The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 05, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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JUNTUItA, W, Feb. 2. On
1 obrunry lit tlio Bccond numbor of
tlio Lyceum cottrsa will lio given by
tliu "Olil PnBhloiiod Olrls" coinpiiiiy,
Tliolr program in iniillo up of Stories
mill gongs of the Blxtlos, nnd prom
Inch to ho very qunlnt nnd entertain
Itiu. Tlio usual iln n co will follow
HiIh numbor.
Auilrow Clrnlmm returned lost
Thursday nfter n few days npnnt In
Ilolno attending tlio llurtiH Annlvor
miry. Mr. Clrnlinm iiIho mndu n
business trip to ('ratio on tlio wny
Samuel Tlmbrell spent a day In
Jtinturn last weok on business enn
netted with tlio locnl V. T. Htorn.
Dewey nnd IM wore culled to UuriiM
Inst wcok by tlio dentil of Mr Mc
I.nrcn's daughter, Mrs. Dorn Uoldon,
n victim of tlio tnfltionzn cpldomle
Wm. Altnow nnd Al drliiies of
llotilnh woro Jmitiirn visitors Inst
0. T. Ulley roturnod Inst weok
from n fow days visit In Ilolso.
11. P. Moffut nod sons hnvo tnken
over tlio pool bnll that wnH formorly
under tlio management of Ynrbor ft
Kdwln Jolniflon of Vnlo lirtH boon In
town for tlio past fow days siirvoj;
Iiir for tho Wlllinm Ilutilay com
A. M. Taylor of tlio Agency Ilnnch
pnittod thru town Saturday hound
for outsldo polntR.
Homer Presley of Drewsey wok ii
.In n I lira visitor on Baturdny.
Pred Curroy nnd Ron Oren nro ro-
Mrs. Vomor Hopkins In rocoverlnp
from nn nttnek of tnmdlltls. Mm. B.,I)ortet, , ttlH wcol
Theodore Ilreck, Jr., ban resumed
I.. Clark In also on tho Mick list
P.lmcr Mnthoson left town last
week to work tit the ltobortHon ranch
near DrowHcy.
J. II. Anderson of Calamity was n
Jiiutiira visitor last Haturdny.
Adam Murray passed thru town
Tuesday on his wny to his ranch
uonr Ueulah nfter n fow days nb
senco in Ontario.
Word bns ticon received hero by
relative's that Dolbort Dodge, son of
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. J. Dodge. former
residents of this community, passed
nwny nt Monrovln, California, on
.Jan. 2flth. Tho boy was nbotit H
years old nnd well known nnil popu
lar hero. Tho family hnvo tlio sym
pathy of tho entire community In
their loss,
Mrs. h. N. Stnllnrd passed, thru
Juntura Wednosday on tho way to
her homo near Drewsey nfter n few
days spent In, Hums.
Mr. nud Mrs. Molvln Drlpp or
Itlvorsldo woro Juntura visitors last
Mrs. George linker returned homo
from Ontario Inst weok grcntly Im
proved In health.
Mrs. Judklns or Zltlati, Wash.,
daughter of Mrs. Dolln Vollmcr,
piissod through Juntura Inst weok on
tho way to visit hor mother In Hums.
0. II. Kmlson or Ontario was n
Junturn visitor last weok on busi
ness. Donno Goodmnn Imn been con
fined to his homo for tlio past row
dnyn with tlio mumps.
Mr. and Mrs, John Palmer were
Juntura visitors last weok.
Ueorgo McLaren nnd sons, Will
his duties nt tho school nftor com
pleting tho coubuh enumeration for
this vicinity.
J. Ii. McMullcn pnsscd thru town
Inst wcok on tho wny to his homo In
Drewsey rrom Nyssn,. whoro lias lias
been reeding stock.
(loom 4, (loin Hid. Ilulsn, Idaho
Optometry Menu Kye Kenlre.
,Wo !lt glasses ami do It right, ex
actly right.
DO por cent or headaches nro caused
by soino cliaractor or UYR BTUAIN
If you aro nffcrtcd with headaches
hnvo your oyos oxamliicd. When your
oyori causo you any trouble tlko blur
rlttR. or letters or lines, Itching or
burning, you must remember that Is
tliolr wny or telling you Hint they
lined attention.
Ono pnlr or eyes Is nil you will ov
or havo. JIB PAIlt WITH THH.M.
Wo chango lenncs within ono year
without any nddlt!onn rnst to you.
Wo aro registered In two stntorf,
Idaho nnd Orogou, which coupled
with nn oxporlmico or 20 yonrs mnke
It pnsalblo to euro for oxtromo cases.
Wo gho speclnl attention to school
Mrs. John Unrtshe nnd chltdm
spent Prldny nnd Snturdny wlt.i
friends In Wclscr.
MIrm Helen Outtorldgo spent tin-wcek-oud
with her pnroutB, Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. A. Outtcrldge.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Hesltip
Thursday 2nd nt tho St. Alphomu i
hoRpllal nt Ilolno, n 714 pound boy
Mother and bnbo nro doing well.
School Is closed this week on ac
count or tho lllnoss or tho teachers,
Miss Smith nnd Miss Wallace. Tim
aro reported to ho Improving.
A wnvo or sickness looms to be
swooping over tho entlro Blopo. It I
evidently it form or tho flu, tho
much lighter thnn that of last year.
No fatalities, nnd nil appear In !"
doing well.
Mrs. Iloy Ilurroll and children
spont a fow days In Vnlo this week.
Owing to sickness In tho neighbor
hood tho club meeting for Fob. nt it
wiih postponed until the next regular
meeting, Peh. 19th. . It will ho nt tho
homo of Mrs. Ilurroll.
' Charles 8taples hnd tho misfor
tune to dlslocnto his kneo while un
loading baled liny Inst Thursday '
We Have For Your Inspection---
and approval a representative assortment of
Coats an6 Soils for Spring
These models are selected with an eye to satis
fying tliQ tastes of the most fastidious.
In correctness o style, quality of materials and
superiority of tailoring these gai merits are an
especially fine showing.
They are still coming in, and by next week we
will have a big showing.
Dr Slenlhnmmor, n Vnlo pin si
clnn, mndo n hurried drlvo to On
tario Stludny forenoon, hrlngim
wlth him Mr nnd Mrs. 0. I', Pcrlcv.
tho latter Riifforlng with nn attack or
npendlcltls. Dr. Unrtlott of linker
operated upon Mrs. Porter nt the
Holy Itosary hospital nt noon Sun
day, tho oporatlon being very suc
cessful. "Mr. Porter Is landlord or
ttho Droxol hotel nt Vale.
Pred I. Sheets, editor or tho Nyssn
Journal, was a onllor at tho Argus
office Monday morning.
WANTKD Plain sowing nt first
lioiiHo north or MethodlU parson-
nge. Mrs, Hoy Manson 22R-tO&ll
I,. J. AKKIt, tho Income tax export,
linn a roll supply or 11)10 Income
Tax Porms now on hand to take care
or nil client's needs. Owing to many
engagements In outside towns Mr
Akur will ho nut or town consider
nbly rrom now on, nnd nppnlntmeuts
tuny bo mndo by letter or telephone
170-J. 2d 0 If
YOUNO MAN" wlslion board with
prlvnto family.. Phono IRQ.
Shorthorn Sale
The Payette Valley Shorthorn Breeders'
Associatiou will hold their
First Annual Sale at Payette, Idaho,
Thursday, February 19
.'Hi head in ho sold. 20 bulls, 10 females.
The entire presentation is that of strongly bred cattle. The
foundations beintf selected from such herds as A. D. Dunn and
Day & Rothrock of Washington, W. O. Minor and Frank
Drown of Oregon.
Some of these bull consignments contain herd bull prospects.
AH Cattle Tuberculin Tested.
Get the Catalogue at once by addressing County Agent, Pay
ette, ( Elton Webb, New Plymouth, Ida,
The People Want It
So we will continue
to serve our regular
Table d' Hole Sunday
Last week we did not serve a Sunday din"
ner Table D' Hote, and we found that there
was such a popular demand 'for it that we
have decided that since Ontario wants Jlhis
service, The Blue Bird "
will serve the popular need,
The hours are the same, 1 to 8, the service is our best, the dinner
just as it would be at home. All the cooks are wome'n cooks,
.' trained in their homes to serve home-.cooked, meals. ' The. result
Ib vhat you would (jxpect, good food well prepared, carefully
" Ontario, Oregon ' ,
Mrs V Ilrookovor and children
havo luien very 111 at tliolr homo this
soek. Buffering rrom tho flu. Mrs.
Ilrookovor was the most sorlouily III
but Is reported hotter.
IMgnr Ittitberford returned this
weok rrom n trip to Spokano and to
points In Rnstorn Ilrltlsh Columbia.
Ho reports that raugo conditions In
that section nro extremely fnvornblo.
Clarenro Crnetor or tho Aloxan
dor's was a grip victim Inst week but
Is back on tlio Job again.
Owing to the prevnlonro or Illness
In tho city the Thursday brldgo club
held no sosslon this wcok.
The memborH or tho Tuosday
brldgo club wero tlio guestH or Mrs.
II C Whltworth nt tho Hotol Wnih
lugton In Wolser Tuosday nftornoon.
Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Prnsor woro
iioth III or tho riu ut tliolr homo on
lu. hardsell street. Mrs. Frnser took
xirk first, on Sunday, and Mr. Prater
udmlttod that ho waH sick, on Tuos
dav nnd did not appear at tho store.
A Robinson and his son aro con
valescing from the flu this wcok.
Mrs. II C. noyor. who Iiuh boon 111
for thepnst thrco weeks, was out of
Mr nnd Mrs. R. A. Prnser wero
hinre her lllnoss.
Mrs 0 K. Alkon nnil daughters,
Jonn nnd Carrie Louise, who bnttlod
with tho flu last wcok. aro better.
t'io not completely well.
I,. It. Uralthaupt, county agent,
spont Wednosday evening hero cnr
i onto rrom Vnlo to Nyica. '
I. Ii Culbertson or DoaiI Ox Plat
v,ns an Ontario IhihIiiowi visitor nn
Will II. Parkeror DasMolncs,
Iowa, liA routed tho Praser building
storo formerly occuplod by the On
tario Vulcanizing company and will
us. It for that snmo purposo. Ho
oxpects to bo here In Ontario In a
short tlmo with his equipment and
Miss Dorothy Jariulsh rcturnod
Sunday from Spokane, whero sho
Mont for a vuoatlon trip.
II N. Stnnfled was an Ontario
business visitor on Wednosdny.
Mr and Mrs. P. A. Kmery or
Mobler, lu tho famous cheoso din
trlct or Tillamook county, aro lu
Miillumr county this weok the guests
or Mr. Kmery's aunt nud uncle. Mr.
and Mrs. Doau or tho Iloulevurd. Mr.
Mmory, who Is u raueher. Is giving
this country a thoro Inspection for
ho Is contemplating coming hero If It
proves Itself half as good as bis undo
declared It to bo.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Doau nro
homo ugalu after an oxtondod trip
thru Washington, which took thorn
to thd I. W. W. district lu dray's
Harbor and on up to Puget Sound,
whoro they vlsltod at Tncoma and
("mil Orcutt Is back on tho Job nt
I.uohr'H drug store after a battle
with tho Htnto Hoard or Kxumliiers
for a full llcenso im a pharmacist.
Ho wont to Halloy to visit his
brothor and ulster. Mr. and Mr.
Rlmor Oroutt.
Tlio Ladles' Missionary society of
tlio Prosbyterlau nhurrh mot this
afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Ward
Mbw Mlldrml Huffmnii or Wupato,
Wushlugton, was tlio guost or hor
sister. Mm. Pred Canriold, ror sev
eral days last wsok, followliig which
sho wont to Vnlo to visit bur father.
W. J. Huffman.
M. R. Newton oanie down from
Harper to spend tho week-end wiiti
W. W. I.otson.
Mr. and Mr. I,. I.IIIrsoli enter
Uilnod In their now homo with a din
ner party ut tho now homo, having
for tliolr guosU Mr. and Mrs.IIoisf lil
Ilrowno nnd Mr. and Mrs. I.nrue
On tho rocovory of Pror. 8. M.
Ilouoher, whom ho doctored last
weok, Pror. M. D. Thomas proreodod
to bo 111 on Tuosday or this week hut
reoovorod in n day or two.
Among the Ontarians who went to
Welser Tuosday night to wltnowt tho
peformnnce or Mutt nnd Jeff wero
Mum Doroothy JanuUh, Herb Paul,
C. C. Dodge, Moll Dolling. Pollow
Int tho show n dinner party was hold
nt tho homo of Mr and Mr. Joseph
Among tho Nyasa rancher who
oamo to Ontario Monday to uttond
the meeting or the Owyhee Ditch
company wero James Duncan nud
W I. (llhsoii
John Oako recovered from u
week's lllnoss nud Is roody ror ih-IiooI
Senator Julleu A. Hurley, Cliiin
color Commnndor or tho K. or P.,
and Ike Itohlnotto or Vale, omiiih
down to nttoud tho somIoii or Armor
I.odgo which inltlatod Hoorutnry P. I..
Doily Into tho mystorloj or tho order
Was tho nxprotwlou ofour Im
mortal Teddy ami tho many ml
roiiH who hnvo seen tho "Colonial
Mliistrol Maids," who will uppeur at
tho Dreamland thoatro this wtwk
You will certainly bo moru tlisu iU
lighted with the ploaslng iturltw.
cntoby music, beautiful girls, elevur
dunclug, and tho refined oomwly of
this well known nttrnotlon.
Not ono dull moment throughout
tho evening Is the record this ih
markablu company oarrlos.
A dollar nnd u hulf show ut Hipu
lar price).
ir you must bo a woman hater nud
n murrlngo sluuknr, you'd better
innko up your mind to ho it Imrd-Uoll-od
ogg oh fur (is your eywpatlilwi nre
concerned, olso Kid Cupid will mm
you and put tlio UymenoNl slwcklen
on you ror life.
Young Vun Courllrndt tried to fly
rrom matrimony, but he stoiMxl ti
ulied a tear ovor if asonpod eotivlc'
and oxohangud :totbw with the Jail
bird, and (hut's whore his foot nlip
pod. When tho girl round lilin lu 1" r
bed room sho thought ho wub a con
vict. Porcod Into nn eiiKnueniwi i
with a girl ho had never Men befuio.
rompolled to ,iifi'iisrndo In anotlur
man's uiiiuo; ulmost unestwl m u
' dtool-plgeou," Van finally found
luuuulf mlxod up in a dtu of th.-vi'
during u raid by the nolle. But Ii"
fuught his ,f out anil rtweuad the
gl'l hnd was uurod of ti fugtt.w
for salo uf tor Miiroh 1. $10 iwr
100. Ordor now in tlioy ure aglug
rust. Ilutcbfiii; ogga $2 per setUuf ;
HO per 100. A. II. Cnlu. tullee
west of Ontario. 22I-10W11