THE ONTARIO AKOUS. ONTAKIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1920. I Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THIS UKXAMi )KK .t ..,: PHONIC HO. V! Nyal Remedies ,7 I m n 1 $T COOT OK FUNDING LICK CUTS DOWN POItK PKOKIT IVoni $1 to !jWt Added (o Production Kxpenie f Kvory IO( Pounds by Parasites. Oregon Agricultural Collogo, Cor- vnlllH, Feb. 18. The cost of reading llco on pigs runs from $1 to $2.94 ror every 100 pounds or pork pro duced maybo more. Not Hint anybody wnnts to rood llco. Ob, no. I)ut hIiico llco often go In company or uh company wltb bogs tboy bavo to bo fed unless gat lid of. i Tbo llco feed costs on a lot or IlcrksblroB rod by Urn O. A. C mil mal busbandry department wero a dollar ror oncli 100 poundB or pork produced.' On cross-bred nulmnls or turgor typo tbo added llco cost was J1.G0. On n mixed lot or Durocs. Poland Cblnas and Hampsblres It was $2.84. And tbeso bogs In all tbo tests aro said to bavo inado a botter Hbowlng than tbey would bavo under average rami conditions. Tbo lousy pigs wero unonsy and restless and spent most or tbolr time when not eating In scratching tbolr backs and running around. Tim llco freo animals wero contented and iiulot. Moro protein wnR required by tbo lottso InfOHted nnlmnls, and tills Is n very oxponslvo rood. Its Incronsod use Is said to bavo Indicated Hint tbo llco sucked blood to tbo extent (lint I tbo plgH craved additional protein to' mnko good tbo loss. Llco control would bavo been ebcapor. hi:i:i cou.v okk.minatio.v CUT ONIMIALK UV COLD Tests Indicate Short Stands anil l.nv , Yield Unless Stock Is Cnio fully Tested. Oregon Agricultural Collogo. Cor vnllls, Fob. 18. aormlnatlou or a small lot or seed corn was out down one-bnir by tbo lato cold snnp, as shown by accurate- tests by tbo O. A. C. rami crops department. This lot wns selected by studontu, and nrtor banging In tbo open a short time gavo a germination test or 85 per cent. Artor tbo sovoro cold spoil tbo samn cor ntested but 3G por cout, with much or that weak and unfit for seed. "It Is clearly shown that corn not tboroly drlod out Is killed by frooz ing, nnd ovory rarmor will rind It proMtnhlo to mnko germination tests of bis seed corn boforo planting this spring," said John It. Novlus, In structor In rami crops. Tho "rag doll" tester Is recom monded ns tho most satlsractory ror farm practice. It Is mado as follews: Tako n strip or canton riannol 10 Inchon wide nnd throo to rour reot long. Draw heavy poncll marks ucross rieccy sldo threo Inches apart, tbo rirst rour Inchos from ono ond. Draw another lino along the contor lengthwise Number tho spacoB, tho first two being 1 and 2. Number tho ears to bo tested with tho samo numbors tbo spacos have. Tako C to 10 kernels rrom each ear and placo In spaces or samo number nB ear. Uogla at shorter end and roll cloth r i.. HWWB55SiW4vaBnir'' fcdlnnnniBLakinUni. ? RL&KBanHnV' nt Sri nVIH Hfl M jE5$3f "Mel bIAmbmbb J v 'BBaJ w flfl K BnE2Bnn nnnnnnnaHHBnsfifllffiirTHBH Hnl HnjnviV ! MnvtfBsnntT V.eHflififeVWIielw.wAiaiBienHittvr annnnHnaban SlfHH BJnMaaiSilBS,LLA. HMniH ' mT vwrjxfinHijjjjjje around a small stick, securing In center wltb string or rubber band. Soak ror 5 to 10 minutes In luke warm water and put in living room temperature. Examine in six days and discard all ears showing low gcrmlnntlon. ONTAKIO HOYS (JIVK.V ItOOOT. IN AUTO (M.MK Kvperlcneo of l Spiaguc Ailimi at II fvt St. Anthony Institution Itc- . counted by Holxo Paper N Making Hood In KnM ern Idaho That Spraguo Adam, son or Mr. and Mrs. L. Adam or this oity, who Is manager or tho Tromont Auto company or St. Anthony, Is Intro ducing novel methods In the nutn and tractor gamo Is Indicated In thn following story that appeared In the Sunday auto soctlon or the Knlse Capital Nows, or which A. F. Kiddle. formerly or Ontario, Is the auto editor. The Capital Nowsiseys: "F. S. Adam, mnnngor or tho Fre mont Auto company or St. Anthony, was In Ilolso tho rirst or the week, Mr. Adam has u splondld big stouni- hoHtod plant and kept It busy all winter In splto or a spell or woollier whor tho morcury wont down to 84 degress bolow zero and stayed at 28 bolow for over two woolen. It whs his rirst winter In tho eastern part or the state and ho hud planned to rediiee tho force to ono man In tho repair shop and hlmsoir, nut business wu ho brisk that It kept four mechanic nnd tho bookkeeper hustling six mcchnnloH pitrt or the time. Tho Fromont eompnnv Is distrib utor ror Ford ears and Fordson tractors. Mr. Adam says the Tanners In his torrltory are displaying a far sightedness rognrdlng power ftmn Ing that will result In the moving or n great ninny tractors md power Im plements In tho noxt row year nnd cnusoiiuently In a grat agricultural dovolopmont. Since tho country has been wlntor-lockod ho has placed eight Fordsons anil ho oxpocted do llvory or 10 moro this wook. This activity In tho trnotor lino on abled Mr. Adam to bo or no llttlo sorvlco to tho city nnd county gov ernment, too. Just for the run or It bo hooked a tractor to a rosd grudrr nnd cleared a row inllo or streou nun CllUlllr Willi. Ill) nun ill ni" tank corps during tho war and pined ror soiuo kind or action similar to bucking mud and tronchos. Ah an outcome or tho run tho deulor drlvor round hlflisoir obliged to de liver throo tractors to the county Tor road work. "Salo oT gnrdon loft-overs this spring cabbngo, knlo nnd mustard greens, turnips, pnrsnlps, etc. msv orton quickly bo mado by n little want nd' In tbo Argus." say tbo O: A. C Prosfl Bulletins. "This wnould glvo your neighbor soniethlnn mighty good ror hint, cut nt tho high coBt or living, nnd supply tbo kiddle with n protty penny." S. C. WHITR LEQHOKN brooding eockorels ror snjo, $5.00 onch A n. Cain, 2 mlloa wont or Ontario. 22l-10-tr COUSIN OF ONTAKIO ' MAN IS UKKAT I'KHITKK New Yolk Papers Hall (Join? Tnnney iim Second .luck Hemp-ey Young ster Fought Willi A. i:. I'., Tho Canadian Oono Tunnoy, formerly of the A. E. F.. :i young Cnniidlnn scrapper, Is touted ns tho coming Jack Dompsoy. Young Mr. Tunnoy of pugilistic famo Is a cousin or II. II. Tunnoy or Ontario, who was himself no nmnteiir as a mltt-sllnger In his yjiungor dnys Sunday pnpors or Fobrunry 14, under a New York date lino, had the following to say or done Tunney: Is (lone Tunnoy destined to nil Jack empsoy's Hhoos7 At the New nrk Sportsman's club recently he performed In brilliant fashion in knocking nut Al Koberts, the husky fireman, or course Koberts Is any thing but n rirst-clnss fighter, but, nevertheless, ho Is game, has a hard punch and has wonderful capacity for taking It. The man who tucks him nwny lia to do some hard and henvy hitting. All Hint Tunnoy did nnd bo boxed with mors tlisn usual common sense In polishing off Koberts be started like n whirlwind, punched Koberts down nnd iIIkrv and then, when Mo realized that ho was burning up too much onergy ho fell back to root work, rotating and other means of conserving his strength, for bis re markable finish In the seventh and eighth rounds. If over n man 'timed himself to n nicety Tunnoy did In this fight and bocnuso of bis youth and Inexepri onco It stamped him ns a henvy weight of uuiisuhI ability. Tunnoy will bo well schooled. With Hilly Koche and Jack Donning back or him, Imd matchmaking will be n thing unknown to Tunnev. A Hue loklng chap with plenty or weight ror tho prosont, lie should be a rent kingpin. Right now (hero Isn't a liowcomer on tho horizon who stands iinywhoro near him. And, best or all, Tunnoy Is n product or army (Mix ing. I NOTICE OK . INTENTION TO IM- ' PKOVE VlltTUK STHKET, NOW KNOWN AS SECOND KTItKltT. NOTICE U heie!, Ivon or the In tention or thn ('mi 'on Council or tho City or Ontario, Malheur County, Progon. to Improve nil Hint portion or what wns horotoforo known ns 'Virtue Street, uid what is now known an Second St reot. In the ( Ity of Outnrlo, Malheur County, Oregon, beginning nt tbo north Hue of what wns horotoforo known an Mlchlcan Avenue, nnd whnt la known now as Ninth Avenue. Southw.t; the ice nortbwnrd on said Virtue or See ml Street to Its InterweHon wL'.i v'rnt Avenue, now known . Third Av enue. Southwest, In the city or On tario. Oregon, by xroillir;, the Mid strit v-tth a proper sub trade; (2) Hy paving the immo with suitable hard surfaeo pav mnnt ror n wld.u l,: twent; reet; (3) Ity constructing and erecting oonoroto curbs and gutters wliorevnr necotwary; (4) And by providing drainage fncllltlos according to the plans and speciricntlous which may be now, or hereafter, adopted by the said Coun cil. Said Improvement will be nssessed to tho property adjacent to, and was formerly known ns California abutting upon said Virtue or Second Street, and notice is boreby further given to all tho property owners uf rocted by the Improvement or snld street, Hint the said Common Council Lwlll be In session In tho Council Koom nt tho City Hall on Tuesday, tho 24lh day or February, A. 1). 1020, at the hour or seven-thirty o'clock, P. M. Tor tbo purposo or con sidering objections to nnd protests against the Improvement or said street, and the assessment or the property on said street, to pay the cost thereof, and nil proporty owners as are adjacent to snld street, and will bo benefited or nffected by tho Improvement thoreof, aro hereby called upon to nppcnr before said Council nt snld time nnd place, and show cause, IT any, why snld proporty should not bo nssosscd ror the Im provement or snld street. WITNESS my band, and the seal or the City or Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, this lid day or Feb ruary, A. I). 1020. CLAY M. STEAKN8, (SEAL) City Keconler. AD.MINISTItATOK'S HALE Notice Is hereby given that In pur sunnco of an order of salo, duly made and uuterod by tho County Court of the State of Oregon ror the County or Malheur, on the 27th day or January, 1920, in the matter of tho estnto of Florence 0 Krnus, de ceased, tho undersigned adminis trator with the will annexed or said ostuto will, on and after the 20lh day of March, 1020, at bis office in Ontario. Oregon, offer for sale nnd. Mill at prlvnto sale, or cash in blind, biiliject to confirmation by sold court, tho following described run I obtuto owuod by the said ostate to-wlf Lots uumborod 111, 14, 15, ID, 17, 18, 10. 20, 21, :io, :m, :i2, 33, 34. :i5. 30, 37 nnd 38, of Illoek 2, Terrace Heights Addition to the City or On tario In Mnlhour County, Oregon. Tho first publication of this nolle Is on Fob. 10, 1920, and tho last pub lication Is on March IS, 1920. S. F. TAYLOK, Administrator, with the will annexed or the estate of Florouco O. Krnus, Deceased. FOK SALE Two largo chairs and library tublo, almost now; cheap. PhontflGO-M. 213 8 tf EXPERIENCED MAN wantn to rent a good rnnoh. Wrlto S. T., Frult- Innd, Idaho. 219-10tolX WANTWD Plain sowing nt rirat house north or Motlioillst parson- ago. Mrs. Itoy Mansou. 22fi-10&ll SIXTY TONS or good flmt ami sec ond crop liny for mile. See J. J. Dlotw, Ontario, Oregon, linx CIS. 12-Bt COKNVi ISO bu. corn on cob ror sale 1 mile west Cairo or phone 30K I). P. Dearborn. 12-2t Van Petten Lumber Co. 1 Ontario, Adrian, Pendleton Write for our catalogue of mill-cut house?. Wind Shield Glass of all sizes in stock. Wall Tints, all shades, iend for color card and get it by mail. SY ' s? Every needod facilityil of our completely furnished establish ment is summoned to give our patrons the best possible serv ice. A Chapei with modern necessi ties installed to conduct serv ices that demand the best pos si le service. IVIodern Chapel and Funeial Directors at-your service. II. L. PKTEKHON, O. It. AUdUHTUH, Kmlialuier'a License Kmbalmor'H License No. 300. No. 233. Ontario Furniture Company ?YKtf Bring Your Job Printing to The Argus Office If You aro Looking for a Car that is eaey riding, easy handled and fine looking; one that has the pep and pull when you want it; ask to ride in the New Allen 43. O. J. JACKSON, I'ariim, Idaho A Live Dealer in Ontario wanted M111 1