The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 22, 1920, Image 1

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tfc H Ji J-- -
NO. 8.
Marketing, Irrigation, Soil Imprint,
incut, Htmk InipnivoiiH'iil, Crop
Iiiipmvcinciit, Pom Control, Cim
intinlty Welfare, Home Iinprmo.
incut Aim of Organization,
Ily ndopllnR n compluto nnil thor
oly balanced program for tho better
motil of conditions ttio ranchers on
x tho Oregon Slope, lienor known ih
Dead Ox Flat, formed tlia first Kami
llurcau In Malheur county. Thin
wan dona following n lnnitict given
llio men liv tJiu Woiiiou'h rluli of tlio
dUtrlct nt till Park suhool house Inst
, Friday night.
No moro enthusiastic mvctlm:,
marked by a spirit of dotormlnatlou
to accompllHli results, was over hold
In thin section. Tlio forty odd runcli
cm proHOiit innnlfoBtcil n keen appre
ciation of tlio prohloniN before" tliviu
nnd the speakers each In tur. took
broad nnd comprohotiHlvo vlows of
tho condltloiiN that roqulro study and
uttontlon, K. J. llurroll presldod us
toitstmnstor nt tho bamiuet whlln I..
It. llrulthaupt, county agent, hud
chnrgo of tho mootlnK which formed
tho bureau program.
Want mi Idrat Community
Tho thoro Ik room for betterment
In marketing condition, und need
for change In Irrigation methods,
noil Improvoment and stock bettor
mont; while posts mid diseases that
cause loss must bo eradicated, tho
'pwfkonJ and the "member present'
ugrood with I'. M. Heals that Im
pYo'voninnt In community life, better
schools, mid uchool grounds, cleaner
. and bettor roads, flno lawns and
trees, In other wordii, community Im
provement, wag aflor all tho great
"Wo want an Ideal community,"
said Mr. IToalH, "ono In which wo will
bo glad to bring up our children and
to which any man will bo glad to
tiring hl family. Wo can not nfford
io gvo our attention entirely to
crops and stock and not consider tho
greatost crop of all tho children."
JIo thon outlined u gcuoral plan of
making tha desired changcH, and
after dlHcuiudon It was dotcrmlned to
b'rlng tho women of tho district Into
tlm program by adding to tho orlgr
ihnl program a project for homo Im
proveureilt. ' Prior to tho adoption of each pro
ject an address or paper was read on
the subject by ono of tho members:
" (Continued on Last Page.)
lteortl Show Net Profits of 912,000
' lleneflt Dducutlon ami He-scoursc-n
of Oregon.
i Oregon Agricultural Collogo, Cor
vaUls, Jan. 13. Oregon will reap
lull larger benoflts from the girls'
and.boys' club work which netted n
pioflt of $12,000 In 1919, thinks dco
ElKerroll, national club leador.
f&Oregon stands In tho front rank
rfffstntes lu club work", Mr. Ferrell
says, "and I think warrants the ex
penditure of moro federal funds lu
this date this year,"
J&lreat Improvement In the work of
last year over former year. Is noted
lTptho national leador Tho num
ber of completed reports for 1918
was but eight per cent, while In 1919
rjhud rlreu to 43 per cent.
,.01110. advantages cited by Mr. Fer
rell nro free demonstration work tbut
educatej not only girls and boyo but
iSe general public to a Vfttcr way 'if
doing many things such as canning,
baking and Judging livestock. A
great number of puro bred cattle ha
Sen' brought Into Oregon by these
jlemqoiitrailun., which V'ere calicd
especially nuccesstul
At tho homo of Mrs. E. C. Van
Potten on Wednesday, January 2Sth,
will bo hold tho annual Silver Tea of
tho Womnn'B club, tho purposo of
which Is to provide for tho club's an
nual contribution to tho students'
aid fund.
For years this has been nil ovent In
tho club Ufa nnd thru It many
hundred dollars Imvo been add-
od to tho fund, from tho earnings of
which' young women struggling for
an education nro assisted. Tho nionoy
Is not given to tho girls, but Is loan
cd to thorn and when thoy nrc nbl.o,
after thoy havo loft college, they re
turn tho amount loaned nid tho
work thus continues.
Tho club Is open on tho Silver
Tea program for nil tho women of
tho city and tho club members, anx
ious to materially Increase tho fund,
urgo all tho women who ran to ho
present nt Mrs, Vnn Potion's next
Wednesday afternoon.
llaiidsouiu Structure Willi Cold
Plant In ('
ill flrocery mill I'ecil
I. Ino Added to I. lues.
On Saturday of this wook tho In
dependent Mnrkot wilt occupy Its
now homo erected for Its buslnowi by
A. llnblnsou. Tlio building which Is
unhjuo In many wayn Is tho first of
Its kind built In this section.
Its features that aro different con
sist In tho connection with, tho mnr
kot of a big cold storago plant, with
an Ico ninchlno of hucIi dlmgnsloiiH
that It will caro not only for tho
Iclnc of tho cold storago plant, which
was moved from tho Eolith end of
town, but tho Inlug of n window In
tho front und all tho counter canns.
In tho rear of tho market proper,
which Is 35x40, Is tho cold storage
and packing plant, with three big
cooling rooms, each 20x25, and n
two story smoke room. In tho linea
ment bonoath tho cold storago sec
tion la located tho ico machinery,
cooking rooms and ntorago rooms,
nil oqulppcd with mnchlnery for
handling meat and food products.
Another of tho Innovations within
tho building Is a carrier by means of
which moat will bo taken to nnd
from tho smoke houses and refriger
ators to tho market and other parts
of tho building, quickly and easily.
KMahlMi (irncrry lli'iiiiliin'iit
Along the north sldo of tho mar
ket will bo located tho grocery de
partment In chnrgo of Walter ('.
Cohlck, who comes hero from
Welsor, whero ho had chnrgo of the
grocory department of M. Homers
Around tho pillars In tlio center of
tljn room display spaco has been ar
ranged nnd altogether a market as
handsomo as can bo found In the
Snako river vnlloy Is complete
Thruout tho market tho florin aro of
concroto and ovory precaution lias
boon used to promote the snulta-y
handling of food products.
In speaking of tho growth of busi
ness in Ontario Mr. Iloblnson said,
"Two years ago whon I camo horo to
look around I was convinced th t
there was a big demand for a packing
plant to servo the local needs . ad
soon hod that proven. Now we havo
the capacity to handlo meat niul pro
visions In a larger way, and that wob
neoded. For example, ono customer
this week purchased over $800 worth
of meat, cured and prepared right
Tho Ontario Modern Pressary will
have a now downtown home in a
short tlmo. Work on the excavation
fo tho building which will bo 20xC0
was started today on tho lot Just
north of Dreamland. Mr. Hlrsch
also started work on tho foundation
for the resldenco ho is to build on
South Virtue street, to be occupied
by Mr. nnd Mrs. Herschel Browne.
Tho W C. T. U. will meet next
Tuesday afternoon, January 27, at
the home of Mrs. A. Qramse.
The Wednesday bridge club met
this Week with Mrs, A. L. Cockrum.
Mrs. E. A. Fraser.entortalned tho,
Tuesday bridge cjiajrat her homo on
Wchardaon street Tuesday afternoon.
Tun Institutions Apptnvlmnte Tv
.Million Mink (.'it In
Yenr I Ins Item Ktcnilj, Hlmulnjt
('out lulled Prospcllt).
With n total resource of over two
million dollars, tho Ontario bunking
Institutions In their report to tho
comptroller of tho currency for De.
comber ,11, 1010, glvo nmpto Indlcn.
Hon of tho strength of tho house
and tho financial prosperity 'of this
Ono yenr ago tho hanks' combined
rosouiccs wero $1,354, ri21..1G, till.
year tho combluod resources of tho
two Institutions was
With the call, In March tho two banks
showed n total of $1,4C2,0(!0.01; In
May thoro wub a slight reduction,
tho total bolng $1,444,70.1.76. Sop
tomb'!.- aw the scnlo turn with u
total of $ l.r. I0.7.-.0 10, while Decem
ber re urdod $1,903,107 SO.
'. H. 1 1. Co. Loses lletucen .1(10 mid
(IIIO lleml or ('utile on .Malheur
Itnlmiljnc I,om' UdOiu
Hheep'nii )tlie.
Tlio Chinook wind which pnsscd
ovor tho upper Malheur ami Owyhot
vulloyn Inst Friday night nnd Satur
day caused tho Ions of thousands of
dollars worth of stock by drowning
When the Malheur roso and cover
ed tho gravel bar at tho Illggs ranch
west of Vale between COO nnd 000
bend of cnttlo woro drowned. They
bplonged to tho P. , S I., ouipny
Muuy of tho hord of 000 bend woro
saved und picked up several miles
bolow tho ranch.
Over on tho Owyhee tho high
waters camo own tho canyon llko a
solid wull during tho night nnd cov
ered tho Ilnllantyuo camp, drown
ing 2000 sheep, worth $30,000 or
moro. Tho sheep herders had no
warning of tho approaching flood
nud had to hurry to savo their own
Karller In tho wook the streams to
tho wost filled their banks and
,1I1A f tlinun fln,..ln,1 alPAnmn A1l..iit '
Ward of Nysva was drowned when
tho horso ho was riding stumbled
while fording tho stream. Tho doath
of tho young man cast u gloom over
Nyssa whoro tho young man lived
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
William Jones and other visitors
from tho Interior report thnt tho
ohlnool; has cleaned up nil tho snow
lu tho lowor hills nud In tho Harney
vnlloy. Thoy declaro that Ontario Is
tho only plnco that has snow on tho
ground now, savo tho high moun
tains. Tho S. W. Class of tho Prosbyter-,
Inn Sunday School 'had a most on-
Joyablo bob sled ride last Wednosday
evening- I'lghteon of tho young
P00'"0 ,no,t tho p-inonoito and from
Worth near Payette. Aftor spond
'ing an onjoynblo evening thoro an
joystor supper was served; tho party
arrjvod buck In town at a lato hour
Ontario outolsta und drivers
of horso drawn vohlcloB havo
not been observing tho traffic '
regulations sluco thoro was no
day offlcor on tho street. There
Is ono on tho Job now, and thoro-
fore It behooves those who have
been caroloss to change their 4
practices. Tho regulations are
for tho protection of overyopo,
tho auto drher on woll as the
pedestrian, and will bo enforced.
This warning should bo taken
so get your license number;
observe tho regulations; keep 4
to the right and drive within 4
tho speed limits. This will savo
you trouble. All traffic rcgula-
tlons apply equally to teams as
well as autos.
II. C. FAHMER, City Marshal.
4, tI"
JIiiikIumIm or Minis Throng Itoom
ami Spare Is nt u Piemliini -
Dogs nnil ItabbltH III-
vldo Honors.
Tlio largest poultry show ovor
stngod In this section opened today
nnd hundreds of visitors and fnnclcrs
of tho feathered tribe enmo to On
tario to view tho contest for honors.
Tho building secured for tho show
which In provlous yenrs would havo
been ndequato, Is really too small
for tho show this year, for more than
100 specimens nro on exhibition,
nmnng thorn bo mo of tho finest bird
In tho vnlloy.
Heforo nil tho enlrtor. on'! bo
enrod for tho com.: :tteo had to oe
euro n lnrgo number of new coops
nnd carpenters wore nt work build
ing thoso long nftor many of ttio
birds wero on dlsplny.
Uesldos tho chlrkeiiH and duclm
there, nro n dumber of rabbits and
dngn on 'exhibition and tho crowds,
nro spending a
grent deal of tlmo
Imriivnril ai'mtilimiw
listening to tho harnynrd symphony
thnt Is being plajcd,
Tho exhibitors at tlio hhow como
all tho way from Ilolso nnd Kmmetl
to Welsor. Nyssa,. Vale and Ontario
nro well represented nnd practically
all of tho popular breeds of chickens
nro shown.
This evening at the Commercial
elijji rooms n bniuiuot will bo sorvod
tonho poultry men nt which tlmo It
Is expected that llio pormauciit poul
try association will bo formed to
hold tho allow nnnunlly. This year
tho exhibition Is backed by tho Com
mercial club.
Hurley Shunt Kulary Hill to One
Hide Legislature Adjoin im
After Orgy or Hill PassliiK
(."Itlens Disappointed, t
Qovornor Hon Olcott killed tho hill
that would havo Joined Jordan Valloy
to Malheur county. On tho broad
general ground that tho Highway
commission Is ompoworod to handle
road matters ho vetoed the bill
which Itcpresontntlvo dallaghor in
troduced and which pussed both
houses. It Is truo thnt this opoued
tho-way by which many other road
bills wore enacted, and this multi
plicity of bills probably caused tho
killing of the Succor creok road.
Ontario, Jordan Valloy and Nysun
buslnoss men wlrod tho Govornor
unking to bo heard beforo ho acted,
but thoso messagos woro too long de
layed, for tho Qovornor acted
promptly on Tuesday and ktllod the
The loglslaturo which adjourned
onrly Sunday morning was notable
only for Its turbulence Nothing
really constructive was accomplished,
tho tho five measures nsslgned as
reasons for Its having boon culled
woro ncted upon. Tho fish contro
versy was settled In a way, tho ro
suits of which aro yet to be seen.
Tho woman's suffrage resolution of
ratification was passed, tho soldiers'
education fund enlarged nnd relief i
wus given to tho bonetlclarlos of tho I
workmen's compensation net; nnd
additional safeguards oro provided
for enforcement of hazardous Indus
Salary 1)111 Falls
Tho bill which Representative Oal
lagher bad passed in tho houso rais
ing the salary of the County Judge of
Malheur county did not get by the
senate, tho beforo he left Senator
Hurloy favored Jt. The flallaghor bill
amending tho Irrigation codo and his
amendments providing for tho croa
tipn of a fund from which tho state
can pay tho Interest on Irrigation
and drainage districts wero paseod
and approved '
II. C Smith and Hurrv Hodge
motored to Ilolso on Mondnv
Mrs. D. M. Tuggart underwent ar
operation at the hospital Monday
morning. She is rccove'ring as rap
Idly cs could bo oxpected.
Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Arnold of
Crane are' In Ontario this week.
HTA(ll'l) 111 OltltfiON CI.UK
Mombors of tho Oregon club nnd
nomo 30 guests enjoyed n deal lust
Friday evening nt tho Days of 49
program which tho club staged with
nil approprinto trimmings. I,. I.
Hlrsch was tho big boss of tho
gambling Joint where with Oregon
club spcclo roulotto, faro and good
old fashioned poker wiib pin) oil while
(ho danco hall sceno was worked to
tho nemo of perfection, such ns I tod
Qulcli novor know.
K. Ileum Hiirreeds II, O, Drnne ns
liic's Agent ami KstnblMtct
orrict Clint Plmiey TaUes
Hell, cry Her lee.
Ontnrlo has nn up-town oxprcsi
offko. It nlso line n now express
agent, for II, O. Prune, who for
)onrs has hold that title, has relln
nulshcd It nnd Fred J. Clomn Is tho
, ,,,. appointed represontntlvo of the
I m.. . . ..
.iiiiipiwiy. ma oiuco or ino company
up town is thnt formorly occupied by
tho Km p Ire Lumber company, tho
Ontnrlo National bank of years ago
and lately by tho Overland Auto
company, opposlto tho postofflco.
Under tho now mnnagoment On
tnrlo is madu n 12 per cant off Ico
nnd tho agent socurcw that commis
sion for tho buslnoss dono by tho
company, and dollvory sorvlro Is pnld
for by tho customers.
To havo an ndouunto delivery serv
Ico Mr. Clomo Iiiib securod tho asslst
nnco of Clint Plnncy, who with his
now nuto truck Is looking after that
end of tho game under tho tltlo of
t'm Amorlcan ICxpress & Trnnsfor.
Tho office was opened this week
nnd tho company Is now doing busl
noss nt Its now stand.
Ilrlttlngliiiiii Victim of
Apopleny at Home N,enr Wilder
Lived hi Ontmlo
For Vent-M.
Claude K. Ilrlttlnghnm, formerly
of Ontnrlo, died suddenly at his
lauch homo near Wilder oarly Sun
day morning. Apoplexy was tho
causo of his sudden death.
Mr. Ilrlttlnghnm went to bed Sat
urday night apparently in good
health. A few lioura later ho was
taken with a coughing spoil and sat
up. When this stopped bo Joked
with his wlfo about It and lay down
to sleep. A few mlnutoa later Mrs.
Ilrlttlnghnm was awakened by his
trembling. Heforo alio could light
tho lamp ho had died.
The body wos shipped from Wilder
to Vnlo, whoro ho had lived for
soma tlmo nnd funeral sorvlcos wore
held from tho Chrlsthin church under
tho direction of tho Vale lodge of
Knights of Pythias, of which ha was
a mombor. The funoral sormnn wuh
dollvored by Itov. W J. Luscombo of
this city.
Tho deceased was born In Missouri
in 1874 and for tho past 20 yours has
liver In Mnuhour county nt. Drowsov,
Vale und Ontarla. Ho loft Ontario
only thrco months ago for Wilder,
whero ho bought a ranch. In 1000
ho married Miss Una Altnow of
Drewsey, who with hlsnothor, two
brothers, Frnnk of Ontario, and C. A.
of Hums, and a sister, Mrs. Dennis
O'Drlou of Lobannon, survlvo him.
Hon Stuart was a grip victim dur
ing tho week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Sproulo of Vale
woro In Ontario for tho weok end.
Tho directors of tho Ontarlo-Nyssa
Irrigation company elected officer
this week ns' follews: C. T. Lackey,
president; I.' M. Tnggart. vice presi
dent; T. W. Clagett, secretary
treasurer and manager.
Olonn Drown camo down from the
Interior Monday night.
Tho unriual meeting of tho Ad
vancement Irrigation company was
hold at tho City Hall Monday after
noon. Earl Illackaby Is spending tho
weok In California.
CUIll' INTI'ltVl'NTlON OK Oil-
Mass Meeting of Irrigation Districts
Using INmer Held In Ontntlu Hat
lllibty -Idaho Users Asked to .loin
Aerniillug to press ilUpulches
from Huleiu the ()i-eon noil .
Iilulio eoniiiilssloiis will hold n
Joint hearing nt Ilolso, sIiiiiIiik
on I'Vbruary I (lib, to consider
tint Idaho Power coiiipuii's up
plication for Increased rates,
Forty representative of llio Irri
gation companion lu Mathuiir county
who ubo oloctrlo power for their.
piimpH mot nt tho commercial oluh
offices last Saturday for the purpom
of considering what action to tiiktt
concerning tho roquost of the Idaho
Powor company for n rlso in the
Irrigation rates,
As tho result of the mnetliig u
commrUnn wns appointed consisting
of K. J, Patch. Sunk" lllvor Im
provomont company; Jonas llrowii.
Payotto-Orcgou Slope nud Crystal
district; John Dunpliy, Advniuo
niont Irrigation company nnd Inde
pendent usora about Ontario; Thoa.
W. Clngott, Owyhee Dllrh company.
Ontnrlo-N'yssa Irrigation company
nnd Wilson Ditch; II. It. Otis King
man Kolony and Dig Horn! Irrlgiitlou
companies. This rommlttco was In
structed to cousldor tho bos numi.s
nt protoctlng tho Interests of the
usors; to Invito tho co-oparntlon of
tho powor usors an tho Idaho sldo
and first of nil to enlist the support
of tho Oregon Public Servleo rom-
mlsslon in tho mnttor. Mr. Clagett
was namod chairman of tho com
mittee This action did not take plnoi until
there was a lengthy iIIscum'oii of
every plume or the problem bv
speakers called upon by Count)
Aeut L. It. Ilriothaupt. who "pre.
Tho gonoral nttltudn often ox
pressed by speakers whti that of fall
disks 'n tho company, and n willing
nets to have tha question tlinrol
examined nnd If a rife Is Justified to
stand It; tho It wns HkawiHii the
opinion of tlio spankers that Hie
rlso sought by tho coin puny mnaii'i
tho nbuiidonmont of nomo of tho -
toins, especially should prices of
farm products fall.
.Method of Measiiienient Vexes
Tho principal camplulnt voiced by
various speakers was not tha ques
tion of a rlso In rntes so much as
tho lack of powor when powor Is
neoded, and coupled with that the
(Continued on Last l'ago.)
Itov. Adam of Pajeilo to Deliver
Address nt Association Me ling
I'YIduy I Veiling I'aienls
Urged tn Attend.
At the High School auditorium
Friday ovcnlng, January 23, will l.
hold tho first evening program of th"
yoar, which will also bo unique In
tho history of tho nssoclutlou lu this
that It will be tho first public pei
formance of the High School orohe
tra which Prof. M. D. Thomas Im .
boon training for snvorul months-
Dosldo tho orchestra program tl.
mombera of the Puroiit-Toauliei.
association will hoar an nddrMW l
Itov. Adam of Puyetto. The subjec'
ot tho address has not been an
nounced, but will bo tlmoly. The
parontu or all the children or tln
schools are urged to bo presont. Th
program will commenco at 7:110.
Mr, and Mrs, Hay Wilson or Pane
woro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs, A, 8,
Drown on Sunday.
-Jta-ifcs MA AA:
hmsnliirwilMtiy,rf,iiifcttf, aumIk. i-fctwi . v. '