V 'Vila ON'J AUK) AliUUS ONTAKIO, OliEGON, TllUKSbAY, JEBRUAKY 20, 1920. Rexa 11 R em alien Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMAC Prescription Specialists tiii: m:AM. UK I'llONli no. u Niai Remedies 1'ropat houap, JUNTURA NEWS NOTES r JUNTUUA. Or., I'cli. 2:t Tlio tlilril mid luMt mi inlio r or the Lyceum coiirno will bo kIvuii on I''li. li.Stli. It)' thu Wurtl Water Co. TIiIh pronram wilt ho mimical nml ilriuuntlr anil In iinlil to lio unuminlly InloroatlitK "Mil orli;lnnl. II will lio followed liy n ((unco wltli mimic furnlHlicil by the J ii n turn Jur.r. Orclnmtrn. ' Mr. nml Mra. Harney TlllotHon punned thru town hint veol on tholr return to Ileulnh after nomal moiitliH' Hojourn In California nml I'ortlnnil, Mr. nml Mm. Itohurt Iteed, who havit hud rhurKO of Mr. TlllotKiiu'H liualnuaa, ciiiiio hnck to thulr homo hern on ThurHiluy. Will McDaren, who linn lieen 111 with flu In IluriiK. leturnril homo liiHt WuilnoKilny. It. J. DoiIko of Aahlntlil apmit n fuw ilnyH hero ou IiuhIiiww liiht week. Wlnnlti Hcott of Ilnulnli nml K. II. I.lmlxoy of Juuttirn huvo lecoiiio the owni.TH of two now Konl lourlliK rri that worn brought to town hiHt week. Jack Joyco wiim n pHBniL'r on TiHwtlny'a trulu for nutalili point. CIiiih. Luttmi, who apt'iit tint win tor tit Cniiyon. wua In Jiinturn for a fow iluyK hiHt week. Mr. anil Mm. Duiioati Mcltno nml ilniiKhtnr, MIhh Mary, worn .In lit urn Vlaltora IiikI WedoiiKday. Itox Arnwlno of lltirua waa a Juu tura vlMltor IiihI week, apnnillni; a number of iluya here. . I.iihI Tluirailny Cnnnlo Moffrt ami fnmlly left for Kiniunlt. Idaho, after HpendhiK moHt of tho winter here The mwronMnamiMMi whlrh they vacated. waa taken hy Itoy curry ami family. William StorlhiK of tlin Wm. linn Icy Co.. stopped off for one day laat l'rldny on lila way home to Iturnt from Portland to look o cr tho com pany Interest here Mr. and Mr. Arch Myora returned iHnt Trlday from lloluc, pnaalwi thru town on tho way to tholr ranch nonr Drowaoy. A. M. Taylor of tho AKency ranch camo In on Trlday from n few daya visit In Harper. Father fitaek atoppad ovor on Snt unlny on hi way rrom Ilurim to On tario to ((induct Humlay aorvlrra at St. Patrlck'a (ihurch here. Mlaa Joaoplilno KailKpllHiiiaii spent a fow lnH litHt wenk In Vale for den- tUtry, loavliiR Stanley Aap In ohare of tho pilmary ilepartmont of the achool. Martin Joyco rtiturmnl on Friday from outHldo polnlM. Mm. ('. P. Kualuie nml win. Mm. Vainer ItiipkltiH ami con, ami Win. MoKonnlo loft Monday for Vale and Ontario. Mm. Kueline la to fllw on n ilonort claim, ami Mm. Ilnpklni I ap pointed deleKHlo to the ImiIIm' Auxil iary of tho llapuhlloHii Central Com mltton. David P. (Irahain want alao an a (loloKato from till point. HCIIOOI. OK MII.MNHUV INSTItl'C- TION TIioho doalrtiiK to Inam tho millinery trade and wIIIIiik to ap ply thuniMolvoH for n period of month can loam tho mi Honiara hy callliiK at tho OHhoru Millinery of Ontario, Grown. 2101-8-11 Saving while you're buying stock, is made possible by our S .vings Investment plan. You pay a small amount each month and your money draws G per cent interest. At the same time you're purchasing Idaho Power 7 per cent Cumulative Preferred stock. When your payments have been completed your investment begins draw ing 7 per cent interest. These dividends are payable quarterly by mail on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1. Ask any Idaho Power employee about Idaho Power 7 per cent Cumulative Preferred stock and the Savings InOstmcnt plan. The Idaho Power Co. ac Noun; ok HiiKitirrs mum. Hy vlrtuo of an evocation and order of aale duly laauod hy the Clerk of the Circuit Court of thu Kate of Oregon for Malheur County, dated the 17th day of February. 19 JO. In a cortnln action In tho mid Circuit Court for wild State and County, wherein Stmko Itlvor District Im provement Company, a corporation, att Plaintiff, recovered Judgment against M. I.. Walker, executor of the mtate of ft. A. Atwood, deceaacd, ami Myrtle M. Stout, Ivui I.. At wood. It. J. Atwnod. ami Ivtia I,. Atwood, triiHtoo for J. I'erdun Atwood nml Myrlly M Stout, truatoe for At wood and Walter M. Stout, helm of wild oatnto of 1-3. A. Atwood, dec en ti ed, and Maud Cloldman, aa Defend- auta In the huiu of four Hundred Sixteon Dollam, with Interval there on from Ocloher let, 1010, at tho into or 10 por cent per annum, mid the further mini of Forty-one ami CO 100 Dollar penalty ami Forty Dol lam Attorney'a fee ami tho further autii of Four Hundred Dollam, with Intoreat thereon from Ottoher Int. 1017, at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum, and Forty Dollam penaltv and Forty Dollar Attorney' U"h, and for thu further aiiui of DIkIiI Hundred Dollnm, with Interent there on from Ortoher Int. 1 !1 S. at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum nml for Highly Dollnm penally nml Mighty Dollnm Attorney'a fee; ami for tho further aiim of Six Hundred Forty Dollnm, with Internal thereon nun October tat, 11)1!), at the rato of tun por cent per annum, and for Sixty Four Dollam penaltv and Sixty Four Dollnm Attorney'a fee nml for tho further huiu of Fifty Fight nml 7S-100 Dollam roMa TIIKItKI'nltK NOTIt'K IS IIF.IIK- 11V UlVKN. That I will on the 2(1111 I day of March, A I) 1020, it the hour of two o'clock In tho afternoon of aald day, at the north main entrance iluor of tho Malheur County Court lloutc at Vale, aald County ami Stato, noil at public auction to the hlKlioat nml heat bidder or bidden for cttah. tho following it berthed real proporty, to-wlt: SV6NKU of Section 0, Town tdilp Sixteen South, Uiiiiko 47, Knt of the Willamette Meridian In Malheur County, State of Ore Ron. Taken and levied upon na tho prop orty of tho nhovo named defendnnta, M. I.. Walker, Executor of the eatate of B. A Atwood, (lecoaacd, ami Myr tle M. Stout, Ivua !.. Atwood, It J Atwood ami Ivus I.. Atwood, trtiatro for J. I'crduo Atwood mid Myrtle M .Stout, trtiHtee for Atwood nml waiter M. Stout, helm of said oatato of K, A. Atwood, ileciMnod, and Maud (loldmnu, or ns much thereof an iu:i ho nercMiiry to nntlafv anld Judgment In favor of Snnko lllvor District Im provemcut Company, n corporation, and pKitlnat tho nhovn unmed defen ilanta, with Intercut thereon, together with all costa and tllRhumcmcnta Hint have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, thin snrd day of February, 1920. II. UKK NOIO, Sheriff, lly T C. McKI.UOY, Deputy. Dato of Salo March 2Uth, 1020, Date of Flmt Publication Febru ary 20th, 1920. Dnto of t.nat I'uhllcatluti Mnr-ii 25th, 1020. 1 " VI PUIL. PRINTING Mrn '" 4, I OIL BONO TW11 S11 Yottt Goods Different Colors of Paper Many builneitmenhava aiyitcm oluilna dillcicnl colon olpaperfordirfercntpilnted formi, tlm dittincuUliIng each form by Iti color. We can work thli lyitem outfcryou,uiIng the Utility Ihulneit Paper, nnd you will Find that it javei you tlmo ami money. Let ut thow you the advant -o of itand (idizing your paptr and y r printing. W jL.rV" mr P MMERM. BOND ind Our Good PRINTING -USaveYou Money rniiMBw U.ttl-Qt&JU&KKZ&Xm H. . &.. . :..JWBfw1 ' rntiL.1 .. ..., . t h.ut .- .wTtk i: IflfV RtJS2l '.-,- txmrr V ,-H'V.1 or L::mirm v-.t jmm -jm. L jW t?HBlHP . ga9 MWh Um unit i.itr:vww Jtram ti . i.i "in j- j.w." x-. u . DEPARTMENT STORE Ask to see the All - Wool Line if you want a Suit that is superfine In these days of high cost it is best to buy some thing that is built for endurance. Get your suiu made from pure genuine, all-wool fabrics, and tail ored with good linings and trimmings. Remember, the Best is the Cheapest So decide on an International and save both money and your peace of mind. Prices range from $35 to $80 with a big range of dandy fabrics, at $45 to $60 ml ONTARIO (kJJB fffoBEGONj MM m MaUlMW -rm --' DEPARTMENT STORE "-mi im IHIIIIM...1.IMI. 1IM p - ,.- - Van Petten Lumber Co, Ontario, Adrian, Pendleton Write for our catalogue of mill-cut house.. Wind Shield Glass of all sizes in stock. Wall Tints, all shades. Send for color y( and get it by mail. M I ' H UBUaUM lUUtttltHM WWffWlj-