The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 12, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 2, Image 4

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rniiiTi iin nriifliliiriIfO'Mollm(,,fll iciiu iv kiny loaned
Hi AN I nrNliH NrWlt,lu ''"K1W for n K'.i.pornry iw
I HUllLnil! ULMUII11LllUila un(, l)l(, indioHor tlio cumiiitmlt)
liuvo fitted It up.
l-'ItUITtiANI), Iilnho, IV'li 11
.Mth. StiHtin Skinner mid Mr. Annn
rnwford, of I'nyottr. me km'-hi." lulu
woulc of Mih. P. A. CrpgiT
Lllllo Murjtarot Hinllh, dniiKlilor or
Mr. ami Mm. Will giiililr, 1h norloiwly
Mm. llalpli Mitklimon In Hlowly Im
pruvlng anil lior many fflnnd" "''
vnry glnrt.
Mlm Laum 11020111110 1 In I'ayotlo
thin week, tho guont of lior aunt.
Mrs. U. 0. Moo ro.
Omul I'lnhPi litt piirolmnod Hip
i"ii ncicm HdjoInliiK IiIh plnci mi tin1
oiihI from Mra. Slrolhor.
Mr. and Mm. KIiik Iikvo movod
in thnlr ranch on I'ciiiiinylviiiifn
iivfliiiio and Mr. and Mr. Hlilrnr lnivo
inino to Inko up tlmlr homo at tho
KIiik liouio, which llioy purcliiiKod.
Mi. Tliuninti, who Iihk Ijppii fiwilliijc
fiitllu on Uio .lool Mayor plaoo. Iihh
imhio to Wolmir.
Mr. Mild Mih. llodtotlnr rulurn'od
Saturday from a nioiith'n vlnlL In
U'fiHhlnMon. On-noii and California.
Mih. lloMtollor hud lior arm broken
In an auto wreuk wlillo away.
Mr. and Mrs. Cury TwwIiik Ion
Sunday Tor Portland to commit a
pt'clallil rKiiiilliiK lior diuiKliter
Union, who Iihh Iiccii iiualdo to walk
rrom an IIIiioah or a yonr iiho. Tholr
hoii, Kninltllii, will May at tlm Arthur
DUMItl Iioiiim.
(liionio llookor Iiiik rotumnd from
an oxlumlfd tNintiirn trip. Kurouto
homo ho tdoppod at Mayo llrolluirn.
Itoclmnlor. Minn., lo commit llioin ro
KunlliiK lil )'. NoIIiIiik can !
ilouo for It Improvomcml, thoy wild.
Mm. J. W. Mohl(ir' loft Monday
nlKhl for llfllVH, Okla., cHllttd thoro
hy tho Ultima or lior fwtlior. .1. It
Mr. and Mm. .1. (I. ItiiKftdalo or
IIoImo, vlillt'd tho wook oiid at tho
Iioiiih of Prof, and Mm. Cliurlo
Miliar, tho lultor IihIiik a alalnr of
Mm. ItaKKdalo.
MIm ICImIi Mayor In homo from
CiiIiIwhII lim'auiio of tho IIIikhm of a
loiichor In tho CoIIoko of Idaho.
Hov. MuCoanl and IiIk two wiiw art
iiiovIiik thiH wook lo (Iraudviow. Mm.
MrCoard Im HlayliiK at tho homo or
Mr. and Mm. Taukott.
Tho mcIiooIr and idiurchiw liavo
l)oiu cloned tho paHt two wooka lo
Mtamp out thu flu In thU uomiiiilly
Thuro liavo hooii many oiiko or
omiii IIIiiom and two doatliN. Tho
Air. Shlra linn koiio to Hoinediilo
Mm. GoorK,o Holhrook, who Iihi
honn lntol.. nt Olio or tho MoImo hr. .
jiltnln Ih liuro vImIUiik lior Mlator and
hrothnr, Mr. and Mm. Laurel WoIIh
Kite Ih nnroutti to lior homo in Okla
homa fhatiPK Ouvlw litta won tho lionon
or IiIm i'1:ih In tho oratorical coiili-'
at McMlnuvlllo CoIIoko, Oiokoii. In
tWO or tllO folir oIllHKOH 111 lilt) I'Olll'Ki'
litis your honom liavo huun won hy
I'ruillHiid hoyn.
Mm. II. ('. Hmlor, or Ulchflold. Ih
tho KiioMt of hor diiiiKlitor, Mm. (1 T
Davla, at thn KIiiiiIhoii homo
Pror. T. . N'oIUon In away thin
wouk ovor tho hImIo on himliiMR.
P. M Sllkoll In hulldliiK a anull
liiiiiKiilow on li Ih loin mill Hi of t In
MapllHl cliurcli.
10 A M., Siiiulay MPlinol.
11 A. M.. I'rmichlliK.
l!:ir, p. M.. Kpworth oUttCita.
7:30 P. M.. ProachlliK.
Kv. O. 11. ItiiKMii. Contouary avail
MollHt, will ho with iik Nuuihiy and
ouch ovi'iiliiK noxt week.
and O. A. ('. I.ochorii coakorolR,
iiIho oho CoiiiIhIi ludhiii (Initio. A.
(1 Mooro, Onoarlo. a:tl-l 1-ia
What's in a Name
A CASH PRIZE of $KU)() will he
luinic fin" the brand of flmir t In:
Ontario Milling Company
li the person
niMimliicturcd uyuw
i veil
HUUm'sliiiK 1'"' J,,,,sl
Send in ns manv luuncs ns voii wish.
the prize will be divide
In He event of twf p mwrp parlies Hiiffi?PslinK
l,lie s.'iine name the prize will he diVKleti eniiau.v. , . . , r..,,,.,
The Seeretai-v f tlii Ontario Oumm.-ii-itil Club linn Icimtly w.iiwi'1-tl t m-i .ih .HflM;
All replies in'usl be addressed to Hie C-.nipaiiv and the mvvL.pes .mu'Ke.i .....u.
COXTIOSI'." Coiilest eloses March 1. ML'n
f, fanaacsrsssstxsasBiiBiStjmES
iTESBaaKKtrri "
Ovor 100 IiIkIi MuhoolR In Idaho,
OroKon ami U'iihIiIiii;Ioii aro oorro
MpondliiX with Frouch IiIkIi xcliooln
throiiKh tho Junior Hod Ciihw.
"I.ury, tho famoiiM Hod Crmtn
ph;." tralnod hy K. ('. Mommy, iipwh
papor man or CoiiiihII, WkrIi.. would
MtNiid at attontlou wlillo tho Kinr
SpiuiKlod Mannar whh IioIiik plnyotl.
In Alnnka. Idaho. Oiokoii and
WMRhliiKlmi thoro aro 110 ChaplMm
of tho Hod CrtHw, with an adult inom
homhlp or Hiil.000.
Comuiodoro W. IC. l.otiKfollow,
rimt aid oxporl rrom National IIhhiI
iliiiirttim or tho Amorlcan Hod Cnt.
will ho In Idaho, Oiokoii and Wah
IiikIoii durliiK tho lattor part or l'oh
miry and Muioli.
A iiihII box for tivory rural mdi ol
h oiio or tho alimt or tho m-hool t'hll
d icii or tho Xorthwoxt iIiioiikIi tho
Junior Hod CroMt.
Turner Music
Wv are agents for the fol
lowing makes of pianes:
Aldrich, Estey, Krakanct,
Kurtzman, Stroud, Stein
way, A. H. Chase, Stock,
Brombach, Aeolian.
N. ('. (lOHI)ON nod c ( ADAMS. .1
co-iMi'tnei-Hhlp tloliiK himliii'Hs
undor tho firm uaino and alylo or
(10HDON .V AD1K.
To MA It MA HA MAY. tho Ahovo
Xamtiil Doreudant:
OF OHFOON. You aro herohy ro.
Iitlrotl to nppoar and miNwur tho
complaint rilod iiK'iilimt jou In tho
ahovo entitled omuro within nix
wooka rrom the date or tho rimt pnh.
Heat Ion of till hiiiiiouh upon you,
and If you fall no to aimwor for want
thereof, the plaintiffs will take
Judgment iikiiIiihI you for tho mini or
IMn.OO. tOKother with eoRtn and iIIr
humnmontM liortdn, and for an order
of Rale of curtain attached real prop
erty RltiiHted In Malheur County.
Orison, and diwrlhod nr rollow.
I.tilH rourtHtm (II) and fifteen
(IR). in Mlock forty HO) tif the City
or Ontario, Malheur County. Oregon,
to witlRfy hhIiI judKinoiit. TIiIh hiiim
iiioiih Ih piihllRhed upon ou hy an
order or tlm lion. Million MIkkm, Cir
cuit JijiIko of Malheur County. Ore
gon, duly niado ami entered on in
.llRt tlay of January. IH20.
AttoniHy for PlulntlffH.
Henldim: at Caldwoll. Idaho, and On
larlo, Oi'okoii, roHpectlvoly.
Dato or rimt puhllcatlou Fehruary
12. I0SO
Dato or liiHt puhllcatlou March "
1 11 HO
to I.ponan
Hope Ado
l-M-20 ; $10 00
A C. MiiM-lidor ft
Cole. I.oIh 21. 2."., Ill
Vule, 1-2(1-20; $1 00.
I'lilted Slatcm to Merl W. K'lilrl 1
NKV,Si:,. W",8Wi, 2S; NW
NKM, NVfcNW'i. 20; 8W4NW',:
WV48W-i. 20-ll!-a(); Nov. 7. l'JII)
llort W. KiiIkIiIoii el 11.x to CIihk
12. JohiiRon. SWVISWM. 21; K'j,
NKVt. S!: WViNWVi. 8l, or NW
M. NHV18W4, NWViSKU. 28-IH
3!i; Nli!Vi8lVi. NWVJSWV,. 2S;
NWMNHM. NNWii. 20 : SV,
NWViWVfcSWVi. an-ifi-HO: 2-i;-ao:
United Statmt to Cha. W. Meriitt
SW V, NFV, . NW M SUM . M48W U .
20-10-3!); 1 1-7-1 !l-
CIimr. W. Merrltt lo Chan. I. Jolui
Ron, RViSKVi. NKV..SICM. Slfii,
SWVi. 20-lfi.JM); 2-2(5.20; ?200.
Malheur County vr. Kdwurd I..
Mleluiau el al, foroohmliiK l!H!t Tax
Malhaur County vn. J. A. Muck
niHRter ot al, rorocloRhiK l!tl Tax
J. A Kennoily vk MroKiin Town
Rite Co . forecloHliiK Tax l.len
A C Hood vn Wi.lter It Mrookt
1 ,iie&&?V?i?S'J -U iv"
nlM'O IIIOllC. $fi00.
Find National. Vale. vr. Win
June. ie. over or Meno.., $1S2."i
Expense is not efficiency.
Don't pay forgold horseshoes
when you buy your printing.
Sensible printing on sensible
paper Hnnimermill Bend
will save you money and
get results for you.
That is the kind of work wo
do and tho kind of paper
we use.
Use More Printed
Salesinansnip. Ask us.
S P (Iral'iini vr. W. H. 'IV lor
mid Win Jiitii'i. danuiKot, $000.
.MnrifiiKi' IJcen-es ,
Jllm Fronklln Wilcox and Fhimt
itohhiRon, Jrh. 27.
Hoprp FrnuclR Morunn 11111I M.'.iel
AIhIr nnunrt. .Inn. 28.
Plorpnnt Iipalro Moulton anil Jcm
l lluniOR, Feh. ntli.
Henry II. MumUmhall ami Mary
DavltlRflii. I'eh. fi.
Andy C. IIwro and (laylo Wllhel
tuliia Hompli. Fell. 7.
The Itml Chirr uouvaloHcont Iioikkm
I at Camp Lowla and Vancouver Mar
rnckR have liwn luriiod ovor to the
foreiloHiire Tax I. lei.
Malheur County m F.rn-t -ii it
al foreclosing I'll Ta Kill
f D Forbes t- t' M niiisnii, n-
I Thars nro M.OOO.OOO momhers or
jtlia Junior Hwl Crtnw In tho United
The Amerliau Hod
drawliiK from Siberia
CroRH Ih with-
j F Zm&&9i
Win. W. Woodward ot ux to Win
St. Jolui, Ul R, Ml. 20t! Orecou
Valley mk Ct.'R Al. to Lakci.c
ami Ntt4 8WM. 2R..1S-S!!; l2-:t -l!
Arthur II. Moydnll at ilx to W O
Cnmpholl, U "C" Ml. 1.
A1I11. Nywa; 1-8 1-20; IIHO
TIior. Ml von and Kiiiiik Man ill i.
W. (! Sampboll. Lot "II" t 1
TeulRch'M Attn. N-rh. l-li!-20; Hioo
I'nlted Slate lo Unill (J. Wiuiut
8F4. S-17-II: Julio!). I'.M'.I.
Ollxor F. Auduriaiii ot u.v to I: I'
('order, WVtNWM. 8ICVJNW',. IM
HV',. WH8lVi. II: NW'.M',
M-IHiait; 1-3-20; $1230.
I.oreu druwell ot tu Fi el
(IIhiiii. WH8WM8WV4. M-s II
2-0-20: $10.00.
Htttle or ()lH(ton (ti W. O Mil t
Kty.wvvi. N. 1 i
l; $DH0
Win. M I.eVler to Mamhnll II
Flath. 14 lilt I.OIR I. 2. 8W'NP,
HI-M.NWV,. NUM..SW'.,. 1-20 U
New Spi ing Stgles
in Women's Pumps
and Oxfords just here
$7.50 to $17.00 See Window Display $7.50 to $15.00
We have just received a large shipment from
our Utz & Dunn factory, the latest styles in pumps
and oxfords for spring. All colors, and all kinds of
heels. Both high and low for street and dress ware.
Every woman who desires the newest, the authentic
in shoe styles, will be charmed by the Utz & Dunn
fashions for sprin. These shoes have just been re
ceived and we are sure you will be delighted just as
we have been with their exceptionally beautiful
lines and artistic designing. The illustrations cor
rectly portrays just two styles. Many others in to
day's window. All sizes 2 1-2 to 8, AAA to C.
Rader BrOS. CO. Ontario, 'Oregon
Turner Music Store
W. L. TURNER. Prop.
Ontario, Oregon i
iTJw 1 JJV ' V
& if
in photography is an art. Picture Inking is our business; we are artists. Satisfied custom
ers is the medium through which we hope to build up our clientelle. Ask those who have
visited our studio and then arrange for a sitting at your convenience.
Amatures remember to bring your films in. They will be finished by a professional. Service
is our motto, Satisfaction our success.
Photos that are different
Phone 133-W
Ontario, Oregon