THE ONTARIO ARCH'S ONTAJtJO, OKK(H) TIIUKKl.AY, JANUARY 35, 1920. J" timm V- M) . V 'ia C 1919 A. D. R. Inc. ?irfGVW If he's extra large, heavy furred, cased "SluufoerU" Wauate Oregon Furs ALL. VOI J CAN SHIR And Will Pay Tlicnc Exlrcmcly Hifjli Prices NflMIMURGtl NHIMK.E T NtfHtOIUM NI SHALL I N 2 tlttT0.f Mtniff10..t.f f Iff IM .tS.M lift to yM In f Hill IQtfluTT COYOTE llm;rrtiLCiMJ3J.OOIo2J.0O2lC0l3l8''O 15.0010 12.501 10.00 lo 8J0I10.00IO 5.00,.. h2.(i01al3,C0r.'.0llll 3 1 PXOlo 10.00 1 8.C0I3 6.00 1 8.00 to 400 MUSKRAT Winter I 6.0010 5.C0 1 4.75(3 3..5I 3 JO 0 2.751 2-531 J 1.75 1 2i0(0 liO Fall 4.5013 3.75 3.01J 2.5 2.f0lo 2X0 1 1.75 la 1-50 1 1.75 lo )2S SK.UKTK. KlIUnUUHGEl fHUARGE I NflKtDHJH I NflSHAU t GQQOUNPRIME tfTMfOAVI 9 .fM, m I e 1 ! 19 vtMf itri (vitm BlaTk 1 15.0010 12.001 11.00(0 M)" 8.5013 8.001 7iOU 7X0 1 7.0010 3.50 Short 10X310 9.00 8.5310 71) 72510 6.75 6i0lo 5.50 6.00 to 3.00 Narrow 7.50 to 6i3 62510 SI 5.00 (o 4.50 4P0i3 3.53 -35010 liO Broad I 5.00(3 4.03 1 3.50 (n 3) I 2.75(0 2.25 I 2.00(o 1.50 1 150 1 0 .75 These extremely high prices arc baled on Ihe well-known "SHUDERT" liberal grading and arc quoted for Immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4, 'and otherwise Inferior skins at highest market value. For quotation on other Oregon Furs, write for'Slif Iiulirrl ltuiir," the only reliable and accurate market report and price list of its kind published. If FREE Write tor it. A shipment to "SHUDERT" will result In "more money" "quicker." M I mJTMilTi? ITT I i'lFr-mt!! fMWMJLE!M sPT!Mras3ri y1 "ii?Jl w I In I ill i M'"' KHHsl Mr. Henry Durpol returned Im-i Friday from Hilton, New Mexico, wlioro lie has boon living on hP rnncli for tho imst two yoniM. Tho 1. 3. h. Co. nro fcodliiR nbont 1G0O bond of cattle In .In lit urn with liny which wob bought of tho William Hnnloy Co. Tho stock wns brought from tho WarmsprlugM ranch ne.n Illvorsldo Inst week. Mr. Carl Itlloy loft n raw days ago for a short vUlt In Holso. Al Orocn In in Junturn (rum the Warmsprlngs rnncli with tho P. I.. Co. cattle. Wllllnm N. Alton mid W. B.. Ilium nrrived In Junturn last wook from the uppor country unit nro spouillng n few days boro. Mr. I. C. Dean of Wostfnll wan In Junturn n fow ilnys ago on bimluoSi. Mr. Donn Ooodmnn loft last wook for Wnlln Wnlln, Washington, on mattora of business. Mr. Jntnos Qrnbnm wob n passcn gor on Monday's train for Harper, wlioro ho will bo for koiiio tlmo, nBsistlng Mr. J. I). Folrmnn of tho Jones Morcnntllo Co. Hnlph Mnntcrson and UurhoII llob ortson loft Inst Sntunloy for school at Corvallls after spending tho holl dnyB with their rotative horo Mr mid Mm, C'annlo Moffct nud children huvo returned to Junturn alter oino weeks spent nt the Warm springs rnnch. Mri. (loorge Kelly of Drewsey Is hi Junturn enrlng for her doughtor, Mr. Lawson Newell, who Is ronvul osclng from n fracture rnusstl hy n fnll Inst wcok. , Mr W. A. Hnbortson of Drewsey toft tho Inst of tho wook for llolsn to visit hor dniiKhtor In Kchoot tlmro itml other rolntlvtm. i Mr. Hnlph rhntnborn of Drnwuo h n Junturn visitor on frldny. Mm. Cliontor Rtnlhird of Drewspj pnmnd thrntiRli town tnnt wenk o.i tlm wny to outnlilp imlntn. Mr. Alex Murray of Uoulnli wan :i Junturn vlnltnr on Salunlnv. Harold Mcdotrlok wnM In town lt wok mi III wny to MnntniK nftor upandliiR noino tlmo hero with 111 brother. John Mcdotrlck. Melvlu Hrlpp of Itlvamlits npnil n y In Junturn lnt week. Mr. I'red Curry, who went to Vnlo to servo on the grand Jury, returned the Irtxt of the wook. Mm. Odcnr N'nwoll of tho Agency -anoh, wbs r Junturn vlnltnr lam v.iok. Mr. John McOotrlck tins recently toeomo tho owner of.n new Kinuklln it; hIko In hU cnpselty of stock hropdor. of n pnlr of Jnrls, silver tone Mainmoth, Crnnd Clmniploii, for ''I h he paid fHOO, ntid Alice, valued .i 00 Mr McUetrlrk pitrlinHpil tbl-t i trot stock from Kuby ft Sons of t'ortlnnd. A MAN MAV Hi: DOWN, HUT Hi: IS MAI It Ot HTHMIIIfl Kausi Our Allies This bank is an ally of tlm Tai-mor, .stock grower, and morclmnt, hound togutluii hy tin nn written law for Iho advanccniont of privatu in terests and the development of Ontario and viet nity. Yon ean join this league hy hecoinhig'ii dtipositor of this 13ank. Ontario National Bank Olilost Hunk In Grant, Hnrnoj V MnllK'ur Ciiiintles. Tho mystic hour of twelve! Hoars of thunder and crashes oi lightning driving Knto's crumhl it victims to C-oil-Knows-Wlioro. Then tho saving Imp of I lunger grinning and sneering nud DAKIN'C Frank Molfniry to quonch the suffer Ing Hint was crushing him body and soul, A light In n distant window. Just ono light and In tho dead of night at that mystic hour of twolvol Llko n benst nftor prey, ho leaped forward, ongor for Death If ho failed In this last strugglo with Tnto. What happcucd within tho roon A the slnglo light turned hack the years for Frank Melbury. Ho found tho greatest thing In life the I.OVI-: of n good woman. I to whs In tho City of Comrades nud bo woiil Tom Mooro In "Tho City of Com radox," Dreamland thmitro, Thurs day, January 22. 'lurtune for helling some 'm.r.: ilu.i I... -...I ll, ... A, - ... ii' iiitriiiiun . in u.u r.u c in I. ill to Hny In "Illll Henry." the n e iv I'nrnmnuut photoplay which l ii im at the Dreamland theatre this weok, It was mi eloetrlo vlbnuor Hist was to bring him barrels or tld. Hut ns n salesman, Dill Henry was h "flivver," and especially when he cliHrged his vibrator with elite 1 1 lolly snd tried It out on the sensi tive siiHtoiny of n rheumatic! Illll iinnsforred tils talonts to ths hotel liushiesn st mice, where he trims tho clt slim pur at poker mid fights u torilflo and successful imttln for n glil ami u fortune. "Illll Henry" has tho sniiio Intensely human qual ity tbst pervades all thq t'h.irlsi ltd., picture and Is erowdod with Imigbs. elisors mid thrills. Dreamland, Sst iirdsy, Jnnunry 24. IIIIOKKX UI.OSSO.MS zuBusanuBH CLEARANCE SALE OF TRIMMED HATS t THis is a wonderful opportunity to get a ha to finish out the season. We have placed most all of our trimmed hats in three lots to be closed out. Lot No. 1 consists of trimmed hats valued up to $15.00, all marked to sell for $5.95. Lot No. 2 consists of trimmed hats valued up to $9.00, marked to sell at $3.85. Lot No. 3 consists of hats valued up lo $6.00 marked to sell at $1.98. We carry a select line of Waists. OSBORN MILLINERY D. W. Orlfflth's latest work. "Ilroken Illossnms." wm told In pic tures because thorn are no wnrdw dnllcnte or exquisite oiinugh to Iwve told It For. after sit, words nrc criido nud cold. The night winds swaying the belli of nn old loniple might Imve suggest ed the story. Incense smoke etirllnr upward In wreaths of mauve mid gray from u dim old altar might have suggested It; or tho mnlier notes of a flulo across the wHtero of a shadow v lake. Hut the story "of "Drokoii Illossoms" novor can be told In words. It Is a simple story as simple mh lovo nud death. In some measure "Tho Chink and tho Child." a stor by Thomns Ilurke, suggested It but only as n groat painting might have been suggested by a Dlokeus char acter. Thoro nro thoso who will seo in this drams, merely n piteous tragedy of sweotness and polgnauce. Hut theio are artists who will soo suhtlo hut powerful symbols In the very simplicity of this hurst ho of eorrow rbey will see Cheng Ilusn as n sort of Chinese Sir Cnlnhad, the knight of the puro beart: and In llattllng llur ro'vs. tlm vlHiialisatlon of brute matorlnllty. And as In the on go of nil great works of art. thoro Is ilouht Ioim mnro there than tho nrtlst htm- solf. know. At Dreamland, Monday and Tuesday, 'January 10 and 20. A COOII .MOUTH WOIIK, WH' HAY How would you llko to bo roused out of n nlghtmnro by n flro. alarm, rush to n hlailng tenement hiilldlng. sve n fnmlly of youngsters, thou help the pnlleo raid an underworld den and thou go calmly hack to hod to finish your beauty sleep? "The end of a perfect day" Is what Doug Fairbanks wills It. In "Ills Majesty, the Amorloau," his newest film. Coming to Dreamland thotilro. . HAIIXKH' MKItltV MINSTItW.K The mnnagoiiient of the Droam land thoatro of this city tnkos kiwi I pleasure In announcing to the public that they hnvo been ablo to obtain n roal tront for them In tho comlm of llamas' Morry Mlnsfrols, n white minstrel show that has such famous mlnstrol stars as Nato llushy, Harry Mllo, Hobby and Johnny Dale, mid many others of recognized tnlont. Tho Ilarnos' Minstrels will show the Dreamland thoutro Immediately after tho two days engagement nt the riimoy thoatro In IloUo. This aggro gallon earrlo their own fcpeulul band mid orohestra nud will glvo s street parade and froe band enueerl In front of the thoatro beforo show time. A two hour program consist ing of blackface- comedians, slngars lUucers, mimical numbers, soloV duets, quartottoH mid soxtuttos. To say nothing of tho Jnsziest Jazz that was ever Jszzoil by a real Jusz or chestra and band music that will VIIIIIATOIt liltl.NOK WHAI.TH. Who of ii b linn not fallen lit sc.n.e tlmo or othor for one of thoso allur ing advertlsomoiits that promise us u make you forget you over had n (rouble in this world. rtemember tho place and the dale. Dreamland thoatro, Friday, January 23A1, all seats reserved. On salo nt the Ontario Pharmacy Monday, Jiuiii. ary 10th. Frlcos, adults $1-10; children, G5c. iLizmm W Mtas e Cam Help Yom M ak m onj The right kind of printed forms will help your business prosper by saving your time and keeping your records in proper shape. Our service as printers is not limited to taking your ordci LM'l putting some ink on paper according to your directions. We arc able to make suggestions for business printing that may save considerable money for you. Our plant is completely equipped and we cairy a stock of The Utility Dutinatu Paper in order to give you the quickest service possible, THE ONTARIO ARGUS 'T V t A Tftit mount of work now rriMtn to U iWmw bkb th (nlrrvrntUn of r Imi M(tly iUUyrl smj arrumu !.lr.,t,wllrirfiull Utbt very liw riiut rip-ii.ttw ought to U ml lu uuk us fur l mttr runt iuiie Iftrvilibtv Ju I Ihr ir. maI la isrtisw ih nil roJi to fvf anlfqiMlrJy lh luuiNtel tnrtir lwoulnl lUt ivlry WAI.KKH t. IIINI. 01'ffler Giti4tfjtit'9di Work more Produce more Save more But vc can't cotitinuo increasing our production unless we continue increasing our railroafUfacilit ies. The farms, mines and factories cannot increase their output beyond the capacity of the nilroads to haul their products. Railroads are now near the peak of their carrying capacity. Without railroad expansion more en gines, more cars, more tracks,, more ter minals there can be little increase in production. I Jut this country of ours is going to keep right on growing and the railroads must grow with it. To command in the investment markets the flow of new capital to expand railroad facilities and so increase production there must he public confidence in the future earning power of railroads. The nation's business can grow only as fast us the railroads grow. ETu'6' advertisement U publidlieci by tie &l6$ocialoti ofStaihvtoj 'ccuUaL Thoit Jtiiring information c . truing Ike railroad titu atiun may ollain liUrutun ly untmu lo tin .(jjo. iu fi'o'i of Hailuay Httculiin, 0 Uroadaay, Ntu York, i Ontario, Oregon anuntatmicnnuHtwiucu' valrnLn;: "'jftn&.e.UfcOlfrTW'MMrti i . ArffenAflW i k-,fa.