TILE ONTARIO AHU US, ONTARIO. OKEGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUAKV 26, 1920. V EVERYBODY WASHES WITH RAIN WATER JONES Ontario Commercial Club Re counts Activities of Past Year By F. LESLIE BODY At tlio nnnunl meeting of tho Com iniirclnl club Soerotiiry Jlntly present od tlio following report of tho year's werk: Mr. I'rcslilcnt mid Mcmbors of tho Ontario Commercial Club: It la my privilege to present it re port giving n resume or tlio work dono by your Club during tlio punt (light IliOlltllH, I might ny In nil truth thnt thin Club Ih toilny tho moHt nctlvo mid oitn of tho strongest nml Influontlnl In our atalo. 1 will ileal with innttorH portnluliiK to tho Club's activity n tlioy present thmimolvoM to mo, with recointnendn tloiiH whloh, In my opinion, will niiiko tli Ib Club n morn iiHoful nil- Jiiuct to tho community. Mumbors subscribing to tlio Club's iiuiliilennneo today total 110, ami 1 nm gratified to statu Unit 12 per cent of thosu hnvo Joined within tlio pint two iiioiiIIih; but thlri member ship, for n community of this slzo, oilKlit lo bi at leant tno, nml I be lieve If tho now board of directors will adopt n plan which I will present to tliein, IIiIh number ran bo nt (allied. During tho past eight mouth your directors hnvo liulil cli;ht meetings, nml tlio club iih n wholu hnvo bold 21 regular meetings, with mi uvuniKo atteiidunco of 27, or about 21 pur rent of tho totnl momborshlp; this I not good enough nml hIioiiIiI bo In creased to nt leant an nvorago of to por cent. Ovor 4000 commiiiilcntloiiH hnvo boon received by my offlco from ovory Htnto In tlio Union with tho ex ception of North Carolina. I bcllovo nbout (5 pnr cout nro from parties desiring to clinngo tlielr place of resl ilouco nml enquiring an to tho oppor tunities In Malheur county. A fnlr iwtlii'Hto of tho capital represented by tlifM) hoiiioKoekors I cmnputo nt bettor than ouo inllllnu dollars. Quito n largo pcrcentngo'hnvo writ ten fur additional Informntloii, nml I believe my rocorils will hIiow Hint be tween SO mill 00 now families with capital wilt mnko tlielr homo In this territory this spring. Others hnvo not committed themselves but un doubtedly a goodly number will como boro mid kIvo us tho "onco ovor." It might porlmps bo well to Male In passing thnt I hnvo uot oncournged ovory uniiulrur to como; somo I hnvo absolutely discouraged hocnuso I felt tho chance would not bo ad vantageous; but I hnvo urged tho fanner with capital mid anybody who was Identified with tho build liul trnilo hud funds lo Join us. During tho pnst night months our Club lins Issued nml circulated khv oral thousand plecos of llteraturo of mi IntorostliiK cliaraeter, mid ar rmiKouiontH hnvo been inado where by nil local hnppenliigs of Interest nro sent to outside, papers for puhllcn tlon. I would 111(0 to suggost thnt a nice doscrlptlvo Illustrated booklet of Ontnrlo mid district bit prepared In tho near future lotting tlio pic tures toll tho story. Wo hnvo tho goods mid tho market Is waiting. Malheur county Is not overstocked mid the development of our territory Is going to bo tho bnck bono of tho , city. Agnlu, you will have noticed tho map on tho rovorso rIiIo of tlio Club's Icttorlionds; this Is n truo map mid I would like to nco It printed on tho back of tho lottcrhcnds used by nit our business men It would be fnr reaching In Its usefulness, To my mind Ontario's most press ing need nt this tlmo Is more houses, nml tho Club's endeavours should bo centered on this phnBO of nctlvlty Last full 38 of our citizens promised to build, mid qulto n number did. nml I bcllovo tho majority will mnko good their nrnmlso during tlio coming spring, but thnt number will not In nny .manner meet tho situation. Wo nro ut least shy 100 houses, Your Club Is responsible for tho paving program. It was through tho collectlvo efforts of tho members that this was put ncross, mid In n very short tlmo now wo will nil np proclato nml ronllzo what pnvml roads moan to a community. My only hope Is that now districts will ho organized mid us many more trcntcd lightly. I respectfully submit this report blocks paved during tho ensuing yenr. Tho question or establishing n freo delivery mnll servlco has nlio been undertaken, nml will bo stnrd with until tho City Council ban put tho sidewalks In such shnpo ns to mnko It nn actuality. Another very Important Issim which Is receiving tho nttentlon of your board Is tho question of secur ing wnter for city Irrigation, mid whilst n solution has not yet been nrrlved nt. I feel very confident Hint In tho very near future this matter will bo solved. Tlio Jordan Vnlloy or Succor Crook Itoad was nlso taken up mid con scientious work douo, every known wire wns pulled mid whilst this matter bus not ns yet homo fruit It has not been sldo tracked. Tho Club nlso took nn active In terest In tho request of tho Telophoiio compnny, to Increase Its rates mid to Watehe Our stock consists of Elgins, Walthams, . Illinois and Howards which represents the highest grade watches made in the U. S. A. All are guaranteedby us. Either come in or drop us a card and we will be glad to give prices on any . watch that you have in mind $lqekabi( fewelri( $Ure Expert Watch Repairing Ontario, Oregon Uiulor present costs and prices one's financial require ments are greater than thoy have been liorotoforo. Not. only nro wo required to meet these heavier financial demands hut we are equally willing and ahle to render you every form id' hanking service to keep pace with tin times We oslicit your business on the promise of a service ade quate to your every need. I mnko other changes, No decision has been handed down yet by tho Public Servlco Commission, but I as sure you that through tho Club's In tlucnco a bettor deal will bur miido than If thoro wero no club, Furthermore, as recent as this wook, through tho offorts of your organization botwecn SO mid GO uuiuos were added ty our census. It Is Just possible that these parties would havo boon missed hail thoro been no club. Again, your commlttco on road signs has been very nctlvo, and If the program ns outlined by them Is put Into effect It will bo tho moans of giving Ontario untold publicity of directing numerous tourists mid oth our way. '. Wo hnvo been tho moans of recom mending to tho City Council now or dinances which, if Inform!, will bo beneficial to the whole community. Amongst others I might mention an jnrdfunnce establishing a building por Imlt system; ordinance covering tho class and height or sign to bo erect ed on our main street; ordinance reg ulating tho cleaning or our sidewalks In winter and summer; orilliianco stipulating tho height at which our awnings may project from buildings. I might also state that your Club successfully sponsored tho Ontario Poultry Show mid Malheur County Fnlr, both of which entailed a great deal or work It Is through tho efforts or your Club that soma new Industries have already decided to establish places or business here, amongst which I mention Tho Union Oil Co. ot Col., Ontario Milling Co., ami the tho On tario Dottllng Works, and I hopo to bo able to announco very shortly tho names of unothor wholesale bouso and parties contemplating putting In a creamery and cheese factory. I think from tho foregoing you will realize that your Club lias accomp lished quite a llttlo during tho past eight months, but at tho sainu tlmo I shall submit to your Hoard of Directors for their criticism n plan which I think will enhauco tho value of our auto park, both from the view point of our tourists mid merchants. I cannot holp feel that It would bo a good thing of this Hoard wero to appoint u cnmmlttoo to take a great er Interest In some of our public bodlos; for Instance, tho committee could call occasionally nt tho hospital schools ami public library. A word ot oncouragomout from tho club thru Its commlttco would bo u world of good mid bo n stimulus for greater aclilovomont. I would llko ror ovory mombcr to realize that paying ones dues does not constltuto full membership. There must bo co-operation of action, thought mid endeavor. Lot's mnko It n club ovory husliie.in man will bo proud to be associated with, but to do this thu wholo responsibility must not devolve upon your Directors or Socrotary, each member owos' It to Iho others.- I would suggost that n membership card similar bo hung In each More or offlco telling tho world nt large that you nro proud to belong to n llvo organization and believe In tonmwork. Tho outsldor will there by learn it losson mid pass It on, I havo also prepared n pledge for your illrectors to sign. In accept ing the orrico or director or this Club It will entail lots or work mid con stant worry; It Is not an orflco to bo mid assure you all that tho con fidence I had when I first camo to Ontnrlo Is Indeed "Tho City of Op portunities." Envelopes to Match i Use envelopes to match the color of your stationery. we can suppiy you with fine letterheads minted on Hammermi TWiH nnt f..:.i. Y envelopes to. match in any of the twelve ?( Remember we are letterhead specialists. You ,,. ,u w.c HUamy ui yur printing and the paper we give you very high and our prices Wery low. , let Us Show You What We Can Do mm hard work Is Just commencing, wo cannot rest on our oars, tho real