THE ONTARIO AKUUS, ONTA1UO, OliEOON, THURSDAY, FEBIUURY 5, 1920. 1 l - iua-anrn mm for Saturday, Feb. 7 I Eight pounds of Sugar for - - Oranges, per dozen - - - Red Mexican Beans, per pound - Five bars of Soap for Veal Stew, per pound - Veal Roast, per pound - 22c Werners, per pound Beef Pot Roast, per pound - 18c Beef Boil, per pound - 121c Shoulder Steak, per pound - - Bologna, per pound - $1.00 40c 10c 25c N 15c to 25c 20c to 20c to 15c - 20c 18c These Prices are for Cash on Saturday, only We pay tor Butter-Fat today 63c net The Independent Market Ontario. A. ROBINSON, Prop. Oregon i iia iii-in w vni on i.ow mti:sst m: hihti:m (Continued From Page I) m ur (lit' pHHHi'iiKt'i' Million, kIvIiii: In Iim iiihIIiiii loneernliiK Oiilarlo. IIIh I lit' HHH til llHVH II nwlly lUtlMIt! of lilll HIHtlt til pltHWUl IlllHIOMtlllK facta iNiiiooriiliiK tin ttiw ii mill coiiu- l. lUl priHlUl'la Hllll ttllVNIItHK Im- Iimw wvery iihiimiii of tlui tliniKwmU Mho MHMMlt- MM tliril lilt t'lt.V OH liTi iumIii Hum train. IMcgittes III t'lllllWI'll Ah invllalltiu tit Oih Hull in lit leprtwiitwl Hi tliw instiling nf tilt iiriKtillMiiUlN of Idaho who will meet .it CitMwa'll on February III nvhh ui u'itm mill h number of the club hii'inlttrit uKi'tl to make the trip. In - iliiilliii; W .1 Plumy. I' J Gall.i Kht-r. K M tlrelg, II II Tunny. I Mayor II W Jtmi. I' I.chII. lloily. (..I II I.' M1k.ii 'I'll.. ..lull v 1 1 1 mill w t inn. II ... inn. ... iIoMkuuIo other ropreHentatlvcs unit tlu desire In to har u largo a dele nation mm (iommIIiIo at I lie gntliorliiK T. W. i'IhkHI tolil tint cluli of the rmmtU of a miHilliiK of tint power uiwr of IiIhIio at Caldwell yeatenlsy at wliluli i whs ilttUirmluml Hint too nliort u tluitf bud been kIvhii to ud iiiwtuly propnro u 0110 for pnweutu tliui to tlio coiiiuiIiwIoh lu ri'nanl to tliu lilulio I'ow or company' rwiuwt for hh InrnmiH. ami that therefore a plHltpOUIIIIIOIll would-bo wiiikIiI. Mayor It V. Joiihw told Hut chili llmt In tin mutter or (lit lIlMIKt'rilll iiiiulltliui of On' lilalio avenue itohh- lug the ' i.i rlntindcnt of the Short Mho IiiiiI iIIkiiihsimI tlio matter with lilin iinil Miggosted changing Hie lo cation of tin freight Htatlou A let ter from tlio 1'iililc Service coiiiiiiU wlun liiillciitnil that Unit body was ready to lakif soiiio action In this mutter If tlio railroad compiiny does not. OWVIIKIC IHUKCTOItK hi.kctkd roil via it (Continued From Page I ) Advance Showing of Spring Millinery We are showing some very attractive hats for immediate wear. They are very clever styles and heautiful ma terials, in satins, talTetas, georgette and hraid combinations. All the new est touches in trimmings are shown such as, ralVia and silk emhroidery, headed designs and jaunty stick-out hows. These hats aro very distinctive and give the finishing touch to the New Spring Suit or Coat. We would he pleased to have you come in and see these hats and try them on. Osbom Millinery, Ontario, Ore. a spirited oiio ami resulted In tin re turn of Jainim Duncan to tlio board aftur mi ulwonco of two yearn follow ing his service lu one capacity or an other for 30 yearn. ilurliiK which ho lias lieen superintendent, director ami provident of tlio lioard. He wan prior to hit retirement two yearn uko president for fifteen consoeutho yours John ltuy, who wan ro-oleeted. however, ha the long"! record of continuous service, tliU IioIiik hix twenty third election. J The other members elwtml were: ('. It liiul son, W S. Ilotw. Dick Tonsen, A. ClrmiiHU ami J. F. Wwver. All of tiiOHO have nerved ou previous liosriU ami till have Ioiik heon stnuklioldei In the coinpuny. The members of. tlio retiring board wero II. J Wanl. T. W. Clugett. (' C Hunt, W J. Jeukliitj, ami Kiuinon. IUhw nml Hay, who wore r-ele teil While Mooarti. ltuy ami Duncan have Ioiik roeordn of erlce on the hoard tluiv do not euuiil that of (i 1. KIuk, the veteran secretary, who Iiuk ' with hut one yoar or two of alininco t nerved lu thill capacity nlnce the id ' ditch wan hullt S3 yearn ago In is; I ('apt A W (!ownu of lluriu sp.-nt Monday lu Ontario. The Captain tuiyti ho linn not retired from atiw work hh yet hecuuno he ha notlnnn from whloli to rollro mill when Hie Captain Is about thor ,iro alay thoM who wonder what political action hln vlnlt prosaKM. They are wouilerluK this time. too. LOST Ou Wwl.. January si, omo vhre lietwaou tuo llarrtiw or chard ami H. U. Sargent' ruuch iu Idaho, the top olump to an elwtrlr automatic) wringer. finder pU.i -notify owner ami rHSlv rwrd l'houo )-U. 1'ru.ltlaud. Idaho. iSO ti RECOGNIZE VALUE OF THE COMMUNITY PAPER AKi'lcultural AkciiIh of Oregon De clare II Their Policy to Jh-miiI the I'lillcst Support to Commiin Ity NcHjmpcr. "HccoKiilzlnB tlio largo part play ed by tho community newspaper In developing community life nml nBsIatltiB In tho promotion of pro grams of community bottormont about which tho fnrmburcnuH arc or ganized, and being cognizant of the difficult poHltlon lu which Hiuhg pnpors aro placed by tho scarcity of tiow8 print paper and other high pro duction cost factors, Ho It Hosolved, That tho county agricultural agents of Oregon In conference assembled this 9t. day of .January, 1920, declare It our policy to lend fullest support to tho com munity nowspapors In farm bureau ami county ngont counties." This resolution was passed unani mously on motion nf Qeorgo W. Kuhle, county agent for Hcuton. A discussion of tho best and moat prac ticable means of carrying It nut brought out tho following us desir able wli'cro nppllcnhle: Coopornto with tho publisher of tho community newspaper In getting desirable commercial advertising of supplies nml equipment likely to bo purchased as n rosult of n successful project, and In getting llvo news Items whether relatud to community projects or not; endorsement of I'ncle Sam's campaign for reduction of distribution cost by wldo adver tising, and tlio aim of tho college de partment pf Industrial Journalism to luster sales of certnln classes of farm produce through mis lu tho com munity newspaper; advising renders of the Farm nnrcaii News that t'm nows Is not designed ns a substitute for the local newspaper; encourage the naming of tho farmstoads and use of letterheads showing name and principal business; avoiding all com petition In commercial advertising. "Aid In securing commercial ad vertising of project requirements has tremondous possibilities." ex plained .C. J. Mcintosh. In charge of the campaign for selling farm pro duct) through tho local pross. to the resolutions committee. "Say Hi1 project Is for u silo on every farm. Many now silos will be bought as tho cumpnlgn succeeds, ami why should not tho silo factories nml dealers be notified of the campaign by tho county agent, who could easily supply them with tho niunoM of the local papors. "Doubtless many lioino-ninde silos would go up also, giving the cement, lumber ami bardwnro dealers an op portunity to put their wares before tho people Increased milk produc tion from tho use of stingo will call for dairy supplies, cnsllago cutters ami much modern dairy equipment. Tho best medium for selling those supplies Is tho local newspaper, be cause a very much larger ratio of Its rcatlerB aro real prospects." A special resolution was passed In favor of nceptlug' no commercial ad vertising whatever except as the only means of keeping the Nows alive In any county, nml oven then none would ho accepted In competition with the community press. GOVERNOR'S SURPRISED CALLAGHER Legislators Were Told That Several Mt-'iiMirci Killed Would lie Ap proved .Ionian Valley Itoail One of Them. There was no ono more surprised than iteprcsontatlvo V. J. Oallnghor whoii Governor Olcott vetoed tho Jordan Valley rond bill, which was the first of those passed tho legisla ture. When tlio measure passed Hie House Mr. Gallagher saw tho Oove'r- nor and told him of tho conditions which the bill remedied and wan assured that tho measuro would not bo killed by the Governor. Well It was. and tho pooplo or the county know who did It. .MOTH Mil OI-' OXTAItIO WOMAN l'IONi:i:it OF VAI.IiKV DIKH Mrn. Hans Oft Is very III at the rauoh homo of the Ofts, four miles southwest of town. During the week Mrs. Oft wns vory low ami fears wero had for her recovery hut now she Is reported to ho Improving, and Is out of danger Mrs. D. M. Ilollnnd of Ilolse, moth er of Mrs. K. A. Krastir of this city, died after a short illness at her Ilolso homo on Tuesday, January 27. The body was taken to l'ayctto whore funeral services wero held Thursday January 20. Mrs. Ilollard was n ploneorof Pay etto Valley and Idaho, coming to Hint state hoforo tho railroad was hullt, she saw It grow from a scattered ter ritory to a prosperous state. She lived In I'ayette until some ten years ago when she went to Ilolso to make her home. Ilesldo Mrs. Fraser of thin city sho Is survived by her three sons, It. ('. Holland of Senttle, T. M. Holland of Mlddletou, Idaho and David Holland of Pocatello, ami one other daughter, Mrs. K. I,. Gilbert of Meridian, Idaho. B' rcsKsspvi H m Qiuiluy tint A CHALMERS with an Elegant 7eic Body IT is new, will no doubt be widely copied in an other year, and expresses elegance. It is "cut" high iii the front at the radiator line, and low front the windshield back. You sit close to the ground; the side line is considerably lower than in any previous Chalmers. Seats are lower, tilt more; you cling to the seat cushion, and you have abundance of , foot room, front and rear. In detail this new body possesses a completeness, a finality that seems impossible to improve upon. Underneath the body is the same, unchanged Chalmers chassis that is well nigh fault' less. Hot Spot and RamVhorn continue in their original and masterly way to get out all the power that nature put into gas, though the complaints against the grade of gas today increase daily. There's a limit to the sup' ply of the new Chalmers, but there seems to be nolimit to the number of those who insist on one. Asa word of warning see this new Chalmers immedi' ately. i Malheur Motor Sales Company ONTARIO, - - OREGON Mil-Mi iW'wfcli'M rfijrD .uwrnvn' i M 9 I ,. " VirfS 1111 i h n ,&-mm 3K E22L-5S fMh autw ia - - --. tvJ ASJU&K'kAA&U.wir.AT -... T. - iiiiBBii,nfcfcvfcfc4!- uva, - - ... . jt . sk.kt . ! iManannnHHM