ite mmv , XXIV ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, Tl I URSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1J)2(). NO. 10. 'p TO mi:f.ting will hi: hkld at GltANGH HALL ON SATURDAY NIGHT; J. .1. KKICOAN, CIIAIIt- MAN OF DINNKR COMMIT Till: FOR GATHERING. W. W. DEAL MAIN SPEAKER Master of Idaho Htnlo Grange (n Dis cus ltanehrrV Problem1 Many lH'iil Speakr-rn (in Prngrnin Pro giimi l''nr Wmk In Ho Adopted. Itauclicra In tlio vicinity of Cnlro will Join tlm procession of thoso In tlm county who Imvo nlromly iindcr tnkmi tliu formation of fnrm bureau. Tlio mooting for tlio launching of tlio Cnlro program In rcIiciIuIoiI for Bat unlay night at tlio Urango llnll. At tlio Cairo nicotinic tlio ranchers will luivo tlio plonsuro of henrlng nn o'ddress on farm problems by V, W. ,I)enl, Master ot tlio hlnlio Slnt'i (Irnngo. Resides Mr. Dcnl tliora wilt bo n nurnbor of local Rpcakorn to ills cuiiM vnrlous phases of work In which tlio rnnchorM urn Intorcstcd. Included In tlio program, too, Is an nddresH by V. V. Iltckox, tompornry clnilrnian of tlio Mulliour County Kami llurenu, who ban boon uctlvoly Interested In tlio progroxH ot tlio work In tlio Adrian Hcctlou wlioro ho lived until ho recontly mavod back to tlio boulevard, southeast of tlio city. That tlio Cairo mooting will bo ono largely attondod Ih cortuln, for tlioru In to bo u blK food at tlio hall and J. J. Kcogan, chalrniau ot that commit tee, Ih hUHlly engaged now In pro parliiR for tlio crowd. At thlH mooting too thoro will bo a IiusIuohh session at which tlm chtilr niuii for tlio various iiectlanR of tlm work will bo appointed. EAST SIDE RANCHERS LEAVE WILSON DITCH l'ilnnoro District or Company will Hi Uitest Irrigation Organla- Hun Homer Utley HeniN New Organization. At n meeting ot ranchorH from tlio territory Just Gust ot Ontario alone tlio Snnko river, hold at tlio city Hall Inst nlnlit thoru was formed tlio Fulr mora Irrigation company or initia tion dUtrlct, and at that tlmo It was uvldout that many ot tlio Wilson ditch mors will loavo that eystom. Tlio men present havo not do tormlucd whothor they will form tin Irrigation district or Incorporuta as a company. That question thoy will tnka up with tholr attorney at onco. What tho rancliors waut Is action, and wuter. Thoy plan on construct ing a pumping system and to orect their plant on tlio slto of tlio City's plant nnd run tholr principal lino up tlio right-of-way of tlio city system. Homer Utloy was electod as tem porary head of tlio organization with tlio following directors, John Martin, and I). I-.' Hull. Theso men are busily engaged now In lining up tlio ranchers who woro not prosont at tlio mooting and to put In ardor all the preliminary work. Plana and specifications for the new system wero discussed at the meeting last night but tlio ordor for the pumps and plpo was jiot mado until deflnito form of tlio organiza tion could bo determined upon. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Homan enter tained last Saturday evening at tlio homo on what was South Virtuo street, now the corner of Third St. 8. W. nnd Seventh avenuo S. W. Thoy had for their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rader, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc Uulloch, Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Drano, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Van Potton, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fortler, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wood and Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Adam, Fivo hundred was played and refreshments served. Mrs. F. J. Clemo was 111 , for sev eral days this week and recovered In time to caro for Mr. Clomo, who was 111 Tuesday. civic imphovkmfat contiost WIIjIi START GOING .MAKCII I Tho First Nntlonnl Hunk Civic Improvement content for $80 In gold wilt start qn March 1 In stead ot April 1 tiB It was origin ally Intended. This linn been determined In order Hint tlio full bcnefitH ot an early start can bo Bccitrcd. Already tltcro linn boon a mnrked Interest In tho coming contest nnd applications havo been mndo for entry blanks. Thoso who deHlro to compete for' tho honors and for tho prlzo should Iobo no tlmo, but make tholr applications to Secretary F. Lesllo Ilody at tho Commer cial club rooms at once. No np plications wilt bo listed nftor March 1, Slnco It Is a matter of Im provement tho JuiIrch wlll.vlaw all tlm places entered nn March 1, nnd during tlm summer as woll oh at tho close of tho con tost, SollRinnn'ri Photo man will tako pIcturcH of tho entries nnd tho progress will bo thus re corded. IS J FARM BUREAU STARTED FolkN on letter Demi Ov, Opposite Wolscr, (let .Into .Line .Willi Growing Mnti'mcnt Over ('nun- ty llnnrlierH Hnjiiy Feed. Sponsored by tho Ladles' Progress club, a mcotltiR of tho fnrmorn of tlio Rlvordnlo section, opposite Wolser on Doad Ox Flnt'wiH hold on Insi Friday ovcnltiR. I.. I. Purcoll of Wei- ser gnvo a very intoronting tnik in which lm described tho fornmtlon of tho Washington county, Idaho, Farm Huroau and told of IIh work In Im proving tho crops, livestock nnd noils of tho county and of IIh value In pro noting friendship, understanding and knowledge, nmnuj,'. young and old thriiout tho county. Ml us Cushmnn, county club lender In Washington county, gnvo u very Interesting talk in which she describ ed tho work o,f tho Jujilor Farm Hu rra u In which tho bnyn nnd girls are enrolled for tho purposo of carrying on cnlt and pig club work, household projects and nthor things which will train them nnd Intorort thorn I practical things of (ho couutr- anil fit them for Icndorshlp. Mr. Stono of Wolser spoko lir!."ly of tho work of training "tlm groit.'.t crop ot nil," tlio boys nnd girls. Ho said that ft great mistake was mmlr whonovor calf club work resulted In It lolng tho boy's calf but dadV cow. Tho ladles then nerved refresh ments, after which tho'qiiostlon of organization was taken up and dis cussed, A motion to organize car ried unanimously nftor which a com mittee on plan of work and nomina tions reported. After discussion ' tho proposed projects Jlio roport v us ndoptod. The project upon win ' work will bo done mid the c .:..!. teemon chosen follew: Marketing, F. Orlffcn: Lheatnek Improvement, W. 1). Patch; Soil 1.4 provemont and Irrigation, R. R Rocord; Pent and DIsenBo Control C. II. Spiced; Crop Improvement, S 8. Hill; Community Ilottcrmonts, R, J. Patch. I.UKHRH HTAUTS MOVING ltUSIDRNCH TO RANCH 0. a. Leuhrs has started to move tho W. W. Roso rosldonco which lie purchased some tlmo slnco, from Its presont location on tlio Fast side to his ranch on tho bill Just wost of tho Fair Grounds. Iloforo tlm big residence reaches Its new homo Mr. I.uohrs will havo completed a basement ror tho house and prepared for an addition to bo added which will glvo him ono of the most modern residences in this sec tion. Among tlio ambitions which Mr. Luehrs has for tho houso Is n bowling alloy In tho basement, n bil liard room, and right at the start ample room for a small gymnasium. Resides this thoro will bo ample room for cellar, furnace laundry in the basement, ent ranch houso will bo Into a packing plant for crop. Another building room and Tho pros converted his apple that Mr. Luehrs Is, to erect this summer Is a spacious banT-on the. hillside so that It will bo a two-story structure with one floof"nelov tho ranch levol LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM COMMERCIAL H.UIl AND CITY (X)UNCIL DISCUSS IRRIGATION PKOHLKM I'Olt STIIKNTIl T1MK APPROACHING SO LUTION IS IIKLIHF. ROAD SIGNS TO BE ERECTED Counter Proposal For Cue or Win in xpiliiKM Witter to lie Inxestlgulcil Send l)ileKnHiiu to Caldwell lr ligation McellnK IVbriinry HI. For tlio steonth tlmo tho Comnior- rlnt club mombera dlscusficd Irriga tion nt tho meeting Inst night. This tlmo thorn wero numerous soIuIIiiiih presented for consideration nnd what Ih bollovcd to bo real progreiw was secured. Two propositions woro selected for consideration further, tho! to build a low protwuro xystom In Rlvorsldo; nnd tho purchnso of water from tlm WnrmsprlngH IrrlRntlon district. City Kngltieor C. A. Krntr. was Instructed to prepare figure on building ot the Hystom, while tho following commlttco was Instructed to tnlto the matter up with tho WnrmsprlngH board nnd to Invostl- gnto tho reuslhlllty of that propmal; II. II. Tunny. W. J. Plnnoy, R. M. (Irolg, I)r. R. S. Fortnor mid I). M. TiiRgnrt. 'I'll Is conclusion howover was not ronched until nftor niimeroiiH pro posiils wero coiiMldered nnd thoroly discussed Among tliu propositions prosented to tho meeting weru the follewing: Joining with tlm ranch orH on tho oast sldo of town nnd tho erection of n low pronmiro system at tho prosont municipal pumping plant; tho pumping of water from tlm Mulliour dralungo ditch; tho taking of water from tho Owyhee wnsto ditch. Ono argument nftor another caiiHOd tho dropping of ouch of theso nnd tho final concentration on tho two mentioned above. Would llulld Many Slgim A communication from the Parma Commercial club asking the city to Join with Pnrnm in prp?; ' dlroel I nit pcoplo on tlio John Day 1 Ighwuy and over on tho Idaho roa 1 to the two towus'wus UKid and nftr some dliiousslnn on signs about tho city In general tlio matter wns referred to u special committee consisting; of 0. K. Aiken, I.. II. ttlrsch nnd II. II Tunny for consideration. This coumltteo will report to tho ryixt regular moot ing of tho club. Would' AilwrtUo fit) Whllo thl.-) matte:- was tin. lor dis cussion Hurr' I) Cool rum bu (Rested tho placing of an lllumlnntl d sign (Continued on I.nst Page.) COMMERCIAL CLUB IS TO ELECT NEW lliillnt Sent to MemlHTH Asking Pur Nominations Another llallot Also ICnclositl ,hkM For Kug- Hex) Inns For New Veur'H Work, An Innovation In tho manner of oloctlng n board of directors tor tho Commorclal club was mado this year. Instead of a muss meeting to olect directors each mombor Iiiih boon furnished with a ballot and u self nddrossed envelope. Tho envelope bears this message, "Not to bo open ed until February 18." On another ballot tho members aro asked to mako suggestions as to what thoy Jiollovo to bo the most Im portant problem tho club should da voto Its energies to solvo during the coming year. Still another Innovation Is mado In a plodgo that will bo roqulrcd of directors, tlio substance of which Is that tho men electod agrco U devote all the tlmo they can spare from their own buslnes to advancing tho ob jects of tho club and to ugreo that absence from threo meotlngs without excuso shall constitute their resigna tion from tho board. COUNCIL GIVES CITY STREETS NEW NAMES coitpoitatio limits hividp.d in four suctions with o. s. l. tracks and idaho av- knur as dividing 1,1 MM. PIONEER NAMES DISAPPEAR Vtlllon I'm- Pitting Wlmt Wmm Vlr tuo Street Ari'i'ptcdj Hearing Call ril For t'liluii Oil Company Ghcn Permit to Krt'rt TiiukN. Ontarlo'H streets woro rc-haptlHcd by tho City Council nt Kb regular monthly hchhIoii hold Monday even ing. Tho city wnH divided according to tlm new nlnti presented by City Knglneor O, A. Krntz nnd favorably acted upon by tho council, Into four Rsctlnns, doslgnatod au North Fast; North West; South Rast nnd South West. In ench of these illstrlclH tlm streets running north and south will bo called streets, whllo thoso running oast nnd wost will bo called uvonues. AH will bo designated thus, First nvenuo or street, N. R 8. R. or N. W. or R. W. ns the oase may bo. Tho dividing lines ns ncceptod by tho Council lire tho 0. 8. I., railroad track and Idaho avenuo. Thus everything oast of tlm track nnd north of Idaho avenue wilt bo tlm N. R.; west ot tho track nnd north of Idaho will ho X. W.; south of Malm and wost of tho track will ho 8. W. and south of Idaho nnd cast of tho track 8. R. Orogon street then will disappear and tho stonm will be located upon First strout 8. W. or N. W. nnd tho names of tho ploueors Richardson, Morfltt. Virtuo, Klnte will disappear from tlm records. Tho change was made nfler the ir.omborH of tho Council admitted that tho prosont system Ih unintelli gible to the stranger and that thoy themselves, ninny of them, did not know tho n a in oh of tho streelH on which thoy llvo. Tim now system, It was argued, will also facilitate tlm operation of a tiro alarm system nnd will bo of'nintrlnl nsulstanco In locat ing n given nddroM In tlm city. Accept PnvliiK Petition Tlm petition of tlm citizen property owners on what was Virtuo streot but I now Third stroct 8. W.. wns arcopted and nntlco of hoarlng of re monstrances was set for Monday, February 1C. Tim contraot for iho construction of sowor district No.-10 wns lot to tho Warren Construction compaiv for 10078.00 or $1100 loss than tho first offer mado when tho bids wero re jected nt a previous meeting. Union Oil Company to Come 'Tho Council acted favorably on tlm roquost of tlio Union Oil company to erect tanks and nn nil station on block 152, which Is opposltn tho slto of the Standard Oil company's plant n First streot, N W , or Oregon stroot and tho right of way of tho O 8, h, COMPANY READY TO GO It. II, Itostle Siipei'liiteiiilent of Com. puny, Returns' to City to Put Plant In Sluipo For Woik When Weuther Permit. As soon as weather conditions per mit tho Warren Coimtrurtlou com pany Is ready to start work paving Ontario's streets in the nrlgltiul pav ing district. R. II. llostlo who Is superinten dent of tho work, returned Mnndu) from California, whore he spent tho winter and has already started to put tho plant In ordor. This can be done, says Mr. Roitlc, In n week or ton days It necattsary so that when tho weather nettle ths work can proceed. One of tho first thlnge Mr. Roitlc did was to securo now offlcog for the company by renting space In. tlio Wil son bulldlm; LANDMARK OF OIL ROOM WILL SOON DF.PART FROM ONTARIO Contractors nro hereto ro niovu tlio oil derrick and tho equipment with which tho now famous Ontnrlo Oil Well was drilled, nnd which lias been a landmark In tho city slnco itn construction cloven years ago. In that oil woll and derrick Ontario spent real monoy. It was Ontnrlo money, monoy Hint local pcoplo staked In their faith In tho prcsonco of oil beneath tho Htirfnto. At Hint oil woll oc curred tho big explosion which throw flamcH over tho top of tho dorrlck, and which burned for dnyn and brought nu ond to tlm most perslRtont effort to bring In n woll hero. Sovcrnl uttomptH havo been mndo to rovlvo Intorcst In tho woll nnd In oil lands hero with out success , until flnnlly tlm lloyor Urns, rompnny which pur chased tlio equipment from tho old company determined to ac cept ono of tho many offers Hint linvo boon mndo for It. BALDOCK VISITS CITY I'rogrcsM nn tlm Construction of Old Ori'Kon Trull Reported Con- (inctoi-H near Cnlro Forced to Suspend Operation". R. II. Rnldock, division engineer for tho Stnto Illghwny commlmdon for tlm division which Include! Raker Grant, Malheur iiuil Ilnruoy countlos was In Ontario Monday for consulta tion with RiiRlneor J. F. Joyce who Is In charge of tho construction of tho John Day Highway hotweeu Cnlro and Nyssn. . , Mr. Unblock Is Just getting ac quainted with tho work In this sec tion tlio ho has been hero onco or twice before. Ho said, too, that lm ex pects to bo hero more often when tho weather pormlts greater activity. This week thoro is not u grout deal of work going on In thq district on account of tho soft conditions of tlm roads. Work was suspended on tlm Cnlro-Nysoa soctlon nnd Knglneor Joyco Is mnklng uso ot tho lull to pro paro plans and specifications for flm brldRo to bo erected over tlm Rmlsou wnsto way. Mr. Unblock reported that work on tlm Oregon Trail Is shaping Itself so Hint vIsIouh of n completed road from Ontario to Poudlii'ou nro Just ified, tho tlio actual nc, npllshmeut may tako another year. Already tho road Ih complotn from Pendleton to Knmola, or will bo In tlm summer. From Kuuioln to Ln (Irando will bo built this year; from Lagrando to Hot Lake was built last year, and surfaced part way. Thul will bo finished this spring,. From Tolahassot to Uniting tho route Ih be ing surveyed now, from IIuIikm to llttkor tho road Is uudor contract for grading and gravel, and Is half graveled. From Raker to Huntington no work has boon dono, nor hag tho routo been survived but It Is ex pected that tho survey will ho order ed nt an early mooting of the com mission. From Huntington to On tnrlo tho survey Is under way now with tho ongluoore working from Wolsor nt tho prosont tlmo. , MOTIIKIl Ob' FIVi: SMALL CHILDRHN CLAIMHD IIV DKATH Mrs. W. J. Gnlarnoau, mother of fivo children, tho eldest but 13 yonrs died at tho family homo In tho North west section of tlio city Monday fol lowing an nxtouded lllnow. Mm (Jalamoati had boon 111 for some time but when tho flu oomu she rould not coutluuo tho struggle Mitccewifully. Funornl services woro held today from tho Raptlst church, Itev. C. 11 IHom officiating. Geneva Ryors was born In Mis souri 34 years ago uud was married to William J. nulurnomi nt West Martinburg, N. Y., on January 21. 1904. To them fivo children, threo boys and two girls, wore born and all survive Iter, as doeti hor father In Now York. Tho family oumo to Ontario to live last September, when Mr. Gularnoau secured work horn at his trade of carpentering POLITICAL POT HAS STARTED TO SIMMER hkpuhl1can col'ntv commit thi: mi:n mhkt at valh to. day to fill oct com- mittf.i3; to iii: aski'.d to aid DEMOCRATS TO FOLLOW SOON With SntnrlPN or tlm County onlelals No Jongi'i- Attracttic ltntli I'mtliw Will Find Citmtldiitfs Hind to Iioriitc, Tho political pot hns begun to simmer. Tho first meeting of what Is bollovcd will bo nu Interesting cnnipalgn wan hold tills aftornoou nt Vale, when n number of tho Repub llcnn county precinct committeemen mot to tnlk over tlm situation. According to n phono mou;i' front tho county sent the committee men comploted tho county committee In precincts wlioro no commlttco man was solcctcd and decided to cull u general meeting of the entire com mlttco to bo hold In Ontario on the afternoon of Fobrunry 22. ' Ak Women lo Help Tho commlttco nlso has asked Hint tlm ropuhllcnn women of tlm County name a woman committee member for enoh proslnct and perfect u woman's auxiliary. This will bo something now In tlm political life of Malheur cijiinty. Whllo tho committeemen nt Vale did not discuss It, thoro hns been cou- sldornblo enlk ot holding n banquet In Ontnrlo nt whloh tlmo n Republl can club may bo formed, It tho men present so desire. DciuiKTiitN Not Sleeping Whllo thl) Republicans have made tlm first start In tlm campaign there Ih no lack of Intorost among tlm dem ocratic lendors, tho thoy havo not un nouncod plans, as yot. Ono tiling Hint Ih worrying both parties, inoro or Icsh, In how to fill out tholr county tickets, fur tho Jobs nro no longer sought for nn they onco wero. Tho salnrlos pntd nro so small comparatively that fow men can bo found who will seek the of fices. Usually tlm DeomcrntH have found no troublo lit filling their county ticket but tho londorn are frank tu tholr Htatnmont that thin will bo a hard taBk this year. With tho republican organization getting under wny howover It will bo but n mntter of n fow days now ho foro tlm democrntlo onmpalgn Ih under wny, ELECTED FOR YEAR Jamex Duncan Rt'tuineil lo Ronril For Twentieth Term John Itii) For TMenty-MMMind Old Piob- lem of Stop Debated Again. All who of n fight Hint wnnwl for four days, during tlm nnniial moating In tho year 1807, wiih heard nt Hit1 gathering of thoOwyhen Dlleh stock holders on Monday afturnoon. Tlm fight wag that for tho placing of BtopH liKtho main onunl In the upHr end nt tho ditch so that roneliem on high lands might secure wuter with out pumping. A lu tho oaea two decades ago tho proponents of the stops lost. Tho now effort to hoIvh tho prob lem wag made by Thus. V. ClHtfolt. who Introduced it resolution permit ting u change In tlm by-lnwa go that this could bo dono. When tho vote was lost the ranchorH on the South oiyl wore badly disappointed. JiiiIkIuh by tho stntomoutH made by gomu of them. Tlm contention of thoee who op posed tho move was that the flow of water would bo go retarded Hint tliu land on tho north end of the system would not bo wired for, and tlmt If onco started thoru would bo repeated roquegt for wheels and sUq that tho oannl would bo ruined. Old Tliucis Retuni Tho oloctlou for dlnutom of tho board which preceded this vote wuh (Continued on Last Page )