
off to n flying start which ulroady
makOM tho camp one of tho largost
orgunlzatloiiH In tho city.
Thrco meetings wero hold last
wook anil this. At tho first mooting
tho degroo work was exemplified by
a team from tho Numpu Camp, whllu
tho lodgo wus Instituted by Stutu
Supervising Deputy, Mrs. Ida Ham
blen of Portland, usslstud by DlHtrlct
Doputy Mrs. Phoobo Williams of
On Friday a largo delegation from
Nampa camo down with tholr team
to exemplify thu work nud enjoy tho
banquet which followed.
Tho officers of the now camp aro
tho follewing: Mrs. A. 8. llrown,
oruclo; Mrs. C, K. Hlnghum, vice
oruclo; Mrs. Geo. Ho wo, chancellor;
Mre. W. L Turner, past oruclo; Mm.
O. 10. Socoy. rocordor; Mrs. W. V.
Gramso, revelver: MIsh Myrtlo Hlug-
hum, marshal; Mbw Maywood itam-
sy, usst. marshal; Airs. a. (irnmsu.
Inner sentinel; Mrs. A, I). Wells,
outer Huntlnel: Mrs. W. V. Gramso.
'.Mm. C. A. Koefo mid Mrs. II. K. Now-
iiiun, munagers; Dr. W. J. Woono,
physician; Grace: Miss Lyle Duf
field, faith; Mrs. Hotwlo ItoliorU.
courugo; Mbw Dolta IIIU, mndetity:
Mliwi vera Noeb, unselflshhetM, uud
Miss Joyce Tumor, euduruueo.
Miss Muzlo Wilson, uowly oloctod
club loader, will errlvo lu tho county
tho first of the week. Sho will take
up her work with th boys and glim
ofthe county at once.
Miss Wilson has bad several years
exporlenco lu her lino of work nud
comes vory highly recommended by
tho Stnto authorities. Hor work
will bo closoly nsslclatod with suoh
aganclos as tho Farm Ilureau, Wo-
mens Clubs and tho schoolu.
With a pormanont county loader
fur thu Junior work. Malheur count)
takes Its placo with Its neighbors
across tho Snako. Tha work of the
Club Loaders In Washington, Payette
and Canyon countlos is now woll or
ganized and doing great things for
tho bottormont of tho agricultural
and homo llfo of tho coming gouorn
tlan ;lt Is developing chnractor, thrift
mid leadership lu tho boys and girls.
W. L. Turner was a Wolsor visitor
on Tuosdny of this woek.
H. II. Tunny wont to Caldwoll
today to bo present at tha annual
Shorthorn sale of tho llolso Vulloy
Shorthorn Dreaders association,
which takiM placo tomorrow and Saturday,