SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO.. 2 - umti :&s2E$ i- ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, TJ I U1JSDAY, FKHKUARY 12, 15)20 NO. 1.1. DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF THE AGRICULTURAL, COMMERCIAL AND COMMUNITY INTERESTS OF THE MALHEUR AND SNAKE RIVER VALLEYS. GIVING THE HISTORY AND GROWTH OF THE INDIVIDUALS AND FIRMS PROMOTING THE INTERESTS OF THIS GREAT BUT PARTIALLY DEVELOPED EMPIRE. OTHER EDITIONS WILL FOLLOW. S mm WW Aix. 1 U V A ? BUREAU WILL Tl mi:ktin ok couxtv ohoaxi.a tiox callkd koi l oraxok HALL AT CAIRO Tl'liS. DAY MOHXIXO; DIX- XKR AT XOOX CAIRO TO ORGANIZESATURDAY OwIiir to Illness of .Many Prospective Members McollnR Scheduled for Lust Saturday XIrIiI Was INt pniicd for Work. Final Mops toward tlio organlzn ttou of tlio Mnlliour County Farm Iluronu will lio mkon nt tlio Orange I lull nt Cnlro, next TuoBduy Thin wus tlio decision reached at a moot Iiik f tli temporary county roinnilt leo of tlio Iluronu hold nt tlio City Hull ltiHl Snturdny. Tlio t'arlo niootliiB hns Iiooii railed for 10:00 ,n in. with a illnuor at noon, following which unfinished tiiiHluoKK will lio completed. At tlio mootliiR liuro lns Sntunlny V. V. Hlckox, temporary cluilrmnn of tlio urRtinltntlon. nppolntoil tlio followliiK committee to make ur rniiRomontH for tlio. county nicetine: MeHHrH.ltorrlott of Vnlo; Ilcnunumt. of Ailrlnu; OuttrlilRO of OroRou Hlopo; Patch, of lllvonlnlo; Toiihoii, of NyHHn, nml Hlckox of Cnlro. At tlio TuoBiluy meetlnR. beside tlio adoption of tlio proRrnm for tlio county for tlio yonr, tlio pormummt orgonlntloii will lio porfoctod. tlio constitution nndl))IfiwTr ilotermlnul upon, or nt IoiihI a commlttoo ap pointed to draft tliom, and surli otlior IiuhIiiohh us would naturally lio cmiHldorod. Tlio county liuronu will start with six district, bureaus In operatlon: OroRon Slopo, Itlvordalo. Nyssu. Adrlun.. Vnlo nml Cnlro. Tlio Vnlo lmronu, tlio Intent addi tion to tlio number, wns cotnplotml nt nu enthusiastic moetliiR Inst Friday ovenliiR at which some of tlio host d ilniMw on farm proliloinii ovor hoard In Ilia county woro inndo and much enthrHlasm was shown. Cairo to Organize Saturday OwIiir to tlio prevalence of tlio flu on tho Iloulovnrd last weok tlio or ganisation ineotliiR for the Cnlro Iluroi.u, Hchoduled for Inst Saturday nlRht, was poHtponod, after the Argun of last wook was prlntod. Tlio nieotl.iR will bo hold Snturdny evon Iiik in tho GnuiRO Hull. Tho meot Iiik U called for 7:30 and an Inter esting proRrnm hns boon nrrnngod, Including a number of ouUldo speak ers. Aftor tho mooting n luncheon will bo sorved. SPECIAL SERIES IS APPROVED BY HOFER Head of Large Industrial Hiii-miii Takes .Vote of l,rt)R'ss ItelnR Made In Ontario Wnnf. Mon liifot iiiatiou. The following letter from Colonel J Infer of Snlom take noto of the spe elal million of the Argus and Indi cate tho fact that progress In this section Is being watchod by author ities on tho outside Colonel Hofor says: "Was muoh ploasod to receive a copy of your paper, Special .Edition Community Builders Series No. 1. I notice also your odltorlal on Gov ernor Olcott. Tho Snako River val ley papers seem to rosent tho notion of the governor. I Hke the appear ance of .your paper very much. It is all homo print and the pages are well balanced with advertising and roudlnR niattor. I shall take tho copy I have along to the Bugeno nowspanor. conference Feb. 20-21. and show them what you are doing for your aefltlan. ORGANIZEON IIAMSII HOLLIMt SKATFS FROM lll'MIXKHS DISTRICT Hollor HkntliiR Is furulHhliii: bo much plonMtiro for the boyi unci girls those HprliiR iIii.vh that Marshal J I. C. Farmer Is loath to curtail that Joy--but nine" Home of the Iio.vh nml girls are ROttliiR carulosfl and dovelopliu: speed it Iiiih become nocossury to prohibit skatliiR In the busi ness district. Already several Occidents huvo taken place. Ono boy knocked Undo Dick Rutherford down, another ran Into n woman rnrryltiR a nby, nml several smnll chlldrou have been bowled over by skaters. Thuroforo the Marshal linn lsHiiod nn order re stricting tho HkntliiR to reel doucu NldownlkH, and even there tho hoys and girls must bo care ful an dellmlnnte racing and strenuous tug gume. A. .A. (iiiltilifge or OicROU.SInpe Knriu Hurcjiii Discusses .Weil for Constant Wink to .'Moun tain Soil. (Ily A. A. Outtrldgo.) Soil Improveiuout and Irrigation oxo so closely allied as to pruutlrally morgo Into ono subject, an tho ncees slty of kooplrig the soil In the best tilth to permit tho penetration of plnnt roots nocoesltntes u careful study of tho soil to determine the prober aft"Ji' t water ueoded to procure this condition. Which Is found to ho between the point of lento capillarity and maximum capacity, or, In what Is termed "field capacity," which state should ho mulntalnod during n certain part of tlio growing stage. This to be di tormlued by the producer, aud.ns the plant cannot rugulnto the (imiitlty of water taken up by its roots nor con trol transpiration, nud as rr.,-" xrowliiR plants may. dove'oi batt by linvlnR Incrrasod r.ucwtStlen or wnter durliiR certain " 'f de-' volopniont whilst tnoro slnwlr im.w- log plants will do host with a w .slier rogulur allowance. It Is up lu.tv agrioiiturlst to detonulue theso : ;i . 1 otlior Important matters perlalnlii" to success In this branch nf Induslp ' Here also the question of soil tem perature must enter. It has been found that wnter hi quantity not far -romoHHl from tho point 'of euay pene tration la that at which boat movos I most readily through tho soil, that I too, little or too much water nr equally dangorous as those oxtremc will each hinder the diasoluiloi. u. soil constitute, thus depriving tho ; l plnnt 'of nu abundance of fond Assuming you to have a wc': Lul- ancod Mil, diversified farming with ih system of high crop rotation so , rogtilated that the urgent demand for groet nuantltlea of wate- will occur at different periods f the season would become an ecommleal use of water and prevent a hlgl peak load of powor. thus reducing ater oost.aml what Is groater oonaequenee, i. e., sucli n system will also lcome productive of Ineroascwl yield lwcause of the soil not being Impoverished by the constant demand of one individ ual plant roquVoments. Thus It Is easily ooncelvnablo that It la within the producer power to lnerea:e the yield and improve soil conditions simultaneously, as loglmous idants contribute to tljo requlrewe .la of othors. If this be true the c st of water Is but a minor ooneidei itlon. with modern raetbode of ugrlc ilture the paramount issue. Wtiic'i Is a varv stroiie areuaient in fa- or of The American Farm Ilureau I'mler - atlon.' IIAIt.VKV COUXTV MUX HKItlJ John Tuekey and J. II. Stock of Harney county, are Iti Ontario tkis weok looking for opportunities to got a Malheur ooanty raneh to rent. They called at the Arse as one or their firm mm Ih wuinmujjtt wits Dili tMeUion. WHO WILL FURNISH LAND FOR CITY PARK? Coniuicii'lnl Chili Hems Landscape Ai (lilted Discus Me.ms of Mak ing; Ontario A Rotter Town lit Which to Live Ontario now has no ndoiiuato pub lic park, no play ground for Its children, no place of recreation and rest for Its citizens during, the hot summer days or evenings, no space for the growth of lis public school system. Furthermore all tlieoo needH could lie sorved by uniting In secur ing a park near the High School and grade school ami thus secure n beau tiful civic center for the city. This was the concensus of opinion ex- 'pressed at a mottling of the Commer cial ciub lust night, followliiK n talk on possibilities for Ontario's lm Iprovomeul by II. K. Hurdotte, a laudscnpo architect of Portland, for , merly it niombor of tho faculty at I Washington State College nt Full I man. Mr. Ilurdftto Is In Ontario for lha 1 purpose of plunulux thu Improve ment of the KroumlR mi the Ij. I. , Hlrsch residence ami that of I'llerschul Ilrowuu aiid hurue lllaok iiiby, all of which occupy a Mock on I Third street, S. W. Mr. Illrch 'brought him to the meeting for thu purposo of prosontlug his bless ol how Ontario might add to Us np ponrnuco. . "At a convention of real ontnt agents nt llnltlmoro Inst your," saIiI Mr. lluidutte, "It whs iiKteed thm triHMt and shrubbery add tUlrly-tlu-tv por rent to tho value of property, ami therefore bountiful aurroumllnm for u homo pay in a financial man ner as well us in tb uild.nl pleasure they give to (Iiimh who live within them. "Tho host method of protdur to oure the Improvement of a city's nppfcirnnoe li by city ordlnnuo le Mnlnr wh.-t h!::J c? .:?. ! t plantwl on u Riven at rot, tha dials .ce spun th".v alumltt w , lantiMl. Till' ropuliet iknowlmlRO or Hie soil comlitloua au.t ol,or (mtn that ia neceaaaiy lfor ,u;: ,, CHII jw ork"d out. but (hi .L.iied on Last I'.iro. ) TELEPHONE BOOTH AT IS ('oiiimcrclal Club Also Would Like to llae Mall lt Tlieie, Too, for Coueiilenct of 'fun cl ing Piddle. In order that the oonveilenVe of the traveling public may b served the CoHierolal olub, thru Ita secre tary. P. Leslie Hotly, has taken up tho question of bettor accommoda tions at the passenger station. ' One of the first things hoiih'iI is the Installation of a party t dpb.ii' booth nud pay station in the depot . that persons waiting for a delayed train may Inform their fai illles f delays, etc. Also Mr. Podv has undertaken t have mail lioxee placed at the depot for outgoing mall. Tho action ou the part of the club, Mr. Hotly credits to suggestions made by members of the Woman's club. ALLKOHD HOItSICTIIIUI' WILL I'K.MIT KXTItADITlOX TO COFNTV A. V. Vametta, who Is alleged to have stolen a pair of mares ueloag- llag to It. X. Stan field' from a pas ture n oar Kyssa and to have mort gaged them to the marshal at Parma, was arrested at Jerome. Idaho. Tues day on a warrant IssMed by Sheriff tae N'oe. District Attorney It V Swagler was notified that Vstueita gave notleo at Jerome tkat lis would ftgkt extradition, m a reNiUlos oh taut Ouveraor of Idaho, hftf kH ought to bring him Iwak for imri. WILL TRY NEW GRAIN ON DRUID RANCHES, District Atlorne. It. W. SuurIci loins With Itaiichers to ICpei I- incut With Outs anil It.H'ley On Dead () l-'lnt. Among the Ontarlnus who believe absolutely that In tho dry land roncho of Malheur county Ilea the hope of groat agricultural develop ment is District Attorney It. W. Swugler, nud with a number of ranchers who have been successful In that region Mr. Swaglur Is going to endeavor to demonstrate that these lands can produce results. After a consultation with County Agent L. It. Hrolthniipt, who con ducted tho state experiment station In Harney county for si years, Mr. Swaglor sunt to the Morrow qounty experiment station for a quantity of Smyrna hurley ami lleldl barley. Those and somo fiO day oats secured from tho same place will he planted within rabbit proof fields. Mr. Swaglor also sent to the Uni versity of Minnesota Agricultural college for some DO day oats to bo need In iiuothor field. Mr. Ilrol tliuupt rocommondod early Hart wheat ns the host variety for spring planting on dry lauds, ami Turkey Red for fall seeding. Mr. Swagler, however, has not gone In for the wheat nxporlmonts ns yet. In speaking of this offort Mr. Swaglor seld: "There remain In .Mnlliour county only one or two big Irrigation districts possible of de velopment. Those will add say one hundred thousand acres to (lie ami I'liltuilil land of the eoifflty. while there tiro hundreds of thousand of dry lands, which If wo can find the right varieties of grain for thuin will add materially to tho wealth and prosperity of tho region. "Wo have almost as much rain here as they have In Umatilla coun ty; aa muoh as they huvo In Morrow county, ami aa much as they have In Harney county, with this advantage, we have an earlier growing season We oan plant hern weeka before they ran In Harney or Morrow counties, and if that Is true, as I believe It to he, then I feel 'certain that It Is worth while to experiment with u sixty dny out nml barley crop. MOTION FOR DELAY I IN HEARING DENIED Ktutcof Idaho luHii s In CI roil or Idaho Power Cuiiipain to Ki'ciiiv Ini'imsi'il Hates Healing Will He Held In Ontario Later. Deolarlug that the provisions of tho Idaho law had not been complied with, the attorney gtoieia! of Idaho. Intervening on behalf or the aUate, askod a postponement of the hearing of the Idaho Power oomimny's re quest for Increased rates for Irrigat ing powar,( when the session opened beforo the' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tuesday. The motion was denied ami tho hearings are to continue. This Is the report of tho status of the oase hrot to Ontario by Manager Ivan IS. Oakee and P. J. Oaliagher. who went from here to represent looal ditch companies. Commissioner Corey of the Oregon Public Service commission, Is sitting with the Idaho commission, sad it is the understanding of Mr. Oakas tlmt the Idaho Power company will later 'fllo the Inventory of Ita equipment after presenting Its esse, and that then, the hearing will he held In On tario and Other points In this sstlon and that both commissions will meet In Helso to make their findings. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. lUwls and family who were victims of the Uh are able Ut he up Main. .Mb CftMlla Otillagtier is sHwly r4QYYlng tram a sster HUswk af Hit flu, tho not yet uhlo to bo up. I Itl'ITLAND HtltKJATION CO. L.WWCIIKD lli:iti: IN ONTAItlO For the purposo of Irrigating some 700 acres located a!oe the Fanners Ditch on the Nov Plymouth road, three miles south of FruitlHml. a company was orgnnlred at tho office of It. W. Swaglor on Tuesday even ing. The company will pump wnter for the laud from the Fnrniors Ditch. Other laud owners adjoining the project are seeking to have their property Included. At tho 'present time these lands are all within the proposed Pluck Canyon Project. FULL COUNT IN CITY If Von I line Xot llecn Counted (,V MhiuKs nt (he Olflce or Comuicr. . cliil Club Sect etnry This Is liiipni'tnnl. Census Supervisor Terrall of the Second District come to Ontario Mon day at tho request of the Commercial club to see that all of thu people of the city were counted before the re port of the enumerators woro turned In to his office. Aftor learning that Mrs. Muxoii who was designated to take the ceu siis of the city, hud been III mid had not finished her work on the West side nml hud not visited the F.nst side, Mr. Terrall arranged to have Mrs. J. It. (Iregg am) Alfred Holland, census ouiimeratora for outside dis tricts whoso work wuh completed, In assist Mrs. Mnxou In concluding the count, Hate Von Keen Omulcd? Dosplto this effort It Is believed that (hero are somo Outaiians who have not been counted duo to the Ill ness nf the enumerator nml Illness In the homes where 'one of the enum erators could find no one at homo to give tho data. Therefore a further extension of time has been granted ami a supply of blanks hns been left with Secretary F. Leslie Hody of the Commercial club. Anyone who he lliioa ho or she has not been counted should get Into.toiich with Mr. Hody, or with W. F. Ilotuaii, chairman of tho club's census committee nml make out the necessary blank. This Is of such Importance In the city that everyone concerned should net at on co. BUYERS SOUGHT FOR IRISH LIBERTY LOAN Malheur Coiiu( Orguiiljitlon Hd'l.s Subscriptions to smiih Count) V Ounlit Pliiinlat )t.1,lHMi,Mi V. P. Mclii'iiiui Is Cliiilriiiiiii For the purpose of tocurlug sub- acrlptlona to the proposed IhiiiiI Issue for the "Irish Itepuhllc," a ooiii mlttee headed by V. P. MeKeuua of this city bus begun a campaign In speaking of the proposed loan Mr Mcftenua says: "The Irish Parliament haa author ised the elected (lovoiniuiiul of the Republic of Ireland to Issue bond certificates of the Republic of Ire laud, for subscription, lu Ireland United States, and other countries . "The National quota has been placed at $10,000,000. Oregon's quota at 1100,000.00, of this amount fS. 000.00 has been allotod to Mal heur County. auibseiiptlnus are ox iweted only from those who seek to serve a fair ami Jmt on use, not f.'oin those who expoot to derive Immediate pecuniary profit. "Already a large amount of the quota has been sulsscrlbed locally. P. J. Connolly, prominent, lueal sheep raiser heading the list with suh scrlptlon of 1600.00. 'lh'Qresfln olub bag Invitations nt for ylHUu( UHiiiM tomorrow itguliiH, at Km olub roomj. FIRE TRUCK IS GIFT L. I. HlltMCII AXNOUXCI'.S WILL- IXCXKSS TO DOXATK MOIlKltN COMIIIXATIOX lllti: THICK AND CIIKMICAI, llXtJl.NH TO CITV. T Deputy Htute Fire Mm-sliiiN Making Hiirwy of City Decline Present Kqnlpini'nl Innileqiialo - It'ediu I lou in liisiicauce Promised, If the City Council will comply with the rocommomhitloua of Hie duputy Htute fire marshals who, are making a survey of the city this week, L. I. Illrsch, whoso generoslt has already been market! towaid Ontario, will give the city $ I, Mill with which to purchase a modern combination fire truck ami olmmlcnl engine for tho flro department. This most generous nud ptiblli spirited offer 'was made nt the Com morolal club meeting lust night fol lowing the addresses on flro line r.ards nml flro prevention, made by the three visiting officials, Captain (leo. W. Stokes, Horace Sykos and (lilhert W. Allen, lu turn these men told the few business men proscui somo pointed facts about, coudlllonx In Ontario that are sadly lu iiued of betterment. They did not mlneo niattor. Cup tutu Stokos declared Hint "all On tarlo bus now la sojiwi lumu, flro iiok r.liw nml a chemical engine that post lively will not work." Mr. Allen de dared that tho city has no flro or dliiuncon worth mentioning. Tln fire limits are not regarded, there are no adequate regulations for gas nllno, tho electric wiring ordinance l nil right us fur us It moos hut Is not complete; there Is no adequate Hiv escape ordinance or lights for exits from puhllo buildings; ami the con dltlou which penults rubbish to at cumulate creates a huiuuird that must bo eliminated. , Mr. Allen declared Hint while It was the duty of the stale department to prevent fires tlmt tho department must huv the co-operation of puhlb sentiment, for thu chief olsitaelu to proper fire regulations lu most olllo and towns Is tho timidity of the clt authorities who seem loath to main1 oucinloh by enforcing rmisouuble rug ulntlons l.uws Musi Ho Untuned He declared, however, that If the city council would adopt tho ordlu nuces which the dmrtnient would propose that he would return to the (Continued From Page I) KXOAOHMIJXT OF MISS D'AHMOXD AXXOUXCICD At tho homo nf Mr. and Mrs. !l do ArmnmJ above Vale last 8alurda a dinner whs given at which an iiotiucemout waa made of the engage iiieut of Miss Hlanche de Armonil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. II de Aruioud, to Dr W- II. aUeelhaminci of Vale The iiiinnuiirenieNt dinner was also the oolebratlon of the eighth anniversary of the wedding of, Mr and Mrs. Hoy de Aruioud. Among those present at the dtuner were Ml N'ola de Aruioud or Ontarie: Mr an) Mrs. Jullen Hurley, Mr end Mrs II 15. Young. Mr and Mrs. Win Hei rlott, Dr and Mrs Hall and Cuilsei. Mueller of Vale, and Miss de Arniond and Dr. Hteelhamiuer POSTPOXH DATU I'Olt CAM. OK ItKITHLICAX CKXTHAL COM. Following the publication of the call for the meeting of the llepubll ohm central committee whlsh vw an uounced last week as set for Pebru ary it. the aommitte st Vale uoted that this date falls og in inlay this year, therefore it was deurmiaed to PuatimiiH the wUhc Ui 'Ituaaday. FehruBry i.