The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 12, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 2, Image 9

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tin: crrv iiaii l iiimi.imno
111 HiIh Htructuru erected nt n ro t of $10,000 Is housed tlio city go
riimoiit with tlio Council Chamber. Recorder's office, MnrHlinl'H office,
nnil offlco of tlio wnter supcrlntontloiit. Tlio Coniincrclnl club occupies
quurtcrfl on tlio second floor nnil tlio fire (IcpnrtniPtit linn n portion of
tlio owcr loor.
V 0 T.T
for 1920
Dry Goods,
Ladies' Suits,.
Gossard Corsets,
Centemeri Kid Gloves
Everything to he found in an fi.i
up-to-date Department Store
For Automobile
Starting Batteries
We Recharge and Repair
. All Makes of Batteries
Call for a free battery test ,
Service Batteries for rent
Electric Service & Battery Go.
"For Real Battery Service"
Opposite Moore Hotel Ontario, Phone 15
Every Saturday at Our Store
For Saturday, February 14:
Grocery Department
Sugar, '8 pounds for $1.00 One dollar's worth to a customer
High Patent Flour, per sack, 49 pounds, $2.90
High Patent Flour, per bbl., $11.80
Rolled Oats, 9 pound sack, 70 cents
Bulk Coffee, a good one, per pound, 40 cents
Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 25 cents
California Grape Fruit, each 10 cents
Delicious Apples, per box, $1,25
Mill Run Feed, per 100 pound sack, $2.40
IVieat Specials
Pork Steak, per pound, 25c Beef Steak, shoulder per lb., 20c
Beef Pot Roast, per lb, 18 to 20c Boiling Beef, per lb, 12 1-2 to 18c
Pork Sausage, per lb, 25c Bologna Sausage, per lb, 18c
Weiner Sausage, per lb, 20c Veal Pot Roasl, per lb, 20 to 25c
Veal Slew, per lb, 15c
We Pay 63 cents Net for Butter Fat
ll t mmm . I
1.1'uiiiu Mill to ld.l Speed J'
iiikI Will Distill. ulc (I'ltllU'iac.
to lt'I.H li's of Men Wliu
l)iii In heulii'.
With modal exercises on Wgsh
Ington's Wrthday, post of the, Amr
i.Hi Legion thruout the oonntry will
assist In conveying to two uejtt of
kin of the American soldier, tailor
and marines who died In the war. an
HXpremdon oi appreciation on tit
part of the French government In the
form of engraved certificate
Ontario I'oit to to keep In line
with this movement and hold a meet
ing at which certificate will be
proeonted to relative fit Ontario men
who made the supreme snerifise.
Franklin D'Olier, national com
mander of the Amwiwn Legion. hs
made arrangements with the adju
tant general of the army for the dis
tribution of approximately 1 18,40
certificates through posts of the Le
gion HI ill 1 1 1 - .illl tottJI vsIkn
ii t- l.f.Mi nrialili'i In t inst
illing lii out I) lug bttrlloiiH the ctTti
llful'b Hill lie mailed
'I li Lrtifl(-ates for relative of ie-
eust'il Muldlers who reside lu foreign
.countries will he presented through
I tlie military attaches of the allied
oo ii it tries, while those for I'orto KIo,
Alaxka. Mauiln and Hawaii will be
distributed under the dlieeiion of
the several department commanders
of the American I .eg to u.
The certificate shows a group fig
ure from the eoiiUitanh In the
Avprtu dea Cham lis Klysee. I'srlx.
In the scroll above are the deles
"I'jU-MlV." Above the group U a
quotation from Victor Hugo wbhb
freely translated reads, "The people
should eoine to pray at the graves of
those who died for their country "
The Inscription reads "To the
memory of af the I'nlted
States of America, won died .for lib
erty during the great war, the tloni
age of Pranee." and the engraved
signature uf the President of the
Preweh Republic, lUyutoed Holncare
The honor roll hi made up uf 17,-
913 soldier. sailors and HIT
marluef. The' Marin Corps reeeived
IU full allotment of testimonials too
late to address and sent them to ill
trlit i-1 miting iirfuiK fin i.llvor
In Infill pusU fur pri'M'iiluiniii and
all Murine Corps leNtlinoiilul Hill
Nfi-orilliigl) be mulled direct to the
next of kin
In a letter of Instruction to the
various iostn, I'rniikllw D'Olier, Na
tional CommsHder of the American
legion, said:
"Iteferrlug to the prnitosed pre
sentation or Honorary Certificates by
the Preach hlg rommlsslou at the di
rection of the I'rench government to
the next of kin or the men of this
country who msde the supreme
aacrlfltH In this World War. your
hearty rooitaration is sought lu order
that every preitsratlflH may he made
through your efforts not only to
a raus that command our deepest
respect but also to a oeromoity that
will establish nnre and for all uhat
this great brotherhood Is doing lu
the Interest of those lees fortunate
than iHimolvea."
I a urogram rnrmsneu uy me com
munity Serrte Incorporated has
been distributed to American Legion
i post thruout the country suggest lug
the form of exercise. u Include ad
dresses and musiaal flumkers Includ
ing both Prenh and American com
posltlons peetal seetloiw will be
reserved for the relative! of the
ilcail. to . hoiu tln H'rilfnuti'' m
hu dlxtiiliutfil follovUlig the rert
HuhxciilMti- Kiiiiiiiii l n llililiiut nt
Oiituihi WiiiiIm to llimi rnMi
(intliiiiiw- Will, Tiki,
In the mall today the Argus n
oeivod the followliiK letter from sir
It. W. MoCormlok, daughter of Mi
ami Mrs L II Itawls of this clt
who now IIes in DsjUtu. WnnbluK
ton. Mrs McCormiek says'. I'lea
suud ua a hill and we will seuil
cheok and continue tho Argus, fur 1
can't koop house without It. end 1
you havo some haak numbers seim
them for I would like to read nbou
tho flu situation lu Ontario.
IS. i. SStnlloy. who has hesu 111 for
thrco weuks, is ulilu to be out am
around ugaln, tho nut yet able U r.
turn to work.
Mr. and Mr. H. A. Vrtmt. who
havo heqn III, are bbtter. Mr. FWmmm
whb nblo to return to bis hnsta on
Monday for part of the day, fcM Urn
lVuser Is still aoiupellwd to rSBin ut