The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 25, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Hffipil to ItiTonti OrrgoulniiN (if
Home ."Mnild (.' Is Outlier Impe
tus Tin it Hiiitiih'n Activity.
Portland, Ore, Dec. 10. Two
yonrs nml n half ngo CO enterprising
IiusIiiom men orgnnlzed to promote
tliu mnrkotlig of Orcgon-mndo
goods. Totlny thero nro 2C0 Oregon
manufacturers who nro Interested In
tlm organization known ns tlio Asso
ciated Industries.
"Miiny people do not understand
the purposo of the Associated Indus
IrloH," said A. 0. C'lnrk. manager of
tlio organization, tills morning nt Ills
liciuliimirtcrfl In tlio Oregon building.
"Home think wo nro dlscrlmlnntliiR
ngulnst IndiiHtrles outside of Port
liiinl. Wo nro not. Our membership
could not linvo Rrown as It linn with
in tho Inst two years If this woro
true. Wo nro nuxlotis to cncouipnsH
nit Oregon Industries In our organ
ization. "In our cnmpnlRti to nducnto the
pcoplo of Oregon to tnko n Rrcntcr
Intercut In homo production, wo hnvo
received tho licnrty co-opcrntlon of
tho press of tho stato nml oVcry ag
Krefwlvo orgnnlzntlon of business
men, nml somo IndlvldunI conconiH. I
hnvo spoken lioforo nearly every
ntntc, county nml muulclpnl orgnnlz
ntlon nud hnvo ovorywhoro received
RonorouH response tho slucrlty of
which Is shown liy tlio IncrensltiR do
in ti n (i for OrcRon mndo Roods.
"Tho Inhor prohlom In Oregon
would 1)0 completely solved If nil tho
pcoplo of Oregon would liuy ono-hnlf
of tholr purchnsofl from Oregon pro
ducers, or In Invorso proportion If
ono-hnlf t ho pcoplo would huy nil
tholr Roods from homo manufactur
ers. "Politico or tho Inhor problems do
not enter Into tho policy of tho or
gnnlzntlon. Wo nro simply trying to
onlnrgo tlio payroll of tho ntntc and
rIvo each sopnrnto community Its
Hlinro of Rtnto wldo prosperity.
"Tho rosoiirccH of tho stato nro ns
yet untouched, nnd It only rcmnlns
for tho huslncM men of ovory com
munity to Ret toRcthor nnd hoost Oro
rod products until wo hnvo ouo of
tho biggest producing states In tho
News Notes From Fruitland Bench
By Mrs. L. Rudolph ( t .
Horn, In I'ortlnnd, December lltli,
to Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodoro Smith, a
lmby daughter. Mr. Smith Is n son
of Mr. Jim Smith, of Fruitland.
MIhs Mnry Iloycr. who has been
teaching nenr Nnmpa, ranio homo
Saturday for n vacation.
Mls Helen Smith Is homo from
Diamond, Oregon, for tho holidays.
Mr. Amos Creger Is home, from
Idahomo, Idaho, for n visit.
Mr. Dlllnrd Creger was In Nampa
for tho week end.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kutch nro homo
from Portland after a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. Charles Pathcal.
Misses Helen I.lnck, Winifred llos
son and Kva Illomstrom nro home
from tho Lowiston Normal.
Messrs. Fred and Walter Schmld
enmo homo Saturdny from Moscow,
tlio Stnto University, for two weeks'
Maxtor Charles Hobcrt ltntlouhcctt
enmo homo Sunday evening from a
three weeks' visit In Ilulso with his
uncle, t.oren Rudolph, nud family.
Frank Ilranham comes this Thurs
day from Ilolso to spend tho holldny
with his mint, Mrs. C. M. Williams,
and family.
MIhs Murphy, domestic science
teacher nl linker, Oregon, Is the holi
day guest of Mr. nnd Mrs, W. II Ves
tal, Sho oxpects to return tho first
of the year At tho time MIhs Adra
Vestal will leave for Corvallls, Ore
Ron, to tako up work nt tho Stnto Ag
ricultural College.
Mr. Lewis llussoll loft Sunday
evening via Salt I.nka for Modesto,
California, to spend tho holidays
with his brlther, Mr. Itny Hussell,
nnd family, nftor whlrli ho will go to
Corvnllls, Oregon to attend col
lege. Wonderful ('liilstinim Cnmmuiilty
Sunday morning nt 10:HO tho High
School auditorium wns packed for
tho Christmas Community Sorvlco.
Tlio program was under tho direction
of Prof. T. It. Nellson and tho Christ
mns tarols were Immensely enjoyed,
Tho Hnlleujah chorus by the young
men nnd women of tho community,
ns well ns tho solos by Prof. Nellson,
Mr. Clnudo Senscman, tho duct by
Mr. nnd Miss Vestal, tho men's octet,
tho Men's (llco Club, were an Inspira
tion to tho Interested nudlcncc. A
collection of $27r,.7r was tnken for
tlio suffering Armenlnns, after which
wns rendered "Jerusalem," nfter
which closd tho best Christians sorv
lco ever glvon In Fruitland.
Sunday ovenlng nt tho nrethren
church n collection of $75 wns taken
for n needy family near Fruitland,
who has Jiad much Illness,
Mr, ltenjamln Wesley drover, of
Fruitland, and Miss Sclmn Joscphlno
Kullauder, of Kensington, Mlnncsotn,
were united In marrlago nt 4:30
Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of
Hov W W VnnDuscn, pnHtor of tho
Ontario Meat & Grocery Co.
Ontario, - - Oregon
Phone 3
Aitnim to iiavi: iikoulah
In tho Classen of Journalism nml
iiowh writing nt tho Stnto University
tliero Is n young lady named Itamoun
K. Mllllgnn, who In n letter to Tho
Argus this wcok Informed this paper
that nbo had boon uHHlgnod tho task
of Kondlng iiowh stories of Mnlliour
county students to us And this Is
tho first of tho series of news stories
from tho university which Miss Mll
llgnn lins submitted:
Students launch Ciinipnlgn
Tho Htudcntfl of the University of
Oregon nro launching n (iiinpnlgn to
rnlso :to,000 during ChrlstmaH vncn
tlon for funds to complete the Wo
man'H liiilldlng. At tho final amain
bly of tho fall term gouornl plans
woro dlscussod by Prosldent Camp
boll, Donn Fox, Donn Straub nnd the
gouornl clinlrmnn, Wilbur Cnrl, of
Portland Lindsay McArthur of
linker, nnd Harris Kllsworth of Cas
rado Looks, havo cbargo of tho cam
paign In eastern Oregon nnd hold n
inns mooting Thursday nfternoon nt
tho V. M. ('. A. hut for nil students
hailing from east of tho Cnscados
Kncli student Is asked to bring with
him to tho Unlvorslty nftor ChrlstmaH
vncatlon n minimum contribution of
20 toward tho fund. This doon not
necessarily havo to bo n personal
contribution, but enn bo obtained
from friends nud relatives.
Wholesalers nnd Retailers of Meat Products
Retail Groceries, Fruits, Etc.
Good io Eat
Walter Norvoll Thompson of Nyhan
Is cast for tho part of Tom Pinch In
Dickons' comedy, "Mart In CIiumIIo
wltt," which In to be presented by
tho Dramatic Art Class of tho Unl
vorslty of Oregon nt the Kugono thea
tre sometime in the nonr future. Tho
performance vet for Friday evening
bliig postponed on account of tho
snow storm.
r. i rumen.
10:10, llllilo school Christmas
exorcises by tho prlmnry department
Syrian nnd Armenian relief offerings
11:00, Public worship. Sermon sub
Joct: "Tho Godly Man." This sub
Joct naturally follows Inst Sunday's
sermon on "The flod Man." Man bo
comes godly only bocnuso Christ U
more than man. W. F. Cochran.
Mr. ami Mrs. I,. Heady and son loft
Tuosdny evening for Hnrwnell, South
Carolina, whoro they will epoud a
month visiting with Mr. Hoady's par
ents, whom ho has not seen for'sov
euteou years.
Own One of Your Own
solved "fcy
Millmade Ready-Cut Homes
Bv ordering a niill-mado Home you SAVE TIME
and MONEY.
Oct an absolute double- constructed Home, made
of first grado material throughout; Hardware, Paint,
and all mill work furnished with a complete set of
A large number of designs to select from. Al
ways glad to show you.
Call G9-W
H. L. POORMAN, Agent Ontario, Oregon.
Commercial Creamery Co..
Cash b i yersof Cream andProduce
Placs: Swt'i )f Post Ofiice, Ontario, Oregon
Your Hest Market for Cream, Eggs, Poultry of all kinds
First Methodist church In Ilolso. Mr
and Mrs, drover nro both well known
hero nnd sincere congratulations nre
offored tho hnppy couple, Thoy will
llvo In tho Orover resldonco nt Fruit
nnd, nrrlvlng from Ilolso Sunday
Mr. James Lynn nnd Miss Oortrudr
Molcher woro united In mnrrlago nt :t
o'clock Sunday nftomoon nt tho homo
of Hov. and Mrs. Ilurtch, Uev. Ilurtch
lining pastor of tho Ilaptlst church
Fruitland. Thoy wero nttended by Mr
nnd Mrs. Philip Lynn. Thoy will
soon bo nt homo In ono of tho Donnoy
cottnges, whoro they will resldo dur
ing tho wlntor. Mrs. Lynn Is tho
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Molchor and their mnny friends nro
extending hearty congrntulntlons nnd
good wIbIicu.
MIsb Knlonn Hnrdln Is home from
Smith's Ferry for tho holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry 8chumnn nnd
two Bonn loft Monday for Council
Orovo, KniiBns, nftor n visit with Mr
and Mrs. Ocorgo Kldredgo.
Itov. nnd Mrs. Ford Ilurtch entor
tnlned Sunday Mr, nnd Mrs. Carl
Johnson, Mr. Arlington Groat nnd
Mr. Itolycn, all of Now Plymouth. In
tho nftomoon tho pnrty motored to
Payette to attend conference nt the
Ilaptlst church on the Now World
MIsh Fern Llnck, Mrs. Jnmes Deal
nnd Mr. Clnudo Sonsomnn wero In
Vale thrco days last weok taking tho
tencliors' examination.
Mr. nnd Mm. Chnrlcs Judy woro
tho guests Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Itohort Italns, ns wns nlso MIsh Leo
Tho Fruitland Mothers' Circle has
postponed their meetings' until ntler
the holldny season, or until tho sec
ond Frldny In Jnuunry.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton 1'oworn and
children wero gliosis of Hov. nnd Mrs.
L II. Uvy Sundny.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Itlch and two
little daughters wero In Ilolso tho
week end for Christmas shopping nud
a visit nt tho Loron Rudolph homo,
Mr. (luy Ornlinm wns In Ilolso from
Friday to Sunday.
Alleen Leo cntortnlncd nt her homo
Frldny ovonlng for tlio Juniors. A
good time wns hnd, nftor which enmo
delicious refreshments.
Mrs. F.rnest Sllkott nnd children
rnino down from Kmmolt Thursday
of last week nnd nftor n few dnys
visit will go to Now Plymouth for
Christmas nt tho Itlngcr homo.
Mr. Jnmes Mnllory, of Cascade,
was hero on mining buslnoss nnd
spont Wodnesday night nt tlio
Charles Hnrdln homo.
.IV- ' ')
4 m a
hi'.v. mo.v., ii:c. an ui
ihi:ni: cahtm:
Tin: i.inh"
I'nllio NVivn
Tl'ICHDAV, I)i:'. ilO
Mutt nml .lerr
Di:c. :il AND JAN. 1ST.
This program has boon
cspeclnlly nrnnged for tho
New Year program. Got
started right, that's mo.
"Oil, HOY," this Is really nil
need bo said, but with
Crolgliton Halo nnd Juno
INitlie Newt.
riun.vv, januauv ji
lNinl WcH-kly
KATl'ltDAV, .lANl'AltV !
Harold l.lod Coined)'
January 7, "My Honolulu
Girl In throo big nets. It's
35 pcoplo and plays Pinnoy
theatro, Holsor January 8
and 9, Mary Plckford In
"Tho Hoodlum."
THIS 18 AN t'Nt'St'AI.I MKItltY CllltlSTMAS TtDI'J 1UJ.
Wo nro grntotul to you who Imvo .
boon Instrumental In ndlng to our
' Wo nro grntcful for each oppor
tunity wo havo hud nnd mny havo
to help ndil to yours.
TK. J B 1 1" Ml."LLLLmyLiMrl. 111 LLLLLLLLB
We Wish You
A Happy
New Year
km I m Jte ImnF-GA (too motPvII
Sales Manager
Ontario, Oregon
MiiniifnctiiierH of
Top Repairing....
"We make a specialty of this branch of the
Ford Owners....
Havo your top recovered with plate glass in rear
Prices Reasonable
Seguine Auto Co....
Oldest Garage in Malheur County
Established 1910
Bring your next order of Job
Printing to The Argus
You'll be pleased