1 2 THE ONTARIO AKOUS ONTARIO, OKEGON, TJULUttSlvAY, FEJ3KITA7?Y 19, 1920. The OnPirvj A rgus G. K. AIKEN, Ktlltor find PubllHlier orally tlio cnso Hint men who nrohie for ft fnll," and Is duo to Innd in proceeding to ttinko InvoHtiiiontH In a ft ,lcap of fmnd(lI ,8nHt ,, u town iloinnml Hpaclitl consideration' ,. tho l,rnkon to ItH proaont ov That linn lioon our uxpcrloncr. ir.ivrirnnn Published Thursday nt Ontario. Oregon, nnd nntored at tho Ontario post offlco for dlntrlhutlon or Sin! clam mnttor. SUUSCIUI'TIONS One Your ?l fid SAKM, MAXITAHV HU.U'TIH'I, Soma ono onco hiikkohIwI Hint tho Moot aim for n city ulioulil Iip tlmt It trlre to hecoimt, flrnt, 11 hhib rlty; nooonil, a Minltitry city. mid Inatly .i , beautiful city. Tiiko any of Hipo HpGelilettlloin nnd Onlnilo limy ho wifely wild to Im ntrlrlnr to Mchlovo them. I'nrliniw wo nro not niHkltiK flu much proKrrm an Romn would llko to iwo, hut then Ik coiiHl.tntly to ho noted, h btiltor niont of roiiilllloim. Oiilorlo In iih unfii an tho HvcriiK"' city, from the view poluC or poller proliM'tlon. Tho city In makliiR pronreH toward nnfety in tho mntfr of firo prolwllon, tho It lmn n Ion wny to no to mtruio IiIbhI fiio" proof building. Hut a rlty of thin nlro can not he oxpectml to hnvo ImiIIiIIiikm of tlmt Mlyle, hut muni ho mflHflril with rttlnliiK 111 Htaiidwrd nn IiIkIi rnt IiiihIuhm condition wnrrntit. Onlnilo In not now nn winltary a dty nn It nliotild Im. Tlmt muni hu iidmltted. Wo Iihto Iihoii lax In Hi" onforcomout of nnnllury luKiilnllnim. HuIiIiInIi In nit loo proiuluuiit a f'ul uro of Him Inudnrapo; nnd open lirl Kiitlon iIIIl'Iiim Miti a witch all for tilth that In not only iiunlKhtly hut n ponl tlo imhiihco to tho lionlth oT tho rlt. wlilln furulnhliiK Ideal coiidillonn for tho IntieilliiK of uioHiiiltiHn and flln The idly, loo. linn poruilttftd tho IdwpliiK of nlook hHJiIii tho city Mm IIh to h doKriHt tlmt cortHlnly iIimm not Hild to (ho hnnltliful coiidltloun of tin couiiiiuulty. KIkIiI In tho cciilur of Home of our htt iHMhlonro ntriMtti ar to Im found Imrn yardn with tho nrciiiiiiilHtcd lofinm of yonm, crcal liiK Hiiwr on t Iih rlty' npopnrHUc and h nttmoli In I ho uonlrlln of nil Hho muni llvo mwr hy. It mny ho inniHrkod In pannliift. tlmt In tho ohi'h of ovary epidemic of IIIiihm In tho city tho pmiplo IIvIiik In tho wHitlon whoro tho uiont iiotorloiiM of lliuen Imrim In loiwteil mifforeil to a xroMter iIokioo than In any other portion of tho city That condition oiiiiht to ho iirriiilnut proof of tho inenaw tliun tiriMitod. IIhvIiik a city wifo; and hy hIiIvIiik lo tunko a city wiultnry; It In certain tlmt tho city hoHiitlful will follow In tho iHiurno of time. Toward tlmt Ontario In uorkliiK- Tho Klrnt N'n- tloiml llniik'n Clvlo Improvement loiiteet dnmoiinti-Hton that there In mi I n I or out In Hiicli n movement, nnd tho tart than affordl will wrve to tarry It on until coudlllonn are vnnl l ImproViMl. No IiIkIihi' form of nlvln loyalty (mi Ih found tlmu tlmt Hxhlhltml hy ltlwn who ntrlvt) to nmko tho town In which tho llve letter pint for nil Not ttvorjoim enn ho a loader In UiIh iHiiVHmHiit. Thoio m tint lm prl nto lu ovory army, no tlmt tho duty of iimklHK mie'e own home moio honutlfiil In J tint nn ImiHirtnut nn nuv I'thor duty out owm lo tho coiiinuin H If every home were tlmn Im proved. (Iih roMl aim or tlm oily honu tlfiil pnturnm would ho m-hlovod H.'H fr will Ontario no hIoiik Hint ici.l thin ymrr That I h iitatloii for each Indhldiml homo oh nor uml renter to dwidv. Thnroforo Ontario nliould counhlor Itnolf fortunnto to havo a hunlnoHB mnn like Mr. lllrnch nmotiK Its cltl onn. And It In to ho hoped that tho 'xampln ho hoc mt may to a doxree nt leant Inspire oilier to adopt hln view of public icrvlco. Tho Argun bulievon that It In but voicing tho opinion of till the cltlzunn In thanking Mr. Hiroeh, not for tho gift of tho flro truck nlone. hut for tho nplrlt of public nonlio he bin nhown. ONTAIIIO'.S CITY I'AHK Kvcrv ono In Ontario rocognlzot the clty'n nood Tor a municipal park. but It In oiip thiiiK to rocoKtilzo a tic d nnd nnottipr to nupply It. If Ontario in to Iihvo u park It mtmt bo thn ronult of a public nplrlt- oil of foi t. and a donation, to u large dogroo nt lonnt of public nplrltcd cltlonn. ItlKht now tho city xovernment of Outurlo In not financially able to do half tho thliiKA tlmt Itn moinhors would llko to mm ncrotnpllnhed. The city council with nil Itn power "ran not make n silk inirne out of a now'n onr." Ity that token It can tiotnpend inonoy that thu tnpayom do not pro vide, nnd the tuxpnyer have aone al mot I heir limit to meet tho running oxpotiHO of the ninny publlr luntltu Hon which thoy are called upon to Miipport. The onlv nolutlon of Ontario' problem of advancement I to ho ne cured hy u Mlondy lunroato In popula tion which will ronult lu Incronned valuation, permitting of the ralnliiK of more luxe a nil the npreadlng of the (h levy among more citizen. It In nlno Iruo Hint union tho rlty doon progrenn, doo make living con dition nn comfortable and enjoyable nn poMlhla, Hint Increanoil population will ho nlow lu coiiiIiik. Iimtond of Kolng to California, n many of thone wlio hnvo Mold lliolr rnncho In till Hnctlon hnvo done lu the pant two yoHrn, were Ontario a city beautiful, there In no doubt but Hint mniiy or I bene people would hnvo nettled hero They wont to California for tho ploan iiro Hint tho cltlen there afford. It In poor hunluoM for Ontario to lot thorn go, If by improving tho ap pearance of tho city It could hnvo held them here. It In Junt llko a merchant who mndo no effort to keep III old ciiHtomer but xouitht only now oiioh. Ontario nliould hnvo the proponed city park, tho pronout park nt the ntutlou nliould bo Improved. Theno act will bo admitted, lot un there fore make tho effort In necuro Hie nnnlMtnuco of public nplrltod cltlneiin to nmko Ihl iiiHwIhle. travngonco. It Is pntont to nny ono that If tho United Stnto woro to lose Its mar ket for tho surplus raw material bora produced, uml nt tho nntno tlmo suffer n curtailment of Its market for manufactured goods that wo would feel tho pffcctH of theso condi tions In hut a short time. How great that offect would bo Is hardly prodlctlhlo, tho It could bo nothing short of a panic. Now there is roaon to believe Hint I Junt such a condition will bo brot about union there Is something done to tollovo tho present rate of ex change which ii a prohibitive bar rier to foreign 0M"t. It Is apparent Hint tho ending of tho war did not provo a divorce tor American irom rorolgn complica tions and that wo must order our lives, and expenditure no that wo can continue to nlt tho wnr tern countrlo to rehabilitate thoniHolws, o that they may continue to buy rrotn u. In order Hint our prosperity mny continue. Vo can do no le than Hint. tlclpnto tie decision of tho commis sion; It is ccrlnln Hint tho districts Involved must abandon electric power plants ns n source of water supply, If any such Inoreaso Is granted. The one hopo that these people have is that of seeming n gravity supply, and that can only como thru theconstructlon of the Owyiioo sys tem. Theroforo It In time Hint some thing be done to biing the lands of the (Join and Ontnrlo-Nyn within ,1... l.ni....lnKnu ..? ....... n.....1t..j .Ha. LIIU UUllllllUI IUP Ul U IIVW UWJIIBC win- i trlct and proceed to get the money necoesury to build the Owyhee -torn. 0'", Ui.V V1 I'ltO.M I'l'lll.ll' SI'IIIIT AI'IMtKCIATItll. Ontario wan tho rclput of a nio't Keerou gift laal wwk; or lo bn nio.t turuun lift lant vnk; or to i'i Hart had a moat louoruun offer miidw to It. That nplrlt In whlrh th rr-r nu nitut In ao euiuuittuilahle 'inn eumment theraou la not nes- :i v for th rlty would Indited I luklan entlraly In a proper nouiw of rulllttdA did It uot take note of the rift and appreciate the kluduoan of Die donor. There la ait old aaytttf that, "a hi -lid in need Is a (rlend Indeed;- It w uite. too. And lu thai role nurely Mr l. I. 1 Uracil meets every requlre ui. in of the pari. . l-'.r years Ontario has beeu in h of a fire track, aud It oau nell rmrd lo search for the ueoeeaary muds to meet the requirement of i offer, whU-h are ntuiply Uiat the Hier needed nuepllen to be reroui n.iided by the Alate Fire Marshaln "ifu-H be compiled with. Mr. Illracli taken the view of hi i n that It Is not one of Ueueo)euo i lone, but It la a business proposi ti n. that the added protection l. Ii his iroHuut riuamlal Interenu li i u the erection of Uo buniaesa id.icks tail several house, warrants (I expenditure, and therefore he ta It as a business propoaltion There la sound reasoning lu thi rnteiiUH UH his part, but l( merely "ie Ui enii attentioH to thn gift, fr why ever hanrd of a wan who Is alrendy dsiug wneh for the t tukiiiK eueh a vlwwt la It not en- STAItTMNd iiiistrirs itcmac V. V. Denl. i'ronldonl of Hip Idaho HtHte (Irnuxo, In t'ls nddrenn to (Iih nil loo niiiall xatliHrliiK of ranch em nt Cairo last Saturday night de clared tlmt the Kami lluroau of ('-on ou county had naud a half million dollnin for Its inombors lant oar The total cost of the huronu wan but $18,000, or a net saving of some $182,000 for tho rnmihora of that rou nly. There Is no doubt tlmt Mr Deal made tho stntomout advlnedlv. for ho Is lu u position to know where of ho nponks, and Hint ono state iiieiit aloiiH should anuao the raurl em or Mnlheur county to take note of thn form bureau moement. nn thev are not doing In tho vicinity of On tario, but are dolus; lu other neutloiiH of the county. If the rami bureau In Cnuvoii iMiuntv (wn achieve such results there Is no reason In believe that u similar record ran lot made lu .Malheur count v. Tho ranchers or Canyon county are uot lHttter ranchers than are"thtat of Malheur county. They were not worse ranchers than .Malheur round ranchers, and therefore they must ln on a oar, so far as ability Is cou oerned. No one Ihtim In this seiUton will admit that the Can von count v rnurh em hnve letter land to fWrui than our rauehers havo, nor hnve the' auy better market for their produce than ne have here, so there Is no reasou to believe that substantial Improve? meat and savings ran lie secured lu Malheur county thru the agency of the farm bureau. U la u movement so hcII worth trying, at least, that every farmer In the county should lie a member aud secure the benefits of Its experleured leaders in the various projects lo be followed duriug the year siitH'i.n vi: (jo si.t.w? Ttie publle Is dally gettlHg regaled with advise from leaders In the financial and political world oon- cemlag the road It is traveling, and the rata that It Is taking to Hiuke the trip. mere hwi to be a unanimity uf I opinion ajiaius Ins man who are thus iivlHK wlvteu that the public Is "rld-j MCTTIIKOU'YIIKK UK lll'lll' It npiienr from the (irogress so far made In the rate hearing on tho np plication of the Idaho Power com puny for hlglior return for Irriga tion service that the Ontnrlo-Nya, or Shoestring ditch, ami the (Jem .District of Idaho are to ho asked to contribute nearly 80 per cent more than they nro at, present pnylnj? for power. Without dohatlng the merit of the company's contention that It should have more money, or to nn- Gold itorseslioes .,.M,MMrria a fShipUoukrM4tte j;ril '"'1i,I 1)5 I'df- MFm&. vs:asaiit f Ji-7 ms&gZj l -iJMKfKKirV . m r i- v j' AUUi'Aiad" . "tjL.. ae"it rtfji mm "-V Vffi to Js ri y $rd . T O1920A.B.S.,rni The Hlgbesft Faices Ever Known That's What You'H Gcfi from "SUUBERT" WE WANT 'EM NOW-ANU WILL PAY TUB PRICE TO GET 'EH llN'IIXTI tlNflUlkAlAHIJl. o i '"ui N ItflHOr ICIMtD JM U I SHALL N? 2 - titB tm ouurv Expense is not efficiency. Don't pay for gold horseshoes when you buy your printing. Sensible printing on sensible paper Hnmmcrmiil Bend will savo you money nnd get results for you. That is the kind of work we do and the kind of paper we use. Use More Printed Salcsmansnip. Ask us. COYOTE lltnjf FurrtJ, CikJ Optn or HeiJItil 30.00 lo 25.00 22.00 1C 18.00 22.0010 18.00 16.00 la 11.00 1G.M10I1.OD 13.00 lo 11.00 12.C0IO 9.00 13.00 lo 8.00 12.00(3 7.00 10.0010 5.00 MUSERAT Spring Wintor 8.00(0 7.00 0.5013 5i0 GJOlO 5.50 5.0010 4.00 5.00 to 3.75 3.5010 2.75 3.5010 2.75 2i0to 1.75 3.00(0 2.00 25010 liO SKUNK miUTPAURGtPNUlARGr. f N'IMtOIUH f NISMAUnCOODUNPRIMrj IllUt tatvlMul llll 'O H8I It". IVHIM llt.t 10 ltl Miinimwiiti Black 15.00 to 12.00 11.00 10 9.50 9.25 to 825 8.00(0 7.00 7.00 lo 3.50 Short 10.00 10 9.00 8.5010 7.50 7.2510 6.75 6i0to 5i0 6.00 lo 3.00 Narrow 8.00 lo 7.00 6.50 lo 6.00 5.50(3 5.00 4.75 to 425 450 lo ZOO Broad 1 5.03 10 4.00 1 3.75(0 3.25 1 3.00(0 2i0 225 to 1.75 22510 125 ! Advance Showing of Spring Millinery We are showing some vory attractive hats for immediate wear. They are very clever styles and beautiful ma terials, in satins, taffetas, georgette and braid combinations. All the new est touches in trimmings are shown siu.'i as, raffia and silk embroidery, beaded designs and jaunty stick-out bows. These hats aro very distinctive and give the finishing touch to the New Spring Suit or Coat. We would be pleased to have you come in and see these hats and try them on. Oshorn Millinery, Ontario, Ore. i These extremely hlp;h prlcco for Oregon Furs arc based on the well Icnown "SUUBERT" liberal grading end nrc quoted for immediate ship ment. No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior bklns at hichest market value. Ship your Furs now when we want 'cm. You'll get "moro money" and get it "quicker" too. "SUUBERT" RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAYAND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST SHIP .Alt YOUR FURS DIRECT TO A.B. S HUBERT THELARSESTHOUSEINTHEWRLD OWING EXCWSIVSiY IN1 AMERICAN RAW FURS 25-27 W.Austin Ave. DeptwsoChicago. U.S.A. Tbi6 itf svi wCI 'VI For Automobile Starting Batteries Own One of Your Own solved "toy Millmade Ready-Cut Homes Hy ordering a mill-made Home vim SAVE TIME nnd MONEY. Oet nn absolute double eonstvueted ITome, mtidi of first grade material througliout; Hardware, Paint, and all mill work furnished with a complete set of Plans. A large number of designs to soleet from. Al ways glad to show you. Call GtMV H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon, aUjaHJtB WK-mrttmnTtmrn-m-m.-m,mm-r,t-err-m. ,.,u. . , We Rechargo and Repair All Makes of Batteries Call for a free battery test Service Batteries for rent Electric Service & Battery Co. 4For Real Battery Service" Opposite Mooro Hotel Ontario, Phone 15 L. J. AKRIt, tho Income t. .pnrt. lias n full supply of 1U19 Inwuiit Tax Kurms now on hand to Uk attre Uf all I'llQUt'k uvU. 0v lug to utftR) oiiKKemqnU in outtMile toww Mf. Aktr hIU ba out of town oonalitir nbly from now on, uml appointment iuy Im mmle hy letter or telephone 170-J. Xi S tf WANTRl) TO 1UY Que. KMMt work horee. Would consider turn U u iMrgaln. intouKti Vfh Cluett. Outurlo. its tt S. C. WIIITH LKQUOltN baby chinks for sl after March 1. $20 per 100. Order now us they are going fbt. Ilfttohlnir 3B S par suiting; ?10 per 100 A. 11. Cain. 2 milts weet of Ontario. 22M0&1-I WA.VTHDOno lojan hone. Phee T7. Mli6 Luvine Smith. 303 Stf HAY FOIt SALK 20 Tons thlnrt euttlMs, one mile worn of K. S. & U nmeh: 30 tuiu first and ihlrrt lUtting two mllQdfrom Ontario. Thomas W.Clasett. 227-10-tf Bring Yojir Job Printing to The Argus Office V