For the Membersjf The Argus Family, wherever they are, we wish a Merry, Merry Christmas ft itfafi0 t$n XXIV ONTAItfOMALlIEUI? COUI OKEOON, TJILTUSDAY, DKCJIHKF? 25, WW. NO. -I SELL AT BIG PREMIUM HALPH SCHXKF.LOCK COMPANY of pohtla.vd pavs van in ahevi: pah i-oit phivilf.ei: of iiuy1xm 910(1,000 ishuf.. IHHAHKA MAN IJL'YW HANCII HKTL'HXS HAST I'Olt FAMILV her SIXTEEN BIDDERS MAKE0FFER8 Kvery Offer .MhiIc Was Above Pur mill Mini)' Different Offer Made by Didders In Unusually Spirited Contest. Ily offering n premium of $39 1G, nrcrued Intercut and to tnko tho IioikIh tinconilltlonntl), tho Itnlph Sehneolock company of Portlaml wan tlm successful lilildcr for tho $100, 000 or Malheur County Iloail IioikIh rohl hy tho County Court last Mon ilny nt 'alo. Tho prlco ut which tho IioikIh sold woh n surprise to tho County Court unci all who liiul followed tho bond murkct for this typo of securities. It In tho highest price paid for road bonds' In Oregon, nnd clearly Intll rntoM tho flnauclul standing of Mai hour copnty at IIiIh tlmo, Thoro woro 1(1 hldderH at tho salo, and 17 hldn woro offered for tho con sideration of tho County Court. Thoro wiih real com pot it Inn for tho Ihkiip. llnth tho Ontario hanks iiindo offers and ho, too, did tho U. R, National of Vale. County Judge K. II. Tent and Com .inlsslonors Weaver and Vines woro oxtromoly gratified nt tho prlco so tmctl for tho Kiilo for not only wan tho prlco satisfactory hut tho IioiiiIh wero tnken unconditionally no to logullty and tlio record 'in to ho pre pared hy tho successful lilddor. "It Ih romarknhlo," said JuiIko, ToHt, In speaking of tho Halo, thnt Frank McCarthy, a I Harry McCarthy, will he among tho now rnncliora In i Pnul Orchards district no.xf spring and Hummer. Mr. McCarthy Ik com ing to thin roRlon from Nobrnskn, to which Btato ho returned after pur chasing tho s, I). Dorm. no acre nenr tho Lincoln school. Tho ranch snlo was negotiated hy (Irel'g & Don-llttlo. HifiH priced WOOL Oiogon's Hhcep . Declines parent Sin plus (if Wool Is n l)l'llllllll, Clllltlllliril im. perlly Vle., X Ap ICE JAM IN RIVER Hrhlgcs living Ciiicfully (.'iiiit'ilcil mm Precautions Taken lo Pievenl Damage McI'IicI-miii'm Stock (Jets Feed. Ontnrlo watched tho Ico Jam In the Snnko rlvor this week to nolo the rlso and fall of water and niixlnusb hoped that tho Jam would break To a dogreo tho expectations material Ized, nnd It Is hcllnved that the dim- gor, for tho present nt least, Is past On Saturday tho water reached Its highest point nnd .Sunday begun to rocedo. Tho fall that dny measured hut a fow Inches, hut on Mnnduv the rlvor fell nearly a foot. Ho far ns can ho earned no rol damngo litis hoen ilnno hy tho flood, tho It appeared for n lime that Me Phersnn Ilrothcrs would lost heavily thru damogo lo crops and stork on their Island southeast of town. When they led th'o.lHlund ono vnlu aide stallion was lied In tho ham, the chickens woro locked In tholr rnop nnd tho slock thnt wnn loose could not reach tho hay. Jim Ware crossed tho Ico Jam to tho Maud on Monday on n pnlr of sklls nnd fed tho stock nnd put everything In ship shape for tho tlmo helng. "Wool will contlnti 4to command high prices, at least Jfor the 1820 crop. Tho apparent surplus of wool In Australia which Is helng sold here In tho United States nt tho rnto of ton million pounds monthly, Is u do luslon. Thoro Is in fact n world scarcity, and nn Increasing domnnd for wool." Thoso wero tho stntomentH mntlo hy It. N. Slnnflold, who Is generally spoken of ns tho sheep king of tho West, while In Ontnrlo on ImsltiMM Mondny. "As a matter of fact," said Mr, ICT FOURTH OE CHILDREN School District .o, H, ,m no.1 Chlh (lien, All County Has ill in Only One Tenth or Valuation of County In DMiltl. The Ontnrlo school district, which Is officially known ns Dlstrlrt No. ,x. has practically one-fourth of alt tho children of school ago In tho county Tho figures ns rovonled hy tho recent school census shown thnt thoro aro In all 34 IB children of school ago In th .utility. Of theso SOB llvo In thin district. Whllo tho district tins so lnrgo a portion of tho children It Is not for tunnta enough lo hnvo ono-fourth of tho tnxnhlo proporty of tho county on which to lovy tnxo t o educate tho children. Tho tax rolls show thnt Slnnflold In giving his reasons for District No. 8 lins n tolnl assessed It.WCIII.It TO lll'ILD OX HHCKXTLV A Qt'llti:i THACT K. I. Stnnhroiigh, who cnnio to On tnrlo Inst spring from North Idnho nnd this fall purchased a 20-acro tract under tho Ontario Advancement tracts, near tho A. K. Drown ranch. Is planning on Improving tho place tins spring Ho Is to bullet n niodorn bungalow soon nnd expects to devel op tho tract as a Hgnn berry farm. SEAL SALE ASSURES QUOTA'S COMPLETION KlIIOOIi (HII.DHK.N DIHPOSi: OI J? ISM..10 UOIITII WOMAV. I lil'H MILLS 7I.N.-J, HKSIDIN taicixu pi.ciini: of ij!i PHP. .MRWIimt. the nhovo stntomonts," tho wool do mnnds of the looms of tho'Unlted States require? almost wvon hundrod million pounds of wool. The United Stntcs produces only four hundred million pounds. Tho balance must ho shipped from Australia, South America nnd South Africa. "Tho Ilrlllsh government which controls tho Australian nnd Now Honhind wool, Is shipping horu but ton millions pounds per month. Wo nro getting no wool from either South Afrlon or South America, for Jnpnn, Franco nnd other consumers hnvo bought the mirplus there. "It follows therefore thnt tho vnluo V but $1,300,000, or less than ono-tonth of tho entlro valuation of tho county. HJnco ono-fourth Is two nnd n hnlf times a tenth, Hint Ik about tho ratio of this district's school taxes to tho ovorngo school taxes of tho county. Hut thoro Is nnothor peculiarity In this respect whloh County Judgo K. II. Test has dlscovored, According to tho school lnws tho county court Is compelled to lovy fi mills for scljool purposes In each dis trict, hut tho minimum thnt ouch dis trict must ho credited with Is $020. Now mnuy of tho small districts do not lovy any special tax and In some OF CHRISTMAS FEAST Uihim-iIVi Mass In II Mat Features t'liilioiiite Musical Piogiaiii Ml Church or lllcsscil Sacniiiieni Many Attend Seniles. United SlntoM has no surplus tho j Instances tho flvo per cent levied by thoro are great stocks of cleaned , the county court brings In anywhere wool on linnd. Hut If ono takos the from $.300 to $000 nnd tho court nmount of manufactured cloth and tho total amount of wool on hand now, nnd compnr. dint result with tho combined wool and cloth surplus of any prownr year then Iho figures nrn oven mnrn rnnrliiuli'n time tlm Allliltl v nf U'nnl I linlmv Hut. riinilrn. 1 Ico broke from Johnson Island Mon- moots of tlm nation l.v.r n-n rn,,. county rond bonds should soil for a ,m "" lll J""1 "rol!0 "" Wolsor boiis I am suro wool will securo a premium when tho In to rent ra,to Jh " H0 " " l neiioved that un but G IS when government bonds nro ' ,,,',,, n Kr,al ,pn' ''"" h-o comes selling nt present prices," down tho rlvor In tho noxt fow days Tho following wero tho bids of-."10 lnRr will bo ovor. fered: At tho cltv pumping plant It was ForrlK & Hardgravo, premium nocossnry to plug up tho drainage $50.1, par and accrued Intorcst. plpo which carries water from tho Dovoreaux Co, promlum $2001, par plant to tho rhor during tho olaau uml nccrued Intorcst, Ing procoss, for this was below Iho (1. K. Miller & Co., promlum $3710, rlvor level nnd tho wnter was buck- pur and accrued Interest. (Contlnuod on Last Page,) "COVOTi: HIM," PASSHH ox, wii.i. iiidi: xo mehi: S-w- Ilnlso papors recorded during the past weak, tha death of Willlm Ooh man, better known to attendants nt tho Malheur County Fair as "Coy ota Dill." Thero woro fow of tho thousands who had seen this flguro, with his flowing hair and his garh romlndlng old tlmors of tho early dnys, who know his name. To them ho was Coyote mil, a favorlto In ovnry race he entered hero, tho It must bo related that In tho memory of none did his string ovor win. Dill rndo his horses sans saddlo, In Indian fashion. Ho tried hnrd, but his string of cnyuses wero not In tho class of the cow ponies an race horses ngnlnst whom ho pitted thorn. Hut Ing up Into tho plant No damage wns dona nt tho pump house. BY SUNDAY SCHOOL Fuel HogiilntloiiN Lifted Ko Thai Itiy lihu Christians i:e KutcImm .May Ho I Vat tiled Culler- t Ions (,'o to Near Knst. To permit tho Sunday schools of the city to hold tholr rogular Christ mas ova oxorclsos, the fuel adminis tration lifted tho ban this week. At most of tho churchos tho shin ing Christmas tree laden with bright candles and goodies gladdon Hit hearts of tho children, whllo the reel- tatlons and Bongs of tho children Hill tried, and no mattor how far he .maa tho evening n Joy for tholr par- ifropped behind, he always finished ,cnt8, tho race. Tho crowd liked him, and Tho exercises of tho United Prosby ofton the purso collected for him In terlan church wero cancelled becntuo tho stands was worth more than that of tho Illness of covaral who wero to good prlco noxt spring and summer lllggest Mill, Hut Xo Wool "It may bo nows to you." contln uod Mr. Stnnflcld," hut tha Met that Japan, China, nnd other Asiatic coun tries nro using less cotton nnd silk nnd aro becoming wool users. Tho domnnd for wool from that continent Is limitless nnd must bo supplied. It Ik n strange fact thnt Jnpnn hns the Inrgost woolon mill In tho world, yet It raises practically nn wool nt nil. Thoro Is no room for the firming of shoop thoro. Thoro nro only 2300 sheep In nil Japan. "Now theso facts to mo spell high prices for wool, and n view of tho general huslnofm structuro I splto of soino scattered spots Indicate contin ued prosperity. Tho United Stntos can not avoid being prosperous unless radical legislation attempts to do tho must from tho general funds of the county mako up (ho difference In nthor words somo of tho school dis tricts are mnklng tho county an n wholo support their schools. And Ontario with Its $1,300,000 valuation furnlshos money for the districts whoro tho directors mako no lovy. SPEAKER AT PAYETTE llnnl loggers ami Customers Full Into orflcciV Hands Fines of ijtIOO mill Costs mill 8 1 no Assessed, With a mass at midnight at tho Church of the Illosscd Sacrament the celebration of Christmas Day opened. To this mass emtio many cmumunl- cants of the church and others at tracted by tho Interesting program. Tho principal musical featuro of tho program was tho presentation of l.eonnrd's Mann In II Flat hy the choir. Itov. Fr. P. J. Stack assisted by Fr. O'llagau celebrated tha moss. Included In the musical numbers arranged by Mrs. F. J. Clomo, direct or of the choir, wero tho follewing: "Holy Night," MIsh Cnthorlno Conway Leonard's Muss In II Flat .... Choir Adosto Fldells . . Miss Mary Mossoo O, Salutarl .. Miss Anno Mcdlvern Tantuin F.rgo Silent Night The Choir DEAD OX FIAT TAKES $25.00 Women's club i f Xjssn Huh Hold S. io Woilli mul FmmIs to .Miilte ' K7.1 W.iinen eel (Itntlfleil nt He stills Atlinnctl. E E l'ulwilty of Oregon nml CiiIhiH of Washington Students Willow O. A. C. CrotMl luteifsteil In Illg Hume. Ono of tho men who was sched uled to nppoar on tho program nt tho Stockmen's Convention of Idaho which was In kcssIoii In Payutla last Friday wns Into. Thoro wns n reuson, a good ono or n bad one, ns tho rino Is vlowod. It happonod thus. With two otltor Imposslblo and forco prlew down too big Idaho stockmon, this convention soon. Only by Increased production ' spenkor, who might havo been sched nnd n gradual decllno In prices can ulod to discuss tho subject of. "How wo avoid a panic," ho said. Iio Library will ho cloned until nftor the holidays on account of necofwary repairs to tho biild'ng. Mrs. It. W. Swagler was the hostosn for the Tuosday Ilrldgo club ut Its weekly gathering this wook. I,, a. Olson was a Ilolso visitor on Tuesday. It. H. Lockett purchased 400 hoad of cattlo from T. J. Hrosnau last Thursday. hung, up for the races. Wo will all miss "Covote mil" whon Malheur County Fairs roll round. WII.HP.H MAX PUHCHASF-S CASH nitOCICHV HU8IXRSS McRudree & Handloy, who launch ed the Cash Grocery hero last spring In tho Odd Fellows building, sold tho stock and business ast week to C. P. Skow, who came here from the Wild er country, where he was In business for somo time. Prior to his mlgra- r"iMw mon to Idoho Mr. Skow resided In - -- Kausas. With the transfer of their huslue&a tho partnership of McEn um -'dree & Handley dissolved and Mr. have takon part. At tho Congregational, Methodist, Ilaptlst and Nazareno churches' tho IIOXOH HOI.I, OF ) ) HOVS AXD to Detect Cattlo Thloveu," or somo equally Interesting subject, eamo to Ontario to securo somo old fashioned hootch to liven up tho Payette pro ceedings. Ha did get the goods nnd with bis pals was carrying tho goods In a sack Just when Mnrshal Hurry Farmor ap peared on tho sceno and caught the hunch. Among thoso presont was. lemon yollow loam play. William Husk, who hns long been ;iImIk their hopes on Mill fitoers. From tho University of Oregon and tho Unlvorslty of Washington this wook camo tho Ontario students nt thoso Institutions to spend the boll duyH with tholr parents. Tho O. A. C contingent was tho first to arrive, most of thorn coming early last week, tho thoro woro n few uddltloual stu dents added to tho olegatlon late In tho wook. From tho Unlvorslty of Oregon came: Itobort I.eos, William Illack nhy, Itufus Dinwiddle, Thoron North- nip and I'uul McCulloch, Misses (1 ray co Sago and (iludys P.iulsoii. Ilornard Itader, William Pluuoy and Don Oxman of Jamleson made up tho Unlvorslty of Washington contingent. Miss Nottlo Petorson and Miss Vlr glnln Smith woro tho Inst of tho O. A. C. studonts to come homo. Ilesldo arguing tho merits of tholr respective colleges tho students nro ardently discussing tho big foot bull game at Pusndonn Now Your'K day whon Oregon moots Harvard Need less to say Oregon Is ploked to win hy most of thoso who havo seen tho They ure Ontnrlo, Nyssn nnd Demi Ox Mitt by tholr united efforts hnvo succeed od In selling Itcd Cross Chrl'itmn Sonls to tho nmount of tho quota giv en this section. Thoro will go for ward to tho stnto hondnunrtcrs $300, to bo used for tho fighting of tuber culosis In Oregon. The campaign Ih this district was under tho auspices of tho Women h clubs, with tho Ontario club thru Hit rommlttco acting as hoadiiunrtcrx At Nyssa the Nyssn Women'H club, led by tho prosldont, Mrs W S Cloro, had charge of the snle nn Dond Ox Flnt thu Women's club, with Mrs. L, It. Hrlethniipt as chairman had clinrgo whllo In Ontario tho com mitten wns: Mrs. (1. K. Aiken, Mm II. II. Whitney, Mrs. Ivitn 13. Oake Mrs. K. II. Conktlu had charge In thi Cairo district. School Children Heal Salesmen In Ontario tha children of the put Jlc schools under the direction of Superintendent II. P. I.owls proved efficient salesmen and saleswomen, for It was tho children who sold the majority of tho stamps In the clt Tho total salo by school children amounted to $12ti.(i0. The total sale In tho city was- $ll)7.:ir.. orthli amount tho Women's club mild $7.1. 8C nnd this organization It rendy, In case thoro Is any deficit, to make up tho balanco to $300 Tho club Is ntso financing the campaign In this section, which expense how ovor Is small, thanks to tho spirit of co-operation shown hy the women of the- sovornl districts. Njsnk i:perts to Hell H7.1 Tho roports received Tuesday from Nyssn glvo the totnl mile there to (Contlnuod on I,nst Pngo ) CHICKHX KXPHItT DKCLAHHS LOCAL FLOCK llltKAKH HFCOIID Thirty Whllo Leghorn hous nunc I by Fred Itlco Is nun of the best pro diiclng flocks In thin vicinity, mcord Ing to ono of the traveling repre-eu tatlvos of the State Poultry AhhkIi Hon, working In this vlolnlly, )-!i,. Ing tho pooplo how to cull out their flocks, Thoro was only ono drone ,i tha wholo flock ami 27 laying ut tl ' present tlmo. Mr. I lien's flock I eapablo of averaging bettor thnn t'Oii eggB n yonr upleco, said the expert GIltLS IX XMAS HKAL Sll.i: . The following nro tho boys Sunday schools' had tress and exer- n"'1 Brlfl wll0 nccordlng to the clses !, At the Concrccntlonnl nhiireh lie. I - - A 'J, side the program a special collection, was takon for tho purposo of wndlngi the money raised to Neur Kast Ho-i lief committee for tho menla. i - - i and Mrs, McEndrco expect to leave of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Lctson, who Tlion for California. Mr. McEndree were hosts for a dinner party which also sold his resldenco on Oregon Included Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Qrelg 4 records, achieved distinction In tholr salo of Christmas Seals In Ontarie: Lais Wood, third grade- Helen Hrlttlngham, fourth work In Ar-1 B'"ui uuunuy inuniiuii, nun v .f graue; t-ranc-es -ruompson.veiia Ituthorford, Jean Folger, Hdlth , f. ., ,, Drec'kon, sixth grado; Ouy Leslie J. Akqr and Bove ,, Mcruouh an Howard Hlom. seventh grado To theso should he added the name of one of the Stewart Kills 4 of Cairo, who rodo thru the ! cold Sunday morning, a week 4 ago, and sold threo dollnro' worth of stamps along the Doul- ovard suspected of being In tho bimliioss of purveying boozo. William, along with tho stockmon, whoso names tho officials do not of ficially know, but who answered to tho common alius of John Jones, Richard Tloo and John Dee, upiienrod beforo Justlco of tho Peace ('. M Stearns whore Husk plead gulHy to selling tho stuff, nnd ono of the men, "John Jones," admitted having "Illegal possession." Husk was fined $400 and costs, and "John Jonos" antlcd $160 to the county treasury. Tho costs woro added to Husk's flno. Somo of tho Oregon boys believe that Nell Morfltt. who wont to High Sohool hero, will bo used hy Hunting Ion In the Harvard classic. .MASONIC 1IODIKH F.LKCT OFFICF.HK FOH NF.W VKAH Mr. and Mrs family left last and noise to spend Christmas und the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Hay Wilson of Parma were In Ontario Sunday, the guests J C. (Jrannan Is tho latest owner of tho Palm clgur nnd billiard parlor. J. L. (Curloy) Lowls, formerly of At tho rogular meeting of Acaclu Lodge, A. F. h A. M. last Thurwduy avenlug tho following officers were oleeted: J. C. McCrelght, W. M.j Italph Dunbnr, 8. W. Horry Clem out, J. W.; K. A. Frnsor, troasuror, Irwin Troxoll, secretary; Kmory Hill, S. D.; John Itasmustion, J. I).; W. L Turner, 8. S. L. II. Cookrtim. J 8.; It. S. Ituthorford, tylor. The It. A. M. lodgo tho wcokpro- - , .... n . ..-! vuio. is wiiii mr, uruunnn in un. V0U8 0octcd W. P. Iloinan. prlets. storo. Tho sulo was mado hy II. M. ,)r. ,r i, wiiltiinv. klnir. K. A. Frnsor, sorlbo, nnd W. W. I.etson, street to It. S. Ituthorford. and Drxiind Mrs. II. H. Whitney. lUpss, who has been connected with the Palm off and on for several years. Lloyd Perklnu of tho Malheur Mot6r Sales company went to Union 5 I and LaQrando on business last FrI- (Jgy, treakuror. To oscapo the cool breezes of Kant om Oregon Mr. and tyre. J. c. I'lom lug, whoso ranch Is on tho Ilotilovurd aro sojourning In sunny California. A very plousaut surprise parly w 1 given Mr. nnd Mrs MoHudree Prld ' ovonlng. About iwenty-fhe L beknlm luvnded their unlet hon bringing refreshments mul a J"l good cheer with them. A phi ' evening was enjoyed hy all Mrs. Atiulo Jackson, noble gr 1 of tha Itohekuh lodge, prexontcil Mr and Mrs. MoEndreo 011 behalf of t order u silver horry spoon und -" ip Indlo n n llttlo token of t lit lr teem. Mr. und Mrs. MeKudreo expect ' 1 lonvo soon for Long llmtoh. ( al 1 1 muko their homo Thoy will ' missed very much by their m 1 friends. Tom McOIvorn of Parmu c 1 ovor to Ontario to spend ChrMn with his family. Supt. H. P. LowIh left Tuesday t (Ireen Illvor, Wyoming, to spend t' holidays. Tho Women's club held a ipm mooting Monday afternoon at I' e homo of Mrs. K. M. flrolg. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hluckuh of Ilomedalo aro In Ontario for the l days. Murk Lawton la n holiday gues' it tho homo of Mr. and Mrs II H Whitney.