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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
THE ONTAliiO ARGUS ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1920 nOYKIl-MIMilKasiiKV. Tliru nu Innilvortcnt overnight, tlio Ai'kiih r ItiHt wpoU did not toll tlio fiteiry of u woilillnx Hint In of Kmat In toroHt to a liodt of Oiitnrlnnit, In Hint both tlio lirldo nml Broom nro mem bers nf two of lhi bout known fd'n lllofl In tlio county. I'lin wudillriK. Hint of Minn Krne ilno ItlllliiKMltsy. (IniiKlitcr of Mr. and Mr. .T. 1). nilllliKnloy. liloni'oro of llnriiiy niiiI Malheur counlle; nml I'lmiBoy ltoyur, or Iloyor Him, ono of thn nliltml nifioliKiit Drum In On Inrlo, took lilneo III 'llin Rplnoojral pnrKonngo In Payette, on Sunday. I'Vbrimry 1. I'ollowIliK Hip nervlrn wlilrli w wiinemftHl by momfoom of tlio Hill liiU'ilny unit lloypr fRinlllPB, tlip lrll nml Rrofllii loft on tlio ovhiiIiik train Tor PnrllHtul and OroKou City uml (iiluir vnlloy point on n hoiiHymoon l ill.. Mr. nml Mm. Iloynr returned lo Ontario Monihiy noon nml will or cnpy one of the npnrliiioiitH In the l.iiilici-l apartment Iiouhp on First : i reel, wiuthwoflt. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. (. II. KiiiIhoii wn Hip IiohIohm fur Hip Tiiiwilny lirlilKf Hull thl week. I'Iip Woilnomlity lirldwo pluli lii'ld iim wpokly Kntliorlnr; nt Hio homo of Mm. .1. It. Kortlor. lion Conkllii, who I now In olmrRo or .IiiiIkm DmIIoii ItlKltK much above nlo. phiiiii to Ontario WfdnnIn.v fur h Hliort vIhII. fluy Joliuatoii of llni HlK HpiiiI wiih In OiilNiio on litmliiHn Wodnedny. I'. .1. ChIIhkIipi' wphI lo IIoIkw Mon diiy to iittond the iiihiiIIiik of llin rep riHwiitHilvwi of lrrltlon Utrli-l held prior to Hip hmirliiK Hchoduliid hy Hip IiIhIio Public (Ullltlmi cninnil- nlii i lliumpiillPHtliiii or Hip Idaho I'ownr rompHiiy for InenmiuNl rain Ivhii 19. Oaho. kpiihi-hI niHtiHKiir or Hin Owylioo dllt'li, In rnpriwontliiK Hint ootupmiy'i lnterol before Hip hPnrliiK of tlio IiIhIio Public IUIIIUo coniniittdon nt HoIhh, rolullvn to Hip linriwiw'lii IrrlHiillon pownr rate. Mm. .1. W. McCiiliKtli upon! Hip wcpk piiiI In llnlmi vIkIHiik rriiimU. , Mr. nml Mih. Hprui;uu Adiini or HI. Alitlinuv ipnnt Hip week nml In On tario Hip mioKt or Mr. AiIiiiii'm pur em, Mr. nml Mix. I,. AiIhiii. 0. K. Wutnu mtnrmid IiimI Krlduy finni St Anlliony, whom Iip wpiiI oil liiiMlntHW lucnuuectlnn with oiip or Hip in i ii In k conipmiliM or ICiiMlPrn lilnlio, or whliih ho In n dliiiulor. MIm Kthol MoNully or Hip Idulio Power iiiiiipHiiy'ii office, rntiirnpil lo lo-r IphK TuiNHliiy nrior n two wpokii hiiiikmIp with loimlllllt. Mm K. II. Twtt Ih uhlo lo Iip tip iikuIii iiflur n Ionic hpIkp with the now (lliiilnlnliliiK flu VAIIM-Xli-ATIIKKTO.V. Annnunconipnts wore received this week In Ontario or tho iniirrlnKO of Mis Mury Akiio Alliorton. ilnuKhtor of Mr. nml Mm. f'linrlcm Athnrton of thl city, to CliPHter K. Yurnell of Nnmpa. on Tlitirsdny, February 5. Tho WPildliiK took place nl Hip homo of (ho hrlrin' ulster, Mrs. Alex ander (Icrln, nt St. Anthony, Idaho Mr. mid Mm. Yninoll will he nt homo nfler March 1, nl N'ninpn, Idiihn. While Hip Kroom In not known lo Ontario fulkn. Hip lirldo Ih, for hIip lived In Hip city tor many yearn, Ih it meinher or the cIiihh wlilrli Kradtiated from Hip Olitailo IiIkIi xrhool In Hip uprliiK of III 17. FollowliiK her jcrndiiallon hIip wiih employed nn hookkoppor nml HtPiioKnipher nt Hip Onlnrlo Nnllomil hank, and then lo N'ltmpn, whore mho wiih final ly liPiul bookkeeper, whlrh piwltlon hIio ipiIkiipiI IiimI fall nml rpturtipd to her lionip here for Hip wlnlcr. LOCAL AND PERSONAL 8. .1. llenn. who for yearn ban own ed a rnucli nonr Hio (lolllday brldRe. on the Vnlo road, Hold Hint proporty recontly for $2!!,'0OO nml oxpecln to move In tho HprliiK to Onllfornla For Hip promuit nl leiml the fiimllv will live In Cn Id well, whore tholr Ron Ih ntlnmlltiK Hie CoIIoko or Iilnho. .1. M. O'Koiira, or tho Rnlon force of tlio Idaho I'owor comphny, loft HiIh wook ror IIoIho lo b oxainlnod for ontrnncp In rnllfomla lo lake troat inent for rbeiininllHin which he con Inii'lPil while In the. nnny nlnnl ner vlcn In Krnnro. The MImoh Stankn, lloydell and Orlfrilh. who live at the Y. C Join rnHldPiifo, were Hip IiohIhhhph ror a party or noiiio Hlxteen or Iholr yomiK woimni HHHoeliitPH or the public Mohnol faculty lnt Krlday pvoiiIuk. (leorxo Uoaunip HiIh wonk pur- oliWNdd n 20-acro traot HoutbwoHt or llin oily from V. K. I.oph. Mr. and Mth. Don l'lutt loft Mon day noon ror Wilder to Mlarl HprliiK operatloiiR on their rnucli there. after Hpemlliu: the winter In On tario. I.iihI week Hie Womtin'H club met with Mrn. I.ottlle llody. while HiIh week the club will meet with with Mr. Ivan K. Oakiw. Mr. and Mrn. V. J. ('lento will upend Hie week -ond at Wilder. Hip HUCHtM or Mr. ami Mth. Don Piatt. Mr. mill Mm. Vincent I'. McKonna worn the IiohI ami IiomIphh ror a din ner kIvoii nt their bonio on Klrnl Hlrent, nouthweHt, Mondiiy evening In honor r Mr. uml Mrn. Henry Hind; well or Portland, who urn MpemlliiK Hip week In Ontario. The uiiohIk proHcnt worn Mr. mill Mm J. W. Mo- ('ullocli uml Mr. uml Mm. W I'. 1 Ionian. I'ollowlnit Hip dinner, five bumlred wiih played durliiK deliKbt fill PVPiilui; mBMaMaiim B MeMOREB SPECIAL OFFER AT DREAMLAND FRDAY , FEB. 13, I that hicky day ' Chief White Elk & Co. Tho (Miiof is known as tlio Indian Channcy Olcotl, a wonderful baritone singer. Songs, Dancing, Sharpshooting with Chief W ito Elk See Vale the Escape Artist u ho will escape from any haiuU'iiiV that may be brought to him. An Hour of Real Fun and Laughter Also Madlaiiic Traverse in "Rose of the West" II This Double Show. 25c and 55c 1 1 New Garments at Rader s What every wmih.mii wants to know at this time is what the spring style loi'ccnst is and she wants lo know it to a style certainly. To thesis women Nader's wishes to say that the Fashion Stage Tor spring nl" 1020 is set, ready and ready in the fullest moaning of the word. I.'aeks has become the temporary abiding place for the handsome new garments here. Vo say "temporary" because the suits, coats, dresses, which have already arrived will leave in twos just as soon as women begin their visits to this store. SP1MNCI DRESSES Our display of spring dresses gives a new expresssion to use of Drapes, Tucks, Plaits, Kill lies, Frills and' Puffs, although blue predominates this spring we have a large number of other pop ular shades in tricotine, Taffeta Satin, .Serge and .Jersey. Trimmings are mostly of braid, while chenille and French knotted woll braid prove popular, too. Prices range from $17.;"0 to (;.()(). SPRING SUITS The new spring suit portray, the newest, smartest and most fascinating fashion in novations of the approaching season. The popular suiting materials are Tricatine, serge, poplin, Velour, in many beautiful shades including the new heather material. Prices range from $25.00 to $125.00. SPRING COATS New Polo Sport Coats, Silvertone, Velour, Dolivia, Camelshair, Materials are used ex tensively in the new Spring Coats. The styles are very attractive, mostly one half and three quarters length garments trim med with novelty leather belts. Prices range from $19.50 to $G0.00. NEW IN THE DRESS GOODS SECTION And the new in Silks the newest and love liest weavers and colorings and ehoiciost selections are tho keynote of the new silks we have provided for our famcd-l'or-t he-best Silk Section. You will like the new .laze silk ii the two tones for a real fancy skirl. The new Troeo are unsurpassed for skirts. The new imported transparent organdie and mercerized Voile and Hatiste are here and are more beautiful than ever. New figured Crepe Voile are of several shades !( inches wide and specially priced at $1.25. We have new spring goods coming in every day. You'll do well to call and si'c the new goods or send for samples, we'll save you money. RADER BROS. Ontario, Oregon vriiHit or Kin-rim ok xyssa .lOl'lt.NAI, OIICS AT .IOSIUMI, OK. I' I, SIippU. ndltor of tho Nyi Journal, wn oultml to Jouoph, Oro mmi. lt wuok by tho norlous lllnos of bU futlior, it pioneer, blacksmith of tho Oromlo Hondo vnlloy Tho oldor Sheets illail Tuoeday luornlnn of this week, uwordliiB to mlvkv n ipived hor, snil Hip youunor Mr shoots wn 111 with tho flu and un ib)p lo rttturn to bin bonip tul wvk KRTOKXS I'KO.M Ul'MXO TKIP 'ix coast axo sorxn citiics Mix HoIkii Si rot tier of limtor ltiotlioi'8 roturiiBd on Tuwdy from pttlo. Thpuiuu and eortlmuV wbero slip wont to look over Hip inanufuc turoiV Hum shown lu the larger (Itip A healthy doi;rm of optliuUm provadi tho InrKor cltlM. Iip mUI tho inorehaiulUo was not wtly ob tuluod. Whllo In Sout tlo Mrs. Strothor mot Mr. and Mr .Uti Olotm, formerly of this olty. W. 1). MoI.auBhlln. of WootUlu.p per Crook, Alaska. frttQViMtly son.u In buRS of KOld dust to th ltl Cnm Courtesy Proper Service Has won a horde of friends in the city, and we are prepared, more than ever, to extend our service to the country trade. Mail us your next order for meats, groceries, fruits and vegetables, and we will promptly send it to you by parcel post, express or freight. We pay the highest market prices for hides and pelts Ontario Meat & Grocery Co. Everything Good to Eat Phone 3 K