THE ONTARIO AHU US ONTARIO, OREGON, T11UU8 LAV, FEBRUARY 3, 1920. Rex all Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists TUB IIK.XAMj HIK tf PHONIC NO. -1 Nyal Rented Mb The Winners of Awards at the Ontario Poultry Show Tho following Is tlio complcto lint of winners nnmcil by Judge 0. t'. Wherry nt the Ontario Pbullry Show, which proved to ho tho Inrgest oxhl liltlon of I In kind over staged In Eastern Oregon or Western Ittnlui. Many of tho WlnncrH were tdnho birds, but Ontnrlo chicken fnnclerM mid utlior Mnlhour county chicken miser took tholr shnru of the hon ors. Tho Winner (.'. L llliurin InIiiimI Itcil ook Plrst. Dr. K. H. Fortnor; 2nd, (lrnhnm Park. Cockorol First, W. A. Fonts; Slid. U. (I. Chnpmun; :ird, N. H. Felt house. lien First, (Irnlinm I'nrk; 2nd, W. A. Fonts; nrd, I)r. Fortnor. . pullet Finn, N. H. Felthoimoj 2nd, W. A. Fouls; 3rd, N. 8. Felt-housn. Old Pen First, llrnhnm I'nrk. Young Pen First, W. A. Fouls; 2nd, N. H, Fclthousc. II. C. Ilhiulo Miiml llrri (Joek First, 0. H. Johnson. Cockerel First, ('. F. Lovolnnd; 2nd, (lrnhnm I'nrk; nrd, ('. H. John eon, lien Hocoml C. 8. Johnson. Pullet First, 0. 8. Johnson; 2nd, C. F. I.nvelnml: 3rd, C. F. l.ovclnnd. Feu First, 0. 8. Johnson. Ilnrrril l'l)inoutli Itixkx (Jock First, C. K. Dllihlo; 2nd, Wllhor Clayton; 3rd, Mrs. J. Major. Cockerel First, ('. K. Dllihlo; 2nd, Wither Clayton; 3rd, Wllhor Chi) ton. t Men First, Wllhor Clayton; 2nd, Wllhor Clayton; 3rd, Wllhor Clayton. I'uiict I'irsr, wiwor uiuyiun; i 2ml, Wllhor Clayton; 3rd, Wllhor Cluyton. Fen First, Wllhor Clayton. Muff Wjnndottcw Cock First, Ira It. Aldrloh. Cookorol First, W. J. I.uscombo. lien First, Ira II. Aldrlch; 2nd, Ira It. Aldrlch; 3rd, Ira It. Aldrlch. Pullet First, W. J. I.uscombti; 2nd, Ira I.. Aldrlch; 3rd, W. J. COIIlliO. Whit 8 Wjnndotte Cook First, Wood Thompson. Coakorcl First, E. I.. Hays; 2nd, Wood Thompson; 3rd, Wood Th6mp son, Codkorol First, K. 1.. I lavs; 2nd. Wood Thompson; 3rd, Wood Thomp son. Hon First, Wood Thompson; 2nd, Wood Thompson; 3rd. Wood Thompson. Fullot First Wood Thompson; 2nd. K, U. Huys; 3rd, Wood Thomp son. Old Pon First, Wood Thompson. Young Pon First, Wood Thomp son, Hllter WyumlottcH Cock First, Oco. Fonnor Cockerel First, It, I). Thornton; 2nd, aeo. Fonnor; 3rd, A. E. Flock Hon First, Qeo, Fonner; 2nd, A. Foul; 2nd F. I.ovoland. Fonner; 2nd. (loo. Fonnor.' Pullet First, (leo. Fonner; 2nd, Ceo. Fonner: 3rd. II. II. Thornton. jon First, Oco. Fonner. White Plymouth Unci Old Pen First, lly. I.nwlif. Yoang Pen First lly. Lewis. Cockerel First, lly. Lewis. Pullet First, lly. Lewis. Willie LenhnriiN I'ocy First, A. II. Cnln; 2nd, Wllhor Clayton; 3rd, Wllhor Clay ton. Cockorol First, Wllhor Clayton; 2nd, 0. 13. Dllihlo; 3rd, A. II. Cnln. lion First, A. II. Cnln; 2nd, u. IJ. Dlhhlo; 3rd, C 12. Dllihlo. PuilPt First, Wllhor Clayton; 2ld, Wllhor Clavton; 3rd, Wllhor ClnWon. Old Pen First, A. II. Cnln; 2nd, C. E. Dlhhlo. Young Peu First, Wllhor Clny ton; 2nd, A. II. Cutu , Cnlilrit ("iimplue" Cookorol First, (leo. Fonner; 2nd, C. F. Lovelnnd; Srd, W. A. Pout. Pullet First, W. (leo. Fonnor; 3rd, C Pon First, (leo. W. A. FouU. Huff OiiltiKlnn Cook First, llniiR Oft. Cockorol First, linns Oft: 2nd. llaiiH Oft: 3rd, Mrs. J. Mnjnr. lion First. Mrs. I). A. Ilurrlo; 2nd, llniiH Oft; 3rd, Mrs. Ilurrlo. Pullet Firm, M. D. A. Ilurrlo; 2ml. linns Oft: 3rd. Mrs. Ilurrlo. I'ullot First. Ilium Oft: llnim Oft; 3rd, MrH. J. Major. Old Pen First, llniiH Oft. Young Pen -First, llcim Oft; Mrs. I). A. Ilurrlo. SlUer Hiniisleil lliinihuipt Pullet First, ariihain Park. Hitlnioii I'mVnille lieu First, M. Chrlstlnnson; 2nd, M. Christiansen. Cockerel First. M. Chriminnson; nil, Mrs. A. '.Inuuormnu. Pullet First, M. Christiansen; 2nd. M. I'hrUtfcirtn: 3rd. il. rn :- tluncn. Pon First, M. ChrhtlaiMian. Ilnmri Leuliiirn Cjicko-ol First, HnrvH r.ein; nd, Harvoy Iloan; 3rd, llsrvoy llean. Hen Harvoy Hoan. Pullet First, Harvey llean; 2nd, Mrs. C. W. Lndd; 3rd, Mrs, C. W. l.add. Itlmk LeKhoriifc Hen First, M. Christiansen. Pullot First, M. Chrlstlnnson; 2nd, M. Chrlstlnnson. Huff leghorns Codk Second, A. N. Illukey. lion First, A. N. Hlckey; 2nd. A. N. Illckoy. . Hrnvm U'ghornn Cockorol First, (lentry Crowle- Pullet First, Contry Crowley; 2nd, aontry Crowley. Illiick Mliioini Cockerol First, Wllhor Clayton. Pullet First, Wllhor Cluyton Hen First, Wllhor Clayten: 2nd, Wllhor Clavton; 3rd, Wllhor Clayton llluc ,iiihiluiliiiiH Cock First, Mike Pfolffor. Hon First, Mlko Pfolffor. Aliroiiiii Cockorol First, (leo. Fonner. Pullet First, (loo. Fonnor; 2nd, Oco. Fonner; 3rd, doo. Fonnor. Hon First, (leo. Fonnor. Ciirnlsli I ml lit it (Jainc Cock First, Mlko Pfolffor. Hen First, Mlko Pfolffor. Illinium First, II. Ponrman; 2nd, II. Poor in nn. IIiiiiio Turkey Host Pair First, Mrs. J. Major; 2nd, C. 8. Johnson. Dost Display First, Mrs. J. Tay lor. Largest Illrd First, Mrs. 'J. Ma jor. Ci cm TimliniM1 Host Pair First, (Irnhom Park; 2nd, Wood Thompson. Wild (.Vi-ho Firm, A. N. Illokoy. Pekln Durk Host Old Pair First, linns Oft. Host Young Pair First (Iruhtim Park. HnlihllH Flomlsh (limits, Henlor Duck First, Mrs. It. W. Ilnrhor; 2nd, J. 8. Mllllkln. Flomlsh (lltmtii.Konlnr Dee First. Mr. 11. W. Ilnrhor. (Hunt. Junior lluolt II. W. Ilnrhor. (limits, Junior Dee It. W. Ilnrhor. lluok First, Mrs. It. EARN $33095 IN '19 PimltictM Valued nt S(l(l,OI),1 Proilmcil Miilhciii' Omul) HiiIcn licit Coin, Ale It. W. 2nd, 2nd, Flemish First, Mrs. Flemish First, Mrs. Checkered W. Ilnrhor. Checkered Dee First, Mrs, Ilnrhor. Stool Hluo Junior Illicit First, Mrs. It. W. Ilnrhor. Btool Hluo Junior Dee First, Mrs. II. W. Ilnrhor. Now Zealand Senior lluck Firm, Mrs. '.. James; 2nd, Vnd Wilson. Now Zoalnnd Bonlor Dee First. Mnrgarot I.nild; 2nd, Vnd Wilson. Now Zealand Junior Durk First, Mrs. 55. JnmoH. Two-Threo Months Junior Huck First, Mrs. '.. James; 2nd. Mrs 7.. Jiime. Twn-Thie Merjtlii Tm'or Dee V- a. Mrs 7. Jnmos; 2i I Mrs. 7. James; 3rd, Mnrgnrot taild A Kioat funturo of tho show was t number of hlrds that changed hands. Hundreds of dollars worth of hlnW M-ni-e o!d, and II wnn clalmoil by nil Unit It was thomost successful poultry show over hold In Ontnrlo, I'Qtii ufljre-tnrdi numhor of entries and' quality of hlrds MKHCMANDIHi: nt price (hut In lug down I'.e niM of Ihlngl .Itemly Mlvel Pnlnt $:l gal., Pine l.liUeM Oil ttl.lO, (I plugs Htnr, l(iiivlmn or till k Cllinux ilollu'ied 1,in, SI inns Htnjt or Union Lender ,i!i'll(irc(l S2i). V.'rlto C'n.on Htoie, I Caldwell, for it prlrr list. , wiuvn cm uu male pups for nolo. Slro en n ho scon nt Poultry Show. 210 8 tf If. L. Propst loft for n weok'a visit to Portlnnd nnd Bpokono Oregon chili hoys nnd girls 25U3 of thorn produced during liilli lUostnek, com, potntoo, garden truck, entitled goods, nnd other pro ducts valued at $00,011:1.02,' accord ing to tho niinunl report ot II. C Seymour, state lender of hoys' and girls' cluliH. Net earnings of i:t:i,- 095.40 nro shown after deducting for Inhor, rout, purclinm of nulmnlH nnd nil other materials. TIioho figures nro hnscd on reports of tho cluh hoys nnd girls who actually completed their work out of tho 13,000 enrolled nt tho beginning of the onr. Every county In the Mnto was represented with Multno mah, Clnnkamns, Coos, Douglas anil Mnrlon In tho load. Tho pork production projects show tho greatest profit with 10,0215, 7fi clonrod from 447 mnrkot hogs and S2 brood sows. A large numhor of theso nro puro hrods nn SO mumliors report having purchased registered hugs which will ho usod next yoar In raising inoro puro hrcd slock Tho vegotnhlo gardening project rankod second In vnluo, 470 members showing n profit of $0,207.10. Tho 2U3 poultry cluh members rnlsnd 4702 chlckons, 40 turkeys nnd 1C0 ducks, nnd sold 2348 dozon eggs, tiuiklng n totnl profit of 14430.81. ('mining cluh girls canned 0470 quarts of fruit, 3401 quarta of vege tables, nnd COB quarts of meat nnd flrsh besides drying 434 pounds of fru(t nnd vcgotnhlcs with n not earn ing of $3,701.24. Portland Imvs nnd girls enrolled In tho milk gnat project report rnrlng for 04 gnnts vnluod at $2, SOS. 25, nnd making air earning of $2, 053. SO. ItnbblU num bering 3416 nnd valued nt $S,122 !i0 woro raised liy'ralihlt cluh momhorr Although Oregon IV not ronslderod u corn growing state, corn cluh boys cleared $1,320.10 from their plots. Tho hsst com In tho stnto wnn ralsod by Avorot Hlckox of Malheur county. Sheep and wool ralsod by cluh hoys and girls valued nt $1,467 21, cost thorn $750.98, making n profit ot $700.25. Calf cluh momhors who cleared $1,427.50, own calve worth $4,477.60, nlthough this Is tho first year for that work In this slate (llrls In tho sowing clubs made 4344 different articles at n profit of $1168.10. Cooking cluh members, boys as well ih girls, loomed to pro paro and sorvo meals and Imko broad as good- as mother miikos Tholr profit was $1200.07. r sw'-w " . . A . -. O1010A.D.8..Inc '-T-wtoOCrWcw if he's extra large, heavy furred, cased "Shubert" Wants Oregon Furs ALU, YOU CAN SHIP Anil Will Pay Tlicsc Extremely Hlfiu Prlcea GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY NfltXIMUROll N'llAHCE I tl'IMtOIUH N?ISMAIL I,,.. , i, ..,.,.! f,,..,g. ..ftf ,,.. ,Q..l..n, t.. ,0..,., N 2 til.liM Mt, COYOTE ii.r r.n.J. CmJ 1 30.00 la 25.00 1 2?.0O 13 18 CO 1 15.00 to 12i0 1 10.00 la 8i0 110.00 to 5.00 0mrlltJloi 22.C0tal8.00lC.C0lallCll2-001ol0.00l 8.001a 6.00 8.03 to 400 MUSKRAT t Winl.r I 6.001a 5.001 4.75(0 3.751 3.50 10 2.75 1 2i0ta 1.75 1 2i0l0 liO Fall I 4i0ta 3.751 3i0la 2.75 1 2i01o 2.00 1 1.751a liO 1.751a 125 ' S'KUN'K NlltlTMUPGCI NflLARCE I MIHC0IUM I NftSMAU jlOOOOUNPNIMC iiTt4 to stni mti tr itiiioi ittt la i" him MMUl tt t tt twttm Black 15.00 to 12.00 1 11.00 to 9.00 1 80 to 8.00 I 7.5010 7.001 7.001a 3i0 Short 10.00 to 9.00 8.50(0 750 725(0 6.75 6101a 5i0 COO to 3.00 Narrow 75010 6.50 625 lo 525 5.00(0 4.50 4.00 to 3i0 35010 150 Broad I 5.00 (0 4.00 1 35010 3.00 1 2.75(0 225 I 2.00 (a 150 1 1501a .75 W'ANTBD Ono dozen lions 77. Miss I.avlno Smith. Phono 200 8tf POIt BALK Two Inrgo chulrfl nnd library tahlo, almost now; cheap Phono C9-M 213 8 tf These extremely prices are based on the well-known "SIIUDnRT" liberal cradlnff and nre ouofci' for immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4, and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. For quotations on other Oregon Furs, writo for'ttlie liuhrt Xjlrr,' the only reliable nnd accurate market report nnd price list of its kind published. It's FREE-Wrlte for U. A shipment to "SHUDERT" will result In "more money" "quicker." BWBjWHMhjilMrfM f rfrjsmT-r-t i r ''i'HsWslWHsl If You arc for a Car that is cnoy riding, easy handled and fine looking; one that has the pep and pull when you want it; ask to ride in the New Allen 43. C. J. JACKSON, Parma, Idaho A Live Dealer in Ontario wanted I ANNUM Van Petten Lumber Co. Ontario, Adrian, Pendleton Write for our catalogue of mill-cut houses. Wind Shield Glass of all sizes in stock. Wall Tints, all shades. Send for color card and get it by mail.