1 ftBur-flp THE OiNTAlUU AUl.l'S. ONTARIO. OKKUON, THURSDAY, DWKMHTCR 18, 19.19. j ! '1 ; .i it. -i TheOntari j Argus (J. K. A1KKN, Killtor niut PubllBhiT Published Thurxdny ut Ontario, Oregon, nnd entered at tlia Ontario poet ufflco for (llitrllintlon an 2nd uIrm maltur. MJHSCHII'TIONS One Your $1 f.O 'lilt: rilltlST.M.S KI'lltlT. What is the ChibttntHi spirit? In 11 tlio desire to give gifts, only? Or 1 It an occasion for una to show hii sbilinlMiee of wealth? It must bo admitted Hint bore In America the christians spirit mani fests Itself In tunny ways, and to tle flnt Ilia Chrimmas spirit an timulfeel wl over the laud In liardly prmsiblo In the coniimM of u few word. Of lute yoar thore line been mani fest r genuine tliot of the poor nnd needy Ml Chrlitnms time. Organiza tion for the nutollnrntlon of condi tions of 'ho poor hnvo seleil thu time In which the public turned It thot to the doing of good to member of lis Individual families, friends and employei to direct tliolr ntteutlon to those whose want wore vastly groat er, and success line crowned tholr of foitn. The art of giving, and to gho rightly is almost an art, line pros prd In America, for Americans arc Mtmerotts people. No worthy np ptml noes unanswered hero, nor uiirIiI It, for truly thure never woe n (HH)ple more blessed than we hao been an a nation. Tim Clirletinas spirit, like other human sentiments, grow upon what It Ik fed. Me who I niggardly the jenr round cnu not mnulfosl the Chrlitmes spirit with any degree or success. To such an one the routing of n auhherged deelre to recelvo the joy of ghliiK must he a counterfeit Joy. To those who gho freely the old myliiK, "dividing given double pleas ure," lx true. While UiIh Hedon istic doctrine may he scoffed at att denying the true Christian spirit, yet that doe not follow. That he who glvo reIes pleasure do ox not In the ItMiMt detract from the Joy of lhoe who receive the gift. To give pleasure, that pleaeure may redound to the gher merely add to till world' happiness and that Im onu of the greatest of the benefactions of the Christmas spirit, let It omnifont Itself wltartMiver It will and so wldul may It he scattered oer thin hroad laud and that not a home from bor der to border will- be without Ita prtRKHIl'O. MAMIIU'lt'ri CltMIHT (iOOII. There arc set oral reason for con gratulation on the sale of the coun ty's rood bond, not tho least of which In tho mntincr in which the snlo wn conducted by tho County Court. In view of tho fact that call money In financial centers Is de manding and receiving nnywhoro from 10 to 30 per cent, that V B bonds are selling so that they net nearly fi per cent, It Is remarkable that the county bond rhoutd sell for a figure that will malo thorn not lews thnn flic, hut that Is what hap ponded Monday. Thoro Is another feature that Is worthy of note, and taxpayers par ticularly should not ovorlook this; the foe for "preparing tho record," that has customarily been charged In tho West, was not permitted to he charged ngrlnnt the bonds The Issue wns sold unconditionally, the buyer preparing his own record. This specie of extortion, and It is little, more than that, Is Just one of tho ways that bond house make tholr profit. Thoy liavo no right to oxpect tho municipality whoso bonds thoy nro buying to furnish thorn the Rolling opinion of somo ntlornuy, but thoy do when thoy can get away with It, In this Instance the County Court wns wise to tho game and like good husluoHR men protected tho Co.unty's Intorosts. On this deal alone the County wood $1000 nnd perhaps more. When one realizes Hint the premium of $S915 offered for (ho bonds was made when the County line outstanding some $30,000 of Hlg Hand bridge bond this question Is natural, "Why did not the county get a premium on them ton?" The difference In the manner of linndlinr the two sales must be evident, and shows omphatlcall) that It pays to luno ns members of the County Court men who nro conversant with business affairs, and who know how to hnndle IiusIuorr matters. The Argus congratulate Judge Teat ami Commissioners Weaver nnd Vinos for tho good work thoy he dono. They may he certain that the people will appreciate It loo when they leallie lis significance. vvv.u Titoi'iti,i:s not ovi:ii. Ontnrlnus should not doludo thorn sehes. The dnngor of further fuel shortiigo this winter Is not over There are still two months during which a situation more trying than that which has passed may he en countered. To counter this there must ho a strict observance of the fuel regula tlons. t'lilosw this Is truo there will bo suffering. Tho district fuel ad ministration will nihil to Ontario, In such n rase, only tho necessary fuel required for tho community, mid If t, few get this supply, others will Kiif for. The fuel administration nl rend, has evidence that there are fuel hogr In Ontario. Canoe liao been foil ml of men who lied about the amount o, coal thoy had on hand mid who ultl. n month's supply on hand tried to si euro fuel, whllo thero were famllle absolutely destitute. Thnt they din not get tho coal was due to tho t ders given tho drivers not to delhei coal to such places but to return t tho jnrds fo.' Instructions. 7w mm cases Imv') I ocn reported. Those win read t',e Itolm p.tpi-r will have I mod during tho pus' wee that the ( It y Council of Hebo Im pasred a driMlc ordinance ovorln limine. Pouts na a nu"i - n . it fuel. It Is apparent, therefore, thai there ill' hellexo t It situation nm Hint tuiUlm action. As In ttn'nr o the winio rrgumonts n';aius' b iln. k .i.'ir. lAKiilntlniiR we 'jlcd n I'olso Hit. nun natuii. Is much II K.iliie i veryv here, htti In lli.ie ll' mot'tntt- ire Iguoroil. If weni. u.i condltluiiH rvinnln iw ni.il for the t.ext thriw or lour i'i the dailRer khnuld be n tir njllt, foi In that tl'it perhaps u ..sre uu Ic tur I li HiIk to . ! for th mouth of Kobruiiry, after that tn need for fuel Is not so gieat and i comparatively small amount woul,) take the community over until spring. In the meantime find mime way of strengthening every resolution to buy your next winter's supply during tho months from May to September sIM'.ggfi .aaMUKi WHAT WII.I, Wit HUM? Jutl now thure la a great ado about the dissolution of tho packers, and the order (bat has I teen Issued tor their dlvoieo from the various tibaldlary eompmiloa now controlled by them. It all sounds fine, but will any rent Miwratlou result? Thai la the (iiitttllon. The publlo generally has forgotten lit first of tho great autl-truat lasea. I tint Northern 8(!itrltlea ease, which started In the MIiiiihsIIu courts and finally wound up In the supreme miurt with the order to Jim Hill et al (o drop the Northern I'selflo railroad from the Hill combine. Did It really Kwure any dlesolutlon? Not that WM ever manifest. The Hill family, at) long aa the genius of the family lived, ent rolled the doatlulea of the Northern I'arlflc and the Ilurllngtou am) the (I teat Northern aa well. Ile fore the court order waa Issued the affairs' of these transportation lines had iMHtu iui comlugletl that they aoHld not be separated, for aa J. Tier MMt Morguu sagely remarketl, "you ORH't unscramble eggs." Thus it will prove no doubt In tho IMMMtMra' tase. Vic Murdook and Francis lleney to the contrary not wilhataudlng Instead of the Swift CuriMtrallon or the Armour Cnprora Hon owning stock In the oonil sub- aid la rv coiuimutes tlie IndUldual ttietnbers of the families of stock Holders will have that atook in his or her nam. They will function Just Ute aaiuo. It la a atruuge commentory on tho Hvtlou of the Federal Trado CommU abut that sought the dissolution of the paokera that It waa the body that by It lleenae system during tho war. IHjrmitted the packers to make ulna per cant on their "turn-over" and that Swift Company In ita annual report allowed that tho com pany bad made more inoiiej thnn mar before In Ita history on only two per cent on the "turn oer." What would they lnuo made had tho taken all the Federal Trado Commis sion an Id they could? Vie Muidook la a mighty good uewiimper man. Cuher may ho a grout business man In hla line, and llno,v, their attorney, Is a ahrcwd urlmliiHl lawyer but they uvldgntly nro a little abort on know edge of the Pitsklng name. Do You K now? HpMAT Oregon wools J. anil woolens are sold throughout the world? t That New York's lamest hotel makes a specialty ol Oregon fruit beverages? (flriiat Oregon has a rubber mill which stlls its product all over the Pacific Coast, South America and the Orient? 3I,That Oregon candies are nationally advertised and sold? (I,Tliat Oregon lumber products arc among the finest produced anywhere? then why not Buj' Home Products and Boost Home Industries L Associated Industries of Oregon "I'll Tell the World" says the Good Judge lhe man who doesn't chew this class of to bacco is not getting real satisfaction out of his chewing. A small chew. It holds its rich taste. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-ciu t .'wcco kYiTBinasfmnrafBTTW UAVH VOl'H CH i.iu:.ir.sTi.iKi:xi:w The power of our auto en Kino comes from tho cylinders ami tins is tho Only Shop In Mnlhour county that bus a CVMXDKH IIOKIXU MACHINE Tills permits us to do this nc ourato machiuo work to n bulr, and do it qulokly. Now Is the tlino to have )our oiikIuo ovorhnulod. .MAItDliN'H machinu shop Oiiomlo, (tit'KOii 'A1MM.KS l'OU SAI.K Dollclout. Wlntor IJauanas, I'eornialn, Wlno. sap nnd Jonathan, 50c t ;! per box. A. 11 Cain, phone 00V. 2 to S. I.QST Nov. 2a, butwoon Mayburg and White Sqttluiiient school, pad lady's long wool driving gloi. Finder please phono 20-M. 173-1-tf HE SEASON'S GREETINGS Wo lake this opportunity to thank all our patrons nnd friends for the splendid cooperation thoy have 5-hownus dining tho year 1919. Wo want all to know that their patronage has boon appreciated and wo hope that wo maj bo able to soivo you again next year. ay the year 1920 be the Best Year Ever for you and may you accomplish in tho next yoar all that which vou most desire for yourself. HMD! HPLENDI I mm .Specialist in Farm Machinery Lot us aid you to increase production and roducu labor cost through labor-saving devises. There is no bettor way. After Dinner A'Vmall black" of Folger's Golden Gate A good cigar Satisfaction ! You should be particular about coflee. You will like Folger's Golden Gate whether you drink it with, cream or without. Art . &. ml fldECff5KtLyv jtO KW I Colac Oj(f, opfE VACUUM PACKED xxWhenYou vsr? . .r ...I. . - tn,wan NotMhe feran j? 'k 4 -i i : i i w im