The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 3, Image 3

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M.iro Tlinn Two Million Acres I lnvt
Hoen Made .More Valuable
to Tlicr Owiicih.
Oregon fnrnicrH mu rapidly learn
ing tha kind of hoII tliuy own ntul the
lllOHt Iirofltulllt! IIIIIIIIHT Of cultivat
ing, fertilising, and cropping It. Pro
llinlnnry hoII Htirveyn covering two
flftliH or tlio Htutu'H tlllnblo IllllllH
limn licun made by tlio U. H. btirctiu
or hoIIh mid tlio hoIIh department or
tlm agricultural college nxporlmont
Detailed HttrvcyH luivo liccti titnde
or tlio hoIIh of Yamhill, Washington,
Multnomah and Joneplilno counties,
nnd almoHt completed for Denton
county. Tlio area of tlio laudn IIiuh
roveiiled to their owners In 2,707.100
ncri'H. More than onu-fointli the
total tillable area of the Htato Iiiih
been given complete, deluded ho 1 1
It wuh thcuo Htirvoys that Bliowod
the lack of adequate Hiilfur In houUi
cm Oregon hoIIh. When HiIh lack
wan dlHclostd and reported by the
colleen ntatlon chomlstfl, export
ineutH woro Instituted by tlio state
eollcgo and foderal oxtoiiHlon spcclnl
ImIh to ascertain tlio moHt fenfllblo
iihmiiih of supplying sulfur.
Ah a roHtilt of those dlHcovorles nul
fur wan used on 10,400 ncron of al
falfa In 11)10 Increasing tlio crop by
one ton per aero. At prevailing
priced J 20 u ton tlio gain of 10,
400 toiiM wuh worth :I28,000 to tlio
An equally profltablo uso or lime
wuh nlMo brought about uh n roHtilt of
those noil surveys
Tha college and federal government
plan to coiillnuo Hicho HiirvoyH to
cover all agricultural lamln or the
flmim mi i i, ,,, .. .,. ix
A Business
Your Hank, if it is the right, .surf of a f Sank, is always at
your service. in I lie matter of confidential counsel.
10 A. M., Humlay school,
11 A. M Proaohlng, "Johuh and
IIIh TomptntloiiH."
C:4G I. M., Kpworth ol.aguo.
7:110 1. M., IlliiHtrntcd mlilromi,
"Panama, tlio Country and tlio Poo-.plo.".
FOIl HAJ.K Huge brush rake. grub-
her and Holt hand leveler for 7S
horsepower Caterpillar. Inquire 11.
'J. I.oronUon, l-'lold Hupt. Kustorn
Oregon Land Compnny, Ontario.
WANTKD Work by :iour by n wo-1
mail. Phono HUM. 210-1:1-14
MulTiour Cotiu'y lit iiulillian i win
urged tlihi wcok to bork
Wood by C C Ilrc.viifll nnil J I)
Sturdier or Portland, and while many
committed thomsolvo, others arc
Mliw Marin MorrUny, wlionn con
cert on March 24th nl tlm llnptlM
rhurch promlHOH to bo ono or thn
mont delightful of thn season. Insists
that her voice wnH not always rocolv
0(1 with the name favor iih It Ih today.
It hociiih Hint Mlwi Morrltoy liar
ulwayn been dctormlnnd to hIiik- And
when Hlio wuh a llltlu girl. hIid ued
to lilt up her voloo and onrol loudly
for tlio edification of herself and hII
the uelghborH.
One day, the policeman on the
awaiting further developmentn In the
campaign llowoer, It nppc.irti thai
the Ortiurul Ih popular with major
Ity or tlio local mombci'H or tlio party.
beat passed MIhh Morrlnoy'H house,
and hearing strange sounds Issuing
forth, ho finally concluded to Invtmtl
unto. Ho was a good pollcsmsm wan
Pat, and ho took nn Interest In nil
tho nffalrnor tlio Htreel. So ho pre
sented hlniHOir bororo Mliw Morrlsoy's
"Madame," said lie, "Ih thot your
child?" Miss MorrlHey ceased her
Hinging long enough to hear her
mother admit tho rolatlouHhlp.
"Well, Madam," nald Pat, "what
In thn world Ih tho matter with her
to malio her cry nil tho tlmo?"
Shift Your Housecleaning
Burdens on to the
Tho modern American laundry 1ms taken tho burden of
spring housecleaning from tho shoulders of many a sensi
ble woman. L
Time was whon tho moro completely fagged and vorn a
woman became, tho moro she thought sho was doing hor
wifely duty.
Women now realize that their first duty is to bo houyaut
and cheerful companions and chums to thoir husbnuda
and children.
Men have discovered it doesn't pay to make work lioreos,
out of their wives. .Their own comfort and ploaaure nuf-'
fors, and other men pass uncomplimentary romarlw net
to mention what women say.
The New and Better Way
And so moro and moro women aro
tending thoir laeo curtalnn, blnnketH.
spreads, pillows, couch covers, over
draperies, etc., to tho laundry for
A helpor comes In to wash wIdiIowh
and wood work, tho laundry roturim
every thing beautifully frosh and
clean, and housecleaning Ih over,
without turmoil or fatlguo.
in short, mother Is progresslvo. Sho
reullzcs that whllo twonty-flvo yearn
ago sho would havo had to wash her
own curtains and blnnketH. laundry
methods havo changed; that up-to-ilto
laundry owners havo seen an op
portunity to rendor a broador sorvlco
and havo equipped for It And
mother has been wIho In accepting
tho relief. offered hor.
Rho knows sho will ulwuys havo
plenty of things to do for her hom
that no one cImo can do for her. mid
sho UB08 buHluoss Judgment of nl
high an order as hor husband' In
turning ovnr to others work tfmt It
Is unnecessary for her to do.
So, this year, follow tho counw of
thoso wlso lioiisowlvort who bellttvo In
keeping thomsnlvos for their liom:i,
their husbands and their children.
Push oh to tho laundry thn thing
that mako slaves of many an other
wise flno wife nnd mother.
If you have any doubts as to Juttt
what tho laundry can do for you In
refereuco to unythlng )ou wftnt
washed or cloanod, Just call m up
and wo will gladly glvn you detallwl
We Are Here to Kelp aiiG Serve
with business counsel, and with other necessary help to a
live business, whet her it be running, stoekraising, or mer
chandising; many a man owes his business start tit some
good advice. from his bank or'a timely loan.
If you are not now one of our customers, call and get acquainted.
Ontario National Bank
Which is the best for you?
I ConvrMit l919.UartScU3&ner&Marx
YOU probably know that good
merchandise is hard to get;
theru isn't enough of it to go
aroinul. Hecause tbe.v can't get
enough good stuff, many merchant
are buying and selling poor quality.
Do vou want it?
On the other band, our idea is to
have, nothing but good clothes such
as Hart Scbaffner & Marx make;
clothes that really serve; that give
you your money's worth; clothes that
are guaranteed to satisfy nioiiev
back if tlicw don't.
We cant get all of the good
clothes we can sell; but we'd
rather sell fewer clothes and
know that we haul rendered
a real service than to sell a
lot of poor stuff. Isn't that
the best tor you? It'scer-taiulv-best
for uh.
Toggery Bill
The homo of Hart Schaffnor & Marx
W .m..,,r.jr ri:aJt,!y.i..';..n;TS"