THE ONTAHIO AKU US. ONTARIO, OKEGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1020. J PIONEER WOMAN PASSES After mi llliiCHfl of nonrly tlirco ypars ilurntlon, wlilcli for nonrly a your passpd linn confined lior to her home, Mr. Srnli Francln Itynn, wlfo of Cornelius Itynn of thl city, tiled t her homo osrly till morning, llp llilo her husband hIip Is survived by ono dnughtor. Mr It. I.. Scot I, of thl city, anil lior lirothor, Jolin Mr ftlvarn. also of till city Funeral MrvlriM will lip lipid form tho Ilnp ttat olmrcli of which tlio deceased wmk h meniljor, tomorrow afternoon at 2 p. m. Intprnioiit will ho mnilo In tlio Ontnrlo cemetery. Mr. Itynn wn Imrn nt Indepen dence. MIourl, April 22, isr.fl. nml Ktew to womnnhond thorn Alio wn irarrled to I. .1. McOulKnn nnd movpil to Cnllfomln In tlio Into sov- -filed, nnd camo to Mainour county, witling near Htiuuih. where tiny took u liomotpiid nnd developed n farm. Mr. Mctlulgnn tiled In 1801. S'ie conllniiPil to oporntp the plnco fur n niimlmr of yenr. coming often to Ontnrlo, whom hIio hnd many frlnnd. In 1010 f ho wn mnrrlod In Ilolso in fon Itynn ami thpy . Imvo mnilo IhMr Iioiiip lipro lnrn Hint limn. nr. inlrliiR n liirKo lntcrpt In Ontario! proporly nnd rnnoli Inndn In Hip traeta wont of tho city. I continue- lining prnctirc. it i tnor Iwtli sohool hold n IniHlmm tnPftlnir u1niHtil. Thl I so Importnnt In hi mo iiiiiiip or an norothv Twlford. After tho transaction of husliiomi h plcttmint social t Into wn enjoyed hy till present. Tho hnitewi nerved ilolli'lou light refreshment. I'KltMANKXT IIUHKAC FOR COCXTV HT.IIT (Continued From Pngo 1) (Irant. Rlvordnlo; A. A. (Itittrldge. Oregon-Slope; O. V. Demi, Caire: r. Toniwn, Nynwt; (!. M. nonunion! Adrian, nnd thl romtnllloo nominal l tho following officer nnd MUggest eil tlio followltiK program of werk: V. V. Illoknx, Cairo, president; a. A. (luttrldKo, Omgoii-Hlopo, first vlro Itroihlont; Anion Hood. Ilrogiin, sec nnd vlco president; C. P. llrumbnrk. Atlralii, HPcrotnry; V. T. Ilorrotf. VhIo, treasurer; Chairman of Ihn fol lowing project n Hfollowsi Frank Fry. Nyan, Crop Improvement; 8.1'. (Irnlmni, Vnlo, Stock Iinprowinent; 1. W. Don n, Cairo, Post tiutl Dlwano Conlroli J. I.. Ilatlloy. Vnlc, Irrlga tlon mid Soil Improvoiuontj Peter 'IfliiHon, Nyww, Marketing; R. M Dmii, N'ywn, Cninmiinlty Hotter mo uit.; Ivitu K. (hike, Cairo, Crop lepnrllug. Mr. Ilruniliark dccllnod to orvo n Hecrotnry n dltl no-Aral othsr sug gested nnd flunlly thl position wn Mod hy tho nomliiiitlon nnd election of !. It. ItrlNjiaupt, County Agent With tho ticket tliii romploto nil offtpofi woro filled liy declamation. I lent' Mitny Atldrcic AmoiiK tho Npoakor hoard hy the ranalioni woro F. I,. Ilnllnrd, director of extension work for 0. A. C In Wtttorn Oregon; who outlined some (MMiitlaU of tho proKram and an secretary of tho meeting It was largely duo to Mr. Itallnrd' vork Hmt tho bureau work wn starlet In tho county. P. J. flallngher of Ontario who I representing n iiuinhcr of tho Initia tion district nt tho power rnto liear Iiik gave an outtlno of tho statu of tho caso, and omphaBlHcd the need for securing nccurnto dntn for pre sentation to tho commission. Mr. (lallnglier expressed tho hopo of the litigants Hint It would ho ponslhln to defer action In tlio proponed rise un til after 1020 at least. Onkex HpenkcM on Reports Ivnn K Onk.cs, manager of tho Owyhee Ditch presented n proponed plan for reporting crop nnd cited tho licnvfll Hint will result thru thl data being complete, not for tho rancher nlono hut for tho county nnd every community Hint Heck to In duce settler to romn to huy land or etnhllHh Industries. "No manufacturer or business mnn could ilotormino thn selling price of hi product with a knowledge of It cost to lilni." wild Mr. Ookos, "nnd tho sumo tr truo of tho farmer. He should know which of hi crop pay. and which do not, otherwise ho will contlnuo toning prnctirc. It I there e e declared thnt under many govern mout Irrigation project It I part of tho Iniyer contract and ho muni make tho report rcgulnrly." After some dlHcnwdon. Mr. recommendation carried. Fire Pretention Crgeil Horace O. Hkyo, of thn tnto fire marclial'H offlco minle n tirlvf I. ilk mi fire prevention and urged Hie rancher to protect their hulldl'ig nnd their crop. Ho especially urg ed Hint tho Hinokltig of figure' ton about liny NtnokH mid liurn ho pro- hlhlted If poHNlhle. A tho roul of hi talk, tlio many exproiwcd the he llnf Hint It would ho liupoMlhle to hrlnit nliout thl doHlrctl romilt, the following rtwoliitlnn wn adoiited Ho It roKolvcd hy thl flint o on of Malliiuir County Farm llureiti. that tho Farmer rcprencntetl In Ml organization do now, and henceforth, niiiko a concerted effort to dlKroiirngc mid prevent rurele Minoklng at all time about Inamalilo property, hiicIi a hay stack, Imrn, gunnc1. etc., and any nthor form of perminal carflleHiieH thnt may romilt In the (Instruction of our properly hy fire l:iHcd uiimuliiloiiMly. Hlnger l-'rom Oregon Slope One of tho mout onjoyntdo iiumlp. r of tho program w.i tho duet hiiiik hy Mr. V. U. Ilavl and Mr. C. A. Kart of Orogon 8loio accompanied by Mr. U. It. Ilrlethaupt. The llrl uiimher wn n enjoyed that the audi ence liiBlKted upon an encore whl'h wn gracloiiHly given. ('lull Woilc Urged Mr. Jiillon A llurloy, county up erliilendont of'ohoolH, appeared be fore tho meeting to urgo tho necolty OaUe fi The Osborn Millinery is pleased lo announce ils SPRING OPENING on February 28 We will have on display at this time a complete showing of Pattern Hats in dressy models as well as sport and tailored hats Tor ladies and children A cordial invitation for an early inspection is extended to all our old customers as well as our new OSBORN MILLINERY Ontario, Orrguu UJ Commercial Greamery Co. Cash buyersofGvezim andProduce Place: South of Post Of lice, Ontario, Oregon Host Market for Cream, Kjfjjs, Poultry of all kinds Phono 182 40 Tons of Alfalfa for Sale Six miles east of Ontario. Good Feed Ground with running' water. Enquire of L. L. GRIEP, on the Duffger placo on Hospital road, one and one-half miles west of Ontario of more club work for tho hoy and girls. She said that thl iwork In Malheur county I retarded thru lack of fund, and secured tho endow ment of tlio gathering for tho work nnd Instruction weto given tho com munity hotterment committee to -ank tho county court to extend financial assistance for this work. Con (iet Hxport Help Prof, Oco. It. Hyslop, of 0. A ( has tho prlnclpnl speaker nt tho after noon p rogrnm Ilo gavo n'susolnct proscntntlou of tho manner In which tho oxpert scrvlco of tho collcgo I nt tho diposnt of tho Farm Ilui'eau and by Illustration Hhowed bow cf fcctlvo this work has been In In creasing J'io prosperity nnd solving tho agricultural problem of Mot row nnd other counties In tho stnte. He assured tho bureau member of tho support of tho collcgo and of Hh dp slro to bo of real scrvlco to them. Chairmen l-'xpresxp Vlewt lleforo tho meeting closed five mlnuto tnlk on varlou mibjort wero tnndo by tho follewing: V.. M Dean, U. J. Hailloy, S, 1'. (Irdlintn. V. T. Hcrrott, Frank Fry. Petor Ten son, Arthur Mcnn. W. P. Qlhson, K II. Conklln n'ntl other ' They Likod It. So will You If You Will Try it That is why wc have so large and growing a list of steady patrons for our Sunday Table d'hote Dinners They start at 5:30 p. m. They end at 8:00 p. m. They arc Chicken dinners, or Turkey dinners, or Korst Beef dinners. Any I)inner You Like Cooked hy women. Kcmemhcr that and also the service is right all the time. The BlueBIrd Gafe Ontario, Oregon jP Sl'NII.lV, FKIIIMWin yj ce.vhtancj: t.i..m.i)(if In " TiiMiiit.Mi:.vr.i. WIFK" I'atlie .Wn MO.VD.W. I'llll. U!t AI.ICi: HltADV In "ItKIHIIUir eK. Tl IXD.W, FF.ll, t!l HVI.VIA inti:..Mi:it In " IIOCSK DIVIOKD" Itilggs Coinedy! " KiiiiIm Party" WHOXICSnW. I'KH. 'M HVHHVK IIAUK.W. In "Till: DltAOO.V PAlNTiat" Patlie NViii. TIK'HSDAV. Fiat. u MAV AI.MSON in "Till: riM.IKTKItK" ChrNtle Coinedy I'ltl. PKH. tJ7. HAT. US AXITA STi:W.ltT la "A .MID.NKillT IIOJIAXCK" llnwlil I.lod Comedy Wotili for XAZI.MOVA In " Till: HltAT" s mvm&sfCM I -Kt A v. .i. ia rv, ."v 'v v a . ji n n k" . ,1 u i ii t .if i .-t.-tMtv x i i . rr srs ; inn . ,. ' ., tj ' MT vl;lCMl wll ) Al MMm n n L 1 w-u -J tlw U-XiV,-t lTrJ-rL, i I I'Wi - " rf ' kt'Lur-& $1 )J Our Annual PINK and WHITE SALE wi: ri:.Tuiu: 'im: M'siitors FINISH, FI.IWH.COI.Olt HATISTK OF "DOVK" lfNIKU.(l.ltMliNTS NOTlit Mnlnrlnl of flosh-plnk color are no abunilniit lodny among our llngorlo uiider-garinent that II I no longer fitting to call thl ovont merely a "Wlilto Hale." Our howlng or tho popular pink batiste, mid flpsh-rolor crepe de clilyo nml witlii gnrmeut will delight ou A Vast Array of Beautiful New Lingerie Under-garments I'AI.ITV (fBy jvniU D( UJiMMM HTVI.K Our style nro tho vory Intest creation of the lending d e s I g n o r. Many now Idea mid tho. daintiest patterns ImiiKlnnble. CIIII.UtK.VH MODKI.S For tho llttlo glrllo and also for tho young MIhh wo Imvo JiiNt n nlco a Helectlou as for thulr big Hlstor mid , -mother. At jittractlvo prlcoa. PIUCIW Iii thoso day of high cost you will bo ur prlsod nt our ntimin able prices. Ami remember the host made good are tho moMt ecoiiomluil In tho long run. The Ii0t of material lire in the Imilio - lo give lougwtt woorlng iliiallly soft naln Hook, fliio l.atltto. Ntihslaiilhit lumbrlo, good iiiiihIIii, goml crepe tie ehluo, mil In, mitl mniy uuw novelty cloth. TAIt.OIIKI) HFFHOTS Tulloretl style, pretty for their Hlmpllolly. nbound In our nmtort inent. Trimmed with dain ty feather anil cat stitching, hum-stitch-lug, shirring, etti. Thoy give longer wear. i 1'IT Tho sUtHi are correct, tho in o n h u r o in out scientific 11111 acoiirntu. Tho "DOVK" Night down, for example, urn fuller tit bum unit hip than ordinary garment nnd aru cor rect In lengths. WOIIK.MAXHIIIP Our garment mo ox tra well-made. Care ful sewing, strong seam,' w 1 1 h extra stitches, etc., make them glvo extra mills-' faction; KXTIIA HI.IW Wo specially enter to the womtiii who re quire Inrgo slie. Wo Imvo pretty style for ovory Hlie and thoy nro iiiado oxtru strong. CIIOICi: ASSOItT MKXT OF ni:w wiiiti: (loons 40-ln. (Jeorgetto ('rope ISI.DH VAItO Now India I.Iiioiib tile to t!t)u Klaxon 5e to IKe stvi.i: Without eUiiivngiini'M in our Neiv HPIHNd HATH a Candy Special for SATURDAY, only 1 pound box of delicious Chocolates for 25c KuglMi Ijiii ciniii .'tile TO IHe TorklNli 'hiiuN A good heavy towel Win im White 1,1 d llllMt A PA I It, l.le (Supply your Suiiinior needs.) Our new Hpilng Coats nml Kulth ate mrlviiig tbilly. ."We hate IIi.mii koimI Inn. vie. cell them for le." U Tinfc TB I PII Mf 1 1 P m "MAKE IT RIOHT ST0RESM i AT Till: Pl'lU.IC I.IIIItAltV Tho following books woro added this week: Altohelor Sun of Sarutogn, Oun of Dull lluu., duns of Sblloh Ilaum WUard of Qi. Ilurgos Ueddy Fox, IHrd Hook Cloinons Huckloborry Finn. Curwood Hareo, Son of Kazan. Fox Trail of tho Lonesome Pine. Oroy Light of tho Western Stur. Itldor of tho Purple Sage, Lono Star Ilangor. Hurt Injun & Whltoy. Huglios Tho Fairy Dotcctlvo. Martins llfg nook for Llttlo Folks. Knlpo Peg of tho Itlng. Lnne Triumphs of Sclonso London Cnll of tho Wild. Lucia Poter and Polly In Au tumn. Mathlows Hoy Scouts Year Hook for 1919. Montgomery Italnbow Vnlloy. Moran Kwuliu, tho Hopl Indian Uoy. Perkins Scotch Twins. Schultz With tho Indians In the Ilocklos. Wlgglu Tho Fatry Itlng. Jackson Nelly's Silver Mine. Connor Corpora.! cn.meron. Connor Tho Patrol of tho Sun Dance Trail. Jerome Throo Men in a Boat. Stson The essentials of Char acter. Hapgood School Needlework. Hall Youth, Its Education. Re gimen, etc. Carlyle Heroes and Hero Wor ship. Wright Tho Ito-creatlon of llrlan Kent Lincoln Cup'ii Dan's Daughter. Library hours Monday.), Wedne days, Saturdays, 2 to 0 and 7 to 0:30 p. m,; Tuesday and Thursduys, 7 ui U:30 p. m. That's My Business Vulcanizing, Retreading, Auto Accessories, Tires and Tubes Get our prices Parker's Tiro Shop Ontario, Oregon NOTICK. NOTU'L 18 IIKKUUY (U I7.V That tho commlslouo, appointed iij tho Comoit Council to mul;o in asscssrueul Mr tlidvontructlou of a hewer lysttu In District No. 10 In the City of Outarli Oros-'u, ui;d to npportlon Hid cost of I ho J some to Hi various plees f pi up. erty bene'lmd theret1' plirsuaut in Ordinance No has filed ,BI assessment roll wth tho City lie cordor NOW THIJItKFOIIB. All penions !und property owners tloblrlng to ob Jject to said apportionment and ussessmont are requested to bo and appear boforo tho Common Council of Bald city, on February 24th, 1920, lut tho Counoll Itoom, In tlio City Hall, at tho hour of eight o'clock p. m., mid then and there make ob '.'"tlon to said Asosmont Holl, If uuy thoro bo. And further notice U given that any such objection, so inudo, must bo reduced to writing and filed with tho City Itecorder on or beforo the date set for such hear ing. That tho Assessment Itnll for said Assessment Is on fllo In tho of flco of the City Hocordor mid U opan to Inspection by any property owner or person affected, Done and dated at tho City Hull, Ontario. Oregon, this lath day of February, A. D, 1U20'. CLAY M. STEAUNS. (SEAL) city nocordnr. FOH SALE Seven-room S modern, air pressure tank, tfoml house, chicken house, garago. five lots Chas. Athorton, Ontario, oTo Bon' 13-tr FOR SALE 7 II. P. Basollno en gine, good as now. J. a. Holland. 12-2t REWARD for lost Hluo"Dort crank, between Valloy View school and m, joiiii naKeiieeko, It. p. I). No, l. s m