mmmmmmm THE ONTARIO AKUl'S. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920. FRUITLANDBENCHNEWS FlUMTI.AN'f). January t-ttlt Mr 13. A I.lck passed away nt lilt liotmt Tuesday evening lit 7 o'clock with lionrt troiihlo.surroundcd by his wlfo ninl throw hoiih and three iIiiukIi tcrx Ho ling liecu III fur mime Hum nnd ulnco it week iiko hit ilnith wnH not unexpected hut his friend aru Krlovod heonuiio of tho patudiiK of n kind frlond and Reed iihIkIiIioI'. Fttnornl niinouncomont later. Tho Mothers' Circle met Friday afternoon at tho High School nildl torltim. Tho following IntoroMliiK program wiin rendered: I'rnyor Mrs. ahormnn Mimic (llrln' (llco Club Duct .... Corrlnnn mid Moyd JohtiHon An excellent paper on Parent-Teach- ors' Ornnnlrntlon by Mm. J. II. Itondy. I'luno Solo, with loft hnnd . . Moyd Johnnou Kuwiy, "Tho AutobloKrapliy of n Thrift Stamp," written by Tina tllll and rend by Opnl KldrldRo. Heading, "Mlrnndy on Apprccla- lion," Dorothy t)lx Mrn. F. II. .Hpninhnwor lllislnewi bckrIoii. Mr. and Mm. Jack Itlnckhiirn arc tho parent of a ton-pound girl, born Jnnmiry 2nd. Dr. I'axion lirtH returned from n hiiHlnotM trip to UoIko. Mm. II. I. Itoblnnon wnH up from (nldwoll Friday mid Saturday, a guest nt the Oregor homo. I.olnnd Coon started Friday from Now Plymouth for Heattlo with a car of cattle for It. V. drover. Hoy HpnrkH wiih a WolKor vlnlltir Thursday. I'. II. Vminolton left IIiIh week for Cnncndo. Mr A. (Irlmo left hint week for hlit old home In Nohratikn. Mm. Jack Hmerlrh went to Vain Friday to visit a few day with her father, Mr. (leorgo Thebo. Mr. C. M. Iirkey hint week pur- I'hnKcd fifteen aero of liar I Ameck for ffiOOO. poiwmMlou to bo kIvoii March Int. We are Kind to havo (Iioho OMtlmahlo people iikiiIu with iih In our I'ommunlly. Mr Karl Amock piirchnHed last week of C'harloH I'lekerel ten acre, formerly belonging to A. H. CarlHon, consideration JfiOOO. A. 10. CarlHon wbh ocr from Melba hu.t week clos. Ing tho deal and whllo here vlilted tho I . Taylor home. Sam Unor of Frultlnnd hn been licensed several Union of abusing bin wlfo and on Saturday morning Inst at 0 o'clock kicked bin wlfo out of doom and locked her out with noth ing but hor night rlotheH. Sho wan forced to go to n neighbor's nnd be ing In a dollcnto condition tho at-tendance- of a doctor woh required. Snm wan arrested and In lo hnvo a hearing before tho prolinlo JudRe this week. 1 Tho car of lumber for K. I. Nok' homo arrived thin weok and In lmlng unloaded under the supervision of W. A. Col well. The I'. It. Hllkett hliickKinlth shop was reopened ililx pant weok. Mm II. X. Taylor, who has been In Ontnrlo during the lllnomi of Mm. Russell's rhlldren, I now nt home sorlously III with erysipelas. Mm. A. K. linker Is very low with pnoumonln nt her homo In Whitley llnttom. Mr and Mm. I). .1 Cnmpboll of Now Plymouth and Mr. nnd Mm, Chnrles Cninpbell spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mm. (leorgo Frank. Mr. nnd Mm. II. II. Soltorberk were guests threo days last weok of Mr. and Mm. Henry Solterheck. nbove Now Plymouth. Mm. B. II. Spnlnhower entertnlned to dinner Rundny Miss Annn Uupp nnd MIsh Alma Bhambergcr. Tho Frnnccfi Wlllnrd W. C. T. U. will meet with Mm. Maude Westfall Frldny. January 22nd All jueni bem are urged to be present an coun ty content work begins nt IIiIh time Mr. II. It. lloomer. miner of regis torod llolstolns, sold last week to W. It. MowAcmmlth. of llolse. Hogls Wnlker I'olBrtJo I.nd the Seventh. for $1500 Tli In young bull In tho win of "Daisy," piirchimed some ymtr ago fiom Mr. Troxell. Sho Iibm a record of thirty pounds of huttor fat In seven day. The Junior II. Y. P. IT ppent a very euJovHbln nflernoon Hitturilat when they were entertained nt the homo of tholr lender, Miss lona John son. The It Y. P. IT. held their monthly social and IiumIuomh meeting at the J. N. Dill home Tunsdiiy evening of thin weok. The yoiinr peopl'i's clam of the llnptiNt ehureli were delightfully en terlnlned Thiimday evening at the J 0. Jnhnxon home Tho Christian Endeavor Society mot last Saturday evening nt the John Tackett homo nnd twenty yumiK people enjojed the evening together. Tiosilny ovoiiIiir about 00 em ploj -es of tho Dcnncy Packing com puny enjoyed nil o.ster supper nt tho ltunxulnw. Music and games were eiij. til until a Into hour."-Tho innii iici nt chooilug ,'nrtners for tho sup p . Mined much i'iiii TIiIh compiny U fill packing apples and It If lliourl'.t t luil tho apples will ho eb'nu ed up In a few weeks. Siilunlny evonlng 21 uninvited Riiei'( appeared at tho homo of Mrs Chorion u, Kich to help her celebrate her birthday nuulverMtry. Music wu:, furnlshod by Mr. Russell mid Frank Thompson after which the guests en Joyed nit oyster supper. The Fldolls Class of tho Ilrothren fluidity school wero guests to n de lightful four courso dinner In the church basement Friday evening. Covers woro laid for Ii8 grown-'ip and lit of tho HtMo folks. Tho tables were t'.ocorntod with red and white carnations. Mrs A. K. linker passed away at her I oino In Whitley Ilottoin Tims day night nt mldi.Ight after an lllnosb of two weeks, pneiimonlu and othor complications causing tho dentil. Sho loaves a huihnnd and two sons 14 nnd 17 years of ngc. Mrs, linker wits u most lovnblo chnrnctor mid an Ideal mother nnd homemakcr. Sho will ho greatly missed In the com munity. No funeral arrangements hnvo yet been uindo. Mr. C. M. Lnckoy unit K. P Sar gent left Mondny evening of this week for CIsIchro with n train load cf apples for Denny & Company. Mr. Lnokoy will go from Chicago to In dliinu to visit for a. tlmo with rola- tlvos. Mr. (leorge Hooker loft Thursday of last wwk for Philadelphia with a shipment of apples for IX tiny & Com pany. Do will visit for a short time In the oast and return lo ltochoJtcr Mlnnosnln, to Mayo llrothers' ho. pltnl to recelvo treatment for lilr oycM. Tho Aid Society or tho llrotliren church met Thursdny at tho Hostel- lor homo to sow for the Newell fain- Hy. The Frultlnnd W. C. T I' will meet Wednesday nftornoon, January 21, nt the home of Mm, J. M Klnsoy. VOH SM.K Knlttlns uiachluc. In quire Mm. Kndow, first hotiir west of Naznrlno church. 203-7-tf OKNKItAIi SKWINd Phono 4211 202-7-10 WANTKD Olrl from 15 years up for light housework and to xtay with children. W. II. Doollttle. 7 Auto license blanks on hand again nt tho Ford Oarage. 7 f Hl'ND.VY, .lANCAHV IH n.emixet: iti:u In "iii:it com-: w imxoir Palhe .NVus MUX. .i TUI8M,.V. It) .V mi I.IM.IAX OIHII In "HltOKlIX IH.OH.SDMS" looim Pnthe Xeus and Mutt nnd .IcffVnltt vi;i)Xin,v, .i.x. at XOHMA TAI.MAIKJII III "IIKIt OXI.V WAY" Pnthe XeN, JAXl'AHV S!2 T).M MOOItK In "CITY OF rOMIIAIM-M" ChrMlo ,imieily I'ltlDAY, .lANl'AUY ai. Tllll llAHXItS MIXHTItKI.S SATUHHAV, .lAXlTAKY 21 CIIAHt.KH H.V In "HIM. IIKXIIY" II II Out from the fnr places he comes, bringing with him the matchless treasure of his long labor. Up from the South with "THE BIRTH OF A NATION," the most popular dramatic enter tainment ever created. Then from Babylon and glorified Palestine witlf"INTOLERANCE,"the mightiest spectacle man ever has conceived. Last from the Fields of Flanders with "HEARTS OF THE WORLD," the epic of the war made for the French and British Govern ments. And now, from London and China, DAVID WARK GRIFFITH brings for its showing to the world "Broken Blossoms 99 As startling an advancement in the cinema art as were the other triumphs of this world genius. A drama of profound emotion, of exquisite delicacy, of terrific strength. It is a worthy expression of Mr. Griffith's great talents in their rich maturity. At the Dreamland Theatre, January 19 and 20 LILLIAN GISH in D. W. Griffith 's Super Feature BROKEN BLOSSOMS creation of exquisite wonder and beauty of such haunting charm that all else seems as of yesterday n J, " CHILD JPip TD m SCENE PROM Dreamland Theatre,Mon.Tues.,Jan.l9-20 Children 's Month January is Children's Mont': at our studio, and, as a SPECIAL OFFER we will donate free to the child, for future reference, one enlargement 7x11 completely finished, mounted in attractive folder, with each order for one dozen cabinet-size photographs. This enlargement cannot be bought, but your child is entitled to it. Sittings can be arranged at any time. SELIGMAN'S STUDIO Ontario "Photos that are different' Oregon THE UNIVERSAL CAR lll'Y YOUU I'OIIIJ fAll XOW To mako sure of gottlng n Ford car, buy ono now, Don't wait until Boring but buy now whllo deliver loa nro possible. Even next month U an uworialnly" ,Zh? n"m,bor, of Kor'1 allotted to this terrl ory Is limited nnd specified. Even to got our a . cnrrU,C; mU8t lmvo rea1' 'ona.fldo orders for cars. Just so many cars nro allotted us: will you bo oo of them? Those who order their car" tow will be protecting themselves. If you would bo forehanded, get your on an order today Ti,!?0',t...U,lnk you ca,,not use " lf " eot It now. Tho four seasons are nil' alike to tho Ford car I U a necessity every month of tho year. Besides tho Ford car Is lowest In upkeep coit and easiest in llRltlnK system makes drlvlne more convenient W order for either open or enclosed cur" will havo our prompt attention. roiiu garagi: Authorized Sales ami Sen Ice V. II. STAPIAOS, Pro,,. lW g ri'ft' -fj j rriM-w wra5