The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 19, 1920, Image 1

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- WM -
tfO. 12.
Kits attkxd Mi:irriNcs at
wincm itumuu is
V. V.
Definite, Will Hounded Program of
.Utilities for Vi'r Adopted Honl
liileiest Manifested Mltirt Woilc
M Once.
Aflor flcvcrnl months of stronuoiu
effort on tlio purt of untliUKliiHtlc
laiiQltorH who licllovo Hint rnnoli con
ditions In Miilliutir county can bo
bettered, Mnlhour Coutity'a Farm
11 in nun took definite and pcrmniicnl
i'or.11 tit ti meeting held ut tho IJoulc
vnrd Grange hall en Tuesday.
It wiih n moniorubfo mooting In tho
history of tho runchcrs of tho county,
and 1 Itu out the gathering mnrked
Interest wiih Hhown by thoHO piciout
In nil there wore nearly two hundred
iniiil.t'irt there during thu day. Some
mine nml romnlnott until after dinn
er, while otlicrH eanio nfter the noon
hour foi tho afternoon session. Pro in
II ti 1 lock until ." tho ranchum worn
busy, (vpn dining tho noon hour
committees mot and formulated re
ports for tho nftornoon session.
Tho women of tho Iloulevard dis
trict liomloil hy Mrs. V. V. Hlckox
rerved ti dinner at tho hall, nml threo
tables of 4S porHOiiH at each wero
iifcessnry, hut tho women with tholr
limited fnullltlcH wero equal to the
1 cciihIoii nml ovcryono enjoyed that
1 cut Ion of tho program.
Illt'kuv ,Mnil President
Tho meeting was called to order
hr V. V. Ulckox, who wiih chairman
of tho temporary organization. F.
M. Nortlirup or Oregon Slopo, clwlr
niaii of tho Contitltutlon ami Hy-Lnws
(oinmlileo road tho committee's re
port, which was referred to a com
inltteo, with 0110 representative of
oath community organized Into n
local bureau, theiio being Oregon
Slopo; Hlvordnlo; Nyssa; Adraln;
Vulo nml Cairo. Tho commltteo re
tired and on Its.roturn tho coiiHtlfu-
tlou nml by lawH wero adoptod. The
luomhorH of thu conunltteo were:
A conunltteo on
nominations nna i
progmm. of work wan nfipolntod as
folio vm: V. T. Herrott, Vale, A. II
(Continued on Last Page.)
Iteliitlvtw of Soldiers, Sailors mid'
Murines Who Died In the War to
Itccclic Certificates Thru
A met lean U'glon.
At tho Methodist Episcopal church
Sunday afternoon at 2t30, four tola
tlves of tho young men from this ter
ritory who died whllo In tho servlco
will rocolvo tho memorial certificates
dealnrlug tho debt of Franco to them
for their sacrlflco of loved ones.
The four memorial certificates will
bo given to "Mrs Florence Johnson,
whoso husband. Klbert Johnnon. was
0110 of tho first Ontario men to fnll
In tho buttle in Flnndors Tho others
are Mrs Ida Unzv, whoso son. Hurry
Oliver, illod In the servlco; P. M.
Duggnr will rece'vo one for his son.
Karl Duggor; and Mr Vona Doswoll
will bo given ono for her son, Robert
J Hoswoll.
OUlo B. Itngan, evangelist who Is
conducting services at tho church
uml who, during the war. was an
army chnplln, will confer the certi
ficates. Ontario Post of tho American le
gion will be present In a body under
the direction of the new president.
Klmcr Leavitt. Earl Dtackaby, sec
retary of the Post. Is arranging for
the meatlng and has received the
certificates to be distributed In
honor of the men who died the Post
urge the attendance of as many
citizens of the city and country who
can be present.
Millard Sage returned last Satur
day from McDermltt, where he has
bet'n on the Sago ranch.
Attorney C. McGonaglll, who has
been HI for some time. Is out again,
tho he hasn't recovered his strength
Tom and Dave Logan of Drogan
are In Ontario this week. Tom
Logan camo down from the upper
rountrv when Mrs. Logan became ill
with the flu She la better now
xi:w itAKicitv will m: 111:111:
Ontario will havo a now Imkery, u
modern Institution with all tho latest
equipment for tho manufacture of
dainty culinary articles, breads and
pastry. Tho now Institution, tho
owners of which are not ready to
make announcement of their project
which will bo second to none in this
section of tho country.
During tho past week a quiet In
vestigation of several sites was made
nml until this is (lotoruilnoil no an
nouncement of a definite nature can
ho made. However, this Is Just one
of tho new things to come for On
tario this sprint;.
Hiuiiii (intiict'iiiK at (.'rniim' nml itf'
stilt ill Stiu tliif; Hiiiomi
.Many Xciv .Moinbots Ad
ded Since Tlit'ii.
Altho thoro were only a fow ranch
crs present at the mooting at the
Grnugo Hall last Saturday, those
who did ro were amply repaid hy the
address they heard dollvorod hy W.
W. Deal, state grunge mnstor of
Mr, Deal Kavo a grnphlc history of
tho growth of farmers' efforts to 01
gunlzo for service from the days of
tho Farmers' Alliance to the prosent
tlinu, nml declared that tho Farm
Ilurcnu movement was tho host jot
devised for It had behind it tho or
ganized work of tho United States
Department of Agriculture. Tho
future success of tho rancher, he
said, was In tho Improvement of his
ranch, Hint It may produce more mid
thus bring grontor return'. This, ho
said, was hotter than merely trying
to get hotter prices.
Tho bureau organized bv electing
tho following project cemmitteemen:
T. M'. Olnggott, crop Improvement;
G. W Demi, marketing; A. Oratuso,
pest nml disease control; V. V.
Hlckox, community betterments; K
II, Conklln, hoys mid girls uluhs.
Following tlie meeting Miss Jean
Conklln nml Miss Hoi tense Wells
served sandwiches, enlec ami coffee
to tho gathering.
Coplos of the N'nrthwost Poultry
Journal of recent dato carry n story
of the frauds that have boon alleged
to have boon perpetrated upon tho
chicken fanciers who have been
"worked" hy men claiming to he ox
pert Hnganlzors Those inon, claim
ing to ho representative of the Ore
gon or Idaho Poultry nssoolatlons,
havo sold uhoep dip In rsnev cans as
! euros of chicken dlsos. have roe-
. 'nintiimideil OmokH on mini t rv nil !"-
,i i ii,- .....o,i nnnii
HUM 111 wttlJ J Pitiniii I'WIMI 1
men from good hard i-nsh Ontm U,
has been visited hy ouu recently, ami
In fact It In said ho Is still heio try
ing this giiiuo Poultry men should
ho warned nml tnko tholr problems
up with tho County Agent or tho of
ficials at O A. C.
Clarence ('router, manager of the
local Alexandor store Is In tho Holy
Uosnry Hospital suffering from a
broken ankle; nun of tho big pints
glass windows nt tho side of the en
trance to tho store is bolng roplared.
These two things are tho rosull of
hronklug of tho stop ladder upi a
which .Mr i-rouior whs emniiinp ft-
nig iiio iruiisoini' niHit iiih lUMii,
Tuesday morning When tho ladder
broke It swerved to ono side shatter
ing tho glass and Mr Cra.uer r !
upon tho tile eutrumi to tho storo
nml broke his ankle. Ho was taken
to the hospital at onoo mid will pro
bably bo confined there for n month,
John Gordan Is down this weok
from the upper country looking aftor
local Intorests.
George Huntington Curroy of the
Vale Entorprlso passwl thru Ontario
Tuesday eurouto to Rugnno to attend
the nowspapor men's couferouce
whro ho Is to apponr on the program
L. I. Hlrsoh left Monday for 'iilon
go for a short business trip. Ho ox
poets to he back In Ontario noxt
Mr and Mrs. G L. King entortuin
ed at dinner Sunday In honor f Mr.
and Mrs C F I lager, who Ife't this
week to mako tholr home at Kiamuth
Judge Daltou Hlggs reurnetl
Tuosday from Hums, whero h" went
to canvawi the result of the iiallot
Ing In the Irrigation eleotlon.
M. M. EcholB is Buffering from a
relapso of tho flu at his room In tbe
Moore hotel.
John W. Cunnlghnm of Portland,
who is In oharge of tho engineering
of the Valley Drainage . dUtrlot.
spent the wekjn Ontario.
L G Olsenxroade a butlneee trip
to Namna tills we?k where hU firm
has many lajEC iouiranu under way.
Mr and Mrt 3 II Athorton left
Saturday eeniug for a short visit to
Women of Kplseopnl d'ulld Propose
to Kioet (iulld Hull TliU S
iiior Loin All end v Owueil
1111 TI1I11I St 1 cot, S. W.
Tho Commercial club at ltd moot
ing Inst night ondorsoil tho project
of the Episcopal Guild of Ontario to
orcct a Guild Hall, nml Imllcatud
that tho memhors would assist In the
tors would miHist in rnc
0 building. L
was brot to tho uttgn
h hy W W Wood. Mm
erection of tho
Tho mutter
tlon or tlio club by w W Wood. tho
stated that nt present thoro is no
plnco for tho high school classes to
hold their parties and other activities
and that this club house would servo
tholr need and Hint of any other or
ganization. Mossrs Seligmnu nml
Cochran declared such n recreation
hall needed nml others voiced sim
ilar sentiments nml the motion to en
dorse pnised unanimously. Tho
Guild now owns throe lots on Third
street, S. W , on which tho proposed
hall wilt ho hullt.
Murlo Morrlsey, who will give a
concert Ih Ontario on March 21
has n special mission In life. Any
one who can slug In tho wondrtrful
way Miss Morrlsoy slugs bns u mis
sion In llfo, you think?
Hut this Is n spmial mission nml It
may ho Hint somebody In Ontario
can help hor.
It sooms Hint shortly sftor the bat
tle of llellonu Wood Miss Morrlsoy
rocolvod a message. hlood-Mtulnad
nml scruwiod In pencil, uml oucloied
In u letter from u soldier nvorsMK.
This soldier said Hint as ho was ad
vancing on llellonu Wood ho found n
Marine dying In n sholl hole. The
Marine called him over, gno him
this little posm, mid told him It whs
Intended for a woman hack home,
mid for him to send It on to Miss
Moriisuy, whom ho hud hoard slutr
thu "songs of homo" so many times,
uml shu would dollvor tho nuxlwise.
Just ut Hint moment n shell explod
ed uml killed the Murine.
So the soldier sent the mossHge on
to Miss Morrlsoy, mid shn Is still try
lug to justify tho Murine's faith In
hor nml find tho woman
Tho following Is ti copy of the
poom :
My Chi
Hor oyos nlnt eyes of vlolst blue,
Nor hur hull gulden iu tvu,
Hut the ;lol -t. 'hoy nlnt Hlwnyx truo,
Nor Is go'd : i n noblest eiown.
She never doos tho evening tens,
Nor trios tho soalal whirl.
Hut wo lovo Home, hor mid mo,
M nwd her My Girl.
Her smile nlnt Just u lnvlu' smllo.
N'or her klsM n moment's bliss,
Hut ii'Hoh ilon'i nuiko II 'e worth
And bllas nlnt liappluoiui.
You droam of auto, trips b' sea,
And diamond . ruhlos, hrryls.
Hut I droam her. ami !ic Z um me,
And when I -n . ' '. with tho fever's
Ami my thoughts are of the past.
;ljBr ,,d br:rrt fuitll ,,, ,ho (1,mtU.
room's huHli,
And her fblll. hrl .gs hope to tho
And how I worship hor anow-whlto
Tlie whlto of my Mother' curls,
Gee. lovo soma her and me,
Mother Mho's my girl.
A genuine mid loving tribute is It
not? Ami so Miss Morrieey is search
lug ovorywhere for the motliar who l
anxiously waiting.
as are so man) i
mothers who ha sous overseas
that will never como Iwek. for this
last message from hor hero.
Appearing with Miss Morrlsey on
.....'. .. .;. . ...... . w ............
niunHisy niKiu wm no .w iiiww
lleddlek. the notoil ptsnlst.
Mrs J It Feugler, who arrived
horo from Powior. Kas . thu latter
part of tho weok, to join her hus
band, the division lineman or the O
S L., reported that the eeatral part
of Kansas was In the grip or severe
wind ami snow storms when she left
Mrs. J W Gearharl came down
from Drew nay last Monday to visit at
the home of her parents. Mr and
Mrs. J II Atherton.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Piatt of Parma
were Ontario visitors on Sunday
Mark and ISdgar Huherford are in
Ontario from (no upper country, the
former bavin- heu called by Hum
in his family here.
Mrs James G Smith of Caldwell
spent tbe week end the guest or her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Lackey
Clarence Wood or Xampa spent
Sundov in Ontario visiting relatives
and friends
Alumni, Student and FilcniN of
High School to He Pro-ont ut
Kliihinnto I'riiin lYIilny lUeu-
ItiK ut Oregon Club.
Tho Orogon club rooms will he the
scono of nn olnhornto prom given liy
thu High School Orchestra In honor
of tho alumni, students mid friends
of tho school.
Tho the orchestra, which has been
working hard all year under the di
rection of Prof. M. 1). Thomas, has
been henrd at u number of student
functions nt tho High School, this Is
its Initial appearance In so elaborate
a program nml the young men and
women of tho club nro hard nt work
Lou tholr program.
Tlie club has named us Its guests
of honor nt tho dancing party Mr
and Mrs. W. F. I Ionian, Mr. mid Mrs
W. F. Wocse, Mr. mid Mrs. W W
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. L. Adnin, Mr
and Mrs. G. K. Alkuu, Mr. uml Mrs
W. L. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. S. I).
Dormnii, Mr, uml Mrs. 11. O, Drano
nml Superintendent of Schools II P.
Tho following Is tho personnel of
the orchestra, tho parts they piny
and tholr class:
M. I). Thomas, director, Coruot;
Muhol Madden, Piano. 11)21; Itulph
0er. Violin. 10 Id; Willis Mnlo, VJo
llii, 11)22; Paulino .laqulsh, Violin,
1112 1; Frank Dormnn, Haxapliono.
11)20; Itnlph Drano, Clarinet. l!)2:t;
Itlcharil Adams, Clarinet, ll)2!i; Kid
on Mndilou, Horn, 1020; Jack Peter
son, Horn. I020, llowurd Twiford.
Cornet, 1021; James Clark, Comet,
1023; Charles Human, Drums, 1020
powku com pa xv hi:xii:d AW
According to tho Ilolso papers of
Wednesday the Idaho Utilities com
mission signified Hint mi order
would he Issued denying tho Idaho
Power company tiny Increase In Its
Irrigation pdwer rates for the coining
Irilgatlnn season.
The commission Indicated Hint
even tho the hearing wuio continued
mid mi liicronso permitted that It
could ijot become offectlvo for 120
days nml Hint would practically
nullify any benefits which tho com
pany could derive from an lucieiise
this season
U. S. Mmiufiiiiiiilng Plant One or
Few limes In NiutlmoM Willi
Suppl) or Sheet Metal Sum.
dent for Demand,
Thru tho foresight .of L. G- Olson
of tho U. S Manufacturing company
Hint Institution Is busily-engaged In
turning out a grunt quantity or
shout metal work dostlnnd for ship
ment to points nil tho way from
Luwiston, Idaho, to Joromo
At tho present t lino thoro nro 20
men ougagod at the company's plant
hero, or on the work It hits In hand
at Xampa. Hero In Outuilo great
big tanks for the Payette Valley Hex
Spray company mo being made for
shipment to Now Plymouth, Prult
luml, Wood's Spur and other point
So short has tho supply of shoot met
al become In this suction that linker
ami Wolsor firms huw had to send
work to Ontario Mr Olson sec mod
h carload of this material at the kov
orumont salo of supplies at Vancou
ver Washington somn time ago.
Visitors from tho Owyhee section
report that there Is a miniature rush
of settlors to the dry lands above the
Succor Creok project, within the pro
pound Owyhee district What stint
ed tho rush can not bu learned In On
tario, but tho talk development has
apparently boeu circulated in the
Gem District of Idaho, for It Is from
that section that
seekers como.
most or the laud
, I'arkor's Tiro shop Is tlio latest
business venture In Ontario It Is
,watft, , t,,0 ,,ralier ,lU(,ng jHht
north of tho Idaho Power company's
office. Mr. Purkur Is expeollug his
equipment any day this week, for It
has biiii In transit from the east for
sumo time .
Seymour Worn of Nysaa, who pur
chased a ranch on the Valley View
road 4ast fall, has completed a hand
some residence ' on the place ami
moved Into It last week.
Mr and Mrs. L. M. Koaily, who
spent the winter in Georgia vIsIHnk
witu Mr Iteady's parents, returned
Saturday. Tho they had a delightful
time, the South did not appeal to
them us a substitute for thu 8ns ke
river valley.
Mr. and Mrs P J Gallagher went
to Hoiso Tuesday to bo present at the
annual ball given by the Ikilse Rlks
TUoy had a good time, too, and re
turns! Wednesday.
Miss Margaret Hlatkaby spent tbe
week end in N'ampa tbe hum r Mt
Imh Priniiu-
So far only ton entries Imvn bnen
miuto for tho First National bank's
Ivlc IniproNoinent contest t'mler
tho terms of tho gift of prizes by the
naiiK ii was stipulated Hint nt least
j 1(5 ontrlos would ho necossary. So
iur necreiury i-. i.esue IIOUV lias le
colved tho signatures of the follow -lng:s
Al Chance. S. F. Taylor, Jr .
Lnruo Hlacknhy. L I Hlrsch, II M
Hrowno. W L. Turner. II H. Tuniiey,
V. W. Chnmhers, J It For Hor. W. F
Kscuo, and Mrs K M Grolg.
Tho lust day for entry Is Mondav,
March 1. nml there ihould bo ut
least .10 ontrlos for tho contest
Those who nro thinking of entering
should sign tho iippllcntlons ut tho
secretary's office at once
I, IIIincIi, II. II. Ttiiino., l. M.
Tnggiiit, II. It. Cockiiim, ,1, .
Hlncknliy, I J. C. Vim Pencil
uml Dr. II. S. I'liiiuer
With nn nttendnnce of nearly fin
tho Commercial club last 'lght held
Its annual mooting when the follow
ing directors wero chosen for the
coming your. I,. I Hlrsch, II. II
Tunnoy, D M. Tnggiirt, II. II. Cock
rum, J. It. Hliickiihy, C. 0. VnuPol
ton nml Dr K. 8 Fortnor. The vote
for Dr Fortnor mid Frank Itmler
was u Ho ami Mr Under witiidrow In
favor of him. D M Taggurl. loo,
sought to withdraw hut on being
urged to romidn on the honrd did so.
Hostile this matter of business the
oluh hoard mi extensive report from
Socrotiiry F Leslie Hotly which will
ho printed In detail next weok. show
ing tho club's work during the past
Lnruo Hlucknhv. treasurer, rniwiri.
oil a cash balance or JlT-ClOO on
hand now. of which $1000 Is the
gift or L. I. Hlrsch to the club. An
auditing conunltteo consisting of
itiiiik icnuor, w K. Iloinmi uml it
W BwmHor wns appointed to iiuillt
the hooks of the club for Hie year
Water System DNciixhimI
11. II. Tunnoy reported that the
commltteo to Investigate tho propos
ed low pressure . system for Irriga
tion wnlor had received nsHniiitos
from O. A. Kratz. city engineer, that
It would cost $50,000 to construct
tho prnposud pumping sstem mid
laterals from Hlverslde to the high
points In the city from which to dis
tribute tho water In open ditches
Since this could not ho done this
season in time for Irrigation he
urged Hint u temporary plan be used
Hint of getting witter from Hie Wll
sou illtcli mst or town This, he
said, could he done uml would fur
nish ample water for the your The
committee mimed to hmiilh. this mat-
l ter was continued with power to so-
cine iiio iiimi necessary to contract
for tho water To ijir this the number
of lots will bo nssossod at u given
sum por lot for the season.
Pmk Sites lteMiileil
II II Cookriim, chairman of tho
commltteo on parks, reported lis In
vestigation of the proposed site hy
the public schools, also In Hlverslde
mid for the Improvement of the pres
ent park near the station They re
ported that It would he necessary to
buy tho sites by the High School, or
In Hlvnrslile and that the railroad
company would object to u play
ground park neur the station The
committee was conlliiuod In service
Watchman for Oozing
Mayor It W Jones reported Hist
tho railroad company had Informed
him that u flag man hud been order
mI to patrol tho Idaho avaniie cross
ing from 8 a m until 0 p. m
The loimultteu on roads was In
structed to keep I rack of the pro
posed mirvey for the Old Oregon
Trail across Deed Ox Flat ami to
confer with tlie residents of that
snetlon ami Dlrlslou rSugliieer It II
Hnldork. '
llirnphrey Plnnoy of New Vork
City, nephew of Mr ami Mrs W. J
Plnnev, arrived In Ontario last Fri
day morning lo take a position in the
engineering department of tho State
Highway commission's office hero,
whloh Is 'under the direction of lu
glneer J II Jnyco
Mo Jacob PrlnzliiK camo down
from Nampa Tuesday to be one or
tho guests at tho seslon or the Tuei
day bridge club which mot at the
tome or Mrs L Adam Mrs II C
Whltworth of Wulser was also an
out-of-town guest
Mr and Mrs C It. Amldnn or the
Houlevanl. who spent the winter
buck In Allegou, MIohlKan. visiting
with Mr Auildon's mother, have re
turned to their home hero.
Mr and Mrs Ivan K. Oukes have
purchased tho If C V'anpettoii resi
dence in Hlverslde which Mr and
Mrs VanPatlen will vaente when
their new home widen has heeu
started on Second street, S. W . Is
The Woman's club tuet today at
the home or Mrs L Adam
Miss Lavlne Smith entertained the
members of tho Wednesday bridge
club at her home on First street,
S W.i yesterday.
Mr sml Mrs Hurl Hlackaby spent
Friday of last week lu Holm
K. M. IKA AXI) V. T.
1 1 Kit HiriT NAMKD
HnmiieiM Suggest (Nuisolliliitlim if
School DIstilctH nml i'lnuxpoi to
Hon of School Chlldicii us Desh
nblo foi' All Coiiceiiiisl.
Tho Mnlhour County Fair Hilt year
will ho under the direction or tin
rnnchers or the county. To compL
with a recent law the directors or H
fair are appointed hy tho coiiuu
court from a list of uimiliioes fin
tilshed hy tho ranchers
Tho members or the Form Hurcaii
on Tuesday nominated V. V. Illckuv
or Adrian, V. T. Hun el t or Vulo and
K. M. Dnmi or N'yssu for the poxl
Among the other resolutions r
fered hy the bureau mnmheis wi
that or K. M. Demi, who uncoil that
the roads or the county ho dlstilcl d
nml he regularly umkkoI hy rnncli
ers, so that the roads could ho main
The ranchers also urMiMl the con
sotldntlou or school dlstrhls and tin
transportation hf country rhlldn u
lit the consolidated schools, so that
thny wll have the advantages m
grndoil schools.
Down across the Hue at Tlu Jumiu
Mexico, a number of ponies familiar
to the race track followers at tin
Malheur County Fair are kfHIii
rnudy for the big races, nt the Mexl
can race track
Two weeks ago .Jack Welsh hit
McDormlll with his own stilus In
eluding Desert (told. Cuynia. uml
Sprltely Miss uml the rnllnwlm
horses or Mr Sage's; Nevada (Hi I
Frank llayno. Disaster Maid III
Mr. Welsh will train for two
weoks or iiioio before starting lu iur
of the races hut Mr Sage expod- to
hoar of winnings before long for at
least two or Hie offering me rooii
enough for any track
Following Control Cniiiiulllee Meet
log Dinner Will be Son oil in
Kioulug uml Orator) K-
peeled to Few Fiecd).
Itepubllonu coiiimlttuoiiien from all
soqHoii of the county aro oxpociid
horo next Tuesday to ntto-id lt
moetlux of the County Central nim
mlttee whloh Is to hnve dlmrso or th
itampalKii this full.
In the evening followliiK Hie un '
lug there is to he a dinner and
committee Is hilsluly emcaged im -n
seourliiK speakers for that imhi.i.
One of the spHl ers wltei-e pr'sni
Is assuied is Mis McMuth of l''
land who la lu charge or tho winuaii
organliutloi' within the psrt) mid
Is planned that the eomiulltee will I
able lo perfect woman's
for the lounl comity conunliteK i
least that Is the plan, for aliu"
such a program has been standi
iiioMtluus lu North aud Mouth
Ontario women, however, ha" n
iKHlfltHl a iiimked ilearee of 1. t i
lu the oainiiitlKii as yet. but tie u
repiihlluuii couiuiilteemen t i
ineetlug c next week lo furnish t
Impetus to carry the plan forwunl
That this Is the Ideal serllmi u
wliiuh to winter fewl sheep Is ! m
proven this week in the first
fiom sheepmen whose flocks are n
lambing near Ontario, Nyssa uml
Vale go favorable lias been I1
Aoather thus far that few of h
lambs are being lost and a bis ui
of them sre expectod.
Captain Itoberl M. Uhmhu
Hums was lu town for severs! ii.
this week He reports greet jnuhh
lu Harney, where the Irrigation l
Hon earned by an almost uusnliu""
voto and where the InsUllath'ii
water works and sewerege sysii-iu
are now being talked of (or the w
future, and a 180.000 hosplUI Is
prospurt Ontario will have lu mi i
lively to keep ahead of Uurns. .o
Hay Duncan of Hiulsh Is in on
tarlo this week Mr Umtetnl
Imon 111 at the hoia- or utc nsrom
Mr and Mrs And I ijf. fm i
Mst week, but Is impi mif
(iareuee C )rfir c e.i t.
Portland Monday by tn iii of i i
father who bad hweu Hi then- In .
IniHpliul for Hume tliiii-