The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 12, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 2, Image 5

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The Men Who Handle the City's
Administrative Departments
CIjAY .M. STHAltNH Michigan, wliero lio wns born tu
There Is perhaps no city In East- 1S83. Ho graduated from the Mich-
em Oregon or Western Idaho that
possesses a city official more con
versant with the machinery of gov
ernment In tho degrco with which
these complicated affairs are possess
ed hy Clay M. Stearns, Ontario's
city recorder.
Tho he has seen most of his pub
lic service In the West Mr. Stearns
In, us tho saying goes, "a down East
Yankee," whoso ancestry Includes
General Steams of Revolutionary
funic, while other members of tho
Steams family served In all tho waro
of tho nation.
Mr. Stearns, or Judgo, us ho Is
bottujl known to Ontarlaus, started
his public career early In life, was a
ct HP-HHB.3HHi I
Wm&mnxr i .:flLi'
Ignn Agricutturul
nlso In Albion, In
college, which -tbo
chihs of '07
mmR r & f mmmm. "J2k
bark to his former position In April,
1019, and lias lecu on tho Job ever
jshBsbbbb & ; kWWW
bbsbvbbbbm bbbbbbHbbbwJ
mo" and was there for one year,
after which he wont to Portland. In
1911 ho returned to Ontario and en
gaged In tho plumbing trade. That
fall ho was nuurled to Mlm Lrtna
Slsloy of this city and again returned
to Portland, whore ho remained until
llm fall of 19 11 when they returned
to Ontario.
Slnre that tlmo' Mr. and Mrs.
Chambers have made this city their
homo. When the war eamo Mr.
Chamber entorcd tho service In the
tall of 19 IS and reached San I-'raii-ilsco
Just before thp armistice was
Igned. On his return from tho
army ho again engaged In the plumb
ing business until ho was appointed
an assistant nt tho pumping plant by
Mnvor It. W. J on on In February,
1919. which position he held until
'his appointment as Water Superin
tendent on August 1 of last year.
City Heeoider Clay M. Stearns
member of tho legislature of Maine
In 188ft. In that session ho was tho
jnuiiKCHt member.
Judge Stearns Is not a native of
Maine, for ho was born In.l'onnsyl.
vanlu, his family moving to Maine
when ho wub two years old. Ho at
tunded tho common schools of Krye
burg, Maine, tho Hrldgoton nendomy
and entered Howdoln college wliero
he attended for two years.
In 18SC ho sottled In Walla Wcila.
Wuuhlngton. Thoro ho studlod law
In tho offlco of Senator John 11.
Allen nnd was admitted to tho liar.
Later h? moved to Karmlngton,
Washington, to practice and began
tils cureor as n city offlclnl with his
election to tho position of city clerk.
Later for six yeara ho had n similar
position at Pullman, Washington,
serving on tho council and In other
public offices.
Another movo took him to No
Porco, Idaho, whoro ho was city at
torney for flvo years.
In 1910 Judgo Steams camo to" On
tario nnd ongagod In tho renl estnt
buslnoss until ho was appointed City
Recorder In 1910, which position ho
lias hold since. To this work ho has
hud added that of municipal Judge
Ho Is ilkowiso U. S. Commlftshiu'i
for this district.
City I.'iikIikmt (). A. Klutz.
ftor n summer In railroad construe
Ion nnd tho drafting room of the
Cadillac Motor company, ho accepted
a position on the Isthmus of I'siiainn
with the commission digging the blr
Whllo In the zone he wns ongnged
'n municipal 'and hydraull" work
ipcclallzlng In mapping the Cliagres
'Ivor and Its water shed for data
necessary In the construction of th
famous (latum dam. Later he was
assigned to duty nt Panama City,
having In charge the municipal
work of sowcrage nnd paving under
taken by tho coin.n:sMloii. In this
work hjt was under tho supervision
of that mastor engineer, (leimral
After leaving tho xouo ho was em
ployed by the Canadian Urldgo com
punv at Wnlkervllle, then became
City KiiKlueer nt Corvallls, Oregon,
which ho resigned to become assist
ant city engineer of Portland, which
position ho held until ho camo to On
Mr. Kratz Is n married man, Mrs
Kratz having been Larn M. Hydo of.
Kalamazoo, Michigan, prior to her
marriage, and like Mr. Kratz Is u
graduate of Michigan Agricultural
college. Thoy have two children
, City .Marshal II. C. I (inner
Mr Parmer was married In On
tario In November, 190C, to Mh '
Elizabeth llutlcr of this city, and
thoy live on Indiana avenue and
Morfltt street.
I.Ot'lS KHOKSSIX, .lit.
To protect tho property within the
city from flros Ontario has n volun-
Ontario's new municipal water
system Is now managed by Y. W. ,
Chambers. Mr. Chambers was bom
In Pralrlo City In 18S7 and camo to'
1 BZ!?&'
JbBET'h - bbbbbbbbbbbbI
BBBBBBBBHKXT&lrilfl&u Y 4tlH
BM mm
lBBA mmw
.sWfe. ..SBBBBBfe.
same state until ho came west In
1909 In search of n now homo. Whllo
ho worked In Itolso and Welsor, at
his trado of harness making, ho
watched Ontario grow. He went
back to his Minnesota homo In 1911
and told his father of Ontario and as
tho result they camo here to estab
lish a business In 19 lit.
That fall he began his sorvlco with
tho fire department thru election to
membership. In 19 H ho became
vice president of tho department and
In 191ft Its president, which offlco he
held until elected chief In 19 IS.
Mr. Kroessln lias tnkoti so active
an Interest In the good of tho de
partment that ho lias constantly
sought Its Improvement.
What The Chief wants more than
anything else nt tho present tlfno Is
ti fire truck. If keeping at It will
get It, he will have It, too
HAY FOR SALE 20 Tons third
cutting, one mile wost of K. S. &
1). much; 20 tons first and third
cutting two lnllosfrom Ontario.
Thomas W.CIagott. 227-1 0-tf
EXPERIENCED MAN wants to rent
n good ranch. Wrllo S. 'P., Frult-
Inud, Idaho. 219-10tolU
S. C. WHITE LEGHORN breeding
cockerels for sale, $fi.00 each.
A. 11. Cain, 2 miles west of Ontario.
WANTED Plain sowing at flmt
house north of Methodist parson-
ago. Mrs. Roy Mnnson. 22ft-10i"ilt
you give or what have you to trade
for lots 1. 2, :i, !, ft, 11, 12, 13, II
and 1". In block 811. City of Ontario'
--(. O Luehrs. 222-10-tf
O. A. Kratz, city engineer, Is per
haps tho most traveled man In tho
sorvlco of tho city for his profos
slonal duties liavo tnkon' him from
Canada to tho torrid zone, to Cor
vallls and Portland, Orogon, and
lastly to Ontario.
M Kratz Is a natlvo of Albion,
Tho poaoo and safety of Ontario Is
In tho hands of II. C. Farmer, who
having served several terms In tlmt
oapaolty knows tho goine so thorob
tlmt the city Is given n wide birth lv
the crooks that travel way
Mr. Fnrmer 1ms net rl v:iv her
police offlcor, however, for v! . he
enme to Ontario It was In Hip ' bet
buslnoHS, whloh trmtJ ho lean I If
his old home In Indiana h)i
wan born In IS78 After t. .Vlu-1
over various Indiana towns h- ci i
wost In 1U0-I and wttlod In Ontuvl .
...m-ilnir In vnvlnni naiincltles or mi l
"'""" " "... II
lug aUwrber shop until i s neii.
he was appointed City Man I.. I and
Chlof of tho Fire Dupurtiniit ""' '
positions ho roslgnod In l!i8ti
outer the sheop luislnvt 'l"
ItiUlor, Jr, in 1918, but he wen.
lire Chief Louis Kioesilii, .lr.
te fire department at whose head
. ( liauibei-N at the present time Is Loulx Kro-
. 1 - ,hIii, Jr.
Ontario Just 22 yearn ago After nt. Mr. Kroessln was bom In Rt
tending tho local schools Mr Chnn. , Charles, Minnesota, In 188ft nnd
bora wont to O. A j In the fall of lived hi that city or Albert Lea In the
Water Supt. V,
Own One of Your Own
Millmade Ready-Cut H6mes
Hy onloriiitf u inill-inndo IToinc vou SAVE TIM 10
floi mi nhsoluiu double coustrueted irouic, liuidc
of first grade muierinl throughout; Hardware, Painl,
and all' mill work furnished with a eomplcle .set of
Plans. .
A largo number of designs lo select from. Al
ways glad to show you.
Call on-w
H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon.
Sure of Your Water Supply
T his Year
Much water is wasted annually in irrigation ditches and 'flumes. Dur
ing the hot, dry summer this water must be conserved to insure -your
crop success. Irrigation experts know the value of woqd pipe. With
it th'ire
Hides, Furs and Pelts
Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers:
If you have any hides, furs or pelts send
them to us. We pay the highest market
prices. We pay cash.
Rogers & Company
Telephone 1h5-W
Ontario, Oregon
c n white LEGHORN baby chicks
for salo after March I. 20 per
100. Order now an they pre Rolng
rust. Hatching eggs $2 por BOttliiBi
S10 per 100. A. D. Cain. 2 inllea
west of Ontario 224-10&H
WANTED One dozen hens. Phone
77. Miss Lavlne Smith. 209 Stf
FOR SALE Two largo chairs and
library table, .almost new; cheap.
Phone 69-M. 213 8 tf
L. J. AKEIt, tho Income tax expert,
has a full supply of 1919 Income
Tax Forms now on hund to take cm-
of all client's needs. Owing to mau
engagements In 'outside towns Mr
Aker will bo out of town consider
ably from now on, and appolntmfnt
may bo made by letter or telepho..
170-J.- i'- 9
WANTED TO BUY One good work
horse. Would consider team I.
a-SSfiraln., Thomas W. CUbU.
Ontarhx. 212 tf
little waste of water
More Durable than Iron Pipe
American Quality wood pipe is maclo ot best grade of Washington
Yellow Fir and comes in two varieties-machine-banded and continu
ous stave. This fir has hi j h tensile strength and well-known lasting
qualities, and because it is hard it prevents compression of the iron
bands iitfo the staves. Either machine-banded or continuous stave
may be had in all desirable sizes.
And It's Inexpensive to Install
Wood pipe is not expensive to lay down. For the complete installa
tion it' costs less than iron pipe and about the same as ordinary
flumes. Stocks of wood pipe will be carried at the following Boise
Payette yards: Bliss, Jerome, Twin Fails, Wendell and Weiser. Ask
the manager of any Boise-Payette yard about wood pipe for irriga
tion. He will see that you get prompt service.
Al Chance, Manager of Yard Ontario, Oregon
BoisePayette Lumber Co.