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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
IRIS 0OTAK1O AKUUS ONTARIO, OHEQOxN, TUliRSIAV, FEUlil'A'RY 12, 1920 l UK CAUKKUIi IX MAKIXfl UP VOl'lt I.NTOMK TAX STATK.SlKNTS Collector iMIlton A. Mlllor gives out tlio followliiK Informatien: A word of wnrnliiK to Income tax payors Is contained In a Htatomont given out today by Internal Hevenuu Collector Milton A. Miller, who points out tlint returns must show all Items of taxablo Incoino for lDlOf UuosHWorlt, BKtiiiiiiti'H, nml other lilt or tnlHfl taction are Imrroil when n lioiKon Ih making Ills luroiuo tax re turn. Accuracy and tiulHt lie ItiHiHtod upon. And remuut lior. the return Is a sworn slatoineut; as unci). It mum lie thorough and ac i urate. .Salaried persons and wiiKe-ouiimrn limit not confine their returiiH to flg uros sIiowIiik u iiear's pay at so much A day or so much a wcelt. The ac tual amount drawn should lie ascer tained and reported. Overtime, bonuses, shares In the profits of a business, value of quarters and board furnished by th employer, and n number of other Items of similar na ture which aro compensations for set vices, are taxable as part of the J ear's enriilng, and must op Includ ed. Income Not Ahvnjv Cndi. It must bo borne In mind that componsRtlon xwaf lip paid In other forms than cash. A bonus paid in Liberty Uonds Is taxable nt the inur lot value of the bonds. A bote i - celved In payment for servh ia is taxable Incoino nt Its face value, and tho Interest upon It ! also taxabl. l'rPinlums pnld by nn employor fur life or oilier Insurance in favor of completeueM amplovees is additional compeim- llon to the umployues The Incoino Tax U not apply ;o amounts recolvod under ncoldmt hjmI hoalth insurance, , or under or ! mn's eonipansatloii la: and dam ages recovefHl by stilt or wttlement for lujurlos or slekuftss Is empt. Tips received Iiv w utters p.irle s and other are taxable Income f r of hor lato husband, may construe such pnyments as gift1 Asldo from what n person ma oarn by his sorvlces, tliore nro many othor sources of Income. He must Include In lil annual rprknnliiK Ihr gains he made In business and other ventures: also the Income Hint hl money nnd property earned I rrmr mwt I Km t(Tt,vn , t n 1 I Will I II I IW such dnufttlnna are .n tamgtiltlon of sarvlcea and are not nlfta. A peniton paid Iiv an employer or by tlio U. S. Government la tnxc.l le Income. A widow who nwolved pnv ments I nrecoKiiltlon of the ervlc Jt'XTUIlA. Or.. Teb 11. II c Payne of Portland. Internnl revenue officer, was In town Inst weok nilf liiB taxpayers mnklng their returns Oonnld Mnsterson, Hen ,Ione nnd Jlminlo Jonos spoilt a few divs In also ex-jnolso last week. returnliiK Thursdii- Andrew Orahain. who has been IP and confined to his home for n mitu hor of days. Is bnok at his poll nr'ln From the Kitchen to the Parlor We Can Supply Your Needs Whatever they are ,1 .Kl'ilillltl P'P'" For tho Kitchen; There is no finer aid to good work and easier work than a Kitchen Cabinet. 0io of tho Famous Sellers mui tiiat divides the num ber of steps you have to make. A Good stove or Raiuje loo, is essential for every home, and our ine, at fiour prices would command your attention. right -wesell them right. For the Parlor-Palho Records for a Pailioohono Every home should have a Pathephone to amuse 7vTfz$ B Jffl f ' u mi I.'l "v 23S 4jaunBMi wi&m They are built George McLnron and sons, IVwa nnd Kd, returnod home last week from Hums. Will McLaren, who con trnotod flu while there and was taken to tho hospltnl. Is recovering-. Mrs. Cora ltpglo and noil Harvev arrived from Ontario last Thursday Mrs. IlCRle Is to keep houwfnr Tom Woodwnrd. Mrs. S. W. (lould of Orowsev nn sn ort through town Inst week on her way home from Vale. Mrs. Joe Hover was In .luntiirn Saturday shopping. Oscar Uust left for l.'ortlunrt last I'rldnv Willie there Mr. Uust pacta to have an operation ierformed on his eyes; nfterwards he e.iects to return here with Mrs. Uust I'rnnk Shultx returned Frldnv from Poise, where lie hmt liaon rpendliiK a few ilays Denne Smith and wife, who have been living on the Fnrreiis ranch above Drewsev passed thru town Inst week on their way lo Payette. Mr. and MrH. C. 1". I'rolsr, who have lieeu llvlnic here, left In take! heir place. Adam Murray returned last wtek I from n business trip to Ontario. Air. anu Mrs. Aicivin Drnips or 'itlvnralde paasml thru town on Mou d iHiimd for Orewsey lo hrlnttc jdowu some stock. The .hint urn Orohestrn has orxau hed and may bo heard at prncllce Jnost any ulKht In the hall. It Is made Mp of Oonnld Mnsterson. Ilnny ('liiirchlll. Perd Kauphuintan, Theo I d.r' Itreck. and Pee Maker. I Mih It. P. Moffet went home for a e. li.iVK last wrtk to her rancli ihove Drewaey for a vlall with her l son. returning Thurwlny. V nt- M WANTI'O To rent modern house' do . .'i 'a 1 Purltv lHikry 2:10-1 Itf and instruct the young and old. The Pathephone is unsurpnsfied as a machine. Pathe Uecords are the woi k of c lebrat ed artists. We have both the Pathephone nir' Pathe Records in stock. McDowell's Exchange Store l-f "m ""mrr'-T iM3fuatuntzm&. r P 5 ;f P0ND m I '$ for your job cf J I WPMING THE UNIVERSAL CAR Will You Help Us Persuade Mother? . Mother is more than half persuaded now. .All she needs is your hearty encouragement. She has realised for some time that the modern laun ' dry with its perfect soft water systems, pure soap, improved family washing equipment, and highly skilled family washing experts is in a position to do the family washing with fine discrimination in the treatment of different fabrics and colors; in fact to do it as well as she can do it and much better than alio can hire it done in any other way. You will agree with us that mother has enough to do without fussing with the family washing, whether she hires it done or does it herself. Mother gets fearfully tired, but smiles and say alio is feeling t'p top when she is about ready to drop, And we, careless perhaps, in our absorption in our own comforts, take her word for it. But when we really face the question we know that mother must get very tired. Isn't it about timo to ease up on hor? Isn't it tinm we insist that she easo up on herself? Thore is more to life than eternal work. Just you help us. Toll mother that it is really uao loss to fuss with tho family washing. Get her to bundle it up and send it to us, as so many other tired womon havo done. RAIN WA TER JONES - ONTARIO LAU.NDRY 9 I a Persuade Mother NOW! Good Clothes or nothing TllAT'K our polipy. IT wo en n't giM good clothes for you; clotluK worth the inoii(y -wo woiil sell tiirythiujt. liijtht now when nuM'tdmn disc is so hard to &!, niniry mcrehiuiij wvn tempted to load up with pool' wtnlT tlun liu (rouble in K('ttinK' H"d. , is . ' ANNOUNCEMENT We have scoured the county agency for the PORDSON TRACTOR This p!.ws Por:lson Agency with tho Authorized Ford Denier,' iiri(T makes available the Famous Ford KepiirV.d Part ric tall owners. Wc wont do it. If you come In hwv lu-Diiy clothcM and wc haven't wui ouch in your m!c, we'd rathei' ices you u out wjlhyiil huhlf tlnui to yive you poof- quiility tliiiu fiiHld tiot render yood service, Pi I t34Xl H ! VMMV H 4 v4aV IH H r 1 V HI ::::: iiKi m tiv.-iUUIIuUI.UMi-f fcll Hest for All-Around Farm Use Simplicity and ease of operation Burns Kerosene All Gears are Enclose.- The FGHDSOfs meets the rcect of a Tractor to be cared for by Operator Himself. Like FOKI) CAR?, J'ordson Ordei-s need to e in now for spring delivery. -- -a s-v V. H. Staples, Prop. Ontario, Oregon Ijv! I -,-Q 1Q Off Insist on genuine Ford Parts New HliipnicnU oT fine nil-wool clothcK nrc flomliii; to uh every (Uy Pif)in Hart Selittffner k iaj'x. TJiuy m Uiu kiwi oC uLoUiwk yuu uujjhi to hove, IT we ha veil 'L your d'.e todny, we'll have It a Uttle lateiv'"'11 qnallty 1m wortlwtljUug lor. r ? 4 TOGGE.RY BILL The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes m Argus Job Printing Gives Satisfaction. urmt