THE ONTARIO AHUUS, ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1920. TheOntariv Argus O. K. AIKEN. Editor and Publisher Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and entered at the Ontario post offlco for distribution as 2nd class matter. HUUSOUIl'TIONH One Year Jl.fiO Itll.NWMINO Till! HTItKliTH, Ontario In to Imvo Km street ro naincd In a systematic niannor. Tlinro Is iniicli to lio said In favor of tho proposal when hnlf tlio members of tlio council themselves admit that I liny do not know on what street they live. Ontario Ih not n Inrgo city, to lie .tiro, but It In ono of clinnKlnc, popu lation nnil tlio convrnlrnr" of that portion of tlio citizen Ih worthy of roriHldnrntlon. Then, too, It will noon lio necessary to Imvo a system of flro nlamiH so that when tlio flro slRnnl Ih xoumlod tho ponllloti of tlio flro will lio known. During tho rccont tinfortunnto fuel epidemic tho fttol administration learned that only n small portion of tho citizens worn fntultlar with thdlr street nddross, they nlinoHt uniformly liiHtructcd tho ndmlnlstrntor by say litf; thoy "lived two blockH from So-nnd-Ko," ami If Bo-and-8n wan well known tho place mli;ht bo found mildly, If not, tlino ntid efforts wero needed to Kct romiltR, nnd tlmo wns an Important element then. An Ontario Rrows of course tho situation will bo worse, nrguo those who favor tho chaiiKO, and It Ih there- foro hotter to mako tho chiiiiRo'now whllo comparatively easy, than to wait until It Ih oven mora OMcntlal. Of cotirsa Htiolt ehniiRo prosupposos t lifTt tho now system wilt bo ho slmplo that It will ho oaHlly remembered, at leant ho far hh Uh cardinal fvaturcH. and with that much of n Marl It will bo no much onnlor to locato n Klvon nddross, Tho ArRiiH bollovos that onco tho Idea Ih grouped thnt thin will rosult, tho not to tho ontlro HatlHfactlou of ovnryono, nor to tho oxcIuhIoii of all difficulty. I'or cxamplo when wo Imvo mall delivery sorvlco, which tho city Ih entitled to Imvo right now, how often will tho iltvlnloim B. W., .V. K H. !:. or N. W. bo omitted or for gotten, mid thiiH brine about tho con dition imuKht to ImprovoT Then thoro In tho nttachmnnt which a fow havo for old names and tho diwlro to net away from too rlKld a doHlKnatlon an 1'lrst avenue, Second nvonuo, etc., which nro com 'mon to ovory city nnd town, and therefore luck novolty. Wo don't know how greatly at tached to tho nninim of ItlchnrilHon, Morfltt, KIiik ami Virtue nro tho rosl dentH of tho oily; nor do ,wo know oxnully what ouch of thorn contrib uted to Its material or nodal pro lireiMi, that they hIiouM bo IIiiih hon ored, however In nnmlni; streets for hiii'Iijiioii or women In n memorial that oiiKht not bo lightly thrown Hlilo If n iiwhou for Uh ronflrmment existed In tho first place. Tho ArgUK Iiiih no objection of IIh own to (ho proponed now system, hho IIiIh, that Oregon street hIiouIiI not ho dhiinged If Idaho Ih not. Those street could each bo used nt tho dividing line Kant and Wont, North iiud Month, IIiIh nould not offect the prnpiwod elinnun nnd would leave the HrHttt with other than u mere nuiin'c IchI nppellatlou. xi:v ni:iAKTiiti: iv INDl'HTItV, HAY MCKKIIH Swift .V Company Ak Tlml Position Ho Made Clear to Argus llenil. eis Iteciignl70 Prejudice of Public Opinion. It npiipim thnt tho editorial wan CHICAro, January IS.HKilltor Tho Argun, Ontario, Oregon. Pom Mr: In a recent Issuo of your pnpsr editorial eommont was uiado on the recent tuxrcomont botwoen tho At torney Uenornl of tho Unltoil Stale and oncb of tho larger parkors, In cluding B'.rlft ft Cajnpnny. It appparn that tho odllorlnl wan written on Information contained In WnBhltiKton dispatcher and without tnklng Jnto nrcount tho HtntetuonlH made by both pnrtlo to tho ngreo- ment. Tho matter agreed upon represent a now doparturo In cooporntlon be tween corpornto Industry and tho government. Ah It Ih a slncoro do Hlro on tho part of tho paekorH to nld In directing public thought to whole hearted conBldcrntlon of constructlvo efforts In rendJUHtmcnt to normnl condltloiiH, tho ngreoment dosorvo unprojudlccd nnnlyHln and consldorn-tlon. A fow editor rofor to thin njjrco- mont ns a "Hiirrcndor" on tho part of tho pnekorn, nnd Intlmnto that tho latter mut hnvo boon guilty or they would not hnvo rompromlHod. Swift & Company entered tltln ngreoment, not heonuHo of any fear of nn nil vorso decision In tho courts, for thoro linn boon no vlolntlon of tho law, but becnttHO wo renllod that a docp-rnotcd fear had boon dovoloped I in tho public mind ngalnnt ono or ganization' or small group' hand ling mnny lino of competing food product; and, wo realized that oven If wo worn acquitted by tho court nftor n long and costly proceeding, till fnvorablo declHlon would do lit tle to counteract this prejudlco nnd blind fear In tho public mind. Tho follorhi statement, Issued on I)ocomher 20th by Mr. I,. R Swift, presldont of Swift k Company, cltnrly stntos tho motlvi that actuat ed Swift & Company to beconiV a party to tho ngreement: "Ourlng tho next fow ila the nowspnpors will, through ctllJorlnt ctprosslon, Interpret for tholr read er tho Hlgnlflcniico, both uh to enuso and oflecl, or tho recently nnnoi.niid ngrenient between tho attorney en rul Atid tho packing concern. "I lopo that a Btntoment of our motive In onterlng HiIh ngreoment will bo of Intnrost to you. "Although It I truo that wo hnvo ngreod to sell our Inlorosts In Mock ynrds, I want to emphatically nssort that our principal reason for being Interested In Htnck yard ha been to Improve tho facilities for tho proper mnrkotlng nnd handling of live stock, and that ownership In Hitch ynrds hn not been uhci! it n mcniiH of manipulating prlcoH, or obtaining un fair profit. I havo publicly nn nounccd that wo Hhould bo willing to part with our Interests In stock I ynrds If arrangements could bo mnib to continue their efficient operation. "Ah for our willingness to stop handling canned good nnd n fow othor commndltloH ordinarily sold by wholosalo grocers, I want to cinipha hIzo tho fnct thnt thoro havo boon ample economic rensnns for our handling those products, In that wo hnvo tho distributing machinery to got thoso goodn from producer to consumor In most direct nnd econ omical fashion. "Wo bollovo that eventually tho public would havo coma to realize tho soundness of our position, but been u ho of tho spirit of unrest and iiilHundorHtnndlng wo nro glnd to mnko miiiio sacrifices nnd enncos hIoiih. I bollovo that It Ih Just uh necessary to mnko hucIi sacrifices during tho uncurtain perold of re construction no It was during tho war. "Let mo " direct attention to tho fact that tho decreo to which wo havo agreed to submit In no way finds us guilty of combination In re straint of trndo, or of any other Illegal practlco. Under no condi tion would I hnvo consented to hucIi a solution If tho decreo wero to chnrgo uh with guilt. "For this reason, enjoining us from combining In restraint of trndo will In no way affect our oper ation, because wo oro nn Indepen dent unit In open competition with tho othor largo packers nnd with hundreilB of smaller ones. Tho de creo In till respect will merely strengthen existing laws, which wo nro following to tho letter. "With thoso thoughts In mind, I trust thnt you will nppreclato tho fnct that our position I In no way nn admission thnt wo. havo been guilty of anything economically, legally, or morally wrong, nnd that wo have mndo thl concession with tho sin- mm linnn tbnt It Will lieltl to OW- !cnmo tho suspicion which still lurks In tho mliiilH of mnny people." Your rondors, no doubt, .wlU ap preciate getting theso fnctH from tho column of your paper. Wo shall np preclnto your cooperation In pre senting thin communication to Uinm May wo havo n marked ropy of your Isfliio In which It npear.? Very truly your, SWIFT & COMPANY, Per I., I). l. Wold, Manager Commercial Kcsenrch ' Department. l.'Olt SAM-: Knitting mnchlno. In quire Mrs. Kmlowi first lioitiir. wet of Nnzarlno church. 203-7-tf WANTKI) TO I1UY Ono good work horse Would consldor tenia If n bnrgnln. Thomas W. Clngott, Ontario. 212 it Announcing Change of AGENCY of The Fordson Tractors Monday, February 2, the agency for the Fordson Tractor, which was formerly with two other firms in the county, was transferred to me. The same service will be main tained by me on "fie Fordson Tractors as on Ford Cars. IIIIMOATIO.V UP ACAIV. I.lko Ilaii(Uo'n ghost, tho question or Irrigation for Ontario's lawns rlso to plague tho city Council, Just when Uh shadow apparently Iiiih dls upptHtrod for another season. Knrh visit of tho spectre, however. kIvom It morn form and body ho that nro long perhaps It will form n cor poroul shape nnd u tnnglblo bold can bo Kraspml and tho body thrown once for nil. It has long boon tho position or Uiom) who Imvo ronlly glton tho mat tor serious thot thnt no system which (hiiiiiqoU tho olty nnd country usora wilt bo satisfactory to both; but tho proposition wlilah tho Kast Sldn ranchers mnko has merits that should not bo passod without duo consldor ntlon. A similar proposition, or rather tho d I root purchase by tho pity of tho lllvorsldo Irrigation systoni would solve tho prnblom In that sec tion of tho city north of Idaho nvonuo. Among tho other nuggostlons mndo for solving tho problem is tbnt which would tun tho waste water of the Owyhee ditch until Into In tho sum mer whon thnt wnsto water Is low. This was dono by tho residents In tlo southwest section of tho olty Inst summer successfully It Is tho cheap est solution nnd might bo resorted to, If no other moans can bo dovlsod. Dut this one thing Is necessary whatever tho solution determined upon must bo In tho hands of tho City Council as n taxing body with necessary powor to enforce collection nnd to so spread tho assessment thnt tho vacant property In tho city limits will bo mndo to pay Its share of tho cost The Fordson lightens farm work IT means something to lighten the farm work these days when help is so scarce. That is where you will find the Fordson a worth-while investment. A four-cylinder engine, a spe cially designed washer to purify the air that goe? into the carburetor, and a kerosene burner that's the Fordson. ' A HPME Own One of Your Own solved loy Millmade Ready-Cut Homes By ordering a mill-inndo Home you SAVE TIAfTC unci MONEY. Oct an absolute double constructed Home, made of first grrnlo material throughout; Hardware, J'uint, and all mill work furnisliod with a complete net of Plans. A largo number of designs to select from. Al ways glad to show you. Call GO-W H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon. Top Repairirig...o We make a specialty of tins braneli of the industry. ford Owners.... Have your top recovered with plate glass in rear curtain. ' Prices Reasonable Seguine Auto Co.... Oldest Garage in Malheur County Established 1910 , to- 1 Tho Ultimate Aim of our ' ' --t Be sure you have an Oliver No. 7 Plow for your Fordson Be sure you have the best plow to go with your tractor, the plow that is designed for it. The Oliver answers every requirement that you will make of your tractor plow. It is strong and durable. Buries all weeds at the bottom of the furrow; turns a uniform fur row at all times; plows clear to the end of the field; k controlled from the driver's seat on the tractor. Come in and see it and we'll tell you many mors advantages. FORD GARAGE Ontario, Oregon V. B. STAPLES, Prop. Tho Ultimate Aim of our Establishment is to treat every 'person with equal courtesy. To consider each detail of sufficient importance to demand perfect attention. A home-like Chapel with Modern necessities installed to conduct services that demand perfect attention. Modern Chapel and Funeral . Directors at your services II. L. PETKRSON, O. It. AUOUSTU8, Kmbnlmer'a License Kmbalmer'a License No. 300. No. 233. Ontario Furniture 7 Company . f kby-pc s . n V . I- lf (jijt i