The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 29, 1920, SPECIAL EDITION COMMUNITY BUILDERS' SERIES NO. 1, Image 1

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KW- '-
NO. M.
vi:iHi:it. pavktti:, cai.dwhm,
to in: hi:phi:si:nti:d at
lYhrimry 10 Omihloiril Too Hliorl
Notice In Which to (hither Ihtlu
for Aili'iialc Piexoiitulluii or Cum1
nl 'Ihlx Time.
On Saturday at tho City Hull will
hu held unotlior meeting of tho
power users or thu Hmiku mill Mul
hour vnlloys. Thu meeting Ih called
for 10 n. in., and will bo mora ropru
sonlullvu of tliu UHorH of thu valluy
than that which was hold two weeks
Thus. W. Clugott, chnlrmuu of tho
.Mnlhour County Powur usorB, wlm
called thu mooting Iiuh recolvod ml
vlcus -from thu committee appointed
at u recont mooting In Wolsor that
thay would bo ruprosonted, and slm
liar advlco comes front Nuinpa and
(fuldwoll. Puyoltu users will bo hvro,
too, no that tho gathering will bo
comprohonslvo ami will ho ublu to uU
for practically ovory powor user In
thin soctlon.
Am yol no official advlco hint been
received from tho Oregon Public
Hurvlcu Commission or thu Joint hear
ing scheduled for February 10 ut
llolsu. Thu only notice of thu wan
"that whlch-nppenrod In tho popors
under a Bnlum ditto line. I
Senator Jullon A. Hurley, who
I lk. ... ..!. InJl VrlilitV 111 lllu t
uriivuu in uimmu wi ....
return from tho Hpeclal session, futld
that Just prior to hU departure hu
hud a talk with Commissioner Fred
'(). Iluchtol, who Bald that tho datu
had not boon net and tliut uinplu tluio
would bo given tho people to prepare
for tho hearing.
It Is Uio generally oxprossed opin
ion of tho ruuehom that they will not
bo (ililo to propuro stutumunts of all
tho powor UBOd and bring other data
for tin uduquuto Hhowlng hoforo tho
Iduho meetliiK ou February 10, and
If tho hearing Ih hold then they will
ask that further tlmo bo given thorn
by thu Oregon commission.
Indian! ions Point to Kiron-j Com.
iiiiuiitv llurt-uu Then In tho
Vj Very .Near Future.
Following a thorough discussion
of the matter at hand by Hioho pros
enl'nt fi well utteudoil mooting of
tho formers of thn Cairo district last
Friday night at tho Cairo Orange
Hull, preliminary steps wero takou
for tho organization of a farm bu
roau, unit committees wero naiuod to
completo nriaugcmeiitB. A member
ship committer of flvo was appoint
ed, namely: C. P. LaM'.e-. Ira Dale,
lluim Oft, 0. W. Dean. Arthur S.
King nnd.V. V. Hlckox. persons
wishing to Join tho organization
hhould got In touch with ono of theso
men. A committee wan also named
to arrange for tho final organization
meeting and another to prepuro
winking plans for submission to tho
mombors nt tho final meeting. The
next meeting takes placo at tho
Cairo Orange Hall on Saturday
nlgh.t, February 7, at which tlmo W.
W. Ileal, master of the State Qrango
of Idaho, will be present and speak
on farm bureau projects.
Cairo Is one of the last thickly
populated communities of tho county
to take up the farm bureau organiza
tion work, but all Indications point
toward a strong community bureau
there .In tho near future.
Mrs.. II. C. Iioyer la 111 at her
home, ono of the many victims of tho
prevailing "flu."
"Cl'ltMJV" MAHTIiV Wll.h
kstahi.ish ovmnasicm
"Curloy" Knstloy, n well known
PukIIIhI In thin part of Oregon, Iiuh
been in Ontario slnco tho flrnt of tho
week Interesting tho business men
and young people In establishing nu
up-to-dnto gymnanlum here, lllu en
terprlgn Ih receiving cordial oncour
ngemont and ovnry Indication points
to tho fact that Ontario will shortly
hnvo ono of the most modem gym
nasiums In the stnto.
Mr. Knstloy linn rented the 551m
mermnu building and Ih moving IiIh
oqtilpmont of boxing gloves, rlngH,
tumbling bnrs, puurhliig bags, etc.,
from Vnlo. tin expects to IiinIuI
Bhowcr baths and n Meant room, In
fact ho will hnvo nu establishment of
which Ontario will ho proud
Ciimmerrhil dull Hcrrrliiry Si'Im
Fnrili Purpose of Special IMI
limit of Argus lo Curry
OiiIiiiIo'n Meiigo.
Socrolnry Commercial Club.
Advertising Ih tho life of com
merce. It Ih tho volco of Moiling.
Advertising develops new markets
and strengthens old ones. For some
tlmo past tho Ontario Commercial
club ha realized that trado which
rightly belongs to tho merchants of
Ontario has been going ebnvhere.
An Investigation was ordered and an
analysis of thu whnlo situation made.
Tho conclusion arrived nt was Hint
tho pcoplo residing outsldu of the
city did not roa'llto how Important n
point Ontario really is.
When tho statement Ih maila that
Ontario Is tho natural trading me
tropolis for n largo territory often
tlmo tho remark is allowed to pass
without comment, and In a few In
stances It Ih doubted, hut th i-"-
has always lxfln dlspe:iiti witlnf
lorlly upon InvoMlwtlon Thin
nroso thn question as to Jiow to drivo
homn tho truth of tho nwir"'' i to
tho largest number of people ut n
minimum expense.
A commercial club Is usually n
conservative body of public men
which makes cortaln of Its powder
and then fires. In this rase after
months of preparation tho method
adopted by tho Ontario Commercial
club was to deliver Ontario's mas-
sago to all Interior points by sys
tematic educational campaign, and
tho medium adopted wiih throic'i H
local newspaper. The whnlf ito-
could po be told li on ' "'" -"
wc too big n task there fore a po
clal edition of tho Argus will bo
Issuod twlco a month for fi motif'
dealing with dlffu ent phase of On
tario's growth and development.
This, tho first Issue, handles .mat
tors civic; the noxt will deal with
the merchants; tho third with tho
Commercial club; fourth schools and
educational facilities; and so on until
ovory activity of tho city's wolfare
has boen covered. Ily this method It
Is hoped that thousands of Interested
parties heretnforo not trading at On
tario will at least bo mffldeiitlv In
terested to come and look th field
over. Itefore the series Is completed
photographs of over 2f0 prominent
merchants and professional men will
appear, so that a closer relationship
between Ontarlo'H live wires and tho
huvlng public will he established.
Tho Commercial club stands spon
sor for these issuos and any sugges
tions will ho ghullv accepted This
Is your Club: use ft. Our activities
are not confined solely to matters
pertaining to tho City of Ontario, but
we are vitally Interested In all mat
ters relating to our torrltorv. If
your friends desire copies of theso
issues mailed thorn give us their
names and wo wijl see that thoy re
ceive tho whole series.
Mrs. Henry Bejers sold bor 1G5
acre ranch on tho" Island southeast
of town to O. V. Halloway last weok
for a consideration of $16,000.
OUHHHTS i:. i:. HOIt.V AM) I. V.
I'Imii lo I'm? About Four Tout of
Shelled Oirn, Soaked hi Arlrix, tit
lilt (.'rounds Where '11 icy Connie
giilo Nightly Hffoiv 'KiiIiiji to
Itucist on ('Ditv Island.
That tho original small flock of
crows, which began roosting on tho
small Isand, now known as Crow
Island, about four miles ! road
southeast of Ontario, nhout ten or
twelve years ago, has grown to such
hugu proportions slnco then as to Jin
ja serious monaco to fruit and nil
crops, nun even io sunep unit nogs, IH
tho concensus of opinion of farm or
In the Sunka Itlvur valley both In
Oregon and Idaho. Tho present otl.
mnto of tho hugo floak Ih placed at
200,000, which will bo Increased to
a half million hy full If steps are not
taken nt oncu to oxlcrmliiutu them.
With this In view, County Agent
Ilrolthuijpt called Into service sev
eral days ngo Illologlsts K. K, Horn
.and I. N. Qnlirlolsou, who hnvo been
engaged for tho pant few weeks In
exterminating rabbits In the wivst
pnrt of tho countv. Tho young men
nrrlvod hero a weok ago mid sine
then have been watching tho hnhltH
of tho crows
Attack I,li Animals.
Tho amount of damngo that IIimo
crows accomplish may ho gained
from tho experience of nt toast two
ranchers, ami of II. II. Tunny of the
Ontario Meat & Grocery compiinv
Tho slaughter house of tho Moat &
(Irocory company Is local d hut a
mllo or two from tho nosllnit place of
these crows and il'irlir; tho heavy
Inflow, whllo tho crowH vo s hungry
thev iiwl io I' lit ou llr hacks of
hogs foelwis 1., tho slaugl ter house
grounds and dollborntoly devour the
porkers. They nlso attacked some
jof the rattle,
Ou tho C. C. Hunt ranch the
crows havo eaton all tho corn off the
shocks and rnued a heavy loss. On
the K. S. A D. rm-'i It has boon
npwNir' to c-.ploy n mnu to koep
tho hungrv hlnlj off tho p'ico.
I Whllo Mr. Horn, who ha watched
tint flight for t-rt!l nights, place
tho number of c-iwt, at two hundred
int"iid. SIri' p. W. Jonns, who
;took him out ft flnt night to watch
tlo-i. pImcom thi iicinhcr nt nearly ti
i.'.llllou, and l!. t I., what tho lay-
man would think, but Mr. Horn
"unfd n nurr !' of flights and by
. tHtlmatliti. ilio number to arrive In a
given period believe his estimate,
whllo conservative, Is nsnror tho
exact number than tlmt glvon by Mr
Well Known Dignitary of Fpl-ropal
Chuicli to Hold Kortlco nt Masunle
Hull Kiinday livening.
Illshop lloliert I,. Pnddoo't, Kiilsco
I pal bishop of Eastern Orogon, will he
I In Ontario Sunday to hold a special
service at tho Mnsonlo hall Sunday
evenlAg. The sorvlco will commence
nt 7:30.
Illshop Paddock has not visited
Ontario for some time and slnco
each of his visits Is a memorable
event among tho members of his
church thoy aro looking forward
with pleasure to his visit hero Sun
day. A cordial Invitation to overvouo
is extended for tho service Sunday.
Mrs. II. C. Smith departed Tues
day ovonlng for Nampa to spend tho
week-end with bor sister, Mrs
i.v hemi: slctions said to
tin: dallks.
laical Work I'nihraces Present Acllx
Won llrlwci'ii Calm mill Njs'.a and
HurwjIiiK of tht I.luo Piom Hun.
Ilnglon to Onliiilo mi Old Oregon
Trail Itlds to lie Called For on
Yiilclliognti Heel Inn,
Approximately $1,100,000 will
havo been expended on the great
John Day highway y next fall, par
tially completing ono n.lho grandest
scenic routes, It Is said, to ho found
anywhere In tho Pacific Northwest,
rivaling In every way oven that on
tho Columbia Highway below Tho
Vtiut Is considered to ho ono of the
most commanding bits of scenery
along tho Highway Is through
tho famous fossil beds In Wheeler
county, between Dnyvlllo and Sarvlco
creek, a distance of about 48 mllos,
running through gorges, or canyons,
resembling In formation and appear
unco that of tho (Irand Canyon of tho
Colorado. It is ou this unit that tho
heaviest construction work Is being
dono anil will cost In tho neighbor
hood of $700,000 when finished.
Hut hoforo ronchlng tho fossil beds
tho routo, It Ih bulloved, will be run
by tho government through tho For
ost Keservo across tho Strawberry
mountains from Unity Into Prairie
City. It Is a beautiful section, the
mountain streams and Strawberry
lako, near Pralrlo City, providing
tho finest kind of trout fishing. Tho
John Day Highway as routed runs
from Nyssa and Ontario to Vnlo,
Drogan, Sarvlco Creek, Unity, Pralrlo
City, John Day, Mitchell, Fossil and
Condon connecting up with the
Columbia Highway at Olex, In dill
lam county.
From J. F. Joyce, tho Stnto High
way Commission rosldont engineer,
the Argus ou Tuesday obtained thn
following Information concerning
tho locnl situation, together with
that which Ih bolng dono along tho
Highway. At prosont grading Is
under way ou what is known as tho
government and stato project No. 28,
botweon Cairo and Nywn, tho con
struction of which will bo completed,
Mr. Jnyco said, Home tlmo tho latter
part of March. Tho plant for sur
facing thu two mllos from Nyssa will
bo In running order hy February S
and will speed up construction con
siderably. ,
llnglnccis Win king
V. II. Drlukhnll, a locating en
gineer ut Wolsor, Is now engaged In
surveying a lino 40 iuIIm In nil be
tween Huntington and Ontario. He
Is at prosont operating nut from Wei
sor. Plans will soon bo roudy for
work to bo dono botweon Vnlo and
Tlrognn, about 24 mllos That work
Is to npon soon and the county will
shortly advortlso for bids. From
Ilrogan to what is known as tho Cow
Valley section tho contract has al
ready been lot mid somo work wus
dono last fall. In Novombor Con
struction will bo ronnwed Just as
soon as tho weather will permit and
It Is hollovod will bo completed somo
tlmo In August. It Is understood
that tho Forest Department has set
aside $100, OOP for tho routo thru
tho Iteservo between Unity and Pral
rlo City. Tho unit between tho lat
tr namod point and JmIiii Day, 20
mllos In all, was flnUhoiL last full
and coiiBeciuently today Irif tho best
portion of tho Highway, costing
about $200,000. Grant county and
tho stato are also to spond qulto a
sum of money this summer between
John Day and Dayvlllo, 3C mllos. It
is estimated that about $900,000
worth of work Is already launched
between Storvlco Croek and Nyssa.
Wheeler and, Gilliam counties, too,
havo expended a considerable sum
(Continued on Last Page.)
.Mits. ni:x hi:awi:aiii) victim
Word was received In Ontario Mon
day of tho denth of Mrs. Hon II Sea
woard nt Hums, on Sunday, following
it short Illness. Pneumonia, follow
ing Influenza, Is believed to hnvo
been tho cntisa of her death, tho tho
exact details woro not given In tho
wlro which J. II. Senwcard received
from her husband.
Mrs. Senwenrd was called to Hums
In Novombcr hy tho Illness of rela
tives and remained thuro until she
herself becnino a victim of tho dis
ease Funeral services wero hold
Tuesday at HuriiH.
Mrs, Soaweurd was 25 years old nt
tho tlmo of her denth, having been
born In Harney county nnd lived
either In Harney or Malheur nil hor
life. Sovon years ago sho was mar
ried to Mr. Scawcard, who, with her
mother, Mrs, Finn, of Hums, two
marrlod sisters, Mrs. No rah Martin,
and Mrs. Nottlo Mnso nt Hums, two
hrothors, Joo Kino of Ontario and
Kdmond Fino of Hums nro left to
mourn hor loss.
Pel It Ion Signed by Majority of Prop
el ty Owners Hocks liiipt-owiuoiit
, of HI reel Fiom .Michigan to
Only ono resident property owner
refused lo sign tho petition circulat
ed by U. Hlrsch nsklng thu City
Council to Improvo Vlrtuo street
from Michigan to California nvenues
by paving. Already inoro than half
the property represented on tho
street Ih listed hy tho owners.
The petition will bo presented to
tho Cltv Council nt Its regular meet
ing Monday night. It Ih tho plan of
tho proponents of the paving to havo
thn surfacing laid 24 feet whlu with
a 211 foot parkway between the prop
erty linos nnd tho curbing.
Tho property owners bollovo
that slnco there will bo practically no
heavy travel on tho street n single
courso concrete paying will servo
their needs.
It Is understood that tho property
owners nu tho north end of Vlrtuo
street nro also circulating u petition
to carry tho work thru to their sec
tion 'giving n paved thornfuro north
nnd south thru tho rosldonco section
of tho city.'
oitnoox pio.Ni:i:it, Dii:s
After nu lllnoss of long .duration,
Mrs. N. A. Macomb, thu niothor of
I.ostor Macomb of Ontario, passed
nwny at the ago of 75 years at Walk
er, Oregon, Inst Monday morning ut
2 o'clock. Funeral services took
placo at tho Congregational church In
Welsor yostordoy aftornoon. Inter
ment bolng mude In tho Welsor cem
etery. Her husband died In Long
Valley, Idaho, In. 1903. Sho Is sur
vived by a sou, I.oster, of Ontario, n
daughter, Mrs. Cnlllo Ashley, of
Holso, a daughter, Mrs Itoslo Nord
strum, of Handon, Oregon, n son. II
N. Macomb of Valdez, Alaska, and n
brother, tho only one living fit her
family, O. T. Mansken, who has been
a resident of Ontnrlo for years
Mrs. Macomb crossed tho plains
with her husband nnd night children,
with an ox team from Arknnsas to
Oregon In tho summer of 1877, set
tling first nt Pralrlo City. From
Pralrlo City tho family movod to
Junturu, Oregon, In 1878. living
thero until 1889, when thoy took up
their rosldonco at Long Vallny,
Idaho. Slnco tho death of her hus
band, which occurred at Long Valley
In 1903, Mrs. Macomb lived among
hor ohlldron.
Tho trestllng work under the
railroad brldgo across thn Owyhee,
river on tho Homedulo branch was
knocked out by an len Jam again on
Tuesday afternoon of this week,
leaving tho train on tho other sldo.
This brldgo was washed out about
ton days ago. Train sorvlco has not
yot boon resumed.
Cl'HSKH fixaxci:
Club Assumes Obligation or Poulli
Show Made XecesMiiy by tho Cn
expeiled XiiiiiInt or Kill lies Made
Show Declared Heal Hihti1,
Following tho G o'clock dinner of
mombors of tho Ontnrlo Co'nmorcTuI
Club, hold nl Flfer's Weilnwdny
aftornoon, tho club assembled nt tho
city hall to discuss matters of lm
portnnco to thn city and vicinity.
President W. W. Wood, nftor Sec
retary T. II. Hotly had read somo In
teresting correspondence, called upon
mombors for expressions upon whnt
should bo dono with tho deficit or
nhout $90 crenlod by tho poultry
show held last weak, Mr. Ilody ox-
plnlnlng that It was duo to tho fact
that thero wero nenrly fiOO birds on
oxhlhlt when thorn were not over
hnlf that number expected, necessi
tating nn expenditure of a ronsldor
nblo sum of money for coops, otc
Dr. A. O. Mooro was of the opinion
that that show could bo mndo self.
supporting by charging an ndinlftslou
feo of R0 or 7B conts, hut vas very
much opposed to nn nntrnnro feo.
1 Io said that thoro woro morn and
better hints on exhibit hero than nt
tho Holso show where an admission
foo of 7B cents was charged. That
stato also contributes $7C0 annually,
nhout thn same as Oregon gives for
tho Malheur County Fair. A motion
was finally adoptod that tho clpb
assume tho Indebtedness.
Mr. Drnuo, station ngont, advo
cated that soma nrrangomnntH bo
made so that thn high school stu
dents could havo a permanent hall
In which to glva their entertainments
nnd parties. Thero Is no hall ado
quato nt prosont, tho studonts bolng
compelled to hlra n noar-hy Grange
hall for ench affair. It was suggest
ed that thn city hall rooms bo used
for tho purpose- ponding other nr
rnngoments. President Wood also
called attention to tho petitions of
adjacent school districts to Ontario
and Nyssa which will soon ho filed
for thn consolidation of those Schools,
tho children being nearer thn Ontario
schools lo attend hero nnd those
nearest Nyssa to attend thero. Ho
was of the bollof that tho oousolhhi
Hon would bo effected.
County Judge IS. II. Tost spoke
upon reorganizing tho Mnlhour Coun
ty Fair, which Is at prosont governod
by tho laws of tho Molhour County
Fair association. It should lx re
organized undor tho laws of I he
stato, ha said. Whllo tho fnlr Is it
big thing for tho whole eounty, thn
Judgo said It would always be iniir
or loss up to Ontario to make It u
success. The stnto laws riHiulrw thai
a rommittoo of three ho saleoted
from tho Grange, hortlculturo ami
agricultural soolethw. beforo prlxe
inonlos can bo lawfully dlshurtwd.
and thoro was no such committee In
existence ut present. Hut tho propo
sition being mainly up to Ontnrlo, Me
suggested that the president nppolut
a rommittoo of thrao to confer with
him In rognrd to tho selection of tin'
fair committee After n motion wus
adopted to that effect, the president
ohoso A I. Cookrnm, II II. Twin)
and II C. noyer.
President Wood then being will ml
away. Mayor Jonos took tho chair
Soon aftorwards II I, Cook, of the
Idaho Powor company, and K I.,
Dee of thn Kdlson Light Works, nr
rlvod nnd tho rot of the ovonlng the
club moiuhurs went entertained hy
Interesting lectures by tho two gon
tlomen. Mr. Cook reviewed thn re
markable development that had been
mado slnco tho open flame arc light
was invented In 1870 up to tho won
derful gas filled Mazda lamp of
today. Kven this, ho said, Is only 10
(Continued on Last Page )
'fc 9HW
6. . .. A r