flt , . ( THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO.-OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY" 20, 1920. Classified Advertisements I.KT nU88 CLEAN THAT BU1T, Phono 38-J Tho Pnntorlum. tf UOOI) 8UIT8, OVKIl COAT8, AND rain coats, tnaria to ordor. Panto rluin. tf KUIl BALK Frama barn 18x24. Two storloB. Ico houso 12x12, ca pacity 30 tons. Qood lumber anil construction. Must ho movoil from promises. 13. II. Ttist. m-i-tf Una G-room houso (or $1100; tonus; 40 ncrcs, 2G acres undor good ditch, $2000; terms. 00 acres, $75 pur aero; raw land. 40 acres, $75 porJncro; raw land. 10 acres noar Ontnrlo; all cultivation, with buildings. A snap. Imiulro Grolg & Doollttlo. tt All lots and property of tho On tnrlo Land and Townslto Co. liavo boon returned ovor to W. II. Doollttto as trustoo, to ho sold. This property Is now (or sala by us and Includes In addition to tho lots ono 2-ocro tract, una 6'ncro tract, ono 7-room houso nud 'ono I'ooil G-n.om houso for $1000. Tills houso could not ho built (or less than $2200. (looil loca 'tlon. QrolK & DooJIttlo. ' 48-tf HO acrrn good land undor gravity ditch, no Improvomonts; $75.00 per aero, $1000 cash down, bal. Reed terms. Qrols & Doollttlo. 48-tf Ono good CvTooin houso (or $1000. This Is tho best buy In Ontnrlo for tho monoy. Until, toilet, slindo trees. QrolR & Doollttlo. 48-tf Ono n-room houso, KaraRo, 5 tots, slindo treos; $2200. OrolR A Doo llttlo. 48-tf KOU BALK Ono of tho finest rosl- donees In Ontario. Btrlctly modern thruout. Address Ilox 101, Ontnrlo, OroRon. 7tf IIOMKSTKAD Lauds Two claims; Rravlty wator available. Address Ilox 102, Ontario. 2t NOTICK I'OU PURIFICATION IHOLATKI) TRACT Serial No. 05030. Public IjuiiI Hnlo Department of tho Interior, U. B. Imu Offlco at Vale, OroROti, January 13th, 1020. Notlca Is horoby rIvoii Hint, as directed by tho Commleslonor of tho Cuueral I -a ml Offlco, undor pro visions of Bee. 2455, II. 8., pursuant to tho application of Jacob M. Pot torson, Berlnl No. 05030, wo will offer at public sale, to tho hluhost bidder, but at not loss than $3.00 pur aero, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., on tho 2nd day of March, 1020, next, at this offlco, tho following tract of land: Lot 1, Sec. 0, T. 17 8. 11. 40 R. W. M, Tho'salo will not bo kept open, 'but will bo doclarcd closed when thoso prosont at tho hour named havo ceuBooV blddlnR. Tho ponton making tho highest bid will, ho ro 'quired to Immediately pay to tho receiver tho amount thoronf. Any persons claiming ndvorsoly (tho abovo doscrlbod land nro advised to file their claims, or objections, on or fjoforo tho time designated for 'Balo. TIIOB. JONES, lleglstor M. N. Pogtly, Rocolver, NOTICH NOTICE la hereby given that Itus soil Maxflold has filed a petition for tho exclusion from tho Dead Ox Flat Irrigation District of tho' following described land to wit: ' SB 14 of tho NWU and lots 2 3 of Bee. 10, Twp. 17, Itango 47, E. W. M. 8ald lands now being Ir rigated by private pumping plant and "ill tax levys paid to date. All per sons affected by a chtvngo .In the .boundary lines of said District aro hereby notified that a hearing of said petition will bo had and evidence for or against tho granting of said peti tion may bo presented beforo the board of directors of said District at tho regular monthly meeting. E. C. BELKNAP, Secrotary. FOH flALB-rWell Improved 20-acro ranch ono mile from Ontnrlo City Bchonls. Also fifty acres near Pay ette, Idaho, ono block from Washoe school. Qood buildings on both ranches, Address Box 101, Ontario, Oregon. 7tf miiM-iiiaLLii"jjg HkUVJ JUir.v ,w t. : i . v k IvMV ' l t , msiM REFLEX SLICKE Is the wot weather service uniform for tho regular men who mako ever day count- Look for the Reflex Edg-d- A.J. Towepi. Co. Dtlltn Mtil - Bllfcllh4IUI ml I ytifiVjfc j y rs&rsm i SUl. fxw Ml V I fv I . tI i r mv f U U I 1 1 I . bLM -s.v-T.Gj1 raarm ' ; ibt -it ,ki vmra &0tSP FORTf ACRES good land for sale, near Vule, $1000 down, long tlmo en i balance. dood second liana auto will be considered on first payment .Address Box 229. Tho Argus.T ' 229-1 Mf After you cat nlwnya tako E ATONIC ("rem touk ACib-STOMAciQ Instantly rollovcs Heartburn, Dlot edCaujr Fooling. Stops food souring, repeating, and nil stomach miseries. AUt dif lion nd cppttll. Kp lom wh wwtnditrunff. Insrauci Vitality nj I'tp. EATOtllOli t ha twit ttmtir. Ttn of thou Mndi wondtrf ullr btiwfllfil. Only Maun cent ortwoa dirto umIL rolthrtlrirurinUi to pImm or y will rtiuoil 0007, (MaMc texlultr, YounlusM. Ontario Pharmacy " 1IOHTON CAVli' Now open for business , WELL COOKED FOOD (lOOD 8EIIVICE FAMILY PATIIONAU13 80L1CITED. Open 0:30 n. m. to 12 p.m. Ontario, Oregon SUMMONS. IN THE CIIIC'UIT COUItT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOIt THE COUNTY OF MALI1EUH. N. C. GORDON and C. Q. ADAMS, a co-iiartiiursMp dolus business u'udcr tho firm nnma am stylo of GORDON ADAMS, Plnlntirfs, vs. BARBARA MAY, Defendant. To BARBARA MAY, tho Abovo Named Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You nro horoby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho abovo entitled causa within six wooks from tho data of tho first pub lication of this suninns upon you, nnd If you fall so to nnswor for want thereof, tho plaintiffs will tako JudRiuont against you for tho sum of $325.00, together with costs nnd dis bursements herein, nnd for an order of snlo of certain attached real prop erty situated In Mnlhour .County, Oregon, nnd described as follows, to-wlt: I Lots fourteen (14) nnd fifteen (15), In Block forty (40) of tho City of Ontnrlo, Mnlhour County, Oregon, to satisfy said JudRiunnt. .This sum mons is puiuiHiicii upon yuu iiy-nn order or tho lion. Dnlton BIrrk. Cir cuit Judgo of Mnlhour County, Ore rod, duly mndo nnd entorrd on ttm 31st day of January, 1920. 8TONE & JACKBON, R. W. SWAOLER, Attorns for Plaintiffs, Residing nt Caldwell, Idaho, and On tario, Oregon, respectively. Dnto of first publication Fobrunry 12, 1020. Dato of last publication March 25, 1020. FOR SALE OR TRADE What will you giva or what havo you to trndo for lots 1, 2, 9, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 nnd 16 In block 83, City of OnUrloT O. a. Luohrs. 222-10-tf Professional Cards m. w. a. Howe DENTIST Tel. 1 17 Ontnrlo, Oro, EDITH TIIOItl.r.Y.UOWMNO INSTRUCTOR 1 Volcot Italian Method Plnnoi LcFChntlzky Method Phono li!8V ONTARIO, OREGON GENERAL SEWING. Phone 42-R. 202-7-10 MRS. CIIRISTEN8EN, teacher of plaun. Phono 02-R. 200-Ctf FOR SALE 320 AORE8 closo to town. Beit of range, well and windmill. Good bam with coiuont rnundntlon. Good corrnll nnd 80 acres foncod. Cement cistern, holds 360 hnrrols wator. Good cellar and Hinnll houso. Cheap buy. Inquire Elk Cigar Btoro Ontario, Oro. HAVE YOUR OAR MADE JUHT LIKE NEW Tho power of your auto on- glno comes from tho cylinders and this is tlio only Hiiop in Malheur county tliat lias a CYLINDER BORING .MACHINE This pormlts ub to do this 'ac curate machluo work to n hair, and do tt quickly, -Now Is tho tlmo to havo your englno overhauled. MARDEN'H MACHINE KIIOP Oncarlo, Okegoii DIAMqtf'MJTy mn e For 1920 Plant Only the Best -JWjSa Wlj ; "ni. -. 'v -v VWe canlW f Checks that li r 1 can't beuRaised VM!P J WSzzJi iw-i.iwpa IftHlX fnr mSVrj' l wSK'tt.'l miWJl BimrtJ, i&ZM m .nl bt-.J C .itnhR oi' Plant ir x GulJc Is the standard r fvrence nnw 1 of Ihtf Northw st. Ilstlnit our complete lines ol a. .1 l.s Dlnnl, f. FcrtlliJirs.Poultryiind Dec feuppln. ipruy nmtSn' vcis. Uulry Supplks and Lqulpincnt. Yuur Nmc UtouUJ Ik im ut Miiluig Lim Ak,for Catalog No. 010 Top Repairing.... We make n .specialty of this branch of tho industry. . ford Owners;.,. Havo your-top recovered witlrplate glass in rear curtain. ... ' -' Prices Reasonable Seguine Auto Co...: Oldesl Garage in Malheur County Established 1910 LESLIE .1. A1CER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Iiicmuo Tnv AdtNor Poilofflro BiilldljiK, Ontario, Oregon BRANHFER, BAGGAOE AND EX PREHS JOHN LANDINUIIAM DR. A. R. ROBERTS Dentist I lot ecu Ontnrb) Pliiiriiui( t Depot. Phono 62 DKS. WRESE & FOKTNEK OFFICE HOURS: U to 12 nnd 2 to 6. Offlco ovor First National Bank. i'olvpliouo No. 33 J. Ontario, Oro. F. E.. Brittingham TRANSFER Long Distanco Hauls a specialty Phone 157-M. Ontario, Ore. INSIST on on abstract of tltlo when you purchaso or lend inuAoy on real estate MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., Vale Oregon. FOR BALE Knlttlnic machine. In- nulro Mrs. Kndow, first house woft of Nazorlno church. 203-7-tt WANTED Two orthrco furnlshod or unfurnished rooms, no children. 100-C-tf WANTED To rent modorn iouso; cloft. :n. C I Purity llukory. -yo-n-tf NOTICE OF II EARING. Vale, Orogon, Fobrunry 10, 1920. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That tho following potltlon praying for tho organization of tlio "kaiii MORE IRRIGATION DI8TRICT," will bo prosonted to tho County Cojirt of Mnlhour County, Oregon, nt a sneclal mooting of tho Bald Court. duly callod to consldor and net upon the same, nt tho Court Houua and In tho room of said Court, at Vale, Oro gon, on tho 22d day of March, 1920, at 11:00 a. in. (CO. Seal) A. M. MOODY, County Work, Mnlhour County, Orogon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREUON, FOR MAI IIEUR COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ORGAN IZATION OF THE "FAIRMORE iiminATin.v nisTRICT." PETITION FOR THE ORGANIZA TION OF THE FAIRMORE IRRI GATION DISTRICT. TO THE HONORABLE, Tho County Court for Mainour County, ore gon. Wo, tho undersigned petitioners, rosnectfully bIiow and petition to your Honorable Court as follews: 1. That wo nro and each of us Is a imna fldo local ownor of land within tho boundaries of tho proposed Irri gation district ns hereinafter set forth and described nnd that to gether wo own more than fifty por cent of tho ncroago and nunibor of ncros, Bttscoptlblo of Irrigation with in tho boundaries of said proposed Irrigation district. 2. That nil tho land within tho boun- darlas of tho said proposed Irriga tion district ns hereinafter do scrlbpd, is susceptlblo of practical Irrigation from tho same source and by the samo system of works or snnio 'pumping plant nnd by moans of ' which It is proposed to tako water from tho Srinko river bV means of pumps and motors for tho irrigation, j 3. That your potltlonors deslro to and do proposo to organlzo an Irrigation district under the Irrigation lnws of tho Statu of Oregon, Chap. 367, pngo 743, Laws of 1017" and tlio Acts amendatory thcroto, for tho purpose of furnishing wnter for tho Irriga tion of the lands r. itliln tho boun daries of said pi'()fotcd district. 4. That tho boundary lines of the said proposed Irrigation district and In cluding tho lands which it is dusl, d to hnvo Included within said district, aro as follows, to-wlt: Commencing nt tho 8W cor ner of tho NEU. Sec. 10; thenca enst to tho SE corner of WV4BBUNEH of Bnld Sec. 10; thenco north to tl c NI3 corner of tho WHBEMNEU of said Sec. 10; thenco east to tho SE corner of NWV4NWU, Hoc. 11; thenco north to NE corner of 8WW8WU, Sec. 2; thenco west 100 rods; thenco north to tho north boundary of tlio NE4 SE,i Sec. 3; thenco west to NW corner of 8EU, 8ec. 3; thenco south to tho plnco of be ginning, containing 370 ncrcs, moro or less of IrrlRlblo land, nil In T. 18 8. It. 47 E. W. M. In Mnlhour County, Oregon. 6. That all of said lauds have, here tofore, boon nttomptod to bo Irri gated from nn Insufficient nnd un satisfactory system, but owing to tho Insufficiency of tho system, lack of ropalr nnd rapacity and tho fact that -J tho lands herein sought to bo In cluded In tho proposed irrigation dis trict nro situated on tho lower end of tho old system tho snmo being n Joint, stock company or corporation, nnd across a fill and with Insuffi cient grntle, profitable results cnu not bo obtained mid tlio lauds In cluded In said proposo district can not ho adequately Irrigated. WHEREFORE. Your petitioners respectfully ask that this Honorable Court mako and enter Its ordor hero in, organizing said proposed Irriga tion district nnd Hint tlio tmino of tho said proposed irrigation district ho tho "FAIRMORE IRRIGATION DISTRICT," NAME ADDRESS W. H. Utloy Ontario, Oregon T. 11. Flsor Ontario, Oregon 8. E. Jnmeson Ontario, Oregon Barney L. Bull Ontnrlo, Oregon Kato Fiser Ontario, Oregon J. II. Scawcard Ontario, Oregon John Zimmerman . .. Ontario, Oregon P. J. Flynn Ontnrlo, Oregon Rnnddll Sago Ontario, Oregon Idn E. Scawcard .... Oujarlo, Oregon Ed. Berry Ontnrlo, Oregon C. A. Cook Ontnrlo, Oregon John Mnrtln Ontario, Oregon J. II. Guorln Ontnrlo, Oregon B. E. Turner Ontnrlo, Orogon Potcr Hughes Ontnrlo, Oregon G. Josephine Wlillo. .Ontario, Oregon First publication Feb. 19, 1920 Last publication March 18, 1020 McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Proprietor VV. C. Jones, Licensed Embalmer Funerals directed' from the parlor-chapel or from the church of your choice Parlors situated in a quiet district Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phone 100W Night Phones 89M and iMW Hides, Furs and Pelts Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers: If you have any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. We pay the 'highest market prices. We pay cash. Rogers & Company Ontario, Oregon Telephone 1H5-W OUR NEW DIRECTORY A new directory is now l)ein; deliy v Save trouble by doRtroying your .., , IF YOU WANT PROPER LIBTINU ' NEW PHONE, ADVISE UB AT ONCIi Every Hell Telephone is a Loiifr Distance Station. .Malheur Home 1 elephone uo. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY v Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid; Correct weights given and prompt returns mndo. No shipments too large, nor too small, wo so licit them all. Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. i