The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 11, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 4, Image 12

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I llte f ft" """" II II
Tve Patch Pocket model and One Button Sack are excellent for but
ami during the warm u'catlurr.
Local KtprentUvs
All Lovers of Music
should make us a visit not one but many- -from
lim to time, to sec what wo have new in
Our stock of tlio Latest Records in both
is always complete and you will be able at all
times to select from us just the music you are
Turner Music Store
Ontario, Oregon ,
Mini Cliniuvri With Having Annevocl
1'ooN i il Kiililt.t'iil ill On
liii'lii mill Villi; U'ii I'JjU'li
ICxtriitlif Itiii I'r mi n'.'i'i i.
F.xtradlt!' n poperu hnvo lnii pre
p.ur.d by District At'.vi.ey l(. W
S'iulcr, or Mii; return for trlnl of K,
i.. Shotlcr, who Is clm.'ij'jl with h:iv
I'm Molen uduablo pnm of tlio inn
el incry niul equipment of tlio Wist
in l'nclfl'.' oil well ub.ivo Vnlc, .nnd
wliu la Bald .ind hollo oi also to hnto
tiVmi tool dlmI equipment ftoui the
p.l '.veil hero In Ontario.
Tlio complaint on which Bliotlor
will lio arraigned was sworn to by
W. 1). Myorn of tho Western I'nclfle
company boforo 0. I.. King, ami
District Attornoy Swnglor has takon
stops to Kccuro Shetland's return
from Twin Tails, Idaho, wl.cro ho
was located.
Tim nrri'Ht of Shctlnr Is tlio result
of noma iulot iluloctlvo work doni' b
Mr. Myorri aftor ho found that the
equipment was missing. Tho Roods
nro alleged to have been taken on
September 1, 1019, and hauled from
tho walls In truckH. This must have
boon tho raso for tho propurty taken
consists of heavy fly vitrei, balance
whcol and tools, ropes, pulleys and
other slilo equipment for an cnglno
Sunflowers and Pen U-ed nnd Prove
Worth Farm lliuvnii ItcHiiit.
lile for Orcnt Hiuliu- to Wnl
Iowa Stockmen,
(I. It, Portly, Soil Improvement Com.
iiillleemiiii Arrange
Tho roports on tho benefits from
tho iiho of sulphur In some of tho Or
ogon counties havo been ho fnvorablo
that every community farm bureau
has adopted that as ono of tho soil
Improvement projects for tho year.
Of course no ono knows that tho
yield of alfalfa bay will bo Incrcasod
on Malheur County soils by tho iiho
of this olomont, but a lot of pooplo
want to' know.
Down In tho Adrian communll
Ihoy want to know for Hiiro. Count,
Agont Ilrolthaupt suggested that
hundred pounds of sulphur ought to
mako sufficient trials for this spring,
but Committeeman Purdy came back
with an order for 3000 pounds, In
reply to a mild protost ugalnst this
"oxtrnvnganco" I'urdy says I ox
plained It would cost them throo
cents u pound and that Is what thoy
Ravo mo. I had to rIvo them nil a
ehanco to keep poaco In tlio family.
Tho hundred dollars Is no Horn.
Now tell us, If you plooso, how to put
It on. That Is what Is tho troublo
with us now, You Rot It horo as
soon as you can."
They got It.
Tho humhlu sunflower, plus tho
hIIo, plus tho Farm Ilureau, tiro revo
lutionizing fccdhiR processes In Will
lowo county, ono of tho foremost
livestock counties In tho State. Tho
best grazing land In Oregon Is found
In Wallowa county, thoro being over
a million acres of nyigct with tho
Inmost carrying capacity In any
Western district. This rnngo is ex
ceptionally frco of animal diseases,
carries yearly 05,000 Hhccp, 25,000
bcof cattle, and 2000 horses. Al
though tho Wallown vnlloy Is ono of
tho most productive Irrigated val
leys In tho Stato, jinvor experiencing
crop falluro becausa of a supply of
0.4 ucro feet available for practically
tho entire valley, there Is In most
years a shortage of winter feed In tho
county, largo numbors of stock being
shipped to Idaho. This season wan
no oxcoptlon nnd $700,000 worth of
hay was purchased In Idaho to bo
fed to Wallowa County livestock.
And hero Into tho agricultural proc
ttco of Wallowa County enters tho
sunflowor, silo nnd tho Kami llu
roau. .
Tho Kami Iluroati, organized more
than a year ago with a memborshlp
of over .100 county farmers, took up
tho task of determining upon an en
sllngo crop. Sunflowers, oats and
pons woro determined upon and
demonstrations of theso crops nr
ratiRCd. Tho sunflower proved tlio
most successful nnd n silo campalRti
was staRcd, resulting In tho erection
of 20 now silos, 14 of which woro
filled entirely with uunflowors.
Thcro was much speculation
among tho ranchers as to tho footling
rosults which would bo obtained.
Farmers down In Union County havo
found that two tons of corn onsllngo
would savo a ton of hay. Would or
would not tho sunflowors do equally
well? Under tho direction of tho
Furm Ilureau, County Agent Mac
lloko arranged to check with tho
man feodlng tho sunflower onsllngo.
Tho rosults woro satisfactory nnd tho
Farm Ilureau arranged n socond
hIIo campaign for tho wook of Febru
ary lCth. Meotlngs were held at
Josopli, Knterprlso, W'allown, Los
Una nnd Flora. In tlio first four
towns Commercial Clubs sarvod
bnnquots to an ut tendance of over
ono hundred farmers In evory In
Rtnnco. Professor K. J. FJelstetl of
tho Oregon Agricultural Collego, np
poored In tho program, at each meet
ing and discussed tho wintering of
livestock and tho vnluo of ciiHlluge In
tho feeding. Professor K. I.. Wost
ovor, of Oregon Agricultural Collego,
discussed types of sites adapted to
Wallowa County nnd held consulta
tion hours at tho Farm Ilureau of
flco at Knterprlso. County Agent
Mao lloko discussed tho plans of the
County Farm Ilureau and enlarged
upon tho campaign to plane ono
thousand hIIos upon ono thousand
farm's In Wnllown County.
Jay Dobbin, president of tho Farm
Ilureau, attended most of tho meet
ings and discussed various questions
rolntlnn to tho wintering of live
stock. Hugh Wilson, of Joseph, dis
cussed onsllngo In Its relations to tho
feeding of dairy cattle. Mr. Wilson
brought out tho fnct that ho had
been nblo to produce a pound of but
ter for forty cents by feeding ensil
age, Ills ration being :if pounds of
sllaRO and 12 pounds of liny a day,
whoreas, without ensilage, It cost
him 74 cents to produce a pound of
butter, tho ration under such condi
tions liolng 40 pounds of hay and
flvo or six pounds of grnln. Several
of tho farmers who fed onsllngo this
yoar for tho first time, npponred on
tho program and related their ex
periences, To Hugh Wilson goes the
distinction of building tho first silo
In Wallowa county In 1917. The
first season ho lost seven horses bo-
cnuso of feeding ensilage but stated
thnt oven so ho wan far ahead of the
gnmo nt the end of his first yenr.
Mr. Wilson was advised to build his
silo by County Agent Splllmnii of
Union County. Ho produced eleven
tons of pens nnd oats per ncro.
Carl Holland, of I.osllno, stated
thnt ho had saved SO tons of hay by
having bijvoii acres In sunflowers,
Ho fed COO shcop during tho past
year on an nvorogo, from tho same
ncronRO which only fed 300 Inst yenr,
tho dltforonco liolng duo entirely lo
ensilage nnd not to weather comll
tlons. Ho' figures tho feodlng cost
equal In both ensos.
I C. Pollnnd, of Wallowa, had
throo acres In sunflowers. Ho con
structed n silo 12 by 32 and showed
rocords to prove thnt his sllngo paid
for tho silo, ono-hnlf Interest In tho
sllngo cutter nnd tnnilo him $100 bo-
P 111 OB.
Tho results of feodlng onsllngo In
tho county so far this season, show
ed thnt nt n conservative estimate,
two tons of tho sunflower ensilage,
or ontH unit pen cnsllnRC, had saved a
ton of liny, and thnt the Having thin
yoar effectedby tho 30 silos with nil
nvorago capacity of ono hundred tons
was fifteen tons of hay vnlued at
$30,000. Knowledge of these farts,
diffused by means of tho silo schools,
has caused the farmers to adopt the
Farm Ilureau slogan of "ono thous
and silos on one thousand farm.i In
Wallowa County."
Hugh Wilson of Joseph, In charge
of silo work tor tho Fnrm Ilurenu.
Htntcs thnt tho ono thotisnnd hIIos
with nn nverngo capacity of ono hun
dred tons, wilt savo r.0,000 tons of
liny per yenr, which, vnlued nt $20
por ton will ho worth ono million
dollars. Ho states Jhnt such a de
velopment In Wallowa County feed
lug prnptlco would mako the County
n shipper of hay Instead of nu Im
porter, nnd In addition to balancing
range beef nnd sheep conditions
would ulso dovctop a great dairy In
dustry on tho fnrms of Wallowa
Valley, slnco even though tho County
might havo feed to ship out, the peo
ple nro so appreciative of the value
of livestock that they will make
overy offort to havo all tlio feed eil
within tlio county. ,
Tlio result of Investigations by rep
resentatives of the U. S. Illologlcal
Survoy as to tho possibility of pels
onlng tho crows which Infest this
part of tho Snake Illvor vnlloy, roost
ing In hundreds of thousands on
Crow Island, proved rather dMnp
pointing. After bulling tho birds
with unpolsoned grain, It was found
that tho birds nto all of tho unpols
oned preparation rcndlly, hut an
soon as a fow bad been sickened by
tho polion which was given lutcr, the
others took warping. In two trials
mndo at different places, tho results
wero tho same About a linlf-ilozon
birds woro killed, whereupon tlio
others rofuscd to oat tho poison,
though It lay on tho ground for days
whoro thousands of them passed over
and nbout.
Condensed Report of
'Iriii-.c-) liirn'iiMsl Vlelil Pays Forty
Dollar Day Tor Tlmo U-i
Alfalfa Cultivator, lVllimed
With Spring Tooth Harrow.
Give Us
In discussing the cultivation of al-'
falfa, Allan Johnson, of Wcstfall,
"I havo a field 20 years old that la
as clean of weeds and foul stuff as
oily new field, except a little blue
grass. Tho sheepmen llko my hay
because they say tho owes rIvo more
mflk on it. I get n bigger ylold, too,
in fact I flguro that I mako $40 a day
for tho time It tokos to do the culti
vating, Tho foul stuff takes ns
much room ns alfalfa and lias no
vnluo In tho stack nnd docs not ylold
llko alfalfa."
In speaking of methods of culti
vating alfalfa, ho said:
"I begin cultivating when tlio al
falfa Is two years old, using a spring
tooth harrow. Tho next year I tonr
It up right with - a genulno alfalfa
cultivator (I don't mean ono of theso
spike tooth disc concerns that thoy
cnll renovators) then follow up with
a spring tooth, crossing preferred,
and then levol It down with a heavy
splko harrow. Do this every yoar
and you will havo tho foul stuff
cleaned out, your land levoled up
good, and ,tbo soil opened up so tho
air und water can get into it. And
tho extra ylold pays big wages, ndt to
i 1 i ri iTTTTn I hTTi f
As made to the Comptroller of the Currency, at
the Close of Business February 28, 1920
Loans and Investments. .$008,794.42
Overdrafts 128.90
banking House and Fix
tures 98,822.10
CASH 242,232.34
Capital $ 50,000.00
Surplus and Profits 52,000.45
Circulation 12,500.00
DEPOSITS 835,411.37
V4 ft'-
mention tho quality of tho hay you
put up."