The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 26, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 3, Image 1

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PL hi
'7 jT
NO 1:1.
hkcaumi: SOX l)fl THAT WHICH
attoknkvh havf. imm: i'oii
vkaiim, which distkict
attokxky mays is
lkoai,, iiittkii
attack ih
Culls on Trnilurer to FiirnMi IVoof
OiiIjii lo Chili Piie.
Hi'MiliilltiiiN Dcrlnrlnir. I'lillli In I.'.
II, Test Clmrge Vnlo Hhccl Willi
I't'iNiiliiil Mnlli fill' Attack.
"U'l tllO (Il'llllll .Jill) lllH'Ml'
pile iln-n cluugex, I welcome
mill ilciiimul it llmiii unit cniii
plcle lim'sllgulloii. Tlmt In nil
I luio lo any ill IliN lliiii'."
County .Indue, l. II. 'h'Kt.
Hocnuso (ho Mnlliour Enterprise
toiitil not dictate to i:n fount1' ( ourt
whore It would ill rf llu printing of
tux fort'cloMiiroH, and tlio court dlvld
till thoao holwoon Tlio (irto Clb
Journal, Tlio Arx-i... nml Jho Enter
prise; nml for tlio further reason
Unit ii hunch of Vain pnlltlNiue wliaae
Internal tlio Enterprlso Horlvcn, coul,i
not dlctnto the iiiiportloiiment m
rimil funds; coulil nut put thru hllh
n m tlipy pioasod duo to tlio stmiu tax
tlipy plonsod duo lo tlio
hy Judge H. II. Tout,
en iiy judge I-;, ii. rout, mo con mi-
. mint minor Iniit week inniln a blttbrisont ahoot Infum tlmt In probata imtt-
' attack upon tlio character nml work
' of tho County JiiiIko
Tho biiHla of Urn rttncl: vm the
action of llarvcv Teat In following
' tho legal precedent bxtahllihed by
' Kovoral of tho logW flrma of tVe conn
ly In houurlng the return of pemonnl
lux monoy for thiwo wlioao paymentH
iiiudo to tho naawior waa gnwter
than tho levy for tlio yoar In which
tho tux waa collected.
I 'nrnicr OiiiiIm Held I'umla
Tho KntorprlHO did not Rtuto that
It has been tho custom of tho County
of Mnlhour to hold them' fund, mid
that tho Itrnt roturna mado were the
roHUlt of milt which Attorney'H Mc
culloch & Wood of tlilrt city won
nguliiMt tho provloua County Juduo,
Hhorlff mid TreiiHiirer mid compeiiou
their roturn. Tlmt waa tho pre
eodont which na alnco been followed
mid both Ontario mid Vale Inw llmiH
have figured Intho ollnrla to aecure
audi retuniH.
It la not donled that Harvey Toot
did HiIh hut tho Ktilerpi'lae accimeil
by luiiucudo, ut lonat. Judgo ToKt to
havo heon n purty to tho transaction
Thla ho dcnloa, mid dommida an In
viiHtlgntlon. U'gnl, Siiya HmiKlei'
, ."Thoro la nothing Illegal about
what Ilnrvoy Test did," was the
opinion glvon Tho Argus, hy District
County Court lo lie ItciiucMcrt to Aid
To IMent of $.100 Kioto nml
I'Vdcrnl (.'oWTiimcnt (live
ISK1.-.0 for Wink.
Tlfo County Farm Ilureuu on next
Wednesday will ronuost tho County
Court to co-opornto In Its efforts to
huvo n boys mid girl's leader for club
vork. Following a conferonco with
fctnto Club Leador Seymour, with
( ounty Agent h. It. Ilrlethoupt, Com
1 .unity netormont Chairman E. M.
Demi, nnd Chairman V. V. Hlckox.
mid tho Cairo committeemen It was
dofildcd to ask tho co-operation of'(0 ,,. tll(I cUy Mg 10,no v It ti
tho Commorclal bodies of tho county, jt)l0 npp0ntmc!it of Mr. lllchardson
In presenting this requost to tlio ag nKOnt, Mr. W. F. Keeue raturns to
County Court next Vodnosday
Under tho tonus of co-operation
offorod by tho Stato and Fedoral
rjoverntuent tho county will only have
(o provldo JfiOO and tho btato equals
that whllo tho governmont gives
Tho Cairo community chairman
mot last night mid determined upon
tinmodlate action looking toward tho
Uuprovemont of soil, control of pest
ami Improvement of stock.
MUsEvelyn Onllaplior is 111 nt thn
Uallnghor homo with tho flu.
Attorney. It. W Hwoglor
Dciiimidcil Alt NciiIcoh
In Jnuuury the Coiintv Court had
the pint lug of tlio order Tor printing
tlio dollmiuont tux foreclosures or tins
)curn ioi:i; inn mui nun. tiio
editor of tlio (Into City Journal up
peiirud heforu tin Court mid It guvo
Ii I til an order for one; the Court uleo
ordered that one lie published In The
Argus mid ono In thn Enterprise.
Ahout tlio time thin Iranian Inn
woh (onrliided thn editor of the En
tnrprlxa appeared and demandpil that
hU paper ho given all the notion,
Kl vlni; as IiIh roaHou n greater clr
rulatlon. When ho wok told that
tlio court hellovod In dividing Hit
work and recogiilzod tlio fact that
thn other paperH In tlio rouuiy paid
tnxea, JiiBt iim the Enlorprlso did. that
thoy contrlliuted to the ndvanMiieni
of the county' wnlfaro; and tlio fur
ther fact that tlio Enterprise ntKiireit
practically till of tlio Job printing of
the county, It wax hut fair to rnnsld
or the other paper In such a matter.
That apparently Ii one reason that
tlio attack on Judge Tost wna made
Hut that Is not nil.
Thoy l.ave iletornilncd lo net him
The) lm0 aalil limy would recHll
ooVd"coZ.y Cour and Count? "-'- ' ;.--., who waited for, - "J". J
JiiiIkb. nml Uio furl llml llnrvoy Tiwiwno loclflc Invitation, when Uw "'"'" '" "A .. .
did what IhVlr own mid their i- KulherliiK waa hut mi Impromptu one 'miout nr or f,,n ""'I h-
tornoy have ilouo, thoy Imagine they
IihiI round tlio opening for tuoir cam
paign Slimy Iiiih'iiiIii
iipsiiio mo tux manor mo rouiu-
Morn monoy may huvo heon hold hack
It nuextlona whether or not Nclionl
dlNtrlct8 have received their fumNT
Wo know thla. Hint while Uoorgr
W. McKnlglil wna County Judge that
It waa neeiHry for B.sHoS -Plt.4rla
No. 8 lo auo the county to aecure
wlmt.iwnH duo It from the IIIrIi
Rchool funda. Wo know thla. tno,
Hint tnx tmyora hud lo aim lo get
! their oxcoaa tiixoa roturned.
Coiii-I lloii-e Crowd Sore
Another of thn clemonta In tho
Knterprlae nttnek Ik tho attitude r.f
aomn. not all of the offlcnla nhout
the Court Houan Thoro haa Irttf-n
n coiiatuut appeal or leore fund"
trom K01110 of the nfflcoa. hut Hie
court hna donled moat of them, mid
thiiH Incurred their hate Juki-now
much thoy had to do with thn attnok
la a quoatlon
Huh Saved Co 11 illy Cumin
It Ih (run that thruniit hla admin
istration Judge T(t has anved tie
county monoy. Dohliid nlniOMt ever--complaint
will ho found home one do
nled whnt ho has sought ut the
county's oxpcimo Whether the
Judgo nnd court were right In all
thCHQ cusoh la besldo the point. The
fact la that tho ntlltudo of guarding
tho public funda hna earned him the
III will of tbetin men, and they have
started out to got lilm.
II II Haldock. dlvlalnn engliieer
for tho Highway Commltslon in thl
district meot flth n ronimlttee from
tho Oregon Slopo consisting of A. A.
Outtrldgo. IV M. Ilonls. J. h. Hrown.
I.eo llrown mid Tom Ilnslnp, and (I
K. Alkou representing tho Ontario
Commerlcal club at tho Mooro Hotel
Sunday night and explained the pre
posed Chang" In tho louto o tho Old
Orogou Trail acrosa Dead Ox Flat.
Tho ohango propnied wna not what
was reported mid tho committee ox
nrossod tho belief that It would be
legreoahlo to tliotu.
It. II. lllchardson was appointed
nnd cecken In as passenger agent fni
tho O. 8. I, horo this week. Mr
Itlohardson was, until ho en 1110 here
tlckot dork at tho Nampa station
Ho has brnueht his fmnllv to Ontario
his tclograpb trlolc. and II. O. Drane
will bo aula to dovoto all hit tlmo to
tho affalis or the conipany froUht
Tho Carnation oluu was nntortnln
od on Tiusday oveuing ot the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hade. Mr
and Mrs. Elmo Pearson of WeUei
were tho out of town guwta praeent
Tho mc nbora of 8Up Chapter O
E. S., will li ineetB tonight for an In
itiatory er emonlal, will follow tlmt
portion of tho program with a aociul
Committeemen nml Women Selected
Il('iiihllcmi Cliih Oig.micil
mid llluoer mill Oratory Con
Miineil I'logi calves Ho.
llll-ii Welcomed,
Ontario was tlio mocca Innt Hntur
iluy of llopuhllcniii, men mid womtin,
from alt scollop of tlio county mvc
Joidati Vnllsy mid Molinrmltt, coma
to launch tlio innohliiory for the iimii
Ini; cHiiipalfin.
Tlio first NOMltm wah that of the
Caiilml eommlllco, which withered
at tlio City Hall, nlcoted floorKe W.
1 1 n yon of VkIo County chulrmaii mid
A. W. MemiH of VhIo, eorctry; up
pointed h wuh mid uieniiH loiumltloa
and filled out tlio viiohiicIiw In thtt
commlltvo woinon. who will not b
mi auxiliary hut n p(.rt of tlio renl
honoxt" to-nnoduwM county commit
tee. In tlw evonliiK a dliiuor vmm wrved
at I'lfor'n. IMacM warn tot for SO,
.mid tliore ware fit) tlivrn. inoMtly from
Ontario, the city folka evidently bo-
nB Imahful, for ina.iy declared their
and 'r)nim waa luvllod.
.Much Oimory In Hvlileuce
Attorney J, W. McCulloch waa th
tonstuiastar at the dinner mid un
corked tho flow of oratory. Oeo. W.
I Inyo, the flrat apwiker, mvn an
linprnaalvo oulogy on Ooorge WhmIi-
Ington. while other apoakora Raven
most of tholr attentlnn-to the Demo
cratic party mid the administration
Ml Catherine Conway nml Mlaa
Until McCullneli furnlthed the niiial
cnl number with much appreciated
solos The men called upon to apeak
were: It. N 8tan field, J. I). Zur
nhor, Portland; C. c. llrc.vnell, Uma
tilla: K. M. Daou. Kyaaa; Frank M.
Northrup, A. A. (iuttlridgo, Oregon
Sloue; Win. MoKlnney, Junturaj It.
I). "1.5 tie and Oeorae lluntluuton
Curroy. Vala; K. II. Conkllii. W. W. ! Th n,,ovo reilutlon wna 1111
Wood. 1. J. (Inlhieher. W. II. Ilrooke ,"lmousIy adopted at a regular
and 0. IC. Alkou, Ontario.
(iillngliei- llenil Club
After the dinner It wna determined
to form a Itepubllonii club for Mnl
hour county and the following of
flcora wore eltrteri: P. J. Oallnghor,
Ontario, prosldent; A. W. Moans,
Vnlo. socrotnry; Hurry II. Coekritm,
Ontario, trenaurer.
Coiiiliillli-n V0111e11 Xiiuied
Tha following comn.ltteo women
for the county orgaulaallon were
named: Mra. Walter Davis, Aimle-
gntej Mrs. C. C. Hunt. Aroadln; Mrs
llnrney Tlllotaon. Heulali; Mrs
Kvorott Tate. Adrian; Mra. J. 11.
Jones, Iloulta; Mra Kmnry Cole.
Hrogau; Mra Charles Jonos, Dully
Creek; Mrs. tt. II. Conkllu. Caire:
Mrs. Lester Seawoard. Cord; Mrs
Cluie. Dowoll, Crowley; Jlra. W. II
Ilrooko. Fair; Mrs. Malcolm, Orange:
Mrs. V. J.
HOpklna, JunlurH, Mra
A. W. Anthony. Ironside; Mrs. C. J
Hush, Harper; Mra. Wllklson. Me
Dormltt; Mra. Leah Furlniau. Itlver
sldo; Mlsa Kvn Iloydoll, N'mi; Mn
W. L. Hall, Ontnrlo No. 1; Mra. s
I). Dormnn. Ontario No. 2; Mrs. II
II. Whitney, Ontario No. 3; Mr
Gcorgo Huntington Curroy, North
Vnlo; and Miss MoKnlght, South
Vale. Mra. Curroy was named lo
rnproaout tho women on tho wny
nnd moans committee.
Tho noxt mooting of the committee
will bo held nt Vale 011 March V
for tho purpose of perfecting plain
to got tho voters reglstorod.
Wlvos nnd "friends" of Oregon
oluh membora are arranging the ds-
ihiii ior 1110 i-niii memoera in ineir
Leap year tlnnca program whl'oh will
be hold bore Friday evening nt the
club rooms. Mra. Fred J. Clomo i
chairman of tho commltleo on ar
rangomonta and alnco tho yong wo
men havo boon aotlvo of lata a large
dunolng prty Is to bo. tlio ruault.
HfoolutloiiH Adopted l Chili Dlr
iTliirn Aiioeil riiiiinlnoiisly In
Cll I'i'i'Miiiiit nml Colli.
Icnl MoIIun dine of
At luck.
lly 11 itnaiilmoiiM voto the illroctorh
of tho Ontario conitnorcliil club ndopt
n tho followliiR imoliill(iii concern
Iiib tho attnok tiiado on County JiidKe
K. II. Tout III n ViiIh tumor. .Vnllilmr
did tho illrectorH prmt tho nmoliitlon
nut nuiiiiredx or rltl.oim Hlmied tlmli
namoH to renin lnft nt IniHlneHH In.
Htltutloijn of the city.
WHKItHAH, Thn Slallieur '"ounty
KnterprlMO, u nowapnpiv puhllHhed
at Vlo, Oregon, lini recently pub
IInIioiI ,n mnllclouii mid unwurrmitoil
attack upon tho InlHxrlty and hon
oity of . . Teal, County Judge of
Mnlhour County; and
WIIKIIKAM. Mr. Toat la not n
ninmber or the Ontario Commercial
Club nnd doea not' own n newapnper
m which to publicly defend till
MMirrllniia attack, but ho ban been n
lmiAn ,f Malheur County for thlr-
-v' " "'l IurlttK nil tlmt tlmr.
cualon haa been found whom It wna
poaslblo to question hla houoaty 11 ml
Intogrlty In hla public o- prlvnto uo
tlona; ihoroforo
I1U IT ItKHOI.VItl) hy thla Com
me: Icnl Club of Ontnrlo, Oregon that
wh hnvo absolute confidence In tlio
ability nnd houoaty or IS. II. Tost and
hollovn ho Is now acting In hla of
ficial cnpnolty for tho host Intoroata
of tho tnxpayora of Molhour County,
and dopiore the attack upon him
ninde by tho Malheur County Knter
prise, and fool Hint the same was
pu hi (shod for their own pefaonal
ends mid for political purposes, nml
ask that public to hold mi open nnd
unprojudlcod mind until thn facta
nPfl llll tt Dal lntfiiMii ilim.i f.iK
?, ' "'
! J",,K,0-
'mooting of tho member of Hie On
tario Commercial Club, February
Sftth 1020.
Attest (F. I.K8I.IIJ IIODV,)
Old ()ieni House In Ontmlii Scene ol
('alherliiK HU Piece l,iienl
Orcliesti-u Will I'iiiuMi
Hid MiihIc.
Tickets for tho first big danco bo
lug glvon by Ontnrlo Post No. C7 of
tlio American Legion, whloh takoa
tlluro nt tlio old Ounrn llimiut iihvI
jMonduy night, are going fast. The
urloua committees huvo been busy
. thruout the weok mid u goml time Is
Justin rod to nil that como. The pur
I poio of tho ilnurn Is to help flnanco
I tho organization for tho coming year.
I wi ini uio linked to como out and
I help the hoya that halpod you.
Whllo working at the buttery
fctnrngo beuoh at tlio Carter Oarage
was badly Injured when one-of the
Imttorlet) oxplodod. covering his fsce
and hoad with burning acid. For a
tlmo It wns reared that his eyes
which wore badly burned would nut
recover and ho would lose his sight
lie was Immediately ruchod to the
liospllal wliyro Dr. K. S. Fgrtner waa
culled and flrat aid given. l4tor
,i6valonniant indinnti, tlmt i, win
win,,,et8y recover.
Dorr Deurborn, who waa Injurad
laat woek hy being kicked by a linrao,
Is roeoverlng rapidly and (a able to
ho nhout again.
Mrs. Harrttt of Portland grrl9d
Sunday from Portland for n visit at
itho homo or hgr ltgr, Mra. II. C.
' Furmor.
: ! : .,km. .j. . 4. .;... ..4.
Out nt tho (JrmiBO Hall at
H, (leorgo HiintlnRton Curroy,
UntorprlHo mado HiIh Htntomont to tha editor or tlio Argun.
"Thoy liavo heon tolling nliout that Ilnrvoy Tout propoaltlon but
I told I ham: 'Don't como to tno with rumor, but whon you have tho
factH, I'll talk to you.' " .j.
Tho Argun would llko to know, nml wo nro hum that thn peo-
plo of Malheur county would like to know, who TIIKV nro. Thla
would, Indeed, bo pertinent. 4.
l'orhnpa 11 little Invnutlgntlon might nervo to clour tho nlr !
'I' about the Court llmmo at Vale. Thorn nro any number of llttln
triiimnctlona that might bo oxplalnod. Why not call tho Oram! JuryT
H t. 4. 4,4, ,!.
ni-ciam: that w oxtahio is
XAAIKI) HiaiiyrAHTKHH "tll.D
Decline llellef In Oiilurlo iw Logical
liciilloii fur County .cm( Head
iiimiein llui Vole lo Appeiioe
Vule'a FeellngM,
In n stormy aoaalou of tho pormn
iinut executive committee or tho Mal
heur County I'lirm llunmn hold at
tho City Hall last Saturday ufler
iiooii, thn rnnchora from Nyasa mid
Dead Ox Flat woro fiirulahod nn ex
hlhltlon or tho uttltudo of the Vale
contlugont that was enlightening.
V. T. Ilorrott, L. J. Ilndlov mid II.
C. Oxiiinn, spooning lor Vnlu, sorvwl
an ultimatum mi their col I annuo
Hint if Ontario wits mimed us tho
hemlqunrtora of the County Agent
that It would disrupt tho organisa
tion, for thoy said that It wna he-
rnuso or the fact Hint provloua ngenla
hud been looutcd In Ontnrlo that the
work had fulled.
Thoy declared further Hint union
the action ot tho temporary organ
ization wna lived up to they could not
secure the support of "old timers"
up tholr wny, and that this being tho
ease tliore would ho 110 county agent
noxt year.
X)aa Men Mpenl;
For Nyssu, Moasrs. Pete Tensen,
Frank Fry mid K. M. Doa'n doclnred
that It was their conviction that On
tario waa the logical pliico from every
standpoint. Thoy pointed out tho
fact that HiIh Is tho railroad center,
that It Is the center of the farm re
gion or tho county, that there ure
morn raiiohera from Adrian to Itlvnr
dale than In the upper couuti) mid
that It waa hero tlmt the agent
should he located for tho convenience
of tho rnnchora mid of the bureau
They cited, loo, the efricleno or
tho bureau required that the head
quarters he so locutud as to Ih In
done touch with tho county agents of
adjoining counties In Idaho, nnd 011
tho main line so that frequent ion-
foronces might hu hud with depuit-
mont officials going thru tho district
Thoy olted the fact that muuy
ditch compuiila havo their offices
horn and tho raiiohera come heir
every month to attend the meetings,
unci that the aloukmeii from the In
tnrlnr 011 their way out woio heie u.
ofton us In Vule, If not ofteuer
Thoy added, loo, that from Adrraii
to Ontario mid na far wont ., tbo
Iliittorflehl riinoli thoy huvo free tele
phone service, mid that thla Is an Im
portant Item of saving for the ranch
er detlrlng to got Into touch Willi the
Want Hie .Vuiiiu Aujuii)
Mr Oxman doelaral Hint he did
not care where the ngont lived nuv
wfty, but ho wnii tod tho headquarters
at Vale with the atonogrcpher there
"This la HbiUK to bo a huslneai In-
rvau mid tha Ueiiei'ltt. wy will got will
lo frgm that and of tho busj
nwm,rathor than from tho county
agent IilmiQir," hu said. "Thurafaru,
Cairo on Saturday night, February
editor mid publlahcr of tho Mnlhour
wo want thu hoadqunrtora at Valu.-
Declare Hint Wns .Made
Mr Oxmnn declnrad Hint It waa Ilia
unilerstnndltiB Hint when the Vale
committee appeared before tho coun
ty court that It wna ngreod that Vale
should bo tho r.Milqiiartora. 4
V. V. Hlckox rend tho recommend
ations of tho ilopnrtmont which Indi
cated plainly that Ontario wna Its
oholco na tho location, .nnd 0. W.
Dean urgod that tho commltleo for
get tho Vnlo-Onturlo proposition and
work In harmony for the efriclaney
of tho bureau.
K. M Dtmii of Nyaaa urged that
two offlroa he established and that
tho County Agont iimno hla hand
quurtora. This wns about lo bo nttttd
upon whon Ivan It. Onkna polnttMl out
Hint wna hut "passing tho buck" to
tho County Agent mid was unfair to
Mr. Ilreothnupt, tho County Agent,
was not at (ho mooting nt Hilt tlmo,
mid K. M. Dean was net lug as secre
tary. Mr. Oxman, who under tho
constitution of tho luireau had 110
right to u voto In thn matter, noted
as proxy for 'Anion Head of nitigaii, .,
nnd since none of tho men front thla
end of tho county wanted 10 atari y
anything 110 protest wna made ut hla
When the ballot wna counted It
was found that tho voto wns four to
five for Vnlo. with K. M. Don 11 mid
V. V. Hlckox not voting. Mr. Illoknx
ohnlrmmi, Insisted on Mr Demi voting
nnd ho did, after making the follow
ing explanatien:
"I want to any," ho eald, "that I
believe Hint Ontnrlo Is thn lulal
place for the headquarter of the lui
reau from tho standpoint of affl
olonay nnd service, hut If the mra In
tho upper country iindoratmid that It
wna In ho at Vale and take tho hm1
tlou Indicated In their romnrka, I
want harmony lo prevail and will
voto for Vale."
Tho bureau then confirmed tlM
olectlon of Mr. Ilretthuupt and pro
ceeded with thn husluoaw of the)
IIIoiiiIcm mid lliiincttch lo I'lghi for
Hiiiioi-N In Truck' Wink, (i)in-
tiiiHilch mid Dam Iiik -
I'nblle liivllcil.
On Thuraday evening. Maroli 4th.
at tho Opera House, tho girls' phvaW
cnl training classes ot thn lllajh
School will give on Indoor meet. Tlio
program, na given below, will be la
tho nntitrn or a contnst between the
blondes on 0110 side mid the brun
ette on the other.
The program will start ut 7:15 and
to soo thn girls contest u charge for
adulte will he :K canta nnd for ohll
dron 2fi cents. Tho following la tit
Folk (lancing, obstacle ruou, swou-
Ish gymunstlea, volley Iwll, ludtau
club relny, uoethotlc dmieliiK, fifty
yards dash, emperor ImII, man, mail'
koy, crab raco. high Jump, military
marching, basket ball.
Clin. Ilruner. formerly aeolloa
man here haa been assigned to datr
by the O. S. L. aa croaalng watch
man ut tho Idaho stroat ornHliig. H
went cm duty Tuoailay menUiiK cl
8 o'olonk. Ill houra or awtlea ar
from 8 a. m. to U p. m.