SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 4 (Ntetoi V- ONTATflO.MALlIEtTK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAHOII 11, .11)20. XXIV NO. 1"). DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF THE AGRICULTURAL, COMMERCIAL A'ND COMMUNITY INTERESTS OP THE MALHEUR AND SNAKE RIVER VALLEYS. GIVING THE HISTORY AND GROWTH OP THE INDIVIDUALS AND FIRMS PROMOTING THE INTERESTS OF THIS GREAT BUT PARTIALLY DEVELOPED EMPIRE. OTHER EDITIONS WILL FOLLOW. fywyjp ;, 'f r nnnur nroTl,,XN(,:,; Mf m(,,l Hmom, rliUiL Dl ol ' ,,:A('l,i:it '" lx ' BOOSTERS FOR COUNTY Hiiccthh or Men Here AHiihIn Ho- latins Past Week FiiriiMioi IMilonoo of DrnuliiK Power of Hlirressriil-UiiiHhei'. Tlmt tho best advertising that any country cnn Imvo Is mittHJloil rtincliorn In proven every tiny In till unction when roIutlveB nnd frlemlH of mon already lioro nro coming to muko their homo In thin Miction Tho best pnrt of tills story Ih tlio fact that Ilia mon coming Imvo been successful In their former HltuntluiiH yet nro at tracted hero, hy tho success achieved hy their relatives unit frlcniU. Not all of rna reported herowlth Imvo muilo tliolr donln thin week, hut many of thorn Imvo como thin week mid uro nt' work on tliolr plncon, howovor thoy provo thu truth of thn opening declaratien: George Iloss Iiixh purchnsod tho A. H. Ilrown sixty, snuthwost of the elty for 120,000, to that ho hi n nulRliliur of his hrothor, Seymour Hohh who live a mile or so Miuth of htm. Frunk J. McCarthy, recently arriv ed froii Nobrnnku nnd Iioh started work on tho 8. I). Dormnn ranch which ho purchased h tho result of Hiiccom whleh IiIm hrothor Harry Mc Carthy attained In that sumo neigh borhood. Another of tho McCarthy hrotherH U oxpectod hero noon to op ratn a forty ucro ploco of land pur idmsod recently In Hint samo region. Aboriletni J'ollrn Force lli'io . Then wo Imvo tho pronounced In Htnnco of tho drawing powor of sat Ufled rnncliorii In tho migration of tho Ahordeon Washington police forco to .Mainour county, duo to tho Influouco'ot (lllbort W. Dean. Mr. Dean's hrothor George Dean, chlo'f of tho Aberdeen pollco enmo to Ontario last Hununor nftor lonrnlng from IiIh hrothor Just how much sup erior thin Hectlou In to (IruyH Ilnrhor. Ilo enmo, ho saw, and ho determined to locate. Ho Ih horo now and n part owner of 0G ncros southeast or town whleh ho and his brother ox poet to develop at onco, Chief of Police Dean's enthusiasm wiih com inunlcntod to I h. Qrout, n membor of his Aberdeen hluo coats, and Mrs, Orout Ih hero with him Interested In that.Hnmo 3C acres. Mr. (Jrout coiild not Imvo his futility scattered so ho brought his son-in-law, B. U. Siuldoth along with hlrlt, and thoy nro all horo. Thus a. W. Dean cnn b credited with adding threo families to Malheur county' population. HmiH Oft who Hvoh lu tho Valley Vlow district has ono to his credit nnd oxpects to add two moro. A frlonds of his from Omaha, Harry Carman hns purchased tho Arthur much south of Nyssa; ond according to roctnt advises, Mr. Oft's slstor-ln-law, Mrs, Chris Feddo. of South Dakot.it nftor Hpondlne winter month horo ran Into a blizzard last week on hor way home nnd Is de termined to sell out her nuich thero nnd como to Malheur county. His fatlier-ln-law, Samuel Feo who woh horo at tho same tlmo Is of a llko mind. There may be other ranchers of whom tho Argus has not hoard who Imvo brot rolntlvos to this sectlo'n, If no tell us about them. CltANi: TKAIN AVII.I WAIT I'Olt NO. FOUH WHKN IT IH OX TIMK Heeding tho constant requests of tho people of tho Interior for Ini .provomonts In tho train service on tho brunch a request that went heedless while tho ronds wore In gov ernmental control the Crane lino trains will wait In Ontario until the arrival of No. 4 when that train Is on tlmo. This Improvement was an nounced this week by It. It. Illcbard son, pussenger ngent. Itov. George n. Van Waters, Episcopal missionary for this, dis trict? will hold services qt tho Masonic hall Sunday evening at 7:30, to which tho public Is Invited. In n brief message from fhn army offlclnlH nt Fort Still, Oklnhonw. MIhh HorhIo Turner, a memhei' of the local high Hchool fncully, wiih noil Moil of tho death of Limit. Fred II. Utley, to whom hIio wiih rnxnsod In ho marrlod thin Hiitnmor, following tho close of Hchnot horn. No detnllH have been received of the accident by which tho youiur avlnlor mot IiIh da-lb. Tho message merely slated tlmt ho wiih liiHtnntly killed and thoroforo It Ih helloved tlmt ho wiih tho victim of nil nlrplnun crnHh. LEADER FOR JUNIOR FARM BUREAU CHOSEN MNn Mimlo WIImiii of Will lit Wnlln, Washington, Itocomiiicmlod by II. (.'. Kt' iiiimii. Stall ('lull lender, Keloetoil. outlining tho plans for the yenr her work will consist of co-oporntlon with tho Iluronu, Hiipplomoiitlug Itit work, orgnnlxlng tho boy and girl proJectH, assisting tho women of tho county In canning campaigns or other linos of work Hint mny bo cIidkoii. Tho board determined that Its of ficers bo known an Farm Iluronu of flcors; that tho county a'gent nccuro all tho lllornturo nvallubln on tho different projects adopted by tho Iluronu. A motion prevailed to ask tho Ditch cninpvilQii.oLilui-roiiut In offer n bounty of 2li renlH per gophor. ' MIhh Mnzlo Wilson, of Wnlln Walla, Wash., wiih elected to the position of club londor for the Junlon Farm lluVeau nt a mooting of tho executive commltteo of tho County Farm Iluronu bold hero Wednesday nfternoon. MIsh WIIhoii wiih recommonded to tho board by 11. C. Seymour. Stnto Lfilub loader, who attended tho con- feronro. MIsh Wilson Ih n gradimto of a Mlddlo Wotitern rnllogo mid Iiiih had tbroo yoiirn' oxperlenco lu this work. Sho will arrive here on March 22, prepared to begin tho work nt onco MIhh Wilson Is to work In connec tion with tho County Superintendent of hcIiooIh nnd tho Farm Iluronu. j Under a memorandum of agreement STATE OFFICERS FORM R. N. A. LODGE HERE Tweuty-flvo ..Members on .Cliaiter Hull Mrs. Ida lliiinlilon or . I'liiiltinil Institute . Uxlgo Tonight. .With a charter roll of 2k members a lodge of Itoynl Neighbors will bo Instituted In Ontario tonight. Tho ceromouloH of litltlntlon of tho now members will bo directed by Stato Superintendent of the order. Mrs. Ida Hamblen of Portland, aMilsteil by Mrs. Plioebo Williams of Daker, district superintendent. Tho local lodgo, which Is tho wo men's nuxllllary of tho Modorn Woodmen, has sovoral members who bolongcd prior to coming to Ontario and around this nucloup tho now or ganization has been built. ' Following the Initiatory cere monies tho lodgo members and tho Woodmen or tho city will enjoy a banquet and discuss the merits or their woodcratt fellowship. Tomorrow moro than 20 Ontarlans will bo In Nampa to attend tho ses sions at the United Presbyterian presbytery which will be lu session for the week en.i5.Tho Ontario church expects to have a delegation equal to that or any of the churches In this section. Mr. nnd Mrs, -13. A. Fraser motor ed to Dolse last Friday rpturnlng on Sunday. LOCAL MEDICAL FIRM Hi'. All XnilersiMi to Take Depart ment or Internal Medicine ami V-ltny In Firm or Veei Fnilnui' .V Andi-ison. Dr. Allen Anderson, formerly n membor or the Muff of surgeons nt Fort Itlloy, Kiiiihiih, and St. Kllzn lioth'M nt Washington, I), C, Iiiih bo coiiiii ussoclntcd an a member of tho medical firm of Woom Former & Amlomon. Ill thin orgnulzntlon ho will speclnllzo In Internal modlclno, nnd X-ray, for which work ho Iiiih hIiico IiIh itlschnrgn from the service, taken ponI graduato Mtuily at llnr vnril UnlvorHlty. Dr. AndoiMon Ih not it stranger to tli lu region, for ho Ih a hoii of Mr. and Mr. John AndorHon of Fruit land. Dr. Antiunion graduated from tho Payette Illicit School In tho claw of 1011, thou iittonded tho University of Idaho for two yours, taking tho pro-modlc course. Following thin he wont to tho University of Minnesota Medical sclinnl for four yonrs, grnd tiutlng lu tho clnsH of 1917. From thrfto ho wont to Duluth, Minn., for n yenr of hospltnl Internship, after which ho located at Darmum, Minn., whom ho practiced medicine until he entered tho army service. M'GOY AND DEFREES Iao McCoy nnd (. ('. I)c I 'him to l tor lliikluexx 'rogollior In WII liimetto Valley Clt Will Handle Ileal ISlnlo. C. C. Derreos who ror years has been mi uwlittniit ooHhler nt tho On lurid National bunk has resigned IiIh portion nnd will leave Ontario noon for Illllsboro, Oregon whore ho will bo aiwoclulod with l.oo McCoy of this city In ti real ostuto mid liiHitrnuce II rm. Mr. DcfrooH ban sold his homo on tho Fnstsldn mid Ih winding up his affairs horo preparatory for leaving for his new homo. Mr. Delrcos will bo miccoeded In the bunk by W. F. Kscue, who ror somo tlmo past hns boon a tologrnph or nt tho local stntlon, mid ror n tlmo wns ticket clerk nn well. IFF Mt HIIKKTH MAKKH ANOTIIIIlt WKAK Ari'MMI'T TO Mlv.MIItTII COUXTV COUIIT Continuing ItH sciod against tho County Court, and Iho County Judgo, Tho Vnlo Rnlorprlso liiHt woek entirely evaded thn direct clmllenpo of tho ArgUB to produco evidence to Hubstantlnto lt charg es that funds of ostutftH aro belir held up. Tho rounon for thin that thero Is no pvldnnco to produco, nnd tho Vnlo sheet know It. It produced no evidence to substantiate Its chargoH that tli fiimlH or sohool dlstrlctH nro with held by tho Court. Why thin silence alter so grave a charge? Why hocnuho the chargo wuh Tulso. Itut tho Vulo sheet did have flinch to relate about routluo methodH omployeil In county affairs, nil by Innuendo to bolster up tho wenk- noss of Its previous stntoment, thru confualng tho minds ot Its reader. It asked why no statement had been made to It concern ing Judgo Test's demand ror a Grand Jury as If It, and not tho Grand Jury wero tho placo where statements. should bo inailo. Tho Kntorprlso, caught In Its attempt to deprive Dead Ox Flat and Jordan Valloy or the roads they wunted attempted to confimo Its roaders by declaring that tho Head Districts woro SKCIIKTIY com- blnod. What does the Vale paper moan by socretly combined? Was not this OI'K.N'M' recommended to tho Court by tho Mulhour Development Leaguo? Tho Hntoiprlso knows It wus. Or course the County Court might Imvo railed in thn Kntorprlso man and asked his permission to mont League recommended then tho Enterprise knows more about running tho county than such mero men as those who romposo tho County Court and the MemberH of tho Malheur Development League Uut In Its sad strait or trying to And something to bolster up its puerile attompt to dumago tho County Court that would not glvu It all the printing and bow to Its superior wisdom, tho Knterprlso tie- scends to twaddle about the roiul district!). It Is rooting no one, en- peclally those who havo been following developments In the road program, which to the mind of the Enterprise It; "fought for single- banded for two years!" how tho Kntorprlso does hate Itseir. . IN MM ELECTION Clint'iiN l.lllh or Hums to Context llepiilillomi N'omliiiitlnti for Sou- titor With .luil'ii tlm ley (hil- IiikIh'i' Wii Ih Itc'i-lctiliiii. Tho only contest for n unmlnullou nt the coming prlmnrlcH lu Mny so far developed Ih that for tho State ScnntorHhlp for this dlHtrlct, com prising Mnlheur, Harney and Ornnt COIIIItlOH. Attomoy ChurlcH KJIU of IluriiH tins entered .tho race nguliiHt Senator Julleii A. Hurley mid promises to mako that fight n momornhto one Mr. FIIIh Ih well known In tho In terior nnd his frlenilH nro counting upon him to mnko tho raco Interest ing. Onlliigber I'llng lint I. J. anllngher, author or the Htato guarantee or Irrigation bonds luturcst, has flung Ills hat Into tho ring lu IiIh decision to seok ro-clec-tlon to tho IIoiiko. So far ho has no oppoHltloii, Hurry Sacked of Vnlo Is tho only cmidldato out for thn offlco of coun ty clerk, whllu I.ee Noo Is tho only eamlldato talked of for sheriff. No ono Iiiih iih yet mnulfoMod u doHlro to bo county superintendent of scIiooIh, nt lonst no ono Iiiih filed, and novonil of the other offlccn, apparently, nro going to go begging. EASTERN OREGON CO. HAS NEW LOCAL HEAD W. .Mt'Mnueiunii Como From Iji Toiiolio, Alaska, to llandli llul- Hess or lllg IjiiiiI Oimioim lu County. W. McManoman of l.nTouclio. AlnHka, nrrlved In Ontario on Mon dny to ncccpt tho position of local agent for tho Kastoru Orogon Laud coiipnuy with heudqiiartors lu On tario. Mr. MoMunomnn takes tho position from which Ivan K. Oaken resigned to go to the Owyhco Ditch company In January. Under tho now organization, Mr MoMuuoman will Imvo chnrgo of both tho Ontario and Nyssa agencies, while II. J. I.oroiitzon will continue to Imvo general charge of the com pauy'H business ns field superlnteu dent, In chnrgo of till properties from Thn Dnlley to Nyssa. do what the Malheur Duvolop- It would have been alright for (ilt.N(!i: AND FAHM III IIKAl TO hold .mi:i:tin(.smoi.ti, At tho regular meeting or the lloulovnrd Orange held Inst Friday evening It wns determined Hint on tho third Frldny of orfcli mouth the Ornngo meeting will ho open to nil so that tho membcrfl ot tho Fnrm Iluronu who nro not arnngorH mny meet with tho grntigo nnd Hint gen eral topics of IntoroHt to nil fnrmorH may bo discussed. At theso meet ings It Is plnnned to Imvo tho County Farm Agent and tho County club leader In charge ol tho Jnlor Farm Iluronu present to present vlows on timely loplcs of general Interest. CITY BONDS FIGURE IN TRUST FUND DEAL I'lnli' Treasurer Aciued by Portland Telegram of Pnjlut; llonil Mini Hilt Pi ho lor I.oc.il Kcoiu(lle Probe to Ho Mmlo. Ontario linn been tho recipient of n quantity of free publlilty dm to tho charge that tho Portland Tele gram ban made nguliiHt Strci TniiH uror lloff, tlmt ho Ih giving MorrU h Company, Portland bond bniikoiH, undiio preferences nnd fnncy prices for Investment senurltloH to l,u used lis trust funds for tho stnlo accident rommlssloii. According to tho Portland paper thn Stnto Treasurer bought tho local bonds at n nice premium which net ted tho bond bunkers excessive profits, mid Impliedly miggosts tlmt If thn stnto official Ih In search of HorurltleH of this kind ho should bo nu orlglnnl bidder nt tho huIoh or hiicIi bomlH and not wait to buy from n middle ninn. Ah tho result of tho Telegram's charges, Treasurer lloff hns request ed Governor Olrntt to IntoMlgnto the charges and tho Governor Iiiih dune so. Therefore Ontario Ih duo lo moro froo advertising, and It Ih shown that tho hpndH of this city are of such n churactor ns to ho most doslrnhlo for trust funds. It Is apparent, how ovor, that had tho State Tronsurer been represented nt tho city's bond snlo n better price for the securltlon would havo boon secured. BRING GOOD PRICES I'ort nor Herd Kohl nt Prices ltnn;:liig From .l Down, Total nt lor- soy Hold Soil rm- IjtJI.IlOO Hoi- stelus Hell For I7H!..1. With prices ranging from JliOO to IKTi, tho registered Jerseys or Hie herd belonging to Dr. It. S. Portlier sold rapidly at tho snlo held 'Mon day. The total for tho hard wus 13900, and many of thn cows com manded prices of $200 unit over. Tho few grade cows offered did not se cure prlcott npprouohlng that of the registered stock nnd munlfiHitiid Iho determination of the buyers to havo none but tho host. Tho sulo which was tho largest of forlng of reglstqred animals of the dairy type evnr offered here by ono owner, was declared most successful. Dr. Fortnor declared that whllu ho was loath to part with the herd tho fact that men to handle suoh stock could not bo found hero, howovor, ho wus gratified tlmr- tho stock wns piirohuscd hy local men who urn In terested lu Improving tho dairy herds of this section. Tho Holsteln stock offered by F. A. Hadcllff nt tho same sale brought un iiveragu of ?X2.fi0 for tho 21 head. Uov. F. W. Cochrane, and Itov. W. J. I.iiKcoinlio who nttuudod the In- torchurch World Movement confer ence at Portland last woek returned Sut unlay evening In time for their Sunday service Mr. and Mrs. Dau Murphy of Ileulah wero Ontario vltdtom tills week. OWYHEE DITCH WATER T Itltorloi'H nt Monthly Moot Inn I'liioe Miiliiloiiiinoo Chni'Ki for Veiir nt SJ2.HH Will AIo Itolho Home Debt. Tho wntor rnto for ranchers under tho Owyhco Ditch for tho 1020 son sou will ho $2.80, or n reduction of 70 emits compnreil with Hint or 1011) when $3. GO wns paid. This Hum wiih fixed nt tho roguhir meeting or tho hoard or director Inst Saturday, held In tho office of the company here, and Ih In Itself u direct niiswer to tho minora tlmt havo floated about, especially mining tho land owners on tho upper end of tho ditch. Theso rumors deoliirod Hint the rtiHt this yenr would bo $G,0tl Instond of $n.no. Thn board determined on tho re duction following n Htntumont made to It by T. W. Ctagott, n land ow'nor, who snld Hint nftor iIIscumIiik thn mntlor with n number of tho stock holders, It wiih his opinion that thoy would rather retlro Iohh doht nnd re duce tho pnymont this yenr to the uncortnlntlon ot gcuornl huslnosH con dltlims. President C. It. Hudson nnd direct ors J. F. Weaver, A. Gramsu, W. S, Itees, John liny nnd Dick Tenseu, voiced similar vlows and when Judgo G 1. King, secrotnry of Iho board presented n statement that $2.80 cents would not only meet nil tix ponscH hut would retlro approximate ly $7, ti00 of the company's delitH Hint flgtiro wns n greed upon. Tho directors debated for somii time on tho plan of the Ontario N'vswi Irrigation company for u divi sion between tho two compmiliM of Iho coMt of help mid supervision nt their respective pumping plants, which nro located by tho wimn forco, but no (Infinite ngrooment wim reuuh ed. A tentative proposal was made by Director Tenson that tho nfim nmoiint of water puiupod by both companies be determined mid Iho cost divided piopoitlonalnly mi thu voliimo used. This wiih referred to tho Ontarlii-N)HA company illrftetcni ror their couslderatlou. General manager. I. K. Oaliiw of the company reported the work In piogrosH for a wastnway on tho upper ond of thn canal nonr Mitchell butto mid told of tho work being doiio to get the (nunlH nnd laterals Into con dition for the Irrigating season. .1. W. Klklus I 'alls lulu .Vol Spioml l l'. K. .Murshnl Miit-slml II, ('. I'niini'i' MnkoH Aiii'st Mini TnUeu to Poitlnuil, J, W. HlkliiH of HoiuostiHiil, down on tho rive below Huntington uturl ed for Portland last Friday ovouIuh uccompmihid hy Deputy United Ktuttw Mnrslml F. II. Tlcheiior, who enmo to Onturlo ror the purpose or accomp anying Klklus to tlm metropolis where ho Is wanted to answer lo u charge of operating u big distilling plant, contrary to the provisions of tho 18th umendmout mid the Vol stead law. Klklns wan capturod In the Moore Hotel by Marshall II. C Farmer, who had been notlflod by the United StatoH Marshall's office to watnh for him, after It was learned that Hlkln'a wife wiih ut work lu one of the la taurants hero. Klklns la said to have operated one or the largest stills located by tho of ficials since tho now law went Into ef fect. When it was raided Home tlmo ago by Ilukor county offlulals n(nd U. S. Itovenuo men, Klklns made IiIh escape and had eluded purgult until he eiimu to pay his wlfo a visit. J. G. Singles Is very 111 at tho home of JiIh son, V. II. Staples. During tho past .ffifi days hn Iiiih bijen lm Orogon. i .