THE ONTARIO AIM US. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2C, 1920. DEEDS AND PATENTS W. II. Dooilttlo, trustee, to Then. II Mnoro. meotn niul bountls west of III. Gil, Ontario, tract 00x200, 1-20-20; 400. Hen J. llroun, sheriff, to (leo. H. 1'nrkn, WJ4 a:i-20-r, ami NWU 27-20-40, 0-20-17; $208. Salllo P. Klnilmll to I., I'ltrl mid Otis P. UroohBlilro. KIJNVM8VU. 20-1C-47J 11-22; ?Hr.0. It, I). Hogcm ot ux to O. W. l.attfg W4NWU, 10, HKWNKi,, y-17-17; 10-11-10; $0000, Northwest Townslto Co. to United AssotH Co., nil property ownml In N, W. Townslto Co.'h 1st nml 2nd AiIiih. to Vulo, 12-20-10; $1.00. Hopo Ilros. to Wnrinsprlntm Irrlsii tlon Vwt., Lot 8, 111. 20, Villi. 12-2-10; $2S00. Hopo Urns, to Jan.. K. nml Dnnld II. Kolloy.-01.02 acres In NEK, .10-20-40 nml 1.78 hitch In mi in o qunr- ...... I tl .- ,.. m. ...... . . hi, 11 iu iu, in, ,; I.IHH I 10 K 10. 12 to 18, 111. 3; 1 to 8, in to 20. III. IS; all of Illks 11, III, 18, 20, 23, 27, 29; Lots 11 to 10; Lots 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, III. 21; Lots 1 to 12, III. 26; 12 to 22, III. 20 In Kingman; 12-1-10; $CO00. Orayco'lloryl Hago to llnntlnll Hiiro NKK8HW, SKUNKU, NK'JSWV, 10-41-40;. 2-7-20; $1.00. K. It. Mosef to I'ctor Kclloy, 8V KHBtf , 1G-3.1-40; 2-G-20; $200. United States to Mnnly Shuman , BWU8RU. 0; WV6NBU, P.V4NWU 7; NKUNWU. 18-24-38; O-l'8-lO. Frank Klmo vt ux to Jolin Zim merman, Lots 1C, 10, III, 8, Ilurpor; 2-3-20; $1.00. United HtntoH to Lynch I). Went HWViNKH, HWUHI3U. :iO-27-30; 1-1C-20. Jordnn Vulloy PnrniH In Priiuli I.arrusca, Lots 3. 4 8V6NW-t, N'. HKU, Lot 2, HViNliU, l-!lt-42; 2-2-20; $1000. JoHoph JncoliH to Otto C. Miller NW'iNKU. 2.V10-47; 12-31-10, $2C00. Louis Karl Wlllsoy et ux to J C llruiiilnu HjHlOii. 3U-SM0: 12 31-10; $10. Joseph M. Orrrll to J. c. llriiuilnii Lots 1, 2 ,3, nViHWli. HWVtHWVi. HKH. 1-20-40; 1-2-20; $10. United States to Lloyd Itilsitell Kinney. 13 V& 8 114 HIJ'lNKli. 33; WV68WW, NR",8V!i. HVjNW'i 34-10-4C; 8-11-Ul. II. LooiNoo, Bliorlff, to (luy M. I'ntorH, N148EU8H'.. 10-10-43; 2-13-20; $5077. CIiiin. A. Ilnlstroiu ot ux to Clnrn A. Ileltzol, Miiinlo Pountnlii, I.iuir I'llri Hholton and A 11 11 11 Smith, NI-'U. 10-18-43; 12-1C-10; $10. L. Osborno ot ux tb t A. HurgosH. tJ. C. nnd II. V. Franklin. N'UNKVi. 30-17-44; 1-7-20; $0000. Malheur County to Hoy Waters, WNV, NWUBWVi, 14-13-40; 2-13-20; $35.23. flnrtrudo R. Moriih ct vlr to oago W. Shrndor, Loth 2, 2, HW'INKU, 8I3UNWU. 0-21-42; 1-U0-20 $0000. Jiih. A. Lnckay vt ux to A. L Chiwico, Lots 1r8, 10, 20, 111 138. Ontario; 1-10-20; $7G0. ClIlliplllllIlN N. II. Hamlin vs. Ilohort I.nw renco, rocovory of monoy, $407.80. First National Hank, Vulo, vb. J K. Lowronco, J. W. Ornff and W. It. 'Wilkinson, rocovory of money, $4000; 2-13-20. Marriage LlreiiMN Ixiuls Hud Shermuu mid Mary Kllen Akiiob Nolly, 2-0-20. Carl Hood and Carrlo May lllrd. 2- u-M V Alloa Wyatt Curtis and Franklo Kails, 2-13-20. . 8. C. WIIITB LEOIIOUN baby chicks .for salo after March 1, $20 por 100. Onlor now as tlioy are KOlng fast. Hatching eggs $2 por sotting;- L. J. AKEIt, tho Income tax export linn a full supply of 1010 Income Tax Forms now on hand to tiiko euro of nit client's needs. Owing to ninny engagements In outside towns Mr Akor will bu out of town consider ably from now on, and appointments may ho inado by letter or teleplm n 170-J. l 0 ti r . r ". w 7 kJ IMW r 1 WANTED TO 1IUV Onu good worl horse. Would cousldur t-imi u a bargain. TIiiiiiiuh W. CIhrcIi, Ontario. 212 if FOR HALE 7Vj II. I". gasoline en gine, good as now. J. O. Holland 12-2t TWO O. I. O. HOWS, Hlx month old, for hiiIo. Inuulrt! of Itobt. Currier, on Mcdlll ranch, pouttiwesl of On tario. 12-lt $10 per 100. A vest of Ontario. II. Cain, 2 miles 224-10&14 WANTED Ono dozen liens, Phono 77. Miss Lavlne Smith. 200 8tf ItEWARD for lost niuo Dort crank, between Valloy Vlow school nnd Nyssa. John Kakebeoke, It P D. No I, That's My Business Vulcanizing, Retreading, Auto Accessories, Tires and Tubes Get our prices Parker's Tiro Shop Ontario, Oregon HEPAIIATOll POIt HALE V 4. Al most now. May bo booii at" Troxoll Implement Co. Mrs. Hhorry John- sou. POIt HALE Ford car with open ex prosn body and flare boards. It W. Jones. 11 -If 7 Gold Horseshoes Expense is not efficiency. Don't pay forgold horseshoes when you buy your printing Sensible printing on sensible paper Hnmmermill Bend will save you money and get results for you. , That is the kind of work we do and tho kind of paper WQ.UIC. Use More Printed Salesniansniu. Aslt ns. HAY FOIt HALE - 20 Tons third cutting, ono mile west of K. H. & D. much; 20 tons first and third cutting two mllesfrom Ontario. Thomas W.CIagett. 227-1 0-tf AD.MIM.STItATOIt'S HALE Notice Is hereby ghen that In pur suance of an order ot Bale, duly made and' entered by tho Counl Court of tho State of Oregon for IhiJ County of Malheur, en the 27th dny ot January, 1020, In thu .nattor or the cstato of Florence O Kratis, dn teased, the undersigned ndn-iui trator with tho will anntxnl of .. ostat'i will, on nml nfter tho JOtl day of March, 1020, ot 111 offi 1 In Ontario, Oregon, offer foi snlr and roll til prlvato Hale, or cash In kubject to cimflrmntlon by court, tho following described 1 cstuto owned by tho saU ont.iv to-wll- Lots numbered 13. II, K, 10, 1', 18, 10, 20, 21, 30. 31, 32, 31, :H. 35. 30, 37 and 38, of Work 2, Torraco Holghtn Addition to tho City of On iirlo In Malheur County, Oregon. Tho first publication of thin uotlci Is on Fob. 10, 1020, and tho last, pub lication Is on March 18, 1020. S. P. TAYLOU, Administrator, with tho will annexed of tho estate ot Plorcnco U, Kraus, Deceased, s!iiMttif 1 I j, AvMW. V X'lVi 'II 1 11 AF fA I 1,(1 wrfHflBx v &ifFWW:-mfi . t i-zrT U4-rvrW'TOi II 1 A X J Utk bT Pr V ' Swk' i o JC Jh2 POU SALE Two largo chairs and library tnble, almost now; cheap Phono C0-M. 213 S tf WANTED Plain sowing nt first houso north of Motlodlst parson- ago Mrs. Hoy Manson. 22G-10&1I . to S H 'V - r OlO:OA.D.0..TnC The Highest Prices Ever Known That's What You'll Get from "SUUBERT" WE WANT 'KM NOW-AND WILL PAY TUB PRICE TO GET 'EM Own One of Your Own Hou-sing: 3Px-ofc"!o:o3i solved Ty Millmade Ready-Cut Homes Uv onltM'inir a inill-innde lloinc vou SAVE TIME and ArONEV. Got an alisolulo doii))lt coiislriiclcd I Ionic, made of first grndo matorial throughout; Hardware, I'niiif. nnd all mill work l'lirnishcd with a complete .set of Plans. A large nunilier of designs to select.' from. Al ways glad to show you. Call on-w H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon. Commercial Creamery Co. Cash bujjersof Cream anciProcluce Place: South of Post )flice, Ontario, Oregon Yjur Best Market for Cream, Kkjjb, Poultry or all klnda Phone 182 40 Tons of Alfalfa for Sale Six miles cast of Ontario. Good Feed Ground with running water, inquire of, L. L. GRIEP, on the Dugger place on Hospital road, one and one-half miles west of Ontario . The Osborn Millinery is pleased to announce its SPRING OPENING on February 28 We will have on display at this time a complete show ing of Pattern Hats in dressy models as well as sport ' and tailored hats for ladies and children A cordial invitation for an early inspection is extended to all our old customers as well-as our new OSBORN MILLINERY 0n,a&o SIXTY TONS of good first and bcc ond crop hay for sale. See J. J Dless, Ontario, Oregon, Hox 042.. 12-Ct COHN'U 130 bu. corn on cob for solo 1 mllu west Cairo or phono 3011 I). P Doarborn. 12-2t KXI'lCHll'.NCKI) MAN antu to rent u good ranch. Write S. T., I'rult- Innd, Idaho. ' 21U-10tol2 H. I WHITK LKCIHOItN breeding eocltorols for sulo, $5.00 each A. II. Cain, 2 iiiIIom wo I of Ontario, 221-10-tf 1'Olt HALi: Hovon-rooin houso, modorii, air promt tiro tank, wood house, chicken house, garngo, five ots OIiiih. Atliertou, Ontuilo, Oio- con. 12-ti )lN?!UUfUURGt NtltARGE N'lHtDIUM I NvlSHAU I N 2 " COYOTE Hut; Tmti, Qstdj 30.00 (o 25.00 1 22.00 to 13.00 1 16.00 (3 14.00 1 12.00 ta 9.00 1 12.00 to 7.00 Ot w H.ifle.1 1 22.Q0 tc 18.00 1 16.00 tfl H.00 1 13.00 to 11.00 1 10 00 b 8.00 1 10.00 to 5.00 MUSKRAT Spring I 8.0010 7.00 1 GiOtO 5-50 1 5.00 to 3.751 3i0t0 2.75 3.00 to 2.00 Winter 050 to 5.50 1 5.001a 4.00 1 3.50 to 2.75 1 230 la 1.75 25013 L50 S K.1J N IC NmnmARGtl tttiURGt I NfintoiuM f un tiWT I cooo UNPRlRf wmmmmmtm, TO t') jlf fOOUH (Its tvlMftf ttlt fO l Hill lit QUffT BlacV 15.00 to 12.00 11.0010 9i0 925(0 8.25 8.00(0 7.C0 7.001a 330 Short 10.00 to 9.00 830 to 730 72510 6.75 630 lo 530 6.00 lo 3.00 Narrow 8.00(0 7.00 63010 6.00 530(0 5.00 T5to 425 430 to 100 Broad j 5.00(0 4.00 1 3.751a 325 1 3.00 ta 230 1 225 to 1.75 225 ta 125 These extremely high prices for Oregon Fura nre based on the well known "SIIUBERT" liberal eroding nml are quoted for Immediate ship, ment No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise Inferior skins at highest market value. Ship your Furs now when we want 'cm. You'll get "more money" and cet it "quicker" too. A "SIIUBERT" RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY f MP TODAY AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST soil .ah. Youn runs oincrr to A:B.SH UB ERT', THEUJ)6STH0USEINTHEWRLD DEMIKG EXCWSWIY 0 AMERICAN RAW FURS Z5"7 W.Auslin Ave. DcptwsoChicagoi U.S.A. rj r I I I I ' II II ' II 1 1 fc I MM' iiiilll """ TT" I . JtJest oi Jiverytmng Perhaps you cannot afford the best of every thing, but you can afford the best coffee that money will buy Folger's Golden Gate. . ' ' Different in taste from other coffee and better. " SmSK WhenYouf BL tVhejQa-nl) wJl Nolthe Fragrance VACUUM PACKED III ' " II l: t i