:- ..muniiwii THE ONTARIO AJUUS, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, .TAXtWKY 1"), V : The Ontarh Argus 0. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher Published Thursdays nt Ontario, Oregon, and ontorcd nt tho Ontnrlo post offlco for distribution as 2nd class matter. SUHS0IUPTI0N8 Ono Year $1.60 THE POCLTHV SHOW. Noxt week Ontnrlo will ontartnln llin trl70 chickens of tho Snnko mid .Mnlhour volleys. Tho occasion should ho fittingly observed. Rnlslng poultry Is no longer n moro Hldo-llno on tho fnrin, nn added duty for tho busy fnrmor'B wlfo. On many of tho smalt rnnches chickens cm a divided commission will be llttlo bettor. Surely In u ntnto nil largo as Oregon It Is possible to so- tin: povi:it ii.ti. According to n lorjRthy statomiiu in ml c by tho officials of the Idaho pot a commission of seven men big Power company liny uver thnt tboy enougn, inir enougn wiin courage unwi not earned enough rrom Irr.gn enough to mnko tho waring factions tlon scrvlro to Justl'v tho contlnu bo good by an Impartial and con-'nncp of that scrvics, and ihnt It wl'I Btructha administration of tho of-1 bo necessary for the lompnny to'hnio fairs over which tho board has con- Increased compensation to extend trol. Wo would linto to admit that t!.o Borvlco to meo'. the dmands for this Is not tho ensc. Tho ono notnblo thing In tho flov ernor's address Is tho mass of detail, nil Information that It Imparts. It displays tho fact that tho (Imornor Is conversant with tho machinery of the romllir year urn! 1921 Thoro Is no denying the fact tint his rouuost on tho part ct tho cii pany will meet with opposition from rutii'hcrs mulct puni.i.ng systolic many of whom bolloo that tho mus government. Whnt tho mesngo lacks , nro moro than thoy can pay. At the In stylo It supplies In detail and In hiiiiu time these ram-lier ;,nvo no d tbo apparent offort to lenvo tho mnt- sire to snk tho ruliinilon of tue turn iu nu tuiiniuuii'ii in inu iiiiuiih iii company; nor 11001 fill' CO T"1l have proven to bo vorltnblo mortgngo tM0 leB'Blnt,lro for settlement It Is nook the ruination of the ranol.es lifters, nml sternly providers for tho rommondnble. Thoro Is apparently j As conditions ore at pnient the su. family between tho hnrvests of hay i110 ',r,(, "r 0'l'll'on ' tho Oovornor's css of each Is csswt .! to the .. . Custodian . . Coal Adding Machine ...... Promlums, Flro Ins. Janitor 7.10: 2r.r, :ir 112.no 157.08 40.00 Totnl $1,021.48 Water System Salaries, Superintendents $ 1, SOT. 00 Salaries, Engineers nt Sta tion 1,800.00 Salaries, Collector 391. D7 Other Labor Employed.... 78.1.29 Now Equipment Pur chased 1,539.78 Power 2,088 87 Supplies and wator Install ations Including Plumb ers' Chnrges for Serv ices and Labor mid Cost of Filtration 2, OH 0 Wator Meters and Hoxos.. 11,451 0. Cnpnld Hills from 1018.... r.72 00 Ilent of Warehouse for Supplies r.4.00 IiiBUiuuro on Supplies ... 31 25 crop. Tho lions and lurkoys of this sec tion have added thousands of dollars to tho wealth of this region during tho past fow years and tho possibili ties of tho Industry hnvo not been ronrhod. It has beon proven that Improved strains of chickens nro far moro profllnblo than scrubs. Tho lattor passim Just us Inrgo appetites but do not hnvo tho cgg-lnylng power, so of rnttrso It behooves tho rancher to seo to It thnt ho docs not hnvo loafers around to cat tholr hearts off. To mold ku!i conditions thnso who nro Interested In poultry should study tho specimens on exhibition nt tho show for thoro will be many shown thnt hnvo monoy producing records. There nro n largo number of fowls In tho vnlley with recordH of 200 or moro eggs por year, there nro others who hnvo Ignored tho cold weather nml stayed on tho Job whon eggs hnvo sold for 76 cents per dozen or moro. It Is this class of chlckon that It should ho tho object of every chicken fancier to possoss. This chicken show Is being staged and hacked by tho Ontario Com meralnl club hcrnuso tho niomhors of thnt organization bellovn nml know llmt tho advancement of tho poultry IiiisIihmw spells prosperity for those who Intelligently follow It. The busi ness men renllrn that this Is n good country for tho ehlrkon business, and thorn Is nmpln evidence of tho re turns which tho raising of chickens bring to ninny of tho ranchers about tho city. Ontario has flunncod tho under taking. Tho business men thru tho Commercial club hnvo undertaken all the work of arranging for tho show nml now nil that Is needed to assure Its success Is tho participation of tho ranchers. Tho Inrgor and moro var ied tho displays tho better, of course ilimllty rather than quantity should ho tho first consideration. mind, anil that should result In a harmonious session. Tolnl SO TIME FOR EXPERIMENT. om of tho ffhor In tho p.bscnco rl neuron oti'r' Improvements, aensr.il Hum thoio Dtippllcd hj the cnniMi.Vl',,,llry,' Street Comnils 1. , , , . , ' I sinner and team If -In hnrd to rench nn accurate urn other labor oiniilnioil ... ciiiBion in 111s mniter, nut since it will undoubtedly bo heard and thoro- ?10.0:!S 71 Evory report thnt conies to hand, bo It from n governmental depart ment or n prlvato sourco Indicates a 1 discussed boforo the'commlsslons growing demand for money, In splto of both Idnho nnd Oregon, thoro la of tho fait that novor In tho history no doubt thnt Justlco will ho done of tho world was thoro n country so nnd tho Interests of tho ranchers will tin: (iovKit.voit's meks.mh:. Thoro was ono statement In tho mostwigo which Governor Olcott mndo to thn special KOMHlon of tho legisla ture that may well ho noted. It wns that wherein ho told tho lawmakers thnt thoy would bo subjected to ox im' ut I vi) luterforoncn In tholr dollhorn (Ions. In this thn (lovornor struck n happy Hint. In recont jours, and In your that can not bo called recont thoro has boon 11 marked tendency to depart from tho principles of ropro tumtutlvo government, nnd to sub vert the logUlntlva branch to tho will of oxwmtlvos. While In soma cases this Interference 011 thn part of gov ernor has been for tho host Interests of tho people thnt does not Justify l Im custom entirely. It la to bo hoped that Governor Olcott will ob serve this program. Tho (lovornor niiikiw n forinldnblo nrgumont to Justify tho calling of tho loHhiluturn tonsillar nod nddod to tho reason given In his proclamation two other -the submission of cap Kill punishment to the people nnd tin nmemliiuint of tho penal eodn relat ing to the power of the board of par dons, nml tho fish commission con troversy In tho first of those mousurc tho people will uiuiiinllfliHlly support tho position the Governor bus taken He make u clean cut distinction hetwoon tho Imrdenml felon mid tho first of fender, ho rightly place In n differ ent rutegory the murderer, rapist, the huriflHr who goo armed with ilftudlv wonpons; and tho petty thlf nnd oilier vlnloton of tho laws who do not put tho IIvm of their fellow men In Jeopardy. The Governor would not abolish tho pardon power hut would surelv limit Us seopo, for Im says It Is tho firm duty of soolety to protect Itself; while nt tho same time affording nu opon door for thoo In whom reform utlou Is possible It Is hard to agroo entirely with tho Governor's rerouimondntlons con cerning tho settlement of tho fish nnd game controory. His most favored theory of two commissions (loot) not remove tho cause of trouble, In fact It has Inherent possibilities of Increasing rather thnn diminishing rich In tho medium of exchange as I. Ainorlcn today. So groat has this doninnd become thnt It Is mndo tho subject of n wnrn- lug by tho governors of tho federal rosorvo bnnks In tho twolvo rosorvo districts, accompanied by which Is n rlso In Interest rates on limns that am redlscounted hy tho reserve bnnks. Hanks nil over tho country arc ad monished to bo careful In (linking loans to soo to It thnt tho monoy thus sought Is used for needed Invest ments nml not for noii-cssontlnls. In short, tho bankers nro putting 011 tho brakes 011 extravagance which to n largo degroo Is tho cause of the pros cut high cost of living Tho ilnmnnd for monoy nt present Is so great thnt tho securities of some of tho wealthiest nations In tho world can ho had by Amorlcmis nt figures which will net hetwoon 0 anil ton por cent nu tho Investment Tho Angld-Ilrltlsh loan doos that, and other loans underwritten In tills country nro oounlly favorable When this Is true, then how can tho pcoplo of Oregon oxpect to bor row monoy, should thn proponed In- torost bill naming flvo por cent as tho maximum rnto of Interest pass? They Just could nut, that Is all. Ore gou would ho shunned by Invostnrs Ami that Is not all, Oregon monov would lenvo tho state as fast us tho express companies mid tho registered. mnii could carry It nwny. Money Is timid. It tnkos to cover nt tho loast unfavorable symptom. Pooplo who hnvo monoy ran not ho forced to uso It. It can remain Idle nml go on prolonged strike and suf fer loss than nny other commodity. It doos not deteriorate with non-uxe. Whnt Oregon wants Is Inrgo amounts of work developing the state. Wo can doslro cheaper monov ns much as wo wish hut wo can not, at least uudor present economic conditions, leglslata it into oxlstonco. Tho nntural laws of supply nml demand eovorn tho prlco of monoy Just 11s thoy do otlior prlcos. Until Oregon voters find n way to produco a sur plus wealth Hint will Itself bring down Intorest rntos It Is thn part of wisdom to vote no on tho proposed Interest rnto bill. bo 'protected by tho constituted authorities. If tho ranchers could bo assured of n cotitlnunnco of high priced liny thoro Is no doubt that they would temper tholr opinion of tho com pany's request' but wcro tho prlcos of ranch products to fall mutorlnlly while tho cost of power materially Increased, It (nkes no second sight to dlflcorn whnt will happen to somo of tho finest Irrigation districts In this vnlley. Matorlnt and supplies .... llrldgo ltond Gravel on Streets Wood Pipe Illil. of Pnlnt Irrigation, shade trees on Streets Cross-walks Traffic signs ANNUAL HEPOItT CITV HE-COHDEII. Report of tho City Recorder of tho City of Ontario, Oregon, from Janu ary 1st, 1019, until tno closo of busi ness on Dcconibor 31st, 1910, of all funds received nt snld offlco belong ing to said City or Ontnrlo lis credit ed on tho books of said City. General Fund, Taxes . .. .$ 9,509,78 Library Fund, Taxes 918.41 Hoods and Interest .. . 9,801.22 Fines 7T. l.r.O Licenses and Miscellan eous ... ,. 810.04 Trunk Sowor No. 2 . . 1,008.18 Lntornl Sowor No. 1 287.30 lateral 8ewer No, 2 159. 0.1 latornl Sower No. 3 201.30 Lotorol Sowor No. 4 . ... 1,256.11 Lntornl 8owcr No. C 0.05 Lntornl Sowor No. 8 31,883.38 Lateral Sower No. 9 8,287.31 Street Paving District No. 1 21,197.00 Water System 12,128.72' City Pound 100.96 Sldownlks 105.15 Thoatora 00.00 Old Assessments 104.18 Interest on Doposlts 211.47 Hog Tnx 180.00 Comotory . 310.00 Total 1,800 00 110 '1 321 -,. 2ir o. irr, 0.. 180 2f 121.3." 273 in r.i v 40.00 $3,030.96 Lateral Sower No, 8 Paid Contractor 20,028.82 Paid L. C. Kolsoy, En gineer 028.4fi Printing notices 77.00 Itlght of Way across Hall road BO, 00 Minor Items 3. 00 Totnl 27,088.48 Streot Paving District No. 1 Paid Contractor ,.... 8,205.07 Engineers mid Trnnsltmen Salaries mid expenses .... 1,271.70 Othor labor, field nnd offlco 578. 25 Equipment, Engineers of flco 389.27 U. 8. Mfg. Co 4GB.00 Expcnso, Dond Issue 100.00 Streot Cnblo 2n2.08 Commissioner mnklng as sessment 0B. 00 Printing notices 02 30 Mnlhour County Abut. Co. 5.0(1 Totnl 11,384 27 Comotory Labor employed 324,50 Wntor mnlntonnnco 87,00 Now tools 10,00 Map frmno 3 00 Flags for Decoration Duy 3 00 A c k 11 o wledgemeutH to deeds 3. 00 Auto scrvlco 2 no Totnl City Wntor For Hydrants Irrigation City Hull 439.00 3,000.00 180.00 27.50 $100,178 SO Wntor Ilonds Funds on hand Jan. 1st, 1019 . ..$ 1,481.75 Wntor Fund, cash In of- "co 14.95 1 1 1 a uti i'vixcj ).vr. mo. Tho members of tho Commercial club who decided that to mnko On tario moro beautiful would require civic education, did not discourngo tho Idoa. They want n moro presentable Ontario ns tdncoroly ns do any of Its citizens but thoy have had export onco mid know Hint merely wishing for things dooe not get them. No clvlo body, no city council, onn mnko n city beautiful; that Is truly $101,076.50 DUO tho City of Out a rln frnm nn. paid acceunts: Trunk Sowor No. 2 $2,547.35 Lateral Sowors Nos. 2 to 5.. 1,547.84 lateral Sower No. 1 129.02 Lntornl Sowor No. 8 1,808.17 Lateral Sewor No. 0 72.45 Old Assessments and Wntor Sorvlco 703.55 Totnl 3,207.60 City Lighting Stroot lights 3,117.18 Jail lights 12,00 Hall lights 10.00 Total 3,139.13 Influonzn epidemic Fnmlllos undor quarantine l''iol 15.10 Drugs 24.28 Supplies 71,60 Totnl $0,808.38 Funds paid out by warrants Issued fronr January 1st, 1919, to Decern her 3lst, 1919: Recorder's Offlco fn'nry $1,200.00 Deputy Recorder rn nn Stenogrnphor 12,00 Minor Supplies 3.-J7 City Printing Offlco supplies mid legal notices Advertising Malheur County Fair........ Election Ilallots Judges and Clorka Total 110.94 214.60 100.00 8 00 18.00 20.00 Total $1,285.37 Treasurer's Offlco salary Ilond Stamps mid Express 160.00 25.00 5.40 $ 180.40 llnnds nnd Intorest This Includes nil war rants drawn to pay Interest on aenornl nnd Dnncroft Ilonds and to rotlro Dnncroft IJonds 15,417.80 Water Ilonds Englnoor, L. C. Kolsoy.... 102.58 Contractor, C. II. Holmor 027 58 Contractor, Calif. Jewell Filter Co 2,593.24 liinientnblo fact that many pooplo j?'r' $ 300.00 hnvo no prldo In their suroundlngs Hut It Is not to bo wondered at, far thoro nro hundrods In overy town who hnvo no prldo In tholr personal nppeornnio. or In anything thoy do. Thoy lack entlrel n social sense, and no amount of education will supply Hint deficiency. Howover, people of this kind nro not many, nnd seldom do they own their own liomiwi, so thoy may ho left out of consideration in this connec tion, Tho principal bource of diffi culty In such a campaign is tho enro Ioha liidhldiinl who glvoH llttlo thot to such matters Onco his or her In torost U aroused this class of Inhabi tants In n town accomplish wonders. Let Ontario got tho movement onco started nnd tho natural doslro to live In good surroundings will tnko root, and progress will be mndo. Somo In- I'oii'lvo, perhaps would solvo thai problQiu. It Is worthy of tho best ef forts of tho club to further this movement. It inav take time, hut Ontario will achlovo success Is It Stenogrnphor 9.30 309.30 I'ollco Department Salaries, Marshal mil Po- "co, $2.44S.50 Hoard of Prisoners .. 20.85 Repairs on Jail 38.25 Tolopho'io, Rent mid Tolls 53.30 Marshal's Expenses Flro Department 8ttlury. Chief ray of Flromen Electric Flro Alarm 500 feet of hoso Other equipment u 11 d supplies Total i. Health Department Salary Hoaltli Officer Sanitation 41.10 $2,008.00 Total ;f,383.40 L:.tor 1 Sowor No. 9 Conirnetor 7,433.55 ..igiiuer 1.. C. Kolsoy... 371. US I Printing uotlcos 41.00 I Steir .-)' -r 16.00 Coir j. !or 1.00 i.&m&Ku;j&u;u rT&Msn Cutting Household Drudgery Electrically K.M 557KII u u 1 fc V . -rf" r r. v aft t lr J) "" '''' ",-" 1 Electric wnshors, vacuum clonne s mid uloctrlc ranges nro being used dnlly by thousands of women In tho wost, who luno learned how much (line, labor nml expcicc thoy savo. Our easy payment plan monthly with our light hill mnkes It possible for you to sccuro 11 11 electric washer, cleaner or rnugc without Incon venience. Knsy to buv r.ud economical to operate Ask us today for u thorough demonstration of any or till of them. The Electvic Shop Idaho Power Company mutioaamcii wsastfffR m. J'MllIJ3g 4 y 1 Your progress, your success, is measured by what you have accomplished, by what you have. The community progress, community success, is nieasuered by the spirit and iiecompli.slnnent ol' its individual members. We will back you to the limit of sound hanking sense in any plan looking to your greater production, which means the eonununitv good. 1 1 i h H I 1 1 r. I 1 r: I n n Tu.al .$ 7,802.23 Special Warrants Public Llbrnry Taxes, old water systom., Pronilum, Ins Library Koiuiiu, unit Check 000.00 199.40 42,08 22.50 Total .$ 853. OS 120.00 471.00 199.25 075.00 74.09 1.540.04 G0.00 5.00 continues tho offort long enough. Totnl $ 05.00 City Pound Inking up and feeding stock ... City Hall. Supplies jllepalis . .$ 133.00 194.95 182.56 (iriiuil Total Amount of WiirrmttN I.smuhI for nil Purpose- ijUOO.tl.lo.l I Stuto of Oregon ) County of Malhourjss qity of Ontario ) I, Cloy M. Stearns, do horoby cer tify, thut I am the duly appointed. Iqualifled and acting Recorder of tho city or untarlo, Oregon, that the nbova and foregoing Is a full, true and correct Financial Statement of tho year of 1919 for said City of On tario as taken from Its books of ac counts in my custody as tuch Record er. ' Witness my hand the seal of the said City affixed this 5th day of January, A. D. 1920. SEAL CLAY M. STEARNS, City Recorder All Scats Reserved 55c, $1.10 COMING Friday, Jan. 23 BARNES Seats on sale Ontario Pharmacy Jan. 19 Merry Minstrels 20 PEOPLE 20 Band Our Own and Orchestra Blackface Comedians, Singers Dancers and Musicians I A 2 hour Festive Feast of Fun DREAMLAND THEATRE One Night Only Friday, Jan. 23 Curtain 8:15 Free Band Concert 7:30 Free Street Parade 12 o'clock Gloom Chasers Merry Makers 0 m