The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 04, 1920, Image 1

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i'ltv council to make effort
to enforce pehmhxextlv
cmmx ontario nomin-
AL fee for weekly col.
lection of hefuhe.
.Mure Pmlng Petition Considered
mill .Hearing .Onto .Set Evpcet
FliMhcr Petition ltcliitlvi to Her.
mill Street, H. W.
With tlin passage by llio City
Council of nu onllnniico establishing
tlin position of Snnltnry offlcorR,
nml prcncrlblug tlio rogulntlonR
iiiulor whlcli rcfiiRo'of any natur.o
ahull lo pormlttoil to nccumulato
within tlio city limits or Ontario, nml
proscribing ennltlpn for tlio viola-
tlon thereof, -tlio first progressive
slop tmvnrd ImprovliiB the l.oaltl.l-
i.chh nml Hnultntloii of U.o city wan
Inketi hint MfiMilnv.nltl.t.
Thoordlnanco Ih In I.h term, a
IniKlle nnn. tln.lnr II. ,.mvl.....
" ...... , n,
no pornon will bo permitted to allow
KurhnRo, innuurc, dirt, filth of nny
kind to bo kept In anything hut n
covered recoptlcnl, euch rocoptlcnl
inimt bo omptloil nvory hovoii ilnyn.
Tho ordlnnnco furllm provldos for
: periodical colteutiiin or miuli refimo
t by an officer to bn appointed by tho
i Mayor and confirmed by tho Coun-
f ell, who will bo pormlttoil to cbnrRO
not moro than GO coiiIh por month
4 for four emu of garhiiRo to bo col-
f lectod four tlnioa during tho month.
,' mid at n rnto of 12 coiUh por can
, fur nil ovor tlio minimum four.
AhIiok ami other refiiRo ehall bo cart
eil away from any point In tlio city
, for 1 por lod.
I TIiIr ordlnanco did not pang until
I tho matter had been tlftu-oly illm-UHit-'
rd. Mayor It. W. Jonon oliHorveil
that thoro wan plenty of ordlnnucor.
now but that tlin onforcomont of
' them was lacking. Cnuucllmnn W.
II. Laxaon agrcod with tho Mayor and
v declared that It wn not the refUHo
nlonu that noodod tho attention of
tho sanitary officer. ln cited the
lack of Howorngo connections permit
ted nnd urgod that thin ordlnanco bo
To tocuro this It was In-
Minted that
cor. ilalntH bo filed
Moro PatIiik Petitions
A potltlon for the pavltig of Kim
nt root, N. W., from Third nvonuo, N.
W., to Savonth nvonuo, N. W., was
prcHonted Rlgncd by reHldents on the
Htreot In nivorsllo. Tho dato for
hearing on thin potltlon wae not for
March 1C. No action was taken on
tho petition for paving Socond nv
onuo, 8. W.. ponding tho rocolpt of
ajiathor potltlon extending tho boun
daries of tlio district. It Ib tho do
slro of tho Council to havo all of tlio
petitions presented to tho Council at
tho miiio tlmo so that dotalls of
handling the transaction may bo ex
pedited, Waltor Olenn and othor property
ownern on Socond street, N. Wv ro
iiieated tho Council by letter to con
sider the matter of establishing a
parkway In the. centor of Second
tttroet. No action was taken on thU
request nt tho meeting but It was
discussed at length mid lead over for
further consideration.
IloquostB for the extension of tho
wnter mains In Villa Park addition
woro received from C. E3. Secoy,
from A. Qramso, Hugh Allen, R. D.
Ilreckon and others. These were ro
ferrod to thawator committee.
A petition for a sidewalk on the
Nathan Aloxander of tho Alexan
der company, was an Ontario busl
np3R visitor yesterday.
Mr. mid Mrs. L. It. Drlothoupt and
Mrs. nriethaupt's sister, Miss EIslo
Elliott, have taken appartments at
the J. It. Qregg residence on the East
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Illackaby re
turned Wednesday night from Long
Roach where they spent tho past two
months, playing golf and otherwise
enjoying tho Huuny south.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Hoyor roturned
to Ontario Monday after an extended
vtlt on the coast.
Master John Oakea is to celobrato
hit seventh birthday on Saturday oi
thlH wook and has Invited a company
of his little friends to a party In lion
o of that event.
H. II. Tunny In completlm n
iniiBoniPiitH for tlio construction of
corrnlH for .tlio Ontnrlo Snlo com
pony on hIx IoIh rscnntly ptircluiHeil
on tlio KuRtHlifo of tlio truck near
Idaho street. Willi tlth pcrnmnotit
location for cnttlo nolo, contrnlly
located nml cnnHy nccosillilo, Mr.
Tunny expecta to mnrk tho growth
of tho Ontnrlo nurtlon snloR.
'. M. N'oitlnup of On-gnn Slope Re-ilai-es
Inltlnl 'I Yin I or Co-opem-(li
Shipping. NYIn (Jniwer
RI.IIO Per IMu ;
Ah n result of tho first trim ship.
mont mndo liy member of .tho Ore
gou fllopo farm huronii In co-oporn
tlon will, members of tho Pnyotto
County form Inircnu, V. M. Northrup.
lmmltteeinnn on nmrketliiR for tin I
' ?,,"Ktn. Sl", ,h"roa"; ro',or'" ,l,nt,
tll( f tlin lint Hliliituivn lu iul.
oiio in mo i.or HiiipporH IK IIIIICII I
'''T'.'1, ."," """"T.."" ,l. 1' ,,",,
,Uo, ,0 "'' "R0l" Tlio Mhlpmeut
iWOH mndo up of two enrn of ruttlo
and ono of cnttlo and Iiorm mixed.
County Ajtcnt Kortnor of Pnyntto
County accompanied tho trlnl Hlilp
tiiont to tho I'ortland ynrdH.
Mr. Northrup xnyH conuoriilng thin
iimthodt f nlilpilp' Hvo. k: "I
foci llttlo doubt or to tho roiiilin
when It Ir well unileratooil. this Ih
uiiuuo&tlonnhly tho bent niethoil for
tho Hinnll Hhlpper mid eqimlly ok
good for tho lnrj;o one. Wo expect
to linvo nbnut 200 lanilm about June
Int. Thlt will glvo uh nu opportun
ity to tent our ability to reach tho
onHtorn mnrkotH, It lookn now iih If
Inmbs will bo tho bent of nny llvo
tock for u tlmo at leant."
Tho many frlcmU of Mra. TIioiihih
T. Koliout of Jordan Vnlloy woro
griovod to learn Sunday of her dtxitli
fiaturduy night In IIoIho from tho of
fnctH of mi operation which hIio un
derwent on Wodnoidny nt n lion
pltnl thoro.
Tho iiowh of her death sprond
rapidly over tho city, and was a
hv'Nhock to her many frlomlR, who had
I understood Hint kho wnn. In no
serious daiiRnr. CnmpllcntlmiR ninii-
Ifextod IhouiBOlves on Saturdav and
Hint afternoon It was realtved that
her life could b prolonged but n few
hours. With her at tho time of her
doath woro her huslmndi nnd llttlo
dnuKhter, Kntherlne. nnd her Hltor.iw,rvlo" of n tr"ll",l '"'I", nml w
Miss Lavlno Smith or this city. Do-
side those sho leuvea to mourn hor
departure her brother, J. 11. Illack
aby or this city, and two brothers In
I or old homo In lown.
Mr. Ulacknby, who was In Culiror
nla, waB notified of her death nml
loft Immodlntaly for Ontario, but did
not reach hero until last night.
Owing to uncertainty of bis arrival
arrangements for the funorul serv
ices wero mado for Tuesdny. nnd
took plnco at tho Illackaby homo,
under tho direction of II L. Peter
son. Rov. W. J. Luscombo or tho
Methodist Episcopal church reaiV tho
service or that cliurob. Interment
was mado In Hie Ontario cemetery.
A sad feature of the gathering of
family and friends at the service was
the riW'iico of Miss Knthorlno
Koliout, who took III In Rolsa on
Sunday following her mother's
death and could not como hero with
her father and Miss Smith, who
brought tho body hero. They ro
turned to DoIbo on tho evening train
following tho sorvlco to enro for the
llttlo sick girl.
Mrs. Koliout was well known In
Malheur county, for alio had lived
(or many .ears In Ontnrlo nnd Jor
dan valley, whoro her husband U
managor of tho Illackaby Commer
cial company.
Ontario Post No 07 of tho Ameri
can Legion realized MCI from their
danro Monday evening JS9.00
cleat. Music wns furnished by tho
Tutmor's alK plcco orchestra.
Mrs. L. Adam wont to Rolso Sun
day, having been called there by tho
doath of Mi i. T. T. Kokoiit.
Nt'tiulit Wiitee Right Ill-ill I ns An-
nmiiii'i-il Sonic lime since Wat-
'r Ihior In Upper Country
Deeincil Successful In
AttoniB)H of record In Hip trlnl of
tho Malheur Wntor rlfthtM ndjudlcn
tlon rccolvnl copied of tlio fludliiK of
tho WntPr Commissioner IIiIh week.
TIioro flndlngR, which nro extremely
udtimlnouR l.onr out tho statement of
tho findings first puhllMlied In (lie
Argun thrcn months ago.
In Ronernl terms tho wnter com
Jmliwloiior rules that tho water users
In tho upper country liuve ostnhllsh- nml rIiicc It pormlttoil the liitrodtio
i'd thnlr rlRht to tlin wntor of the I Hon of ninny spoclnlllpR nnd rronuenl
Mnlhour thru t ' lowtosslon. tho nppuurniicoB of chorimeH nerved to on-
tho users In t low. r vnlloy, hiicIi
ns tho Navntln ditch rouipsuv user
hud earlier filings.
Tho record now goes to tho District
Pniirf fnr rnnflfinnlliiM ! I f .i..
,,,,, wH ,, ,,,, ; , '
B,,romo Court.
Word whh received In Ontario vet
tordny of tho dontli of Mrt:. Oewcv
IIoxlo of Crnno. Orognn, who wn
until two wookH ngi) Mlw PoiiiiiIm of
Nywm, ii dmiRhtor of h. C. I'oumU of
that city nml a winter of Mm. Holier)
Mnddon of Ontnrlo.
Tho dotnllN of Mm IoxIo'h donth I
had not been lonrncd boro, but It Ir
uudumtond that nho dlod nn tho rcMiilt
of buriiH ciiUHed by tho explosion of
keroHcno lamp. Tho body wnn
expected from Crnno today.
Count) Com I Ormits IteipieM I'nr
Appiopilntlon of niill to Whlcli
Klato AibN ICipial Amount
Ami (loti'iiiinent 91 loll
. On tho proeontallon of the 1'urm
Ilureau'H rejituwt by Cliulrmiin K. M.
Donn of tho Coptnuiiilty Ilottorment
coihmltteo. Priwldout V. V. Illekox.
tho County Court grautwl mi ap
propriation of SSOO for the line or tlin
Junior I'arm lliiroau, tho now name
for lloy'M mid Olrla' club work.
To this sum tho Stuto adds $&00
mid tho U. 8. Departiiiont of Agrl-
oulluro complulps the (iiota by ml
dlug 1 ISO. This sum secure tho
n" ""I'biikm. in n county ns largo
nH ' Ml''0r Hint sum will hnve to
bo used Judiciously to nil the work
planned. (
Wbllo this work Is moro or less
now In Its pronent form. Malheur
county has furnished tho stato sev
eral ebnraplnn hoy nnd girl runners,
nnd with more comploto dlnvtlon
nnd advise by specialists exceptional
results sliould be obtnlned.
Tho work that bus boon done In
tho past has been that nrcompllshod
by tho County Superintendent or
Schools. Mm. Jullen Hurley assisted
by a few enthusiasts. On sovernl
occasions tho County I'nlr Hoard, tho
Ontnrlo Commorolnl'i club and tho
Nyssu Commorelnl club bnvo furnUh
oil tho funds to send the local cham
pions to tho Stnto Knlr.
County Agent L. It. Dreltb-
nupt has arrangod tho following
schedule so thut ho oan be ln-
catod at nny tlme:
Monday. Vale.
Tuesday, 1st, Adrian; 2nd.
Ilrogan; 4th. Harper.
Wednesday. 1st, Nyssa; 2nd.
Cow Valley: 3rd. Nyssu; 4th
Creston. '
Thursday, 1st, Orogou Slope
3rd. Rlvordale; 4 Hi. Jnrduu Val
ley. Friday, call Proaldont Hlol;
ox, Ontario.
Saturday, Ontario.
ir you forgot tho dates, the
chairman of your community !!
bureau will havo an Itinerary '
mid can toll you when and
where to find tho county agrl-.
cultural agent.
ItllnkliiK or I.IkIMh Ones not Deter
Picseiilnllon or ".Iniiiimy .V
Clioi'iiH Win If Well I'iPM'tit-
oil Arlois lo Well.
With every oont occupied nt tho
Dreamland Tuomlay avonlnr tlio pre
rontntlon of tho Senior cIiim pluy,
January 15, wnn a pronounced rui
rww. Tho piny, n inodcrn college drnim
villi cmnpllcntpil love plots nml In
Inrostlng nltuntloiiK, cnclinnceil with
foot hull Interest nml n nipdiey of
college ovcntK, proved nn nilcitintn
vnhlolo for tho nhllllloH of tho plnyors
tertnln tlio gAtlmrlng dollRhtfullv.
Tho youthful nctorw nnd nctronson
did well, tho crowd liked thoni for
their work nnd tho choriiH Ringing
wim mojt riijoynblc. Tho piny waB
well RtnRed mid carefully HUpervlhed
rIiowIiir careful work on tho pnrt of
the faculty moiiihcrx In olmrge. MIhr
Kuthnrlno Conway drilled thoplayerx
while MIhh Kdltlt (Irlfflth coached tho
The ono untownrd ovont of tho ev
ening won tho fnct that the llghu
wont out Jtut nH tho piny watt to start,
but Prof. M. I). ThniniiN mid tho
High Bchool OrcliPRtra proved eipinl
to tho occohIoii and prooouted u Hum
her of HolectloiiH which woro approv
ed by tho crowd.
. 1. IIIihcIi WlniV IIoiiiiIIoiim Kin-pi-Neil
City Dining Vast Vv
'.MoiitliM l'ntiM Ontnrlo foi'
Cjifctern Ntiilcx.
L. I. Illrsch has loft Ontnrlo, nnd
Ills leaving wns tho ono subject of
conversation most prominent since It
took placo, Saturday night.
Mr. Illrsoh startled Ontario noino
tlmo buck by his generosity. Ilolfnvor or enforced
Kiivo tho Commercial club n check
for 11,000, followed by nn offer of n
flro truck worth 4,G000, Intor by an
offer of $G,000 to Improve n city
Double these iinsuul girts ho stint
ed two residences, u manufacturing
building nml a down town business
structure, mid ontortulued, at times
In n lavish manner, unliiio nt least
for n community such ns Ontario".
It was generally bolloed Hint Mr.
Illrsch wns the scion of n wonlthy St.
Louis family whoo nllownucu to him
wiih so liberal Hint only passing at
tention wiih given tho ovIdoncoM of
pTodlgr.l wealth, until tlio"glft"nr tho
flro truck hero mo known.
Tlio there nro innny rumors, ro
gardlng various financial matters
with which he wns connected It ap
pears that most of his transactions
(Continued on Laut Page.
Mr. mid Mrs. A. V. Iloyor returned
Wednesday night from Long Ileaoh.
Cnllfornla whoro thoy havo spont tho
In honor of tho Malheur Coun
ty boys paid tho suproino uo
rlflce while in tho srvleo, tho
momborB or tho Julian Lowo
Post, American Legion or Vale
nro to oreet a memorial tablet
or bronze on n granite base nt
tho Court yard at Va)o. The
hoys nro raising Hie funds now
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M. Lowo of
Owybco whoso son was ono of
' the first to rail havo given ono
fifth or tho total cokt, mid tlio
bo .s, while not soliciting funds
will npproclato tho donations of
patriotic citizens to tho fund.
,! Since thoro are Jlvo Ontario
hoys on tho roll, more than any
othor town In the county has,
Ontario should do Its part In
tliolr commomoratlon and nssUt
llbornlly A check sent to the
Julian Ixiwo Post at Vale will
bo appreciated,
A. Robinson of tho Independent
Mnrkct this week purchased ten loin
on tho EnBtsldo of tho track from
tho Vnn I'otton Lumber coinpnny,
whoro tho old OroRon-Idnho lumber
vnril iiboiI to lio locntod. Mr. Itobln
hoii Ih to mnko a wnrohoimo of the
old office hulldliiR nml otherwise
linprovo tho property
Klect A. A. (Ilitti'lilKe Chairman nml
Joiiiih Hriiwii Kecretiii'y-Tir.'iM-
liter Ask Women to He.
come MemheiN.
Tho OroRon Slopo community
Knrm Ilurcnu met on Wednesday
nlRht, Mnrch .Ird Tho election of
offlcoi-8 reunited In tho choice of A.
A. Uuttrlilgo for chnlrmnn and Jonas
Drown for Recrctnry-trenHtirer. A
vote on the matter If n nnmn for the
coinmuully bureau resulted In tho
oholco of "Oregon Slope," tho senti
ment Hoomliig to provnll that tho
south nnd mirth portions or tho Dead
Ox Tint could host bo distinguished
by giving names other than Dead Ox
A largo amount of business was
transacted. An assessment of ono
dollar por member was levied to de
fray local expenses. Tho matter of
making a community exhibit nt tho
County I'nlr was" discussed and Leo
Drown was nnmod iir n committee
of ono to mnko tho nrrnugoincnts.
Mrs. W. L. Davis, who represents the
women on tho committee, was In
structed to propuro a community pro
gram for tho year bo that meetings
might bo arranged without conflict
mid woll announced. A committee
enmposod or Moosrs, Sloncekor,
Coats mid Thomas wns appointed to
Jticroaso the membership, the ladle's
to bo naked to Join tho Farm Durcau
so that their problems may recolvo
utfontlou from tho organization.
Upon motion, tho Junior Farm Hu
ron u work, or Hoys mid (Kris' club
work, iih It Ih moro commonly culled,
wns heartily endorsed. Tho members
went on record ns decidedly In
control of tho
pocket gophers
Masked Mint el Calls to Tluow Cuil
1 ey lastly Twice In Hour linker
Wi est let WIiin I'l'iim ("jiinp
of Ilolsc.
Ontnrlo was Introduced last Satur
day evening to the claw of bouts
thut tho Ontario Athletic club pro
pose to furnish regularly, nnd tho
crowd liked what It received.
The main ovont of tho curd wiih
the handicap match botwoou Curloy
Kustloy of Ontnrlo and tho Masked
Marvel, who agreed to throw ho
local man twlco In nno hour, In fail
ed. Enstloy wont nut to win this
event and nftor a half hour of
struggling fell victim to tho Masked
Marvel's skill. Eastloy then foe .lit
defensively mid succeeded In sta, ing
tlio remainder or the tlmo.
In tho uojiil final event Ad Gustavo
proved tho suporlor of Chester
Champ of ItoUo securing two falls
In 28 nnd 30 minutes rospectfully.
Xel Ciiril (iiioil One
At Hie Oporu Kouso next Friday
night tho club will sugo another good
card with tho Masked Marvel if
Montnnn nnd (leorgo Prime of Rums
as tho main attraction. I'rinio Is
said to bo n nifty wrostlor mid able
to hold bis own with tho bast or
then. Tho Masked Marvel do
mnnstrnteil his ability to tho satis
faction of tho local fans last wcok.
Curloy Enstloy wI wrostlo Walter
Loavltt of Onturlo and thoro will be
a number of good preliminary events
Curloy Eastloy declares that In this
ns In any other nttractlon staged by
the club that tho public will bo given
tho prlvllogo of declaring ltd satis
faction with tho entertnlument or
getting their mnnev back.
Attornoy P. J. Qallagbor moilg u
trip to Nyssa Tuosdoy.
I). M. TAfiOAItT, KlltST l( I
OXI) VICK lMtlll)i:.T; It. .
.fO.N'1'.M, THIUHtimill, I.
flub KmloiM's IiicroiiHeil Limits or
Indebtedness for HlgluwijN, mid
.Mlllengo Tux for Kdiii'iitlnii ,,
piii es Council's- Oiuliiige ON
posiil plans.
After having hnd weekly lun-li-eoiiH
for tho past eight months Un
commercial club determined to nlmn
dou Hint Idea nt Its regular meeting
Itmt night. Thoro wero only fifteen
of the, I2f moinhers of tho iluh
present when this nctlou wus
It having been recommended by tho
hoard or directors who nice; ,il
luncheon each Tuesday,
At tho mooting or tho directors
Tuesdny E. C. Vnn Potten wns elect
ed president or tho club for the on
suing year; I). M, Tnggnrt was ulect
od rirst vice president; mid II. II
Tunny was nnmod second vice presi
dent, n now office created; R. W
Jonon was named treasurer mid 1".
Losllo Roily, who has boon secretary,
wns limned innunglng secretary.
The name of tho office wns
changed by tho board tho salary of
tho office was not changed, Mr
Rody continuing In his poult Ion
under tho, terms of tho original con
tract mndo with tho old board lust
year whon tho salary for tho posi
tion wns placed nt $250 por mouth.
Council Commended
At tho meeting of tho club last
night, Vlco President Tunny presided
am). Vi n brier statement urged tho
niomberB to glvo tho otricorfl their
co-oporntlou. He rurthor urged that
to mnko tho meetings Intor.tstlng
that long discussions bo eschewed
nnd Hint business bo done with u
Socrotary Doily outlined, tho di
rectors' plans for nlmiiiloiilng the
wookly luncheon, declaring that tho
frnt-uciicy or tho meeting militated
against tho muccom or tho work nnd
arguod Hint monthly ineotlngH would
result In n larger attendance.
No objection wiih voiced to the
proposal nml a motion carried to
mnko tho fourth Wednesday or each
month tho dato for tho meetings.
On n motion by Paul Sollgmnu tho
City Council wiih commended for Its
action In Instituting n gnrbngo ro
lectlon'systoiu nnd for providing Hint
tho streets by the school grounds bo
roped off during tho pluy hours of
tho children.
Enthuse Heads mill Hcliools .
Tho club nftor u short discussion
or tho rout) situation passed a resolu
tion offered by (L K. Alknu endors
ing tho proposed Incronsn In the
limit or IndobtodnooH for highway
construction, and also tho proposod
mlllongo tax for Institutions or
higher education.
Vlco Prosldont Tunny spoaklng on
this matter declared Hint tho club
inombora Hhould stand boblnd ovnry
movement to provide for hotter
roads ami better schools, tho host if
either of these advnntngOM Ih not too
good for Orogon, ho said.
Mr. Tunny also reported progress
In tho mnttor or securing Irrlgntiou
water for tho city this year, but de
clared that ho believed Hint ho would
bo nblo to report u definite nrranuo
mont to tho uoxt meeting of the ill rue
Local Republicans who favor the
nominations of Leonard Wood will
meet to organize n Leonard Wood
club at tho Commorclalclub rooms nu
next Monday night. Sentiment for
Wood haa been pronounced among
Ontario Republicans for some time
and they plan on getting Into th
campalgn for his nomination.
II. C. Socoy baa purchased tho K
0. Fouts house and lots In Rlvoraid
and moved Into them on Monday.
Mr. and Mm. Foutn have rmited lb"
Aldrldgo house on tho EastHuJu f-'
occupation this Hiimmor.